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Council Juice

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Everything posted by Council Juice

  1. Quite happy with the appointment. He's always looked to talk the club up in an ambassadorial sense and is a determined guy who'll certainly have no trouble getting his ideas across. A little surprised by the length of contract. It's rare for any manager to get such a long deal. Especially when first appointed. Especially when it's their first appointment. But I'm not a board member so I don't know the ins and outs.
  2. I get what you're saying Re Foran but Pele?! Think that ship has sailed a while back. He's a club legend and I'd like to remember him that way. Besides is hiding under a car any worse than missing games with a hangover? I believe Pele has worked hard to bring his demons under control, as I can imagine Foran has learned from previous errors of judgement. As for contract signings. Great to see Vigurs has signed on. Always liked him as a player. Reminds me of myself. Cultured left foot and not incredibly quick. Would like to get Roberts back and see what he's like fully fit.
  3. Part of the reason why I would keep him is the fact he is a wild card. He's a little unpredictable. Granted he's got a bit of a tendency for a rash challenge but I wouldn't hold it against him too much.
  4. Anyone who knows the general idea of who's in/out and unknown fancy doing a little summary for everyone because I'm lost haha
  5. We've always managed to find someone and I've no doubt that we will again. I'd like to keep Mutumbo in attacking mid as I think he could kick on next season.
  6. The article is misleading yes. Given the previous success of clubs like Cluj etc. But they went on to both beat West Ham who had an excellent campaign themselves and win their own league. In the grand scheme of things we seemed to have actually put in a not bad fist of it.
  7. There's that Norwegian boy... Eggfried
  8. http://www.givemesport.com/780101-astra-giurgiu-are-romanias-version-of-leicester-city?autoplay=on&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Organic-Social&utm_campaign=Tribute-Pages-laika-III-1sted
  9. I don't see the harm in at least looking at Latapy as manager. Ask the senior players and other coaches. And he's very eager for the opportunity. We might discover a gem. Who knows. Him and Foran as a team even. (As I don't think Foran has the sufficient badges yet anyway.)
  10. Law, Templeton and Clark have all been released. All good players I reckon. Whilst they may be unattainable financially it's very much a case of if you don't ask you don't get. Would not be surprised if Aberdeen have a look.
  11. It's a shame that it's come to this and I'm sad to see him leave after last seasons phenomenonal success in particular. However we need a manager who is able to work, and deliver, with the budget constraints of the club and if Hughes does not feel he can then it might be best that he does go. Unfortunately Inverness will always lose their best players to top clubs and we cannot compete financially or indeed in terms of reputation with the likes of Aberdeen. It would be nice however for the club to learn from errors of allowing contracts to run down and losing talent such as Watkins, Shinnie, Hayes for nothing.
  12. Another one. Maybe we should just ask The Dons if they'd like to form an official agreement by where we get an annual fee for producing their stars. In other news Nate Wedderburn has joined Dunfermline.
  13. Maybe we could get some cardboard cut out fans and put them in the empty seats...
  14. Yogi has taken a lot of undue flack this season I reckon. For a start I don't think any club in the league (outwith Celtic maybe, but even they miss Van Djyk) would cope losing 3 of their key players. Even our first choice replacement for Mckay (Ofere) left. The void left by Shinnie and Watkins has been vast. Then not having the club captain, the most experienced defender and leader (Warren), needing a new goalie, as well as having near 10 players or more out for half the season. Are people mad?! Where on earth do they expect the resources to come to sort that? Even when we signed players they just got injured. Hughes has had a hand tied behind his back all season and it's to his credit we're safe and just missed top 6. We go again.
  15. All but Spittal, Simon Murray, Luis Zwick and Scott Fraser have been told they can move if a club comes in for them and Ofere, Callum Morris, Guy Demel, Ryan Dow, Rankin, Euan Spark, Joe McGovern and Sinima Pongolle have been let go. As for the 2 potentials, is that outwith the 2 Partick players we've been linked to on pre contracts. (Bannigan and Lawless.)
  16. Reading between the lines, I see it as Hughes feeling that Raven is a good earner, in a position where he feels that is adequately covered (Horner and Meekings plus others at a push) and Raven is out of contract therefore it's an opportunity to free up a good wage. I'm not saying that I agree with this, but I think that's the rationale. And objectively speaking I understand this theory- We have been lacking up front and sacrificing wages further back (where a young defender needing a deal could be easier to find than a striker) seems logical. In saying that Dave is not only one of our most experienced players, and Mr reliable, he's also one of our better players. When you have the Rave at right back it's a position you don't have to worry about. He's got it covered. And whilst ok we need to free up wages, I get that... But why do we then keep signing midfielders that hardly play/have an impact? Ryan Williams, Liam Hughes, Nate Wedderburn. Could easily punt 2 of any one of them. Plus we're freeing up wages from Williams and Vincent. Lopez has moved on. We're already committed to moving 2 on. Could move on at least 1 of those midfielders there (whilst retaining Polworth, Vigurs, Tansey, Draper etc) Are we going to keep Fisher? Can we keep Storey, What about Mbuyi-Mutombo? Are we really that desperate for wages for a striker we HAVE to sacrifice Raven?
  17. Inverness Caledonian Thistle have no fresh injury problems for Sunday lunchtime's match against Kilmarnock. Aaron Doran and Alex Fisher remain out but David Raven and Dean Brill are pushing for a return.
  18. Ross County website deleted Right naebody leaves here till we find oot whae did it!
  19. Vincent leaving gives Polworth greater freedom to secure that place in the team playing behind the striker. Hope he can grasp the opportunity that's being presented there.
  20. Has Hughes not been played mainly out of position for the majority of the appearances he's made? Harsh to judge a player on that.
  21. The difference when we have a bit of pace up top to get in behind (or threaten to) and stretch the lines. If we can keep a hold of Storey I think he will go up and up in terms of goalscoring. Good to also hear what looks like a good shape. And clinical. Just get enough points on the board. Ensure our safety, tie up who we can and rebuild the squad where required. This season has been long hard and painful. Not unexpected given our success last season. But a break and freshen up will be good going forward. Great result today.
  22. Team News for Ross County v ICT Greg Tansey returns from suspension, whilst Josh Meekings will be assessed after returning from injury in midweek. We still have a lengthy injury list with James Vincent, Aaron Doran, Dean Brill (all knee), David Raven (foot) and Alex Fisher (ankle) out along with Andrea Mbuyi-Mutombo, who has struggled with a calf injury and illness. Inverness (from): OF Williams, Horner, Tremarco, Devine, Meekings, Warren, D Williams, Draper, Polworth, Vigurs, Tansey, Storey, Roberts, Ferguson, Hughes, R Williams, Brown, MacLennan, Wedderburn, Foran, Esson.
  23. Hearts v Inverness team news: Inverness boss John Hughes hopes to see goalkeeper Dean Brill finally end his 11-month lay-off in March. The Englishman suffered a serious knee injury at the end of last season, during a clash with Celtic, but Hughes believes he is closing in on a return after rejoining the Highlanders' squad for light training. Club captain Richie Foran (calf) remains unavailable for Tuesday's Ladbrokes Premiership trip to Hearts. Alex Fisher (ankle), Josh Meekings and James Vincent (both knee) are all doubts for the Tynecastle clash while long-term absentee Aaron Doran (knee) remains out. Inverness (from): OF Williams, Raven, Warren, Devine, Tremarco, Tansey, D Williams, Draper, Polworth, Storey, Mbuyi-Mutombo, Vigurs, Sutherland, Roberts, Ferguson, Wedderburn, Fisher, Meekings, Vincent, Hughes, R Williams, Brown, Esson. Inverness have doubts over Alex Fisher, Josh Meekings and James Vincent for the trip to Tynecastle. Fisher is nursing an ankle injury while Meekings and Vincent are looking to shake off knee problems.
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