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Alex MacLeod

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Everything posted by Alex MacLeod

  1. I seem to remember we got £150k for him. I dont believe Billy will have a good time at Tannadice.
  2. Just goes to show you actually. Liam Boyce is playing for a far smaller club in a less fashionable league but he's in the squad. Would Mckay be in the squad if he was playing for us or some other 'unfashionable' club but playing and scoring fairly regularly? Probably. Mckay was taken to Wigan in hope of saving them from drop. Unfortunately he never too his scoring boots with him. He only started one game for Wigan and doesn't seem to have impressed. Now Caldwells in charge it seems Billy is even lower down the pecking order so not surprised NI have dropped him. Billy was very good for us but much of that was down to the players around him and the service he got. I'd like to see him back on loan so get on the blower Yogi. I'll even get you Caldwells number if you've not got it already
  3. Photo is still on the agenda. I would imagine they are waiting for the strips to be released. Photo details on official ICT website. Highland News reporting this week that one of our players is out for season. Could be Doran
  4. Looking at the highlights we did create some chances but, just as with the first team, we failed to score. Thought the keeper should have saved their first goal
  5. Quite like the Tee's and Polo's but totally put of by Cabrini across the back. I'd imagine many others will not make purchases because of this.
  6. Think maybe his friendship with Ray McKinnon and possibility of expanding to coaching role may have helped his decision to sign for Raith.
  7. No reason to rule him out now if he's willing to come within budget. Would far rather have him as a player than his old man as a manager. Too injury prone last couple of seasons methinks.
  8. This'll be the rumour first muted on a particular fans facebook page that suggests he'll follow in his fathers footsteps. Not exactly an ambitious move considering his father never broke into first team in his two years at Celtic.
  9. A generation is deemed to be 25 years though a generation ago it was twenty years. The current SNP leadership have no intention of calling for another referendum unless public opinion demands it. That is the key to this whole debate. Independence will always be in the constitution of the SNP but it is not in the manifesto for the next government elections and probably wont be in four years time either. We dont even know if the SNP will win a majority next May nor indeed four years from then so why is everybody harping on about referendums. Yes a once in a lifetime opportunity came and went and, for me, it probably was once in a lifetime. Knowing my family longevity statistics I dont think I'll be around in 25 years time. As to the opening posters subject the Labour party developed a cancer on the demise of John Smith. The powers that be couldn't see a way to defeat the Thatcherites without adopting many of the policies of the Conservatives. They had no choice at the time because Thatcher had created a new class in society. The working class property owner. Hundreds of thousands had the opportunity to buy their council home and set themselves on the property ladder. With that came new responsibility. A mortgage not paid became a home lost so the working man could no longer fight for better wages and working conditions. Some of those actually turned from being lifelong labour supporters to swinging between red and blue. So, are Labour MP's performing well in WM? No I dont think they are. They are broken and in need of a leader who can bring about togetherness. Unfortunately nobody of the right caliber is willing to take on the role so they are now in a situation, within their strange voting system, where the right of centre parliamentarians are threatening to oust Corbyn if the membership elect him. I'm not one of those who believes the opposition is elected to oppose. Indeed I've never understood the second largest group in WM being called opposition. They should all be there to support good policy and to argue against bad policy. Labour MP's cant agree on their own party policy so are ineffective in carrying out their duties.
  10. I got it and wish I hadn't. Not because of the platform but because I struggle to find things. Think thats more to do with the fact I'm not as good with Apps and 10 is an App based platform. I'm sure with a bit of perseverence I'll master it eventually.
  11. He has been injured. This was his first game back for the development team. According to the posts on this thread he played and scored last Tuesday too. As Iain said this was his first game for development team. He played last week in North of Scotland cup not Development League. I believe that was his first game after being out injured for four months.
  12. Well what about that!! For years it has never occurred to me that RiG was anything other than a bloke "I'm Shona"..... you could have been Spartacus for all I would have guessed! We learn something new every day! When did you get the op Andrew. Should have told us. We could've had a whip round for flowers and grapes
  13. Twenty five teams have won the Scottish Cup. Of those sixteen have won it more than once and of those only five have had back to back wins. Three teams - Queens Park (winners of first ever trophy), Rangers and Vale of Leven have won three years in a row. Defence of this would be something of an achievement.
  14. Until the club and or the player have actually been contacted regarding a move I take this story with a pinch of salt. The press have made a story based on what? My understanding is that we have not been contacted by any club and where the bandied about figures have come from I dont understand. JH is reported to have said he'd let Christie go if we could keep him on loan. Seems a bit tongue in cheek to me. Why would any club pay a large amount for a player just to let him continue playing for the supplying club especially considering they could get him on pre contract come january and only have a possible development fee to pay.
  15. Alex MacLeod


    Last day of week and still no revelation from TCS
  16. I dont think we could suffer Blacks card count.
  17. As of the time and date of signing Iain Vigurs became an ICT player. Lets show the world we hold no hard feelings and hope he comes back as a better, more committed, player than the one that left us.
  18. I doubt very much that those figures will have changed much since 13/14 season.
  19. No Charles I'm not a teacher. I did, however, spend ten years as Chairman of a School Board which did give me exposure into the development of large numbers of children from all manner of backgrounds.
  20. Not had a proper chance to look into this other than here http://www.wellbeingforyoungscots.org/named-person so cant really comment. I would however hope that a lot of good comes out of this. My understanding is that the named person is a point of contact for a child in difficulty and or for a parent to seek help and support. Difficulty may not necessary be about home life. It could be education ability. it could be bullying. It could even be aspects of growing up that the child is embarassed to discuss with parent. I think the intention of this law is good. its how its put into force thats going to be difficult. As can be seen from the comments, none of which are helped by Charles anti SNP outlook, that there is a varied interpretation of the information available. Finally to Mr Bannerman, correct me if I'm wrong but I have the impression that you are not a parent so perhaps you should just take your SNP hatred and snide remarks somewhere else and leave those with responsibility for bringing up children the space to debate the good and bad points of the law in the honest and sincere manner that the opening poster intended. Maybe, just maybe, had there been such persons employed in the education system a few years ago that my daughter could have turned to she would not have gone through high school scared to speak to teacher or parents for fear of a hiding. So Charles before you spout any more drivel just think who your comments may affect.
  21. And you'll know how and where that cash can be found I take it. I'm quite sure people at the club work very hard to win sponsorship. I'm not so sure that the highlands have enough business with the advertising budgets needed to provide that sponsorship. Especially with so many sports clubs vying for a share in what is not a densely populated area. Look where we are in league of average earnings and its easy to see why its hard to persuade the class of player we'd all like to see at the club. Below is from here http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/celtic/1321105-celtics-average-wage-bill-is-25-times-higher-than-ross-countys/ These are total staff costs and not just players Average annual pay Average weekly pay Celtic £901,943 £17,345 Aberdeen £140,699 £2,706 Hibernian £102,199 £1,965 Dundee United £91,538 £1,760 St Mirren £78,447 £1,509 Kilmarnock £74,981 £1,442 St Johnstone £67,999 £1,308 Motherwell £67,639 £1,301 Hearts £63,999 £1,231 Inverness CT £53,690 £1,033 Partick Thistle £45,498 £875 Ross County £36,000 £692
  22. That game didn't 'haunt' us. We weren't good enough to fight for league at that time and Wilson earned us 100k.
  23. A phrase that really makes me cringe. We have let people go throughout our existence and nobody has ever come back to haunt us. We are ICT and we will continue to progress regardless of who comes or goes.
  24. Bulvitis was a loan signing. Mihadjuks came on pre-season trial January 09 then signed till end of season.
  25. The same thing happened with Alloa. We didn't know about it until after he'd turned it down. Going back to what I said in my previous post. I think it's fair to assume that Brian Rice is now the de facto assistant manager. Would someone just up on a conveniently timed 'holiday' be in all the gear and shouting instructions? I don't think so. It's not like he wandered in and was sat in the stand. I think its all very clear. Russell Latapy is looking for a management position and has some applications sent. Until he confirms a new position he's still with us. If he goes Rice could well be the new No2. Brian has obviously got sorted out with his foreign problems and, I would hope, has sorted the gambling issue. Being a very good friend of Yogi I presume he was invited to look the place over while he decides his next job. Personally I'd prefer any upcoming role to go to Richie
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