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Mystery exile may invest in Caley Jags


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Congratulations on your scoop buckett, when I read the Courier front page I recalled a snippet on this site.

The leader column within, whilst being generally positive, does portray a highland cringe inasmuch as it repeats the mantra that we are "punching above our weight". It's as if Inverness does not deserve a seat at the top table.

Winnie said "stop the world we want to get on".

We better get used to the fact that the balance within Scotland is changing.

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Thank you Sophia, and I have to say I agree with your cringe.

Another one that's starting to get to me is "it shows how far we've come. . . . "

I'm afraid we're going to be the wee team from the Highlands for a while yet, despite the fact we're based in a city of similar size to the likes of Kilmarnock and Dunfermline which are well established in the SPL. And Falkirk, which isn't.

We're getting there though, and with JM's millions, there'll be no stopping us!  :015: :015: :015:

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Guest Get_off_the_park_Wyness!

The last thing we'd want would be to become yet another boom and bust club. It's happened to so many Scottish clubs and it never works. If money comes into the club it should be spent on off the park investments: property, bars, hotels etc like Kilmarnock have done so successfully. Long term profit generating assets will allow us to increase our wage bill without getting into the red.  :024:

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Before anyone gets too excited I would point out that Mr. MacDonald was Chief Executive, not owner, of these two companies and as such his share of both sales would be a fraction of the sale price.  He’s undoubtedly a very wealthy man but I don’t think we’re talking about the next Abramovich. 

As an ex Caley man do you think he might insist on dropping the J*gs  :004:

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I can also reveal that Mr. MacDonald phoned his mammy in Inverness and asked her how to go about buying shares in the local team.

Seems he wanted to take the frivolous step of adding a wee bit of Inverness to his extensive portfolio.

Being a shrewd sort of chap, (some might say tight,) imagine his delight on being told that the minimum purchase was 250 shares at 75p per unit!

:015: :015:

So Jeff is going to buy shares in ICT.

And he's a millionaire.

With these facts, how would you blow up the story if you were a journalist?


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Although it is nice to have people who want to invest money in the club (be  it hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands or millions) it is just as important to have forward thinking/succesful business men/women at the helm.

We are forunate enough to have had such people on the Board over the years and Alan Savage shows all the makings in his past business dealings to be the man to continue that trend.

Jeff MacDonald also appears to be of a similar ilk and thats what inspires me when you see names such as his linked to the club and potential investment/involvement.  Any financial investment will be great but I don't see these guys as the kind to be looking at thier investment as simply being the purchase of a status symbol, if they wanted that then there are bigger clubs they could throw thier cash at in order to meet that kind of ends.  These are the kinds of guys who thrive on the challenge of making things work properly and the success that comes from that is what we as a club can look forward to sharing in IMO.

Scotland is loved by the Yanks - they all want to be one afterall.  Bigger European have already tapped in to a large part of a (relatively) small "soccer" market in America but I think their is still room for us to exploit the "Highland Roots" angle over there and build an overseas following.  As cringeworthy as that may sound it makes a lot of sense to exploit any available opportunity to raise the clubs profile and increase/develop income streams.  Provided we don't loose our identity in the process then it's all good by me....Not so sure Texas is the kind of place you'd want to be parading around in a kilt though!!!!  :015:

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....Not so sure Texas is the kind of place you'd want to be parading around in a kilt though!!!!  :015:

Oh I dunno ... I took this picture in Houston a few years back.


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I have received a phone call from Jeff's PA - a bloke  :006: - after leaving a message on a number Worm gave me. As far as it goes Jeff is subsidising the trip to Texas only at the present time - he has intimated that he may be willing to put more money in on the "infrastructure" of the club. I suggested that if he was going to splash some of his dollars that he should look at subsided attendance prices. The response I got was. - "Fair point - how did you avoid jail?" - Well feck Jeff feckin MacDonald.

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