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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2016 in Posts

  1. I was at a match one evening mid week at Pittodrie, the crack was good, our fans were in good voice and the banter going between the home and away fans was 1st class. Our guys seemed to be one step ahead of them every time with the remarks going across to the Dons fans. Something like, You look like your a really fun guy, can I be your friend on Facebook? or to a Dons fan who was mouthing off, Who dressed you was it your Mum? Or was it your carer? That's what it's all about. Not Sticking the fingers up at any Dons fan who looks your way and shouting abuse cos you can't find anything smart to say.You just get found out as being a bit thick. Keep the crack and tone down the hard man ultras crap.
    3 points
  2. ffs CB, give it a rest. DD was paying a genuine compliment for good service received, and you cannot resist trying to score a cheap political point from it. Now I know why I no longer read your longer, tedious, 'Nat bashing' posts.
    2 points
  3. Yes there are ... but locking a topic is a last report as is taking action against a poster when no-one had actually used the report button and complained to that point both actions have now been taken and we will deal with it.
    2 points
  4. That's fine, nobody is questioning the creation of atmosphere or the noise, but arguing or fighting with stewards whether you like their attitude and trying to cause damage outside the grounds or antagonise opposition fans into fights isn't particularly good for your individual reputation (unless that's the rep you are aiming for but given the stature of most of the guys I'd rethink that), the rest of the fans or fundamentally the club. Cheering, being vocal and supporting is encouraged by all though - nobody has been negative towards that so calm down with the aggressive attitude - we all have the interests and success of the club as our priorities.
    2 points
  5. I don't see what the 70's has to do with this discussion. Sure football hooliganism was a lot worse then but that doesn't make the lesser level of hooliganism now OK. Cable Guy has it spot on and it is unfortunate that some of the youngsters cannot distinguish between good vocal support for your team and being threatening and/or offensive to the opposition and their supporters. You do not need to be offensive to create an atmosphere. In fact you absolutely need not to be offensive in order to create a good atmosphere. The picture of the young lad "flipping the birdie" ictfcsince94 posted is an appalling example of how the behaviour at football matches still remains at gutter level in some quarters. I absolutely agree with nopyronoparty94 that the lack of any sort of vocal support from some of our older supporters is pathetic, but what he doesn't seem to understand is that the more subdued supporters are much more likely to join in with any vocal support if the singing and accompanying behaviour is not offensive. He also seems to miss the point that offensive behaviour actually keeps a lot of potential supporters from going to games in the first place. I'm no fan of Rugby as a game but boy can we learn a lot from them about creating a proper atmosphere. Go to any of the home internationals and you will experience an electric atmosphere with both sets of supporters singing their hearts out and cheering their teams on. Not only is there an absence of being offensive to each other, there is no segregation of the fans who, as a result enjoy a lot of good humoured banter at the game, followed by a drink or ten after the game. In terms of creating a good atmosphere we are a million miles away from that. The singing of the young lads at TCS is really welcome in developing a decent atmosphere, but as soon as the exuberance gives way to abusive songs and behaviour which is or is perceived by others to be threatening, then all the good the singing does is more than undone. As for the booing of Shinnie when he went off injured, well, words fail me. Shinnie gave brilliant service to this club and gave us lots of excitement over the years. He had every right to move to a club that could pay him more and he deserves our continuing respect. Is it any wonder more people don't attend matches when we get our own so called supporters showing such disrespect to the very players who have done so much to make the club what it is today?
    2 points
  6. Celtic will push on their full backs as they always do, we need to take advantage of that space when we counter, I would ask the likes of Doran to stay in position when we are defending as an out ball when we win it back. We also need strong runners to support him from midfield which probably means Draper getting up in support. There's no point in punting it up to a centre forward marked by two CB's.We have no right to expect to beat Celtic but ICT teams past have shown it can be done when we are well organised and are prepared to have a go and Celtic are no world beaters as we have seen.
    1 point
  7. Ah well not to worry. I only accept cards that play a tune when you open them or have money enclosed anyway.
    1 point
  8. Topic locked and is under Moderator discussion.
    1 point
  9. Are there no moderators any more ?
    1 point
  10. There are still clear weaknesses in their defence, but I think they are much, much better than they were last season from middle to front. Sinclair has started on fire, is fast and tricky with an eye for goal and has experience of playing at a much higher level than most recent Celtic signings; now that he's had a couple of games, Dembele looks like he'll be very difficult to play against; Rogic is clever and strong in the number 10 role, we know about Roberts from last year, Brown is right back on form, Armstrong is looking like his old self, even Forrest is looking half-decent. I think we have a better defence than Rangers, but it will take a heroic performance to keep that sort of attacking prowess out, and while I think that their defence is beatable, we've looked very limited up front so far this season. I agree with bdu98196 that the central midfield will be key to stopping Celtic playing and trying to prevent them getting into a rhythm, but while I would keep Vigurs in there, I worry that although he's experienced and reasonably strong, he doesn't have the pace or the presence to dominate in there and is brushed aside too easily - witness the build up to Aberdeen's goal last week. Draper is obviously far more effective at that sort of role, but I suspect he is going to have to run himself into the ground, because he's also been one of our few attacking threats and will probably have to perform a sort of box-to-box role. For all Vigurs' threat from set pieces, then if we start the same team as last week and find ourselves a couple down, I'd be looking at taking Vigurs off, pulling the harder-working Polworth into deep midfield and hoping that a Mulraney or a Doran might manage to get in behind the Celtic defence. As you can probably tell from all this, I expect to see us comfortably beaten, but as long as we get a reaction against Dundee the following weekend, then I'm not too bothered - this season, unlike the last few no-one will be in touch with Celtic by Christmas, imho.
    1 point
  11. ^ I think Vigurs has an important role in this game, during the Aberdeen match (and several more before it) I have been calling for Vigurs to be substituted or dropped as he often stifles play, kills the pace of any attack and slows the game down far too much - especially when we try to break or counter attack. However for a game against Celtic I see his role and style as being key, if he can stop the play in the middle of the park and break down Celtic attacks while slowing down our play to maintain possession (although his passing and distribution has to be better than against Aberdeen) it could play a big part in us getting anything from the game. His set piece play along with Tansey may be our best chance of goals but between Vigurs, Tansey & Draper we have the capability to overpower Celtic in midfield but they all need to play well.
    1 point
  12. Does your mummy know you've been posting your passport photo online?
    1 point
  13. Wed 14 Sep 2016 Highland league G Wood (Hat trick) (Formantine 6 - Rothes 1) C Macmillan (Formantine 6. - Rothes 1) M Bavidge, M Laing (Inverurie 2. - Deveronvale 0) L MacKinnon (Lossiemouth 2 - Buckie T 5) S Soane (2) (Strathspey 1 - Forres 3) Z Sutherland, A Grieg (Wick 1 - Brora R 2)
    1 point
  14. I have to admit when the boo-ing of Shinnie started I let out a great big BOO ! Possibly the loudest one. A split second later I did wonder what I was doing and started laughing. Definitely a spur of the moment fun thing to do on my part. All this carry on with the young team though I feel is getting blown out of proportion. The stewards were to blame from everything I was observing, Even half of the stewards were very young themselves. There was hardly a crowd disturbance of any magnitude to merit such stewarding. It didn't stop me enjoying the game, it was 5 mins worth of handbags, get over it everybody. I am not young!
    1 point
  15. Are we talking about the same guys who,at the Aberdeen home game last season,when the pie shop went up in smoke,had the whole North Stand going and out sung and chanted out the away end. That was good atmospere . Best chant was a take on Sheep are on fire when the smoke came across the pitch. More of that without the nasties is what the stadium needs.
    1 point
  16. Mmmmmm can anyone remember the 70's ? I mean 1970's Would be like a cemetery without the yoof. And they create an atmosphere whereas I am more annoyed by adults who have a "go" as the players but keep deadly silent otherwise!!
    1 point
  17. I generally have a lot of respect for the young guys and the atmosphere they bring to the games. I for one salute you when your all in fine voice and drumming and I really feel its something that was lacking from the games previously, however I was at the Aberdeen game and there was a small minority of the group at the front who were giving the fingers and W*nkers motions to the Dons fans on both sides, as well as shouting obscenities and behaving in a threatening manner. To me, that does NOT justify creating an atmosphere, that is purely thuggish behaviour which does nothing to promote the team they are supposedly there to support. Most of the guys I seen, and a few of them I was getting a good laugh with on way home, were very well behaved. There is no excuse to act in a threatening manner towards opposing fans in the name of support. Also on the way out, the ones who decided it would be a good show of support to overthrow the barriers did nothing but create fear and alarm to the CALEY fans given where we all were, and I've got to be frank here, I was with my 7 year old son, and one of these boys threw a barrier just in front of us, and I swear, if that had hit my son, the boy responsible would have gone home with a very sore face
    1 point
  18. I trust the "94" isn't a reference to your year of birth, since your rather simplistic conception of what constitutes football support would seem to indicate the maturity level of an adolescent far below the age of 22.
    1 point
  19. The result was unsurprising in some ways as Celtic although a better team than last few seasons with more potent attacking threat, the back line has been a weak link since Van Dijk left. Hopefully we can play with a solid back 4 and central midfield and use our wingers pace to try get balls in the box and exploit the weaknesses. I think its worth having a go at them, we may score and get picked off into a thumping but better than sitting in and still loosing 1 or 2 nil. No guts no glory.
    1 point
  20. Transport Scotland are the Roads Authority with BEAR the Operator.
    1 point
  21. **** Off! We generally have the worst fans in the Scotland! You do realise we get slated from other teams when we sit in silence? ohh! but its fine! we get praised from you boring twats for 'behaving' and when we do get an atmosphere we get praised by other fans but slated by our own fans!? You's all continue to sit in silence like boring ********, its like a ******* cemetery in our stands! Until it changes We will continue to do what we want to do. Without us home games are *****, You do what you want and sit like a miserable ******* talking ***** and munching into a pies for the whole game. Mon Slate us all you want! but you can't stop us doing what we want to do.
    -1 points
  22. Why do you's even care what we do? You's slagging us off on a forum and chatting ***** about us ain't gonna stop us at all. So stick the dummy back in and do your own thing. End off.
    -1 points
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    • Inverness CT 2-3 (3-5) Hamilton - Play off final (relegation)
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    • Hamilton 2-1 Inverness CT - Play off final 1st Leg
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      Still, a shocker of a first half and we must be up for it from the start on Saturday.
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