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Scarlet Pimple

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Everything posted by Scarlet Pimple

  1. Wot no photgraph? Well that was short and sweet.
  2. Neilds --good for you and glad to learn that you are taking it all in good part. You can have a go at me if you like.... :thumb04: Why not, everyone else has.
  3. Prices too high contributing to the apathy. Also I think it is high time that the SPL was increased to 16 teams. That would surely spark some new life into this league with the injectioin of new blood . It really is tiresome playing the same old few teams week in week out. For goodness sake, under the current system we are forced to get to know every player in all the teams to stave off the boredom.....
  4. Why would he kneed to do that anyway. ? Too much genuflecting down at the local church maybe?
  5. Bob Aye ,you are right about the Prime plus variable rate mortgae.But Prime is practically off the lower rung of the ladde right now so how much of a risk is it anyway.I guess the net result is whether the "Plus " bit is 1% or 4% or 5%..... Smile. This is only for those who can realistically save a good dollar per month and want to see a fast reduction in the mortgage accompanied by equally fast reduction in the interest they have to pay monthly. Most young couples will probably borrow as much as possible up front when they first get into the Real Estate market and at least taking a four or five year mortgage with fixed Principal and Interest payments fixes their monthly obligation and allows them to plan ahead. This is the safest route for starters and even seasoned home buyers and sellers if they have a lot of other debt hanging around their neck. Of course if you do have a lot of other debt hanging round your neck I suggest paying it all off as soon as possible BEFORE you contemplate buying a house. OR.... get a Consolidation Loan from the Bank without paying an arm and a leg in terms of a high interest rate. i.e. get a new loan to pay-out all your debts and try to lower the monthly payment including getting a reduced interest rate---actually ,at this time when interest rates are historically low, this is an ideal time to make this switch. THEN pay it off as soon as possible. Or, totally ignore what Bob and I write from the bitter experiences of 54 years of brutal toil and go on your merry way and end up bankrupt. I was there and done that in 1992 but I paid off all my business creditors BEFORE going bankrupt and now I am in a financially recovered state with a very nice townhouse, two cars and no debts. Bob is a millionaire (I think--had to put that in LOL) and a very savvy and smart investor who is going to lend me 5 quid any day now .....................he has lived in many countries and knows his way around a dollar., even if I am a bit sceptical about his statement that he lights his Cuban cigars with them. My dear young'uns -this is a time to be very careful; BUT IT IS ALSO A TIME OF OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU to take advantage of the incredibly low interest rates currently available.One final admonishent though--if I may--when and if you get a loan(s) be meticulous about making your paymets on time and do not \mis a payment witout consulting with the Bank. Your CHARACTER (keeping your word) and your CREDIT RATING (making your payments on the nail and keeping your obligations to the letter ) are two very important attributes that will enhance your image in the community and the view of the Bank as to your future attractiveness as a customer to whom they can lend in the future. Kind regards S.P.
  6. Latviaman Do you have British Bank account? NO? Well I have my British pensions paid in to a Royal Bank of Scotland chequing account . There are no service charges unless you DARE to overdraw for one day when you will be hammeredwith a $46 charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now after you open it, get a CHEQUE BOOK. Then have your pensions directed into this account automatically by EFT ..electronic funds transfer.The British Pension is delivered this way. Phone them and give them the account number details and instruct the EFT on the same time each month. This way the Brit. Gov will be very meticulous in ensuring that your pension is in that Bank account on that certain day.Make sure it is in pounds becausei f you agree with their request to send it to your Latvian bank it will be several days late and the rate of exchange will not be good (they lied to me about both of these things when I commenced the EFT and agreed to have it sent to Canada.) I wised up and now read on.... Then go into your Latvian bank and cash a cheque from your chequbook drawn on this Bank account. Maybe a small charge for this but you say the Latvian Bank will not charge you for this. They will cash the pounds cheque either into pounds notes ---which I doubt ----or they will cash it into latvian currency.in this latter case you should be keeping a track of exchange rates ---principally the rate at which you SELL the pounds to the Bank----to ensure that the rate at which they exchange your pound will be comparable with the average international exchange rate . A good site to surf is XTrade.com, or maybe it is TradeX.com, but the first one I think. Read all of this site thoroughly since it is very interesting and you may even be able to use this company to transfer your pensions to ...wherever. I cash my cheque in pounds about 9 days AHEAD of the expected date of receipt of the pensions into the Bank account (because the average time it takes to clear is 11 days) but you had better be sure that they will be delivered into the Bank account by that date otherwise the Bank may return your cheque if it clears to the Bank before this and may charge you a hefty price for being a bad boy!!. Hope this helps. S.P.
  7. Hello, Hello! Please complete your profile ! Thank you. And then we will all work on finding a way how to get you over here to Inverness where:---- the rain comes down frequently, snow is white, Terry Butcher is our new, inspiring , up-beat Manager, where the Scarlet Pimple never makes a spelling mistake (unlike the Man for the Job who does not yet know that aboard is not spelt a-board) where IHE is our resident psychic side-kick, Tulloch Caledonian Stadium is not in Tulloch but in Inverness, we think that your English is very good but we will find an interpreter for you to improve it. Apart form that just enjoy your visit and send us a wee photograph ... S.P.
  8. Canada is in a panic. Our Prime Minister has just decided to get rid of our annual surpluses of 13 Billion dollars , spend what we have in the Bank in the most gigantic bale-out package in history and run up our annual debts over the next five years to an astounding 85 BILLION DOLLARS. That lot will take our kids the res of their life to pay off and by that time the financuial situation will have changed..interest rates will be up and the interst on that amount will not only add to our huge national debt but will well-nigh ensure that all futire annual returns will be in deficit as well. Personally speaking I don't thain k that ikt will do the tricka nd is profligate and foolish. Never trust Politicians or Real Estate Agents. They are blatant liars, opportunists and have little integrity. The next thing our younger readers should do is follow Canada Bob's advice; pay off your debts as quickly as possible and , if by some miracle, that you can make reasonable to substantial savings each month and want to get a mortgage then get a variable rate one and stuff every penny that you can save every month into that mortgage.That will at least save you some interest . And since Stock Brokers are also little more than commission salesmen you can't trust them unduly either. They may think that they know what lies ahead but they don't so be cautious at this time as to where you invest your money. Right now I am keeping what savings I have in the local Bank where deposits are guaranteed up to $100,000 by the Feds and am satisfied with a monthly compounding of Credit interest of 2.5% per annum. Mutual Funds were a source of great loss and pain to me over many years and this is not the time to be taking risks..although I must admit with great reluctance that RBS shares at 12 pence per share (or less LOL) look like a very good buy if you are willing to take what I think is a minimal risk.... thinks,--I must talk to my stockbroker about this..... :thumb04: I could go on and on but nowadays , apart from the pipe and slippers I am dedicated to risk avoidance and a new resolution to not making wordy posts on this illustrious Forum.... :018:
  9. Neilds--I can see that you have an exciting life--scanning the Law Court Rolls obviously is not a "dry as dust " or "watching paint dry" hobby for you. I am on fire just thinking about it.
  10. Gordon Brown has turned out to be little more than dithering mini-person --even despite his accounting credentials he has been totally ineffective at stopping the relentless financial decline and debacle of late. Therefore I am so glad that I can't see his one eye------ until he bends over..........
  11. You have only heard the half of it. The Government in the U>K> effectively has now bought 78% of the shares of the R.B.Scotland (recent announcement). This has been hiked by about 13%, as I recall, from the original amount anoinced as the Government's investment in this mighty crap house of a financial Institution. NATIONALISATION FOLKS, nothing more, nothing less. Like thee coal mines , now out of business, the railways , not payig their way, the fishing --gone probably for ever... Today I witnessed on the BBC T.V. (oh yes we get the BBC now in Western Canada) the snivelling, grovelling, two high heid yins of this once honourable Scottish employer, for whom I worked for 19 years without ever getting paid a cent in overtime pay, prior to emigrating to Canada, trying to squirm out of thier faux-pas and openly admitting that they had made a huge mistake in buying the Dutch consortium which turned out to be a real house built on a foundation of sand--another crappy financial venture no doubt milked to death by the so called Executives who sit on Boards of Directors , drawing countless huge , obscene millions out of the Bank, and contribute nothing whatever in terms of valid and visionary financial advice. So long as Tammy MacTavish comes in with the Martinis on the tray, with a white cloth draped professionally over his arm in deference to these self-serving, putrid, parasites, they contibute nothing whatsoever to the profitability or well-being of the staff or Scotland (oops , sorry, the British Isles --I say this in deference to the many thousands of persons now employed by the RBS in England ), or the taxpayer. Their incompetence , GREED, and unbelievable contribution to the demise of this huge financial institution is unconscionable and an affront to every hard-working peasant in Britain. I, as an ex employee of the Bank, who dared to come to Canada to seek pastures new was immediately viewed as tainted at the point of departure by the petty princes of this Bank and my account no longer attracted staff interest, no interest at all in fact, --saving them about ten cents a year --and within 3 years they had informed me that due to a rule that they had found going back to the year 1920 which stated that pensions must be reduced after a period of time to half of what they were paying me then my pension would immediately be reduced by half from 86 pounds a month to 43 pounds a month. For me that was the end so I told them that if they did , considering that they had forgotten to inform me at the time I first started receiving my pension, then I would report it all to the British Ombudsman for pension violation. They backed down because they knew, the barstewards, that if I won my case then ALL the pensioners would have to be paid millions of pounds in back pensions and they realised that it was not worth it. For them Principle meant nothing--they were so weak that they could not even enforce their own petty, self-serving, ancient , greedy , stupid rules. Further, in solid support of what Bob is saying, the British Government, with about 40 BILLION pounds in reserve to pay future pensiosn to old folks , still refuses to annually upgrade pensions to ex-pats who choose to stay in an ex-Commonwealth country. However , if you stay in America, Germany, Spain, or the Bahamas you get an annual inflation raise every single year. This effectively means that there are pensioners in Canada today who are getting only five pounds per month because they have dared to live so long that their pensions have become worthless in terms of purchasing power. NOR DO WE IN CANADA get any other ALLOWANCE-SUCH AS THE HEATING ALLOWANCE. After this winter I could certainly do with it, believe me. And I contributed my share of National Insurance premiums just as much as anyone else ever did, month after month, when I was employed in Britain. How about that for fairness? So far , with the exchange rates dropping like a stone and with no inflation raises my miserable pensions from Britain have already deteriorated by 14 % MINIMUM in value. For an insight into the greed and mean-spirited attitude of the Government go to www.canadianallianceofbritish pensioners.ca and read all about it. We have been fighting these conscience-less parasites for years. These politicians always find money to put into their own pockets or whenever they need it to buy votes and it is the same all over the world. Sorry folks, Canada Bob is right. And I could not have put it better myself. The RBS spent loads of money in bonuses (I know my sister also worked for them all her life) to their staff but their shares are now worth 12 pence --once over 6 pounds right?-- and the two Executives currently squirming in their seats on the BBC T.V. admitted that the bonuses paid to Executives had to be cut by 25%---oh, dear, what a terrible thing to ask them to do --make do with ten million pounds instead of 14 million -- what a farce the whole compensation thing is. This Bank HAD to get rid of the money somehow--their profits in past years were obscene and all that would have happened otherwise is that the Government would have pocketed immense amounts of tax. Oh , my, I wonder why the Government did not crack down on them before now? Do you actually think there might be some collusion and back-handers involved----nooooooooooo, how could you EVER think of such a thing? Don't ever think that there is not a stratification of the wealthy at the top who ALL know each other and if you are in it you are lucky but if not, then you pay lots of money in tax. I have to go now folks I think I am going to be very sick--as a dog! Scarlet Pissed-off Pimple
  12. Caley D--best post that I have seen in a while of whileys! And when you see the dark glesses --yese ken ah mean it ! Aye!
  13. Imagine that- 3 pages allocated for this thread on a man who has left us : 1. In the lurch ---when he could have put on the jersey and tried to save ICT from further deterioration 2. Thinking 3. Trying to forget 4. Hoping the name would just go away and not form the basis of countless threads. 5. Trying to make up our minds whether we were sorry for him or just very glad it was all over and "Brewster has left the office" 6. At least have the grace to go to a club which is at least 100 miles away from Inverness. 7. Having that desperate sinking feeling that somehow he would pop up again to remind us of what never happened and to divert our attention in these hallowed threads from talking about T B. 8. Whether he will henceforth be equated with Feb 8's ghosts and haunt us until the cows come home. 9. Feeling it will be at least many months before we forget and concentrate on more positive thoughts --like MOVING ON>>>>>................................................ :029 to something different.
  14. Your words drip on me like soothing honey, Dear.
  15. I really had my doubts about Lionel from the start but he played out of his skin today and his contribution to the team effort must be considered as very supportive and inspiring. And as far as Terry Butcher is concerned maybe not a dream first match but one which clearly gave him great satisfaction and enrgy for the homewared stretc I am sure. To Acharacleoracle for his ....positivity... :thumb04: To the naysayers who are more worried about advertisements than drive, enthusiasm and output I can only say that it was a very exciting and enjoyable game which it is supposed to be --value for money, like; And Mr Strachan appears to be at his wit's end how to break down Inverness these days. His candour seems to be dragged out of him by his frustration and perplexity as to how to deal with that "special something here" referred to by TB in his post-match interview.
  16. Terry today referred to the players and their performance in his post match interview as "something special here"! Although he might not yet be able to quite identify this essence in the team, he may well be referring to the highland spirit which comes from the heart and which has been in so much evidence since ICT came up to the SPL. In fact the progress of several years in the lower divisions must have resulted from this imbuing with the "spirit". In past months this has been stifled and curtailed, but clearly the flame that is Inverness Caledonian Thistle was never extinguished by events as they developed. Today the spirit was in resurgence and must now be nurtured and praised by the Manager, the coaches, the Board and the fans to allow it to once more flower in it's glory for a magnificent inspiring end to this season. :thumb04:
  17. Which post you say Caley D-? -oh ...that one away back. Helps if you notice that there is a 4th continuance of the thread Sm,ile.
  18. Sigh...Caley D --you are sooooooo smart .. Good post.
  19. As for Barroman--do you really feel that he has the capability to make a difference at ICT. ? Seems to be a lanme duck at the moment. Has height but (seems) to chicken out of going for the high balls, runs around but does not seem to create any real danger. Maybe once today he came close but where is the flait \r and gutsy determination. Hate to put any player down a but ICT must now make hard choices. Comment please?
  20. There you go--ask a smart question at ICT Forum and always get polite replies Smile. IHE it is simply that he is trying to tel-egraph a message to you...."Leave me alone--use tel-epathy instead"
  21. IHE-- I am still in the dark as to why TB is refgerred to as TEL? Please bring some light into the dark tunnels of despair suffered by seniors? :thumb04:
  22. In the few moments of time that he was on the park he showed definite determination and skill. He could get a first team berth if he really gets stuck in and shows consistent pace and drive. Interesting prospect . Good luck to him and ICT now.
  23. Zadi header over the bar was a life-saver. This man deserves praise. Up against tricky dicky Robson he stuck at it and when he got goingdown the left wing he was drawing the attention off other ICT players. Great performance today-maybe he needed some encouragement . With Proctoir ...it's Proctor and Gamble ..He definitely needs to improve. Well nigh invisible tofay. Why did ICT not man-mark individual Celtic players? They had so much room to move it is a wonder that they did not score---ICT defence was solid and superb. Helping each other out . And aggressive running Imrie --what can we say. What an example to the rest of the team. Thought Rooney can develop into a classy player but still seems to lack a wee bit of determination and drive--still young is he? By the trime I got into the match and got the video working I missed about first 12 minutes so could not judge Foran . Tokely really stuck at it and basically showed more self control in the tackles today. But his physique is a presence and this is a team game after all.Esson was calm and dealt well with everything ut I have to say he really was not busy. Celtic were pedestrian at times. huffed and puffed and had some good pasing but haerdly a shot on goal... Overall a fantastic game with great atmosphere. This is the stuff to get the crowds back. Well done BT and good luck. (P.S. Any player not mentioned on here --sorry , all did well. Smile)
  24. And Butcher came as fast as possible ---probably came across the border at the CUMBERLAND gap?
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