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Scarlet Pimple

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Everything posted by Scarlet Pimple

  1. Samuel Barros--I agree with your summing -up. The problem area...defence.
  2. He should play any player who merits his place. Butcher's responsibility is to the club and to play his strongest squad. Since the players are in the news just now it would also seem logical that they will be out to parade their talents for the spotlight(s). Then, if they do well, they can all leave without a cloud over their heads and the net return to the club is a much better one than if they have left in acrimonious circumstances.
  3. O.K> Now it is time to stop referring to Brewster and just leave him alone ! He has gone and good luck to him wherever he lands up. Let's now turn our mind permanently in the positive direction of the very shrewd and determined upbeat Butcher. The thing that took my fancy in the past was the rereshing honesy of the mmmmmman. I think he is about to turn mince into Grade "A" Canadian cuts from Alberta.I will steak my life on it. So, Stevico, stay with the pack and don't join the waywardness of Acharacleoracle who will only end up falling into one of his salmon farms in Acharacle. And these salmon are detrimental to the environment since they attract sea lice like flies to rotten eggs. And infect the homecoming salmon and more importantly , the flight to the sea by the newly hatched youngsters ....aaargh...
  4. Yes Jock--so was I. IHE for Captain again or does he still have the energy? Smile.
  5. Now 100% for Butcher. By the way ICT are going to win by one goal on Sunday. Celtic are going to get frenetiic trying to break down the Caley Thistle rearguard . But with a big crowd in attendance all going absolutely nuts this is going to be some game. Can you imagine another "Caley go Ballistic "headline reverberating round the world. :thumb04: Next week is going to be an exciting time chums.
  6. With all the uncertainty better play Cowie and /or Black unless they are leaving immediately. Puts some cash in the Bank which is needed right now by the way. Only way to get in new players at this stage. Time for TB to put aside his past prejudices on this issue, become a brutallly realistic pragmatist and deal with this crisis in the only effective way he can --be decisive , vigorous and positively up-beat. Then consult IHE IHE --am I back in favour?--refuse to answer and I will take that as a yes...
  7. I tried ***** in Russian and she came up with .....cat!
  8. Pavels? Who broke his nose.? By the way is Ian Black etill wearing a ring in his left ear I wonder? Was in August 2008.....
  9. Watford? !! Wotfor? Near a tube station is it?
  10. Dare I agree with Manfer.. Smile! He won't bite my head off will he....?
  11. Enjoy the atmosphere on Saturday then Sponge -------- -er,soak it up..Sponge! Hope it is a full house with lots of noise and support for a gutsy performance.
  12. More faces --but this time they are mostly animals--several cats, some very big and at least one cougar. But then again you didn't believe me last time so why should I get my hopes up that you are developing your psychic abilities faster than I expected.--Look for the eyes Feb8, look for the eyes ............
  13. Currently I am now behind Butcher 100%. I like his sense of self-deprecating humour and humour is often a good way to defuse tension and get the affection if not the respect of players. He definitley seems to be positive and determined and has a bit of flair about him. He could be a hit at Tulloch and I would not be a bit surprised if the "spirit" he says he saw in the team at Tynecastle was a factor in convincing him that ICT was worth taking on. One can appreciate what the Board sees in him. He has one distinctive factor also that is essential in a Manager--communicative ability. Let's hope that he uses it effectively in his dealings and relationship with and for players. Finally I also like his comments about Ian Black about whom I have a sense of disappointment also.:- 1. The signing of a pre-nuptual contract with Hearts so long before the end of the season 2. His remark about his resistance to Brew's fitness requirements. He will be a bit splashy with Hearts in the first three games and then he will not do too well in subsequent games. He may not fit in to the team...................... Another cryptic post from Codswallop Hall. Smile.
  14. Scotty Thank you for posting these clips. I was about to ask someone to do that. Why are you calling him TEL. Is it so that when you ask him a question you can speak his brother's first name ..."Pray"...? Eh? Good luck Terence. Judgement reserved . Talking heads are a dime a dozen but results are what we need.
  15. Butcher's task is not to be a nice guy and talking common sense but to inspire the players with passion and fire to greatness.
  16. Dreamers Yes stress and unhappiness is a great limiter and depressant of energy resources. Tension tightens the muscles so that the energy does not flow as it should. The burden of Brew must have been lifted today, apparently, witth the prospect of better times ahead. Long may it continue and more joyous and rewarding time sahead. IHE what do you see in the stars tonight. ?
  17. What an exciting life you lead Bob? allivanting all over the U.K. and Ireland, fishing, falling off mountains, quaffing Guinness by the barrel, more fishing, having run-ins with security blokeswith kalishnakoffs at the ready when you trespased on to hallowed ground, more fishing, betting and losing , betting and winning, selling big nice houses in Canada, buying more. Flying business class on doomed airlines. Buying up their shares to bolster their kittys. Coming back to Canada must be a veritable let-down . Smile. Still, being a landed gent in the beautiful wilds of Nova Scotia is NOT a bad life if you love remoteness and beautiful atlantic shorelines. Bird watching must be good there though? And the whales...ohhhhhhh! Are you coming over to Vancouver fer the Winter Olympics in 2009 Bob..you can buy the tickets and I will help you climb up the slopes on the ski hills. But then again it would be like the blind leading the blind since I have a very loose and vulnerable knee (bad skiing accident 28 years ago) so we would simply have to remain what we are --two older blokes trying to look cool Ha! Ha!. Much better to spend all our hard-earned savings on taking the Gondola on the scenic route between Whistler and Blackcomb which is now open and apparently a helluva rush sinc e it is high suspension with a bang and the view is spectacular. Anyway let me know.............LOL (P.S. I will let you drive my car, I'm really nice you know!) :thumb04: P>S> Heh Bob--don't do anything I wouldn't do.. Ha!
  18. I only saw him play once --in Vancouver, with a Scotland "under 21 select" team but he did appear to have a good shot on him but his work rate was minimal,
  19. ...but...could Robbo get along and co-operate with anyone aftyer having been top dog at Tulloch Stadium? Maybe he would try hard since he needs work but in the long run does a leopard ever change his spots?--not when someone remarks..."ahem, your slip is showing.." It's the old story also about "can you go back sucessfully?". You know that is a hard one but in general terms probably not IMHO.
  20. Imrie surely was lucky not to be booked for kicking the ball off the spot. Indiscipline like this, and McBain's today, can kill off this team. I hope the new Manager is a disciplinarian since it sounds like this is part of the reason for the problems at Tullochs-resistance and a n attitude against self-improvement. Truly players today are a spoilt lot. I was not impressed by Black's comments that Brew forced them to train too much and "when you are fit you are fit". What a poor laissey-faire attitude from a so -called professional. Time he went or he might get a rude awakening under a new Manager and be left to languish in the weeds. I feel that the new Manager will be a "somebody" who will have definite ideas about how to succeeed and he will probably not be shy of coming down hard on prima donnas.He does not have time on his hands and is not here for the beer . He has to turn around a DIRE situation, that could and will ultimately prove to be very costly indeed for this club, very quickly. Time for the smart-alecs to wake up here.....! Have you seen the points total of ICT today in the table.. 'nuff said. So, bow -locks. When you are fit you continue to strive for higher standards, including better/bigger musclulature and increased stamina...and IMHO a more positive professional attitude to Manageriall requirements to achieve success.
  21. Tichy Black may be Back but Scarlet has recovered from his 3-week computer disaster and is also catching up on the news. What a shock I got when I noted that Brew was ex-Brew. Will be surprised if Robbo was appointed--too much pushing from him which, if he was being seriously considered, would not be completely necessary surely. However, he does show faith and passion....... Ardiles ...no. Barely knows where Inverness is --said it was cold but he can only attest to that if he has actually been there. We also need someone who is steeped in Scottish Football , knows the game and has contacts. Where would Mr Ardilles get his new players from and how good a Manager was he in foreign climes and how long would he take to get acclimatised to the cold North , the players and the prospects etc. Methinks he would require more time than Caley Thistle can afford at the moment to get a real handle on what he has bitten off and would have to chew. We don't need a six month semi-wonderkid but a solid prospect for the future. Bear in mind that Managers come and go in these times with repetitive rapidity also. Back to holding bated breath.
  22. Maybe IHE is just ...grouping.... in the dark because he has had a few too many drinkies as we approach Xmas Yuletime. As evidence of this, some of the grammar is definitley not up to scratch as we know you are an educated man--so the game is up. Anyway IHE--do have a happy Hogmanay, or whatever you do in Scotland these days.
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