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Everything posted by RichieKass

  1. It is very hard to attract a lot of 'big' acts up north still, which isn't helped by the relativly small capacity of the ironworks in comparison to the SECC in glasgow or similar. If a promotoer is planning a tour it has to be in his interest, ie profitable and that means butts on seats to boost his markup. I don't think the Ironworks has done a bad job, it has had acts such as Kasabian, Amy macDonald, Biffy Clyro who were all very big on the festival circut last summer - so imo they cannot be deemed to be has-beens. They also pay some attention to local music and often give support slots to local bands if their promoters are putting on the show. My only beef it the pay for support acts - absolutely disgusting to think that what i get paid for a 3 three hour recording session is nearly 4 times more than what an entire band gets paid for playing the ironworks. In fact I played there with The Breech a wee while ago and tix were ?20 a head and they sold 800 odd tix, support bands were paid ?30. That's exploitation if you ask me.
  2. Should free up some wages which could be spent elsewhere, he was a good player at one time for the club IMO but his glory days are probably behind him. Added to that i think his actions were disgraceful and I don't believe he should have donned an ICT shirt again, even if he was our start player.
  3. great idea to be honest - a die hard group of supporters is always welcome at the club nothing better than a full 90 mins of singing, i love the section G guys for keeping the atmosphere and do join in with most the chants - I ain't a real ''G'' boy though :019:
  4. Indeed, I imagine if he'd been able to supply the team with a wee line of charlie we might have had a bit of pace/urgency about us..... Just kidding, I agree to an extent with what you're saying - Hart would have defo been more effective than McBain IMO. But really, anyone else think we are missing Rankin??? I do...
  5. I was also lucky enough to be sharing a row with a few rangers fans, i made a point telling my friend very loudly how upset i get when i find away fans in the home end, to which i got a few dodgy looks. I'm not happy about sharing the stand with away fans, espeically not little 18 years old pr1cks who reckon they're cool as they try and boast to me they are rangers fans as we're queing for the turnstyles. However what is the solution? I don't think there is an easy one, and whilst i'd love to see them all chucked out, if they're not causing a scene in the ground and they are not wearing away colours they are perfectly in their rights to sit in the home and and cheer at a rangers goal if they want. It would have been feckin hilairious if we'd won yesterday though - i would have made a point of making fun of every hun in the north stand. On a positive note, great to see so many youngsters at the game supporting ICT - the future is in good hands it would seem...
  6. Maybe if i had a shave i could pass as a primary child...
  7. Well said proctor, are you going on sunday? If so i'll c u in the north stand, i'm making the trip north with chris. If there are ANY RFC supporters in the stand i hope everyone makes their presence know to the stewards, i'm not having any sectarian chanting scumbags sitting anywhere me on sunday.
  8. Today's metro stated ICT had accepted a ?70,000 bid from Hibs...
  9. As a very young child I was a rangers fan as everyone I knew picked one of the old firm teams, my favourite colour was blue so that was that. After the merger my primary and secondary schools got free tickets to games so i used to go a long with a friend or parent to the games and became an ICT fan. I dropped my fan status for rangers by the time i was 14 or so and since then it's always been ICT. i also support Newcastle because my folks used to live there and i;ve been there quite a bit and love the fan's spirit. Also due to my mum's family being from Edinburgh I've always had a big soft spot for the Jambo's up until this season i always attended a couple of home games at tynecastle. But ICT always number one for me, i hate rangers fans these days (and celtic fans to be honest) cannot stand biggotry at all and i'm so proud to support a small team with real fans!
  10. Appalled at the funding quite frankly it is unacceptable that money for good cause can be spent this way and no-one held accountable, lovely fireworks if i had been up north i may well have gone out to see them but it seems like a massive finale to a very quiet year of culture - it was very poorly marketed and undertaken IMO...
  11. Ditto, I think much of the opposition to Nuclear power is ill-informed. It is still pretty nasty, however nuclear technology has come a long way since the 70's and 80's and it is much more environmentally friendly than any fossil fuels, whilst i think renewables are a very good idea and i think wave power could hold the key - at least in the short term we need to combine these technologies with non-renewable sources.
  12. Commentators are speculating the midfield is missing Rankin a bit, here's hoping the team fielded today can cut the mustard - i feel we are fielding a bit of a sub-par team to be honest.
  13. Tri Beyond live - a tribute to tony williams lifetime - effin awesome
  14. While I certainly don't want to lose Rankin, I agree that it's the one position we're well covered for. Vigurs does indeed, look an outstanding prospect, and I'd love to see him given more of a chance. Besides, there's Barry, Markus, McBain, Hart......all more than capable of compensating for the loss of Rankin. Apart from Wilson how many of those players have a history of scoring goals though? Okay all Rankin's goals have been from the spot this season but he is always a threat. Hart is not up to standard IMO...
  15. That happened a while ago when we played hearts at tyncastle on the same day scotland played Ireland. It may well happen again, who knows. I hope they don't change the date as i plan on going...
  16. Even if county do get more credit than this for us, we have a lot to thank county for - look how many ex-county players are in our squad and how well they are doing. I love the rivalry between the clubs but we seriously do have a lot to thank the guys over the water for.
  17. I got some cash towards a set of In-Ear Moniters for on-stage. They sound lovely...
  18. bring on wyness perhaps? certainly hope brew can give everyone a bit of a slap on the wrist at HT and we can come out and play like we did second half against Killie
  19. I saw that as well, hope he can play against aberdeen - he really does a good shift and i really hope he stays. He reads the game well and tackles well. Okay he's not perfect but he's a great player for ICT and has done really well for us so far.
  20. I was thinking the same - He was good but didn't have an aweful lot to do compared to some games - killie didn't have many shots on target today. Cowie was my MOTM hands down, both him and Marius worked their socks off, it coul;d have been more than 3-1. I was enjoying the crowd's bating of Alan Comb as well!
  21. I don't think ICT are that cheap but they're definately not the most expensive either. Hibs don't even offer student concessions and their prices are not cheap, ICT do offer a concession for students (although it's not as cheap as hearts it's pretty good) and their adult prices are about average i think.
  22. Caleythistleonline.com Drumsmith.com Musicians Union that's about it i think.
  23. When i've had tickets sent to edinburgh for away games i've not had to pay booking or postage fees, maybe i've just been lucky.
  24. The diggers is above where Gorgie Road Joins Dalry Road - where those two streets meet there is a big junction if coming from dalry taking a hard left at this junction will take you onto the road the diggers is on, it's about a minutes walk from the junction if that - search for athletic arms on google maps if you're not sure - that's what the diggers real name is. Rich
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