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Everything posted by tokelyisvictorious

  1. I think you are very wrong with this comment. How exactly? Having terracing didn't exactly create an electric atmosphere when we were last in SFL1. I just think the terracing would naturally filter the fans into their seperate groups; the ones who wish to sing, the youngsters, the main standers and the execs (or those who think they are execs). Ah well, i hope i am right anyway, i don't want the away games to be as sh!te as the main stand.
  2. I am one of those with a problem with the main stand, as you've probably guessed from other threads. Most are negative, have nothing positive to say when the match is going well, and grumbling or shouting pathetic abuse at our own players when it aint. Not saying the north stand is magnificent but its been getting better over the last two years. All it would take is just a little more effort from the main stand, before the match and during it. The away support for ict is pretty decent, and i believe that 90% of those are either expats or north standers. I don't get the psyche of most main standers, can't figure out what they get out of paying ?20 to sit down, not move and moan for 90 minutes. Terracing would solve all our problems in terms of attendance and atmosphere. Never going to happen but surely for now the main stand can just cheer up.
  3. It's a lot more acceptable than having lost....and the way some people are going on you would think we had. A lot of people seem to be hanging the rest of the season on this one game...I'm not saying it was a fantastic performance, but as in any season we'll have days when things don't go to plan but we still pull off a result and we'll have days where we play outstanding football and take nothing from a match....such is the nature of the game. We have people claiming "we won't do this and we won't do that" on the back of one match, and a match where we were missing a number of (what could be considered) key players. If we were well into the season and injuries etc had forced us to field that team and we got a result then we'd be delighted and we'd be noising up opposition fans with claims that even our reserves were beating them.....that for me is the reality of the situation. What chance do we have if, after one game, the fans are already panicking, spreading doom and gloom and talking about relegation? I'm not saying we should be smothering the players/team with false praise, but I don't think we should be slinging up any nooses and herding them to the gallows. Totally agree Caley D. I have replied to similar threads like this before where some contributors on this site really seem to be from another planet. This was the first competitive game of the season but in reality was still a pre season game. The same goes for Annan next week with the real season starting on 8 August. A 1-1 result against Falkirk would have kept us up last season and if we had got that playing as we did today, some of these so called supporters would still be moaning as it was only a 1-1 draw. Give some of the new guys a chance to settle in before jumping to conclusions about how good they are. If some of the contributors on here want to continue to endlessly moan, then all I can say is find another team to support as I honestly don't know how some can seriously call themselves supporters of ICT. Rant over. thats what i said and i got ripped into. the new boys did well. i remember ian blacks debut (sorry to use him as the benchmark for free transfers again) didn't exactly set the heather on fire. caleyd, i will not let your signature fool me again.
  4. monthemo has it pretty much spot on. It makes me embarrassed sometimes when there are the *rseholes in the main stand who heckle the moment a player makes a minor mistake. I felt sorry for the new boys yesterday for having to play in front of them. I would personally ban them from all of the games, they offer nothing in terms of support and even heckle the manager. Most are the older generation who believe that because they have been following the team fro the last 20 years or whatever that they have the right to get on the back of anyone who doesn't perform upto the standards of billy urquhart or alan hercher. It's ridiculous. The ict away support is ten times better, albeit ten times smaller, but mainly because these people don't make the trip. Makes me glad I am a north stander, don't know what these people get out of going to a football match.
  5. we created plenty of chances, and when we get dougie and eric back we will score those chances. the only worrying aspect was the link between the midfield and attack, and once butcher sorts that out, perhaps with sanchez and eagles, then we will be fine. the best thing about today was the result. we got there in the end and we will need to play in a lot more of those types of games before the end of the season.
  6. shift roscoe to right back, let the others get back to their full fitness and then we will have a cracking team. trust me, this wasn't even a minor blip. did no-one else just enjoy winning a match? no-one else just glad to be sitting at a football match at 3pm on a saturday afternoon?
  7. Good game, nice to see a game go straight to penalties, loved the celebrations from roscoe and lionel. Lee Cox the man of the match by a mile, looked like the first player to get on the ball and the one to pass it wisely. as for the other new boys, stratford played well enough, always there to chase the ball, and always there to try to get it in the box. hayes was unlucky to go off and looks like it might be a long term injury as well, he had a couple of nice touches although he wasn't at his best. I think we can expect better things from all three and they all look as if they can compliment the squad nicely, especially cox. the team as a whole could and should have won by at least 5 today, they had one chance and finished it. A couple of under-par performances from the experienced players, just looked like a lack of match sharpness to me. seeing the back of the match programme we were missing dougie, eric, eagles and proctor (three players who form the backbone of our team). one thing i will say that seemed a little astray today was the dissent from some of the players. Butcher was going ballistic on the sidelines and it seemed like foran and mcbain loved giving it back, mcbain getting several verbals in the 2nd half. perhaps it is part of butch's gameplan, but it did seem a little OTT at times. Oh and barrowman was a heap of sh#t but thats every week, so all in all its only another pre-season victory and preperation for a successful season.
  8. In all seriousness they are looking more like half a team, compared to our full squad. I am always amazed when seeing john stewart, have to remind myself that he is still in his twenties. With the 4 newbies, fairly confident of 4 derby wins. Don't think i have ever been so confident of an eventful (maybe not in the end successful) season.
  9. bit off topic, but looking at the county team, i have seen them in action in pre-season, and they look surprisingly like brewster has had quite a large say in their tactics: garry wood up front as a lone striker, when he really shouldn't, and relying on big players to blast their way up the pitch, when they really can't.
  10. good looking squad now. One more defender/goalie and we are all set. championship winning team, perhaps we can also sign bulvitis before tonight and get him signed in time for he cup game. Crowd should be boosted as well. good times at ict.
  11. I'll be there, by myself looking foward to it, pars should be a good test of where the teams at, hopefully a couple of new faces around. away games on the train, seems like a loooooong time.
  12. and i got a free pin badge. thanks from me as well.
  13. good result keeps the momentum going, hopefully the two cup games will also keep the team spirit high and ready for the first. hoping we sign bulvitis, great news bout eagles as he showed his class tonight, and hayes looks a decent wee winger, give him a bit of time and he'll be a key player. crying out for a bit of pace down the flanks and he has provided just that. forres unlucky not to have scored, played well enough, stratfords goal a thing of beauty. starting to really look forward to getting to a football game on a saturday, challenge cup 1st round or not.
  14. whenever possible I shop at independents, even going round the corner to the Shanghai for any refreshments i need. i detest tesco, sh*t employers and everything there is either rock solid or dried and ready to be microwaved. Also going round to swansons for my lunch now, love that place, exactly what inverness should be like, just pick up a bit of fruit, and you get a quick valuation from one of the men there (no set prices, useful if you are planning getting your weekly there, good deal to be had) and just hand over the pennies there and then, no pre-pubescent eejit scanning your food at the speed of snail.
  15. guessing 6-1, goals from trialists (1 each), foran x 2, Tokely and Cox getting the goals, with someone from forres scoring. (is lewis mackinnon still with them?). perhaps a win will inspire the faithful to pack the main stand for the cup clash against montrose......
  16. dundee, ross county, perhaps raith and partick and dunfermline, they would all bring more than 200. We are the big boys in this division now. Don't see how the away fans would fit into the main stand? Maybe if they went into the uncovered section but i can't imagine them agreeing to that.
  17. i am imagining a crowd of about 1200 would be good work. although the first game of the season i cannot remember the last time there was a good cup attendance.
  18. I used to have an archos, best thing i have ever owned, worst decision of my life to sell it. ma new toys probably gonna be furniture, as sheite as that might sound, but i should be finding a flat soon enuff. then considering just not getting a tv, buying a tv receiver for my laptop and just recording tv from there, anyone know if this is easy or what? p.s. RiG, go for hungry hippos, screwball scramble is overrated
  19. sounds as though there'll be a decent turnout. thanks for the directions, especially 12th man for his concise attention to detail, i'll be there.
  20. cheers once again for the info, feck knows where i would have ended up. anyone else planning on going?
  21. sorry to do this again, but does anyone know the directions to forres fc's stadium in relation to the train stop/bus station? also while i'm at it, anyone know the position regarding the trialists, ie whether they are still fighting for contracts or whether butcher will be playing some new guys?
  22. david hutton, probably the best goalie in the 1st div, is also around the 5 10 mark.
  23. really disappointed i couldn't make it, anyone know whether the club shop is open tommorrow for me to buy an away shirt?
  24. got mine a while back, arrived last week, disappointed to find that once again it doesn't cover any cup games. At the very least a cis cup game voucher would be nice. 10% of some of the tat in the club shop isn't fantastic.
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