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Everything posted by CELTIC1CALEY3

  1. Said in the Courier that Richie Hart was suffering from a cold - so end of conspiracy theory.
  2. Kenny Clark has been designated to take care of Robson who returns from suspension after just been made Captain to curb his behavioural problems.
  3. On reflection we should cheer Brewster onto the technical area when he comes out. Build his arrogance to a new peak and then systematically slaughter his new bunch of travelling mercenaries. Then clap him off at the end. I cannot see the need to be cynical or nasty. Just teach him a lesson before he gets in first.
  4. Don't write off McAllister and Bayne going on a good run. Who knows Keogh might remember he was a prolific scorer when he joined us. Barry could yet start scoring regularly.
  5. Fair and decent and one who does not tolerate whingeing ginger wingers or player managers.
  6. If we sneak this one, Dundee United will be in deep mud or peatbog especially if Motherwell beat them. Dundee United have a very difficult run of games. Having said that, if we blow it, we sink again so this game is titanic. For Brewster it might be the straw that broke the Camel's back and send the Arab to Greece for a long term holiday. This is a massive tug of war and it would be sweet if Barry had the last laugh with Brewster. This game will definitely be our toughest in a long time. We have to be much hungrier to win this game. It means more to us. We have to be tight at closing down Conway's delivery or Robson's delivery and shots.
  7. Brewster felt United ended a good run today so with Robson back next week we must prevent them overtaking us. Tactics will be interesting on both sides. It won't be easy.
  8. We've put him in the shop window to sell to an Aussie club.
  9. In the last few weeks I have heard commentators remark on a number of international goal keepers make mistakes or mis a cross. Leighton dropped a major cross at United. In the world cup top keepers made errors and most needed a spot of like. Mark has worked hard on improving his game. Niemi's career did not take off until his late 20's. Mark will one day crack it at international level but the problem seems to be Walter Smith has something on him from their Ibrox days. Next week Smith has to do a Bullock against Hearts whilst Mark has to hold Brewster's heavily pumped up squad at bay - with some help from everyone else including I hope a big crowd.
  10. It is just a game and our thoughts go out to Ross McCabe for a quick and full recovery. Equally I trust Jimmy's dislocation has been sorted successfully. The Hinckley lad's family have our full support and sympathies.
  11. Motherwell like our stadium. This is a very early stage in the season and had we not won we would have been bottom. Next week is the big test.
  12. Motherwell will see it as a must win game. Craigan will once again be on top form after his Spanish armada experience. Elliot will want to hammer us. However, now that the spectre of Brewster has temporarily passed, I hope no one underestimates the magnitude of the task. We play Dundee United next week and I hope we are utterly focussed on not losing. Livingston were somewhat complacent in adversity last year and responded too late. At this point in the season Motherwell and ourselves have to be looking over their shoulders.
  13. Elgin wanted him. That was about his limits. Surely one of Ross County's worst investments.
  14. If we get cocky the next 33 games could be vital. Last year is now very much history and we have a big fight on our hands. Against Celtic we were poor and lucky. Against Dumbarton we were poor but relieved. This season we have signed just one new player and he was from the First Division. We have been drained by the Dundee United factor and the last attitude we should engender is that the next 4 games are slightly easier. It's time to muscle down and get back to our roots which are about fighting hard for survival and beating the odds. Whether we like it or not we are currently firmly in a relegation fight and until that changes each point will be vital.
  15. Vennegoor of Hesselink sounds big to me. Presumably with a surname that long he will be expected to fill Hartson's shirt. I wonder how the Parkhead faithful will be able to chant that in a ditty.
  16. On a night where Donald got increasingly frustrated by our Players lack of determination there was one bit of light humour the vast majority did not witness which went a little like this... Donald to fourth official - 'Why did he (ref) not play the advantage?' Fourth Official - 'He was looking the other way? Donald - 'He was looking at the ground'. Fourth Official - silence. Crowd in earshot - laughter. Thanks Donald for little humour when you spent all night kicking *** and trying to get the boys to work harder. Also too the fourth official who took it in good spirit just a few minutes after planting a good one liner on Dumbarton's Manager. I have to say last night's match was played in very good spirit and this epitomised that spirit. Long may it continue.
  17. Have not seen the tackle but given the complaints to the police it sounds dreadful and worth a civil action. Roy Keane's challenge on Alf Inge was certainly disgraceful as was Souness on an Icelandic player if I recall correctly. I seem to recall a Spaniard in a disgraceful tackle when it was alleged the leg break was deliberate. Colin Hendry was punished I think for the use of his elbow. The worse live one I have seen was Juanjo's on Lennon at Pittodrie. From the way Lennon toppled over and lay on the ground it was real life threatening and it surprised me Celtic supporters didn't ask the Grampian Contabulary to arrest Juanjo as he left the field of play.
  18. Gringo has a major point here. Last year we underestimated Livingston and if we'd beaten them we might have beaten Dunfermline etc but that is history. We know what happened against Queens Park and recall Ayr and Partick. It is time we started to become a good cup team again. That starts with care against Dumbarton.
  19. Fair points but there is nothing wrong in balancing the books. Some clubs have existed by selling players but achieving little. If an extra few 100 had made it to the Celtic game and likewise St Mirren or Hibernian that might have generated say 150 x £18 x 3 = £8,100. Split that between 20 players and management = £400 extra per month. Not much but a step in the direction of building the club upwards. Our problem is generating more interest from an area with diverse interests. On Sunday it was good to see a minibus from Forres supporting us. Without detracting from the support we get, there are many more businesses who could invest £300 per year in a company season ticket (s) for staff or guests and in a small way invest in their community. On Sunday it was a privilege to see one of the top 10 teams in Britain play us in our stadium in a competitive match. It was also a worry to think that if we had lost the game we might have slipped back into the mire of relegation and 1,000s might in future have lost the chance to witness such a game. We are clearly working hard to shake off 'Brewstergate' and get back to normal. Until more people change their habits and invest a little in the club it is understandable that those who have acted as guarantors will not create the kind of mess that is Tannadice. No one man should have to forfeit a fortune to support his City. It is perhaps time more people found ways to invest in ICT and create a healthier trading account where the players, management and backroom staff are rewarded and the club sustains its ability to pay its way. Inverness and the Highlands would be richer for this.
  20. Considering that was our worst performance at home this season I am sure the most positive aspect of it is that the players know that they can all improve in the next few games. We definitely showed Celtic far too much respect for most of the first half. Credit to the players and management for pulling off a fantastic result and easing our current problem in the lower part of the table.
  21. We should take serious legal advice here. If Dods is forced out by the lure of Dundee United we could for instance get relegated and lose a fortune. The cause in law might be deemed to have been caused by incessant harrassment from a third party i.e. Dundee United plc. The learned Court finds that it was 50% to blame and Dundee United are forced to pay Compensation of 50% X £1,500,000 per year for each year ICT fail to reach the SPL given a 4 year depreciation on Dods worth (He may be able to leave in one year but our business planning assumes we have him for one year and then have to replace him. Under the Companies Acts this type of behaviour would be scorned on by the courts). If Bosman can do it so can we. Dundee United must surely be setting a precedent here. After suing Dundee United we should sue the Agent for inducement to breach a contract and set a precedent there where agents roles are restricted in future to realistic protection for their client in negotiations not downright conflict creation to force a fracture.
  22. Have to disagree a bit here. Down south players like Dods still command a good fee. Can you imagine Hearts being offered £40,000 for Pressley or Aberdeen £40,000 for Anderson? £35,000 is the biggest insult Darren Dods will get in his entire career. One place up the SPL is worth nearly £60,000 and I strongly suspect that Ritchie and Fernandez will bank substantial sums compensation. Dods is a first class professional who deserved to be treated as such by his intended suitors not as a pawn or a piece of property in a bitter divorce. On Grampian tonight it said it was Brewsters final offer. Thank goodness for that.
  23. Strachan has accepted his two game touchline ban!
  24. As long as we don't underestimate Dumbarton.
  25. The critical point is that we don't hand Brewster a win when they come here. I imagine that as the world's worse PR expert and most hated person to set foot in the Highlands Brewster will find himself up against a team with support that wishes to exert retribution for the way he sought to tear us apart - after telling the world he was taking our backroom team and attempting to lure our players to what he described on his very loyal and amicable departure 'a bigger team'. Even Dundee United supporters are not sure if they have been brain washed or not as they are convinced by Brewster that he will take them to the 'promised land' which I suspect for him is Greece. It is unlikely all supporters will follow him.
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