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Everything posted by DoofersDad

  1. This is bad news. You'll be sorely missed in that role, Caley D. Whatever your views on how the club is managed, they do not impact on your ability to do the announcers role, nor (as far as I am aware) have you ever abused that position to suggest any criticism of the Board on match days. Whether you continue as announcer should be purely based on how you perform in that role It seems the Board are seriously losing the plot here. But if there is a positive in this, it is that Board are clearly aware of the criticisms and are aware of comments on this forum. If the Board have any shred of decency then I challenge them to use this forum to answer the criticisms made.
  2. Whilst this is great news, let's not get carried away. Whether Narius is here for the rest of the season or not we are not going to get promoted nor are we going to get relegated. What matters is to get more players tied in to longer contracts because unless that happens soon relegation to division 2 is a real possibility next season.
  3. I expect we would have got even more bullsh*t from the Board. Seriously though, is there any reason that would have made a difference?
  4. Two times Terry call. I go Inverness now.
  5. In an article in the P&J today, TB was calling for more of the killer instinct in front of goal. We'll certainly need that if Bully is leaving because if he has gone I fear we will start leaking goals at the back again.
  6. Maybe it is Eden Court they are thinking of. It used to be a an attractive building outside but is now an eyesore. The design of the extension is totally at odds with the original building from which it has stripped away all character. In fact, it is so bad I believe it has even won an architectural design prize. Inside, the bar and restaurant area used to be attractive and welcoming but the revampred bar is unbelievably ugly and austere whilst the restaurant is like a canteen.
  7. It seems a conference south side didn't want him so maybe he was just sh*te.
  8. As a Villa fan myself I would be delighted if Villa signed him. Villa have a lot of pace up front and in Carew and Heskey they have players who can hold the ball up well. What they don't have is an instinctive striker and they don't come much better than Boyd. I think Boyd could do really well for Villa. As for Barrowman, I think he's just what Birmingham City are looking for.
  9. I don't really think it's a case of choice, more something that they are genetically born with. And anyway, blond Swedish lesbians - how can anyone not approve of that! I think (hope) you mean blonde otherwise it just gets too complicated for the likes of me.
  10. Farcical. Will the SFA now publish a list of those rules clubs need to adhere to and those they don't?
  11. Just as well I read the link. I thought perhaps one of our youngsters was up before the courts.
  12. I've been critical of Butcher's tactics in the past but couldn't fault him last night. First he tells Dougie to warm up in front of section G where he knows a handful of morons will shout abuse at him and wind him up. Then he introduces him to replace Jonny who was the best attacking player on the park by a country mile. The removal of Jonny from the park causes relief in the Motherwell ranks and they suddenly lose focus. The heavy mob are dispatched up the pitch for a set peice and there is Narius to tuck the ball away. Come the 2nd half Dougie is so fired up that inevitably he is there to silence his critics. 2 - 0 and any spirit Motherwell had disappears into the cold night air. Seriously though, a good all round performance with Narius my MOTM. Only Sanchez disappointed and he was rightly subbed fairly early. What was pleasing was the spirit. There was real commitment and a desire to be first to the ball and get the tackles in. But whilst this is all very pleasing it needs to be seen in the context that Motherwell were a poorer side than most sides we have played in the 1st division this season. It will have been a long journey back to Lanarkshire for some.
  13. I agree with Bridge Ender. He did well enough but was never really tested. One of his strengths is the surging runs up the park often with good balls into the centre. If he did go forward at all last night he needed to check back to use his right foot and was less effective. With Hayes on the right there is less need for Tokely to surge forward so maybe the tactic was to give some solidity in the back four. If so, I'd say it worked - this time.
  14. A similar pharmaceutical product for the golfers amongst you.
  15. Where do we draw the line on this though? If the football is called off then maybe they go walking somewhere and the kiddie falls through some thin ice. A child could trip and fall when there was no ice around with the same tragic result. I just think society has moved too far in pandering to H&S issues. You can never eliminate risk so lets try and educate people about hazardous situations so that people can take appropriate actions to minimise risk and let people decide what is reasonable for them. There has to be something wrong in society when you buy a cup of coffee and there is a warning that the container may contain hot liquid. If the attitudes of today had been around in 1990 then there would be nobody reminiscing about the Airdree match today.
  16. Kilmarnock is not a big place and they have been punching above their weight for some time now. I think Jeffries has done a great job for them and I wouldn't be surprised to see them struggle for survival in the SPL.
  17. Does anybody know what the legal position is regarding snow on the roof? Not only can the snow slide off and land on someone else, it can also slide off the front when braking obscuring the view of the driver just at a time when there is a real reason to slow down. Presumably you could consider that the car is not in a roadworthy condition or that you are driving in a manner that poses a risk to fellow road users and pedestrians. I have never seen a car pulled over by the police for this. I think they should be stopped and compelled to clear the roof. They should be told to take their snow back home with them and deposit it in their driveway where it belongs. If that happened, they sure as hell wouldn't do it again. A large proportion of the culprits seem to be drivers of big 4 x 4s who seem to regard the depth of snow on the roof as a status symbol and a reflection of their ability to drive their wonderful vehicles through such deep snow. The reality is that it is not just the snow that is thick. Whilst on the subject of 4 x 4 drivers, is it really necessary for them to fly past at 80mph throwing up clouds of sandy spray and larger peices of grit which damage everybody else's cars. Mind you, I mustn't generalise - I have seen a lot of 4 x 4 drivers driving in a very responsible manner recently when they could easily have gone faster - as usual it is the small minority which give the genre a bad name.
  18. Police will probably call it off again for safety reasons. The snow will have melted, the roads will be ice free so people will be driving faster and that could be dangerous.
  19. Too much baggage, sorry. I think Pele said it himself that any Chairmen would have to be mad to employ him at present. Should be a good bet then. :P
  20. It's maybe not the draw I would choose but I bet Killie and Falkirk like it even less.
  21. If the complications of the English language were not enough on their own, things are made even worse by the huge variety of accents throughout the country. The joke: Q. What's the difference between a bison and a buffalo? A. You can't wash your hands in a buffalo! only becomes funny when said in a brummie accent. Even people in other parts of the UK can really struggle to understand what is being said in a broad Aberdonian or Glaswegian accent, for instance. It never ceases to amaze me just how well people cope with English as their non native tongue
  22. When we had a very poor start to the season everyone seemed to be saying things would be better when Imrie was fit again. Now it seems he can do little right in some people's eyes. His work rate is usually brilliant and if he could only improve in his distribution of the ball he would be one of the most effective players in the league. I hope he stays.
  23. Have you noticed how alcohol can get words mixed up and change their meaning? After a few beers a woman can seem awfully pretty but in the morning appear pretty awful (or so I'm told)
  24. I can't see why there should be any debate; Boyd is far and away the best striker Scotland have got or have had for many years. His record speaks for itself and is even more impressive when you consider the number of times he has only appeared as a substitute. He should be first on the team sheet with a side picked to compliment his strengths. If there was a UK team he would be the only Scot in the squad on present form. Its a bit like saying Don Bradman should not have been in the Australian Cricket team. "yes, he scored a few runs but what else did he contribute to the team?"
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