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Caley Mad In Berks

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Everything posted by Caley Mad In Berks

  1. Sack all the striking cabin crew and start again.
  2. I can go much further back than that, to when Highland boasted a regular Scottish internationalist, in Nairn McEwan!
  3. H/T 1-1 F/T 3-1 ICT Sanchez Raith Smith Crowd 2651
  4. H/T 1-2 F/T 2-4 ICT Lionel QOS Holmes Crowd 2351
  5. Personally, I see Lionel replacing Golly as an improvement. I've seen Golly 5 times now as Lionel's replacement and would not rate him more than 6/10 on any of these occasions, and on at least two of them down at about 2/10. Only my opinion of course, but at least give LDZ a chance.
  6. My main career was in IT. I worked for ICL for 26 years before being made redundant at the age of 51. I then started my own small company specialising in the Project Management and installation of computer based systems. I wound this company up a few years ago when I reached 60, since when I have done as little as possible, apart from some part time limo/chaffeur work. These days i just do some voluntary work for a couple of well known charities.
  7. That's not his first absolute craacker this year, either. Wish we still had him!
  8. Just home after another long, and again disappointing 'away' day, where we proved once again that we just can't hang on to a lead. I thought we were worth a draw today, though. Couldn't see Partick's goals because of the fog so don't know who, if anyone, was culpable. We played some tidy football at times, and finished the game strongly, but in truth, for all our pressure, didn't really create more than half chances. Mid table finish for us this season I fear.
  9. No. I'm sure he'll go at season end if we don't go up.
  10. In my experience the humane traps you can buy are useless. Much better with the old fashioned ones, but watch your fingers setting them! Peanut butter seems to be a good bait for the little beggers.
  11. H/T 0-2 F/T 0-3 ICT Hayes PT Buchanan Crowd 3051
  12. Just got my flights booked. Hope to make it to Munns by 2ish if plane is on time. Really looking forward to a repeat of last week's first half, only lasting a bit longer this week.
  13. Just got back home, disappointed, but nevertheless moderately encouraged. I haven't got time to read 10 pages of this thread, so forgive me if my comments are repeating what others have said. Absoluely great first half - should have been 4 or 5 up. Hayes magnificent. Douglas made a couple of outstanding saves. Gave it away in 2nd half. Didn't initially spot that their first goal was og from Bulvitis!. All three of their goals came from attacks down Golly's side. I think that says it all. If Lionel had been at left back he would have been held solely responsible, but I'd venture that there has been little criticism aimed at Golly. Imrie foolish, but I don't think it was worth a straight red. Other than that the ref had a good game. Good to see a few faces I recognised in the Tulloch, plus met one or two I hadn't known before.
  14. 9am inspection not much good to me and any others flying up from London. I'll be half way to Edinburgh by then. I suppose I can ring the ground from Edinburgh airport, and until then just keep my fingers crossed.
  15. We'll play it in your back garden then!
  16. As my original forecast has been called off, I'll have Elgin v Forfar, draw @ 3.50, please
  17. H/T 1-1 F/T 3-1 ICT Hayes Dundee Higgins Crowd 7951 Yellow Tokeley
  18. As a poster, although only occasional, for many years, I can say that I have noticed quite a change in the forum over that time. There seems to be less 'fun' these days and much of the banter now seems to have an edge to it which wasn't there before, which I find regretful. This seems to coincide with the influx of new, younger posters, many of whom have no old Caley or Thistle loyalties, which in itself used to contribute to a lot of the banter in 'ye olden days'. I'm sure this new breed of supporter is the future of both the club and the forum, but it doesn't mean old dinasaurs like me have to like it. Maybe I'd be more tolerant if their posts indicated that they had at least attended school and learned to speak our language. But, perhaps as they mature and develop a culture of their own, things will settle down and the forum may return to a style of 'reasoned debate', rather than the current abuse and name calling which prevails at present. In the meantime I can only add my thanks to the administrators and moderators who carry out a thankless task with patience and, in the main, good humour.
  19. I'm flying up to Edinburgh on Sunday morning, arriving 10ish. I'm hiring a car to get to Perth. As the trains are so bad, if anyone wants a lift from the Edinburgh area to/fro Perth, then just let me know. Contact me by PM.
  20. Presumably Robbo and Ossie Ardiles will have their applications in by now!
  21. We're definitely living with a 'compensation' culture these days, copied of course from America. One of the most jaw dropping, but successful, compensation claims I read about was the mother who got hundeds of thousands of dollars from a supermarket for tripping over an unsupervised child. Turns out that it was her own child!
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