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Council Juice

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Everything posted by Council Juice

  1. Might Be that Michael Barnes Fella? Perhaps talking to him about him..... Or they both may have just been at the same place coincidently.
  2. Shocking to concede a goal to that muck, Get Brewster out NOW! Nah well played today, Gretna haveat least tried to keep the leagues integrity going despite their troubles. A 6-1 gubbing is probably not really what they need but well done to ICT for a professional job!
  3. Very much in agreement, we really need to revamp the defence and get a towering centre half in again. Someone with authority. A striker with real pace and zip about him wouldn't go amiss either.
  4. Has anyone actually come out to defend brew? It seems he's lost everyone. Fans, players, everyone. He has confessed he doesn't know the problem. Therefore he can't know the solution. Therefore we need someone who does!
  5. If Hamilton don't get up. Billy Reid would be my 1st choice. I'd take McInnes too! NOT Williamson!
  6. He can't even come up with decent cliched comments " We could have played till midnight and not scored" WE DID SCORE! and 1st albeit a penalty, we should at least stay tight if we can't get goals. Our defence this season is among the worst in the league which is very disheartening as last season it was 3rd or 4th BEST. Come back Dods please!
  7. Get rid of Brew....He Aint got a clue. Gee it rythmes!
  8. In regard to what i said where? Its all over the papers, coming from players mouths anything i said.
  9. I'm mortified at todays result to Kilmarnock and this year has been like that for 10 games now. I think Brewster is over the honeymoon period and if he doesn't step down, Someone should remove him from the position. (the capital S in Someone suggests divine intervention as the board have no stones) I've thought of several reasons for his need to leave. Here are a few: Thats no wins in 10 I think now and only 5 scored He sold probably our most in form player and most creative in John Rankin because he was to lazy to get anything from him and isolated him. He only got 100k for him. Motinho of Falkirk was about to be sold for 250k before he missed a flight and thats with 6 months on his contract. I rate Rankin as a far better player than Motinho (excuse spelling) who had longer on contract and was scoring important goals. I'd say ?250k would be a steal. I live in Edinburgh and Hibs fans have showered praise on Rankin and particularly noted his eagerness to take a shot. I hate Hibs. This is not on to see hibs doing well and Hibs fans happy! - That is also Brews fault!! He pissed of Duncan with his contract before he re signed thankfully and now he's went back on Wyness's contract, torn it up and told him to wait until the end of the season. Wyness therefore feels let down, hurt and without any options other than to secure him and his familes future by looking for a new club. Wyness is a club legend. 101 goal in 239 games. He is a fans favourite and even if he was surplus to requirements should not be treated this shoddily. There are 3 players that Brewster has annoyed with his shoddy man management. 3 player who have been great servants. Even Rankin for his season and a half. It's no coincidence we've only won against gretna since he left. Last and most important reason. Brewster is, and always shall be.... a ***!
  10. Is this our Rory? Have we let Rory Mc go to Peterhead on Loan or permanant transfer? Can't think there is any other Rory MacCallister who'd score on debut that could have possibly signed for Peterhead. Any info?
  11. Given the amount of penalties we've had against us this season it was well deserved. now just a few OG's and we'll be ok.
  12. I personally was annoyed when CB was reappointed given the less than graceful manner in which he left (although i can understand why he did - club he loves, home, bigger club history and importantly a larger budget) and i was openly critical at times (on here too probably) when Rankin, Black and Park were all seemingly being forced out. HOWEVER since then we've won 4 on the trot. Rankin and Black have hit great form (Hope they can fulfill their potential and at Caley.) and the Brewster, Thompson combo is working nicely with us winning at home and away. So i'll eat humble pie gladly and say well done Brew. Im glad your proving me and others wrong too. Keep up the good work.....and keep Rankin and Black!
  13. In my opinion the only time the ball should leave the ground from an outfield player is for crosses (or occasionally if the defence is playing a flat high line which can be got in behind. If we play the long ball against Dun Utd we'll get slaughtered. Wilkie and Dods will lapp that up!
  14. NO Simply because i felt he thought he was better than us when he left and fell flat in his face. He always offered alot as a player so was good to have. Unfortunately i dont think he is all that good at putting the right team out to start with never mind effective subs. A good manager picks the right team without needing to change things to often. Some managers are brilliant when it comes to a tactical change but if you get your tactics right to start then it's not a skill that is always required. Sadly i feel Brewster often fails on both fronts. I'll still get behind the team though. Mind you, haven't been to a game in donks. Might go to the next Hearts/Hibs game in Edinburgh. I'll tell you what though, i wont abuse the manager or the players if they dont get it right irregardless of whether I like Brewster or not.
  15. Rankin got on at the hour mark today. How'd he do? anyone?
  16. Why boo your own players? especially youth players who are learning their trade! It beggars believe!! Rory aint gonna get better by booing him and yes he isn't the best player at the club but i'm sure he tries otherwise the management would release him. Give him a break! I'll never say im ashamed to support the club because of some narrow minded retardations! But these idiots dont half peev me off. grrrr!
  17. I was hoping when he scored in the cup a few months back that would be his duck broken and he'd start scoring on a semi regular basis. Alas this has failed to materialise. I think he might just be taking time to settle. Always a gamble signing eastern europeans who havent played in the UK before. Often takes time for them to settle. It never happened for Rebrov or Mutu and still hasn't really for ?30m of Shevchenko. Lets hope that Marius WILL carrius into the top 6!
  18. I'd rather keep Rankin, be he a luxury or not. It's always handy to have someone who can be quiet then BANG, goal. Goals win matches not activity. He has scored some good goals and is a midfield goal threat. With his lack of action this season we've been woeful. Maybe says something?!? Marcus has shown he can score when he's played but he is as surplus to requirements AND is injury prone. McBain is not good enough in midfield. 2nd choice Left Back. And Morgan has a little potential but little else. He needs to show something proper. If it is Rankin out for McGuire then, that, is sheer lunacy! McGuire has never been SPL standard and cant even get a game for a poor Dunfermline team. What are a team with supposed top 6 aspirations signing a 1st division reserve? I was unsure of bringing back Brew. He left us in a bad way. Ditched us and came back with tail between legs. So far he hasnt done anything to show he was a good re appointment. I'd rather have had Robbo back, even with his post match whining!
  19. I tell thee. He is an impregnable fortress! He feels no real pain
  20. Not good enough for us - Robson or Henry!
  21. The trialist is 6'3 according to footie website profiles and was at ajjaco before being released. Ajjaco are a top end 2nd flight french team who were in the 1st flight 2 seasons ago. He was never a regular though and was loaned out last season to the 3rd tier where he got more games.
  22. I dont see the point in getting on the guys back. He's not that bad. CC and Park obviously see something in him. Its just a case of getting him to reproduce his ability in the 1st team. And shame on the boo boys! Like to see some of those fat eejits do any better! :018: If theres one thing i cant stand is fans who boo their own players individually. Boo the team for a shocker - let them know what you think. Sure no problem, but booing a 20yr old low on confidence and on the fringes of the team is out of order and completely self defeatist to the teams cause. I remember Bert Konterman getting boo'd once and saw his head go right down. He was an absolute cart horse clutz but i felt sorry for him and my estimation of how low rangers fans could go sunk unbelievably even further. Are we not better than that?
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