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  1. Today
  2. Ross was very well-intentioned and deep-pocketed, but he delegated and deferred, when action was needed, until it got so bad that I'm sure all the enjoyment (and spare change) had gone. Sliding doors with a different CEO sadly. Seven key ICT staff resigned in early 2019 protest of the previous CEO's behaviour (Yvonne Crook). The answer to all that? Scot Gardiner! To be fair to Ross, those hirings were under Graham Rae's 'stewardship', but was on the board and the rancour continued after he departed. Whatever happens next - the board have a simple choice. To do what is easy, or do what is right. To drop the partisan stuff and choose real sustainability and community - at the best level of football that allows, or keep gambling scarce resources on the short-term 'Premiership-at-all-costs' approach through two people who have no discernible ability, or particular affinity to ICT, and who treat clubs like bon-bons. Time will tell.
  3. It was Kelty that brought it forward by a month: '...due to the loud negative opinions from the fans to the idea of moving to Kelty, I feel that bringing this forward might be better timing' Another of the ex-Chairman's Evel Knievl logical leaps there. fans...and... Alan Savage, Roy MacGregor, former players, staff, ex-staff, Richard Gordon, Tom English et al It wasn't an idea, it was announced and agreed They weren't opinions - more like sound and reasoned arguments and reservations “Hearing fans saying they would prefer administration to training the first team in Kelty sent a shiver down my spine". Aye, a shiver because of ex-Chairman's director loan account and other assets, I'll be bound. The depth of feeling, and lack of alternatives/consultation from the board, led to such extremes. No doubt, that'll be his mantra when it happens. Quite aside from the actual plan itself --announcing Kelty without any consultation with A N other was - and remains - an act against the club --Announcing as 'delighted to...' was massively crass in the extreme --Announcing and agreeing it without having checked that Fife Council were even aware/had agreed was amateur and gross dereliction When administration does come - the Kelty smokescreen will recede, and the late accounts, neglect of professional football's basics in favour of failed speculative gambles, mismanagement of contract and application writing, treatment of fans with disdain and contempt, partisan infighting, throwing scarce resources away needlessly at unqualified and incompetent CEOs and managers, to the extent that ex-players were having to buy the footballs, will be the legacy.
  4. Yesterday
  5. Looks like we could be staying put after latest news just breaking!!
  6. Kelty is the only place we will not be running a bus to, unless matters are resolved satisfactorily.
  7. Thank you for the feedback. We will continue to work hard on behalf of our membership and the wider fan base.
  8. The Supporters Trust issued an update to our members last night, which can be viewed at this link: https://www.ictsupporterstrust.org/post/the-past-15-days Thank you for all the positive feedback we have received about our efforts, which is greatly appreciated. If you are not a member of the Trust (anyone joining now will have their membership apply until the end of July 2025) you can join using this link: https://www.ictsupporterstrust.org/join-us Use this link to make a subscription or donation to Stronger Together, and we would highlight again that the Trust Board will only use this to purchase shares in the club when it is has sought and received commitments from the club Board: https://www.ictsupporterstrust.org/stronger-together
  9. Last week
  10. Potentially very awkward if we haven't got a team.
  11. Apparently Boydie now lives in Inverness and is known to frequent some pubs in town.
  12. We will be in Gran Canaria from 8-15 June, in a hotel which we've been to before. That means our last night will be in front of a telly, watching the opening game. This hotel is very popular with Germans
  13. IBM

    New ICT Podcast

    I finally found the time to listen to it tonight and well done to the guys involved and I just hope the chairman will take heed and sort out the main problem!
  14. The Courier has picked up on the financial implications of fans not renewing season tickets: https://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/sport/supporters-trust-say-ict-set-to-lose-200-000-from-fan-boyc-352180/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
  15. Mods - please forgive me for posting this in the Caley Thistle forum. It's just to ensure that people see it. Please go ahead and lock the topic here if you wish. If you are responding, then please either PM me, or reply to the "Olde Inverness" thread at https://caleythistleonline.com/topic/36270-any-info-about-roddy-fraser-inverness-thistle-1920s/ ---- Does anyone here have any information about Roddy Fraser, who was the Jags' left-back and captain in the 1920s? I met one of my wife's relatives last week, who is Roddy Fraser's great-nephew, and who would be keen to know more about him. I have found a 1924-25 team photo of Thistle on Am Baile. And also the story from last year of one of his medals turning up at auction, and then being returned to another great-nephew, Roddy Dyce. He's also included in team listings for Inverness selects in the 1920s. But no one has written a proper history of Thistle. Any more information will be gratefully received!
  16. Does anyone here have any information about Roddy Fraser, who was the Jags' left-back and captain in the 1920s? I met one of my wife's relatives last week, who is Roddy Fraser's great-nephew, and who would be keen to know more about him. I have found a 1924-25 team photo of Thistle on Am Baile. And also the story from last year of one of his medals turning up at auction, and then being returned to another great-nephew, Roddy Dyce. He's also included in team listings for Inverness selects in the 1920s. But no one has written a proper history of Thistle. Any more information will be gratefully received!
  17. Iain Vigurs (now 36) released by Cove, having played just 29 minutes this season.
  18. Duncan Ferguson should have done the right thing and resigned after the Hamilton debacle. No pay offs , severance pay,nothing. He should have held his hand up and admitted his failings when trying to build a team out of lower level loanees. This was an absolutely awful experiment doomed to failure and the financial repercussions are now coming home to roost. We have lost a whole season of developing young players the likes of Bray, Hyde etc for what..... Relegation. FFS I know we lost Deas and Allardice but the nucleus of a capable squad was still there. Capable enough to avoid relegation anyway.
  19. Earlier
  20. Well done to the young man. Great wee player. I only managed one game this season and didn't really feel anyone deserved a vote
  21. Apparently both Esson and Kellacher are highly respected coaches and if not for the fact they are settled here they'd have been poached by bigger clubs a long time ago. If that's the case then I can't see them wanting to relocate. If they were going to relocate then it would be for better than we could offer them in Kelty.
  22. Jordan White for County in the play offs today.
  23. To be fair, in his statement the other day when he talked about unity, he certainly has united the fans. He's successfully united us all against the board!
  24. I'm sure they/he will. They've ignored the ST at every turn including the well presented match day survey. They stopped the 'fans forum' after 3 closed sessions. They lied through their teeth to Section 94 (do they still exist?). They've had an non existent SLO for years - where is he in all this now? As soon as they were were even mildly challenging of the club they blocked TWS podcast. After the call to unity a couple of days ago this is all the more farcical. Surely the board can't be this oblivious? Gardiner is a cancer at the club and absolutely nothing will improve until he slithers away.
  25. In light of today's announcement about the club training at Kelty next season, the meeting on 4 June has been rescheduled and will now take place at 7pm at the Caley Club on Tuesday 28 May. We had a lot of interest in the original meeting so it would be helpful, if you plan to attend, if you could register your interest in the meeting. A fresh thread will be started shortly for the new meeting date.
  26. Went to a few matches towards the end of the season : No apparent urgency considering our increasingly perilous position. Clueless going forward : no idea what to do from 30 yards in. No fight. A glaring example was Hamilton's second goal in the first leg : there were four or 5 ICT defenders around the 6 yard box and none of them jumped or made any effort to attack the ball, watching the Hamilton player as he scored with no challenge. No shape / plan / leader. Team made up of individuals and it showed horribly. Truly truly awful : we need people in charge who have a passion for the club as we did in our first 20 years.
  27. Starting in May with a good home win against Morton. Into the playoffs away to Montrose for a 0 - 0 draw then home to Montrose getting a 1 - 0 win then getting beat 2 - 1 away to Hamilton and again 2 - 3 at home putting us down to League 1 The winner for April is Cameron Harper with Samson Lawel and Cameron Kerr close behind. Thank you for all your votes this season keeping going right to our final game even when things were not going well for our club
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