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  2. It was Kelty that brought it forward by a month: '...due to the loud negative opinions from the fans to the idea of moving to Kelty, I feel that bringing this forward might be better timing' Another of the ex-Chairman's Evel Knievl logical leaps there. fans...and... Alan Savage, Roy MacGregor, former players, staff, ex-staff, Richard Gordon, Tom English et al It wasn't an idea, it was announced and agreed They weren't opinions - more like sound and reasoned arguments and reservations “Hearing fans saying they would prefer administration to training the first team in Kelty sent a shiver down my spine". Aye, a shiver because of ex-Chairman's director loan account and other assets, I'll be bound. The depth of feeling, and lack of alternatives/consultation from the board, led to such extremes. No doubt, that'll be his mantra when it happens. Quite aside from the actual plan itself --announcing Kelty without any consultation with A N other was - and remains - an act against the club --Announcing as 'delighted to...' was massively crass in the extreme --Announcing and agreeing it without having checked that Fife Council were even aware/had agreed was amateur and gross dereliction When administration does come - the Kelty smokescreen will recede, and the late accounts, neglect of professional football's basics in favour of failed speculative gambles, mismanagement of contract and application writing, treatment of fans with disdain and contempt, partisan infighting, throwing scarce resources away needlessly at unqualified and incompetent CEOs and managers, to the extent that ex-players were having to buy the footballs, will be the legacy.
  3. Yesterday
  4. 40 days to sort out the mess the club is in off the park and find the money to sign players to put a team on the park. Given everything that's happened there's no way the board can trust Gardiner to play any part in that.
  5. Maybe even undercut the £1 paid for Rangers.
  6. He has had 34 games to keep us up, he hasn’t. What cost in keeping him. Can you see him wanting to stat in L1 ????? Bad times
  7. Wonder now if any of the vocal critics will be stepping up with £1.5m to keep the club afloat?
  8. About time too. We appreciate his money and commitment, but sometimes it’s not enough. We need competent people to run our Club.
  9. The last line he states football clubs shouldn't be doing any daft stuff like battery farms. I seem to recall an open letter he wrote supporting the proposal . Strange.
  10. In other news, Clach have put their season tickets on sale. £150 for adults, £75 for concessions of 60+... ...just incase Mr Gardiner's stubbornness prevails and Kelty goes ahead
  11. Statktraft have walked as well
  12. We're not going to win eight all season with DF in charge...goalie or not.
  13. I occasionally read his articles, when they reach the front page of the Grauniad's website. I actually thought that was one of his better articles. Until that bit
  14. This will be like the transfer day deadline waiting for any news to come through and usually there is nothing.
  15. Yes, an interesting read. Nice to hear some common sense from a former Chairman. Someone who would like to see the club become a football club again.
  16. The club shop! Is that where you can buy the club at a discounted rate?
  17. I'm shocked we haven't put out the club shop opening hours! Something must be badly wrong.
  18. Beeb suggesting it could be - board meeting tonight? Just read Alan Savage’s piece in the Courier. Doesn’t pull his punches about the imbecilic move and how he needs to ringfence his financial support and won’t deal with Gardiner. Ryan Christie bought footballs last year because there was no money? What kind of priorities has the board had? Crazy.
  19. If we win our first 8 games without a goalie, I'll put a pound on us romping the league
  20. And as usual nothing on the official site I presume they might issue a statement next week
  21. Interesting, isn’t it, the difference between the views of some people who take a central belt perspective and the local or locally sympathetic view. Also “Inverness could win their first eight matches next season…” Could they REALLY?
  22. I was reminded of David Cameron after the Brexit referendum.
  23. Good riddance. Let's hope that weasel Gardiner follows suit. The whole thing stinks of corruption from the pair of them.
  24. Totally agree. I had some sympathy for him before this but to just walk away and say it’s your mess now, you deal with it is ridiculous when he’s allowed it to get to this point.
  25. I would suggest Administration is more likely with the plan than without it. Not a shred of any argument has been given as to why we would get a better team through this plan or why targeted players would choose us over central belt teams. And because players are not locally based, it is inevitable that a lot of fans would increasingly lose interest.
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