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Everything posted by gordyfromsneck

  1. "And at the next junction I'd like you to turn right, then further right....." hahaha Fair do's on the edit. I coudn't find him anyway, using none of the various permutations of his name. All I got was stuff about some pop-group from the eighties from Dundee, with a dead singer...
  2. I dont think this is a problem as it is all in the public domain now. There are 5 in Inverness, one a sojer, another a driving instructor, who offers "discounts for BNP members". If that's not an incentive to join then I dont know what is... No, I am not going to post a link, but if you do find it use CTRL - F to search. I think this not a good thing, as such info could make for some very nasty witch hunting on a face to face basis.
  3. Apparently the leaked BNP list contains the names of two SPL footballers. Whilst naming names could put this highly esteemed website in the mire, does anybody have any idea who these patriots could be?
  4. Grant Munro?? Yes. Well done for Jamie. Just a shame that he cant get a game in the leaky ICT defence.
  5. This is a good post. Even Bayne/Rooney. The "new broom" policy on strikers was an enormous mistake. Heard at the weekend from a very reliable source that after the contract had been agreed, Brew withdrew the contract from Dennis, when he failed to score in the 20 minutes of his last game. Dennis had a satisfactory deal with St.Mirren before the week was out. badbadbad
  6. It matters not a whit about passion or anything whether the manager waves his arms about or not. Pele had Caldwell do it for him. BUT Mark this and mark this well. Much as Robbo would love to be here, he will never return whilst Sutherland is in the frame. This from a good source. The End.
  7. Barrowman was and is a disappointment. Should now replace wood as 3rd choice striker. Rooney is going to be very good soon. Cowie and Black were sorely missed. Hearts are a "very physical" side. Tokely as always was good going forward, but a liability at the back. Bazza, shoudl not start, Vigurs, who was great should have been on from the start with Bazza, coming on at 60 or so, according to the scoreline. Imrie is still learning, but was my MOM. Energetic and committed. Sure he fell over a few times, but so would you if you were as pished as he was the night before Best find for a yonk. Duncan can read a game very well, but cant pass a ball. Esson has the ambition to get the high early ball out, but our front players still dont expect it. The damage was done when the Hearts goal went in, and a predictable outcome, no matter how exciting the end was. Hearts were there for the beating and we didnt. The gates as suffering, and will continue to do so , until we start a bit of home from. Still, two aways next and thus two wins, I am sure.
  8. Can you tell me who will win the next Grand National, please.
  9. Yeah, he is quite striking. My old memory may be playing me tricks, but did the Flappy the Falkirk keeper actually swing on the crossbar, a la McLoy, as he watched the ball get put in? Rooney should be first striker down NFQ, with either of the other two with him. I thought Imrie did well, but it is still Bazza who can change a game. A half at a time is all he can do. He needs that new contract, as do we. Tokely is good going forward, but still leaving loads of room, which curiously Bazza has to fill, leaving him more tired for his real job. Considering he used to get pelters for not going back to help, this is a curious affair. I would rest Tokely, get Duff back at centre and put Proc, future Scotland captain remember, at RB. I accept the line of sight argument for Essons inactiity, but by gosh it looked awfully like ballwatching. The worst I have seen by a keeper in a looong time. Much to celebrate in the second half, maybe we could have two of them on Saturday!
  10. Just watched the Beeb highlights... Corking second goal from the Cowie Imrie buildup to Blackies superb execution. The way Imrie ran across taking teh defenders with him was the mark of a footballer. Blackie will be in demand soon. Great save by Esson, not quite sure how he did it, though. Strange penalty as from my PC it looked like Nish tripped up Hastings in a kind of judo tackle. Hard to tell from the edit though. That Bamba is a bit slick though. Mind you Hibs have always looked good going forward, but frequently flatter to deceive. Looking forward to Wednesday, for a change.
  11. If we are talking discrete catchments, then County take a travelling kids school, all over ICTs area. They go as far south as Badenoch, out to Nairn Forres, Fort Augustus and all points North. It is well run and attended. Only in the last year or two has ICT offered and alternative. Country were waaay ahead of the game in the Heelans.
  12. Agreed, Robertson was excellent. Yes, he is refreshing! He is treating it as an extended job in terview. All in vain I fear. He was also apparently disappointed to leave here.
  13. Gosh it is strange reading this, as I am still listening to it live! Great result, but it sounds like we could have got more - sounds like Cowie and others have got into good attacking positions. Certainly didnt expect the penalty save, either. Jump 2 teams in the league! Brewster must stay!
  14. My thoughts exactly! FACT: Many Asian and Chinese military personnel died in the service of the UK in the Great War, both as active fighter, but most likely in the case of the Chinese as engineers. Whilst the Remembrance process had a strongly national ideology at first, it has, since after WW2 become to be for those who die in smaller conflicts internationally. Germany has long since had an official presnece at the National ceremony at the Cenotaph, and whilst the Japan government has been a bit ambiguous in its attitude to WW2, it is certainly not unusual to see representatives from that country at these ceremonies. I have a great deal of difficulty however with the idea of military heroism. From my reading it had much more to do with social and culural coercion rather than what we might today call bravery. The rhetoric is insidious and is still around today, in claims about terrorism, illegal immigrants and axis of evil. The need still exists to demonise those whose ideals are different from our own. And anyone who has ever been sneered at in a Moslem country knows it cuts both ways. War is the enemy and only through cultural and sporting links can we achieve brotherhood. The politicians serve the ends of big business and are not to be trusted. Only the groundsman knows the true story and he aint telling.
  15. From GEOs excellent report..."...Rooney had a good penalty claim turned down..." This is happening quite often now. Perhaps he shoud take some diving lessons from Bazza and CC. Good news too about Bazza at RB, perhaps hat will be a good halfway house for when he tires of doing all that running. This may be what he needs to justif a contract extension. And also managerial kudos to whoever thought of trying it...
  16. Glad I clicked the link there, I really thought you meant something else and was going to complain to the mods about taste and all that!! *ahem*
  17. I was in the mistaken impression that he was on a three-year. Shorter the better, obviously as that puts the club in the driving seat. I cant see any club rushing for him this time. He has got it all to prove this time, as it may be his last chance. Better get the finger out then, CB.
  18. I believe you are right. At the end of the year, innit? Will he get an extension? Is he worth it? Brew decide!
  19. Traynor was fairly despatching to our callers - patronise then show them the door - his gist was that we would not be going down, even under CB, but predictably didnt follow that up with any analysis. Which is really the whole BBC game for ICT. Of course CB saw Arabs as a step up, and yes, if you want to move that metaphor on, returning to ICT would have been a step down, but with, and this is crucial, the chance to build and imprint his own personality onto a still young club as opposed to one with a great history. Many are still reeling about this departure like wee Heelan bairnies, losing their toffee to a big boy. Get over it. These things happen in the big boys league. Traynor correctly pulled that sh1te apart. He is here now, and has a big contract. The question is Has he got anything to offer? For the answer see a gazillion other threads....
  20. That tube on the radio, Jim Thing, doesn't give a sh1te about the two ICT callers, just wants to usher them off and get on with talking about the OF. If it was 5-0 against Hamilton, then I would be calling for Brews head,but today was out of the ordinary. As the Mannie said, we are no worse than 8 or so other teams. Bit of tightening up to do, though.
  21. I remember getting beaten 5-0 by Clyde when we were in Div 1, the season we won it. These things happen. Clean sheet for the next game. Good post by me, not even a word about Craig Brewster. There is a broken pane of glass in the shed, I am going to go and clean it out and see if there is anything to put in its place. Goodbye.
  22. That's 5. These things happen. Its important to not let a habit start though, as my Mrs said.
  23. I am glad I am a season ticket holder and pay by direct debit in the payment scheme. One signature and I can forget about it. I am certain that if I had to dig into my pocket and pull out two tenners and a fiver for some of the half-@rsed sh1te we have been watching recently, I would be a lot less regular. I tip my hat to those that loyally do, especially those that take kids along. You deserve better. "Theatre of dreams" indeed.
  24. To paraphrase Dougal Haston, or somebody. "There is no such thing as bad weather, only boring football". When we are challenging for a European place we will get half the town along.
  25. This poster is correct. The reason there is so much animosity is that Brew is not liked. If he was a "man of the people", like Pele eg, it would be "good times round the corner", "just a few wee tweaks" and so on. But no, flashy dresser, unorthodox football history, and of course, The Betrayal, and the blood gets bayed for. He may seem like a slow learner at times, but he is with us now, and he will be here for a while yet. And we will be staying up.
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