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Everything posted by gordyfromsneck

  1. The whole show went tiss-up when Blackie left. It was heedless chicken time all round. NO structure, formation, ideas. Though Rooney took his goal well, the attack is a toochless dog, lotsa bark, no bite. The young lads need to learn how to shoot ON SIGHT. Several times in goalmouth scrambles, Wood, especially wanted to trap and kick, a luxury that is rarely granted in the SPL. Wallop the fecker! Hopeully Barrowman will come back as first choice, but we need an old head. And yes, letting all our strikers go at once was a bad idea, but of the three the most missed is Dennis. Money needs spent here. No we didnt play badly, but were outthought by McGhee. I still dont think we are relegation fodder, but most of the teams in the league are only two games away from bottom. I think we well may be at the foot by next Saturday at 5.
  2. On the contrary, unless he starts banging in a serious number of goals, I see a lot to worry about! It seems like a lose/lose here. Can we get any official clarification? Boardroom Banter perhaps?
  3. As everybody, except WGS, says it was a great game today. Very excitingstuff and some good footbal on display. For me the only difference was that if Barrowman was playing wemight have got a couple of these chances. Wood's first touch needs lots of work, but he is young and offers much more than Rory. However, we still need a striker, in the January sales - though all are talented, none are capable of carrying our seasons amibitions. Imrie was MOM by a mile, top workrate, vision and skills. Purchase of the year, even this early. Black's second tackle was mistimed rather than aggressive and kudos to the ref for noticing that. The ref generally had a good game, today, against all odds, and may even have been a homer. Nice to see Robson getting kicked from a'hole to breakfast. He was a fan's fave when he did his diving for us. Much promise here. We will put a barrowload past M'well if we play like that, but then again, the cameras wont be there, at least not the big ones. Talking of cameras, this shot from the BBC website of Loovens goal makes interesting viewing. Looking at the angles, I would suggest that Rosco was trying to defend from a kneeling position. He is becoming a luxury player. Get Proctor back! Maybe the sun was in his eyes.
  4. Great to see Granty get a big feature on the Scottish news last night. "Playing football in yer home town at the top level. What could be better than that?" What indeed. A fine advert that says that lifestyle is much more important than hard cash, though I am sure Granty gets enough to save for his post-playing days. A fine exemplar to all young Heelanders, footballers or not. Brew seemed genuinely appreciative to have him commit. He finished with..."And I still go to my Mam's for tea on a Sunday." (Made up bit)
  5. We are about where I thought. Just to be contrary, I predict that this will be our best season ever. It will be far from pretty, but we will be Top 6, after bobbling about a bit. Thereafter we will pick up at least one other place. This is the season when the Brewster plan begins to click into shape.
  6. Billy Bremner? No thanks. Jimmy Johnstone? No thanks. Willie Henderson? No thanks. The multiple clubs is probably more an African thing. Folk can take a while to get acclimatised.
  7. Yes, indeedy, Jnr/Snr, to these tired eyes focussing blearily on the BBC website it seemed that Hastings was waaay out of position, hence a rather panic stricken run back to launch a tackle that would have been too late anyway. But generally, we should be kinder, the goal was good, no-one is going to outjump Wilkie and it really is pretty much a no-blame game. The question is...can we take that???
  8. Hahaha. Stunning work! I guess I will have to put my money where my mouth is now! I'll get one for my Dad too.
  9. Slick as heck, CaleyD, you are to be commended on your enterprise. A few ideas... * "Sweetie rustler" with an image of a delicious Werther's original, all shiny and waiting to be unwrapped! The reverse could read "Keep the noise down, please." * The pint glass image could be modified to be half drunk, and then text with "Glass half-full type." or "Glass half-empty type" * An image of CB with a text saying "Brewster must stay" on one side and "Brewster must go" on the other side. Possibly also "Pasta and Olive oil" Might have a go for Christmas.
  10. To paraphrase Shakespeare, "The bad that men do lives after them, the good is often interred with their bones." Not sure if it can be called wrong, but in many cases necessary. People are not always free agents to make rational choices. Ask anyone who lived through those crazy happy days, Pele was, and is still family, thats why we still get these "SP is coming back!" rumours and pleas. I think this puts the nail in that coffin for a long time.
  11. Like alcoholism these are illneses that interfere with having a healthy ans sutainable life. Like a sheep, I too wish him all the best.
  12. Fraid I disagree. I have been a fan for many seasons, but now feel that he should be working for his place, for too long he has been an automatic. I would like to see him rested and Proctor coming in. It worked for Imrie, and may also work for Cowie. Yes, there have been gaps left, which should have been filled by teammates, but many times he has just been skinned. Managers know his wing is a weak spot and will work it. Having said that he is still one of our most inspiring players on his game.
  13. Yes. And watch how many defensive headers he wins, many of them against chaps a good few inches taller. Timing is key. Other players, McGuire not the only one, are already on the way down when the ball arrives. Blackies celebration...he points at his head, then mimics his own heading action, as if to say "Me! With my head!" Joyful, as was Barrowmans run in front of the main stand. Best day at TCS for a yonk and a half! moremoremore
  14. Haphaphapiest day at ICT snce many an age! All the team going forward looking for each other despite a Kille side that were here to play. Vigurs caught the eye in particular, though Imrie, Blakci ena Barrowman also looked like they were weel up for it. McGuire? Well for a defender, he's a great striker. Was it one of the friendlies where he scored a similar goal? His lob was meant. There was nothing else it could have been. Blackie's header surprised even him. His celebration was priceless, he acted the whole thing again. Barrowman too, endeared himself after his penalty. Great grea day, lets do more and that top six is ours. Brill work all round.
  15. I suggest Merlin, with Harry Houdini as his assistant.
  16. Yep, bit of a shame its away again. If we get anywhere this year, it will be hard won.
  17. Well that should clear the way for Proccy and an subsequent string of wins, as many, including myself seem to think is possible. It will then be very hard for Rosco to regain his RB berth.
  18. No one said you were a Celtic fan He's a Celtic fan :thumb04: Re the tax. Now that the precedent has been established the door has been opened for them to reframe it and boost it to 10% for next season. The hard sell has been done. Weak kneed losers.
  19. I am with the side that thinks this was a shocker, and was ready with a "Brewster must go" thread. First time ever, I have felt like that. With our talented players we should be doing much better. The learning and practice is over, we need results now! Bring on the OF, cos we a pish against the lesser teams.
  20. McBain hides face rather than be associated with new Gaelic TV channel.
  21. Allison! We have a girl as third choice keeper! How progressive is that! Bring it on!
  22. 1st goal - McGuire mistimed jump, my dog can do better, followed by first Duff, then Hastings watching in a dream. 2nd goal - Tokely rounded, then shirking the challenge both outside, then inside the box. The rest of the defence, stunned that the defender got that far, stood and watched. Only the miskick seemed to pull them out of their stupor, by then it was too late. Solution: Proctor for Tokely, Munro for McGuire, but it will not happen for Saturday. Though both have been inconsistent, Tokely will be first to be dropped. Accidents, in the words of the great EC, will continue to happen. St. Mirren are still a lot less good than we are, even at our shiteiest, and are one of several clubs who will save our bacon this year. Top 6 beckons.
  23. Hey that's OK then! You must be right. As a "sweetie rustler" I find some of the so-called fans that post on here deeply scary. I wonder what they think they are trying to achieve. Are they tough in their big group...shouting abuse at someone more interested at trying to do the right thing, than banter with some sweary wee boys. Have a think. Why the heck are you there?
  24. very very not good at all. First half was dire, but you felt that something would have to go far wrong for us to lose. Tokely wandered about like a fart in a trance all day, let the winger walk round him for the second goal, but there was still time to clear it. Ball watching, again. Fraser did not commit for the first goal and must surely look at being rested. Whilst the rest of the team did not shine, it was the defence that cost the match. They seemed to play very flat and looking for the offside rather than dealing with the ball. A return from Munro, Proctor and Duncan would increase our options. The game never really took of until Imrie and Wilson came on. Wood seemed to pick up and there was some much better stuff going on. Certainly their keeper was busier. Due to sheer mathematical uncertainty and the flight of the Higgs Boson we are still in the top half, but will have to win home games to stay there.
  25. Dennis is a gent and would still be here if some things were different. Anyone who boos him is a clown. I would applaud him once, on his first appearance, and leave it at that. Any other boos would have to be earned by bad form, which does not include scoring goals for his new employers. Examples of bad form... Diving Hacking Winding up Blackie Getting his shin in the way of Roscoes boot etc etc.
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