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Everything posted by gordyfromsneck

  1. I believe you may have hit the nail on the head unfortunately. Long ago, when I had time and money to be obsessed by these things, I bought what we used to call a "hi-fi" system. It cost me ?140 equivalent to a months work then. My mates who had better jobs had systems costing ?500 or so, with "record" "decks" costing ?120 alone. I listened to their systems and while they sounded better than mine - deeper bass, sharper treble etc - they certainly didnt sound 4 times better. This was again demonstrated to me when I was told that some folk spend ?2,000 on decks. After that, I stopped being a hi-fi buff and started listening to music. This is what is called exponential improvement, as you pay more, the difference is less and less. Sound quality on the x axis, price on the y. And so it is with Marius. Marius is a ?2,000 hi-fi system, when ICT has only ?500 pound ears. He can, and will, be sold to buy 2 cheaper hi-fi's, the new triple Yes album, a Q, and a big bag of Revels. ***** metaphor, but there you go.
  2. I am liking the idea that we have two concurrent first team fixtures. How will this work? Have ICT got acces to genetic copying facilities, perhaps from InvMed? Or will one game feature the players on a videolink? I expect the fact to be more mundane...an A and B team? or a typo? The truth is waaay out there.
  3. That was a fun day. The story was that the manager of local BT was a fan and a keen amateur keeper, who wanted the thrill of playing for the first team. He got it. I remember being moved about the stadium and being told to cheer n cue, by an Irish guy with a megaphone. We had no idea what it would look like as a finished product, sure learned a lot about CGI and Lord of the Rings that day! DSCF0028.JPG_thumb DSCF0005.JPG_thumb DSCF0012.JPG_thumb
  4. I love the edit on this. The way it, has near misses until the chorus, then it just jumps into life. A true spinechiller!
  5. Celtic Rangers Dundee Utd Motherwell Hibs Hearts ICT Dons Falkirk Hamilton Kilmarnock St. Mirren That's all folks!
  6. *jaw drops on floor in surprise!* I got a template email with half the fields filled in "Dear <username>" and so on. "Snagging" they call it in the building trade.
  7. Thanks for the tip-off LG. Got my tickets by phone today sold by a very efficient and helpfull young lady. All's well that ends well. INTO THEM SCALLIES!!!
  8. I phoned several times before 9, after 9, and after 10. I left a message at 9.05 - no call back. So I have no ticket for Barry's do. I am sure the club will be crying about the loss of my ?15, but I will now have to have a think about my and my daughter's season ticket purchase. Perhaps the loss of ?500, would make them sit up. But If I do decide to go ahead, I will pay no notice to any advertised "deadlines" and get in early, as my very wise colleague Blackieforce suggested. I will treat any other marketing communication from the club as just so much file-under-fiction. I wonder if Zabriskie got her tickets?
  9. Oh, that's OK then. Amateurish inconsistency is permissable under these circumstances.*sarcastic emoticon* As always Caley D has the definitive insight n these matters.
  10. I'm right with that. Stunning. No other team in Scoatlan could have done that.
  11. Losing to Rangers in the dying seconds.
  12. When I saw the title of this thread, I thought it was about the exaggerated attendance count on Saturday. This was what we used to tease County about.
  13. Yes, but the club (or certain individuals in the club) appear to change their mind at will as to their hours of business. For reasons which I will not bore you with I was unable to book my tickets before Saturday. I phoned the stadium yesterday about 1.30 and got the answering service and left a message, but no-one phoned me back. I turned up at the shop about 2.20pm but was told that it was too late as they were not selling any more of the testimonial tickets until Monday because they were too busy. I understand where you are coming from Gordy as I too will be severely p****d off if I don't get my tickets tomorrow. Thanks, mate. I know I was not the only one affected as there were a few more beside me in the cabin. If they cant cope with demand, they should hire more staff. I have never seen those times published anywhere, Alex, and even if they are, would it not have been appropriate to reiterate them? The whole point of marketing commuications are to ease the path to purchase. This is not the first time that the marketing function at ICT have cocked up - remember the Celtic tickets email and subsequent apology? Get someone to proof read for grammar, spelling, punctuation and sense. It only takes a minute, and creates an aura of professionalism and even competence.
  14. Might I enquire as to what that has to do with anything?
  15. Might I enquire as to what that has to do with anything?
  16. you have had all week why wait until now? Might I enquire as to what that has to do with anything?
  17. From the press release above.... "Single tickets for season ticket holders are guaranteed until close of business on Saturday" NO THEY BLOODY WEREN'T! I went along to the portacabin immediately after the game, it was open, but was told that they didnt sell tickets after the game! The cabin was open; open for business, but I couldn't get my Liverpool brief! What was it someone said "SPL club, Highland league administration". How very true!! I will be more than a little upset if my seat is sold by the time get there on Monday!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Well deserved MOM. He is one of the things that make me feel confident abou next season. The smileyometer up the hill is about right though. I dont think Dennis deliberately missed anything, he is just underskilled. Cowie and others missed sitters. It showed me today how erratic we were this season to only finish a wee bit above Smirren. I think our place for the end will be safe, as they are one of the few sides I can see Rangers beating recently. Ho hum, roll on July.
  19. Just on the radio - Dennis Wyness will NOT be an ICT player next season. No confirmation of the probable Smirren deal, though. Lets hope that doesn't turn round and bite us on the bum. So long Denzil - many many happy moments and a standing ovation this afties. Maybe from both sides...
  20. tbh I wasn't sure what I wanted to happen tonight, but the old reflex kicked in as I jumped for joy when the Russians scored goal 1. It was kinda laughable when Walter started loading up the strikers with 10 minutes to go, I fully expected McCoist to get warmed up too. There was no plan B. All the logical arguments for wanting them to win, and there are many, went out the window when I realised that them having a "quadruple" would be intolerable. It would be like 1966 all over again. I cant see QOS beating them, but I hope Celtic win the league, and I am no fan of theirs either. As for the fans; here is a quote from the Manchester Evening News. ?I stopped in the centre of town today enjoying the atmosphere and colours of the Rangers fans. However after a few minutes I was left totally shocked and disgusted.? Aye, count your lucky stars you wont be seeing them for another 30 years, matey!
  21. History suggests the VAST majority of these players capped at this level go on to dissappear into oblivion Jeez, are we talking Bermuda Triangle here?
  22. Unfortunately McCurry is both a cretin and a cheat, but where the OF are concerned he is more cheat than cretin. I fully support Levein and I hope he gathers more vocal support from those who matters. Like so much of the Scottish game this is laughable if it wasn't so sad. btw wasn't Chicken McCurry the one who recently gave Ferguson the goal where he trapped it with his hand before turning and shooting. Cant recall the game.
  23. I am liking the fact that Rosco has scored more goals than Barry Robson! Stats, eh? Promise you everything, tell you nothing!
  24. The irony... After having watched all different kinds of dross being served up this season, I take one week off, and look what happens! Watching the goals on BBC, there wasn't a dud amongst them, all with great build up play. And all different scorers. Cowie with another volley! It will be up to CB to work out why that worked so well, and to see if we can repeat it over the next two games. Grand stuff.
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