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Everything posted by gordyfromsneck

  1. Stick and carrot for the signature.
  2. A few raised eyebrows when Blackie was removed instead of Roy, but hey it worked. Markus started of by running out of steam heading for the corner flag, just like Davy Ross used to do, but redeemed himslef with a well-taken, but not difficult goal. We need finishers. Welldeserving of a contract. Aswas Roscoe who raised his game in the 2nd half, including a lung bsuting run up the LEFT wing. Did a lot of supply today. Allin all a big disapointment though. First half was execrable, the tempo picked up in the 2nd, and we saw that Arabs were there for the taking. Their goal was a result of ball-watching, I thik, and largely against the run of play. Imrie is going to be well worth a start. Bighearted, committed and skilled. Good going forward, but still a lot to learn about the SPL. A good bit of business. Bayne also came on to good use. Cowie worthy of his MOM, but a few slow starters in the first half, made this a missed chance.
  3. You'd have to cycle bloody fast down the runway..... By the way, has no one thought of imposing a Bike Tax to pay for all these cycle paths that none of them uses and all the inconvenience they cause over taxed car drivers by getting in the way and slowing the traffic down? Oh yes, and annoying the **** out of you with these flashing front and rear lights! Get with the programme, Charles. FACT 95% of cyclists are also car owners. FACT Runners use cyclepaths too. Saving the planet blah blah blah
  4. sickening! This coming from someone who listens to Daft Punk :024: Yes!! You seem to have good taste other wise SMEE (Radiohead, Thom Yorke). I'll just ignore the Newton f***kner stuff! And what's wrong with Daft Punk??! I knew a daft punk once, he works in a bank now. Just goes to show. Rhymes with Sand, yes?
  5. As it says it is a student on placement. The club can also use his research to pursue their own questions. So it is a win/win. Give the lad a bit of encouragement. Does anyone know him?
  6. Frank Zappa - Peaches en Regalia and the rest of Hot Rats Caravan - Blind Dog at St. Dunstans XTC - Skylarking
  7. Thanks guys. [attach=1] After dinner, country cottage in Finland. Y'know how sometimes something just grabs ya, and when you get home your jaw just drops. summerhouse interior (vogue stylee).JPG_thumb
  8. I hate to be a klutz, but how does I upload a photo to the thread? Doh.
  9. Yep, dislikeable and universally disliked. BUt she will get a few bob. Much good may it do her. Paul does have a reputation of being "careful", how especially curious that he should be taken in at a moments weakness. Thinking with one eye.
  10. "Composing a photo is like an ICT goal: you have a few pints, get your ticket, wait around for ages, then Marius bounces one of the bar...sorry, what were we talking about again?" Teacher, canoe builder, football pundit...no end to Mantis' talents. Well done big fellah!
  11. btw Stevie Frail was in the stand today, on his ownsome; maybe scouting for some fresh E. European talent, maybe no.
  12. :crazy05: Brian Irvine has the articulacy and insight of a young seagull chick forraging for titbits on the Council tip, adjacent to our illustrious stadium. He will, off course, rot and burn in ****, taunted by his own highly-skilled and professionally-resourced team of demons for all eternity. Sooner he gets back into management again, the better.
  13. Yup, I thought he had a good game and Burke had to resort to blatant cheating to get anything out of Tokely. His miss at the end was shocking and because of that it will be the big black mark against his performance. I am going out on a limb here, and say that, going forward at least Tokers was good, he got some spot on crosses in and took and beat defenders on his side. His shots, one or two, were well skied as were everyone else's just about. The Miss, was by no means clear cut, he did have time and space, but the defenders were bearing down on him, and McGregor was well positioned. Even if on target, there was no guarantee of success. Having said that, Proctor still has some way to go but will take over from Rosco very soon. Over the bridge, my son, they will love you there.
  14. 5) i have never encountered parking problems akin to ours at any other ground i have visited in scotland I would suggest that no other ground in Scotland is bounded in 3 sides by the sea. Partly an excuse.
  15. The first match of the Post-Rankin era. No wonder the midfield was like the breakfast of a dog. McBain out of position, yes, I spotted that Bazza would be on, but thought that it would be for Patti, who still, obviously has some way to go. Nice that Brew wants him to use the Huns as a training match. I too would have taken on Dennis or Bayne for Woy at this point, as Walter was also een to get a goal. A breakaway was possible. Too many long balls, you could see Blackie (excellent), gesturing that he had no close options, and really the big Hun defenders had just about everything sown up. Proctor, sold the goal, but Darchy made his mark early, and shewd Walter knew that bulk would be an issue. The lapse of concentration was hard to bear, though. Top marks for Fraser. No point in slaggin Russell, liek Popeye he yam what he yam, but stiker he aint. Neither Huns of Tims are very good this season, and teams will take points of them. I didnt think we played very well. Cowie seems to have gone well off the boil recently, and for me Nicolae just cant cut it on his own against big teams. Open the purses, board. Brew will break all records this season, and I remain a bit heartened that we made the league leaders work so hard. Walter was very gracious. Bring on the Well, and Dennis to start.
  16. a boy in my daughters school said they are all going dressed as families and will use things to change their voices and accents to sound like county fans seeing a big team but if the stuarts ask them they say look in my heart am i a rangers supporter and they have catholic t-shirts on which they will kiss and bless the pope but...will not eat fish and chips on the way home(I think) they will have buckie in innocent smoothy cartons and pass it about but he is a countyfan and doesnt wash or have sky
  17. I am willing to stand up and say I am disgusted that this has even got this far. We do not need this kind of low-life smut peddlar smearing his corruption on our club. We cannot be seen to endorse this amoral courtship. Porn king - fine, but a Rangers fan!?! Must we fling this filth at our soccer fans!
  18. Personal reasons... "The boss thinks I am a lazy/useless/arrogant ****." Family reasons... "My wife hates how the boss thinks I am a lazy/useless/arrogant ****."
  19. Agreed. He seemed a much more athletic cover for Roscoes upfield raids than McGuire, but our defensive cover must be very thin now.
  20. By the middle of the secondhalf the cold came down...Jees! Different class today, but I am always disappointed when we dont top up in the second half. Russell's run for Marcus' first was top notch, and, though he still cant pass, he seems to be a lot more attack minded, as does Hastings. In fact Russell seemed to run a lot from the front of the defence. Marius took his goals well, and did a very theatrical bow for the Rumanian Ambassador. The rest of the midfield were off today. Cowie was subbed, as lesson, I suspect and headed down the tunnel, and Blackie didnt seem as sharp as usual., nor did "Wantaway Midfielder" Rankin. Great to see Marcus doing the business, nearly scored within a minute of coming on. Dennis well off the pace. Their keeper was in top form and had a couple of beauties - credit to Gretna Green, they kept coming forward. On that performance a better team might have punished us, but them's the breaks. I dont want to be ungrateful Sad that the points moved us in the table so little, but bring on the Huns for their usual!
  21. Sportscene Highlights are bags better than the Santena ones. [li]The first goal was worked to perfection, started by a beaut of a pass from Blackie. Rankins pen was just about saved, as was the one last week Marius was taken out, but only just. Goalie shoud have walked then, even though, arguably, Marius first touch was not of the best. NO Corners?! Repeat NO Corners. HTF can we get no corners? Berra's deflected goal came off Mikey's feet. Was McGuire's tug necessary? I think not, and this is not the first time he has fouled early, imho. Bayne's strike took a deflection, a top goalie might still have got it. To be lucky, you have to be in a lucky place. Five in a row, ra ra ra[/li] [li][/li] .
  22. Offside it was then, Don . I was disappointed that Dean did not get a game. Two McDonald's on the park and neither Scots.
  23. When I lived in Aberdeen, I went to see the Dons, occassionally. When I lived in West Edinburgh, I went to Gorgie Rd, free at half-time When I lived in Leith, I visited Hibs, after drinking all the way down Easter Rd. Good God, when I lived in Engerlan, I went to Villa, and even once or twice, to Worcester City (sic) Beezer Homes Apple Cider Transport Kay's Catalogue League mid-tablers. However, the only team I ever really supported was Caley. Now I am home, I go to ICT all the time.
  24. Quite. Little worried about the comment of Rankin wanting away. I had hoped we put that one to bed with his recent reselection. Also this Jambo, Andy Driver, sounds a bit of a handfull, though I am sure that Mr Brewster has alreday noted that and put plans in place.
  25. Walking on air, amongst the glum Tickers yesterday afternoon, but woke up this morning thinking, how long can this go on for. The main threats to the sustainabiity of our great current performances are... 1 Loss of fitness 2 Loss of effort 3 Suspensions 4 Injuries 5 Transfers out in January 1 Can't see this happening, as Mr. B has them working hard and performing, like they did before he left. 2 Ties into 1. Will they burn out, lose motivation. They are giving it loads these days. Can that be maintained, only B knows the best stick and carrot balance 3 As we have seen with our alternating RBs tis will test. We need more depth of pool in defence certainly, if every result means a card or two for a defender. Perhaps less noticable in other areas. 4 Without a doubt our performance is getting noted by the other teams in the league, and, as we have seen from Blackie, they will carry on niggling key players. Have we the depth of pool to cover in mid and striker areas? Two of our top strikers are currently out. Three if your count McDonald. 5. There have been rumours, but chequebooks must be opened. Here's hoping Craig can sell who he wants, and only who he wants, and get some cover for crucial areas, though we are always vulnerable to lightening strikes from bigger clubs, like Dundee Utd... :tic01:
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