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Everything posted by gordyfromsneck

  1. From looking at the Sportscene edit... On balance, our penalty was due Jan Vinegar's off the post effort was well covered by Ikey Marius shoud have done a lot better with his saved header, Down not up, see JVoH for details Cowie got a very lucky bounce for his goal, but took it well. Bambi's header was sure shifting. Brown got a hand to it, and it still ended up in the net Rankine's penalty was not good. Practice all round required. Their disallowed offside goal was marginal, I have seen much worse given All in all a day when we rode our luck...again. Doesn't mean it wasn't a knock out performance. And, Strachan, by my back-of-a-twix packet tot-up we were easily equal on shots on target, at least up till Brave Proctor's sacrifice.
  2. This is correct. Elvis slipped, but still managed to restrain Marius with an arm across his body. However, Marius looked like he had already pulled the trigger by that time. We are due a bit of luck and, by God, we got our share yesterday.
  3. No problem. If/when he leaves we'll just get someone local in, someone who wont fekk off, someone like Charlie Chri.....oh. I am afraid that is the name of the game, birdy, hopefully he will stay a good bit longer, leave us much better off and get himslef a better deal. btw, John Robertson was Robbo, Charlie Christie was Charlie, why are we all so formal with Craigy?
  4. Yep, and I recall being 3-0 down to Ayr Utd, and winning 4-3. Those were the days when we didnt sweat being beaten at HT, cos we knew Pele would think of something. But today was unbelievable! I little bit of Xmas magic. Everyone played brill. I am afraid I have gone off Strachan and no longer find him funny. "Not on my watch!" :015: This winning run will come to an end, but just now we are the form team! JC will not fancy it one lil bit!
  5. I noticed his takedowns today. Just like Robson could take a Bobby Mann ball down on his toe without breaking stride Marius had it under control, before the Tic even noticed it was kicked out. Top work.
  6. Quick access thread for all Rangers Fans wishing to congratulate ICT for beating Celtic.
  7. Agree with the above. Marius first stab was going well wide, until the Hibs defender gave him another shot at it! However, it may have taken an early deflection. And yes, the Geoff Hurst goal was NOT over the line. Great to get a wee bit of luck though!!
  8. I had no idea about your No2 CaleyD, but I guess curing 1 would go a long way to solving problem 2. Otherwise why don't the kind and resourceful Rapson's stick on an extra bus at full-time. People making the two way journey, would seem to me to be no bigger fans, than Joe One-Way. I mean, they want to make the gesture, why not follow through. The need is there.
  9. The buses leave at 2.15 from Farraline Park. Don't be late. They have this ludicrous ticketing system in place now, which means that you have to get a ticket on the outbound in order to qualify for the inbound. The logic and usefulness of this confounds me, as there are many of our fans who get dropped of at the stadium, perhaps by the Mrs going to Homebase, who then have permission for a pint in town afterwards, so want a one-way run. They are not psychotic Motherwell fans, sociopathic Jambos, or belligerent Huns, but they are sober home fans wanting a run into town after the game. Bizarre! Please explain the logic behind the present system..
  10. As above. Tokers has turned many a match, Bambi has a lot to offer, and is in place. However, Tokers has shown his versatility many times before, and should always be about. Someone has said before on here, that he could start to be trialled as a central defender...height, good in the air, forward going...could the Brew try this in the reserves. Other than that he is essential for depth of pool.
  11. ****, Big ears, I'd welcome back!!
  12. Donald Park? There was never anyone called Donald Park at this club! The "Christie Era" was a necessary transitional phase in our march to a glorious Thousand Years of ICT success. There were sacrifices, but the were gladly made.
  13. Spoke this AM to a former colleague of Parkys, who was told just yesterday by him, that there were differences of opinion on the way things should be done, training-wise. No surprises there. My anonymous source, also said Parky was the best coach he had ever worked with and that Malky was a "Balloon", but not a red one. That is someone else.
  14. Yes, yes ... but who shot JFK. I know IHE has a magical channel direct into the brain of the club, but I will be very disappointed if the red balloon returns. At least till the performances pick up, then...
  15. I am afraid I too am rapidly losing patience with Marius, he had a couple of shots on goal today and they were powderpuffs, as were just about all the on target efforts. Contrary to what the ther folk on the thread might say, their keeper was busier. St. Mirren however were very impressive, in terms of posession and will to win. We won, I suspect purely by virtue of our goal, not by our level of play, which was woefully mediocre. Luck for once was on our side. Good guys: Roy, Russell, Bazza, Hastings, Cowie Bad Guys: Marius Jury out: Fraser - no excuse for the kicking. Proctor - mixed bag. Wyness - mayeb he doesnt perform when Marius doesn't. A couple of flashes. Brewster - Why no Blackie, but a good early substitution. I enjoyed the game well enough, but really there is very little to excite.
  16. Looks like they played Hart up front. Wonder how that went. Whither McDonald?
  17. I have been in touch with Angela Wilson at the club, and she says that Rapson's - it is their responsibility - are investigating a ticketing system. You can only get a return ticket by getting on the outgoing bus. Seems not much of an answer to anything. The problem is not our well behaved fans hitching a ride back, but the central belt tubes jumping on. The police are required, imho.
  18. Email to Angela Wilson today, and a prompt reply, acknowledging the problem, and saying that the bus is for home fans only and that Rapson's are looking into securing it, perhaps using stewards, and/or a ticketing system.
  19. Right on, Scotty. I think Proctor will surprise a few people at right-back. As someone else has suggested, however, Tokers may be the centre half we didn't know we had, ...or even goalkeeper :017:
  20. I don't know where you went to school, RnBCB, but there were more than that i the away stand. 30-50 was about the number in the top floor of the bus. CaleyD, ultimately or not, I think the club and/or plod should be helping the driver. Or does their responsibility end at the gate?
  21. Up to now, I hve been a glass-half-full kinda guy, that we would come good soon and someone would get a good kicking. I am now starting to think that our only "up" this season will be to survive, and this team will never come together.
  22. Just came across this thread when browsing. Any more comments? Anyone changed their minds? Yes. Brewster is here now and he will be going nowhere fast. He will make mistakes, but he is the best we have got/can afford at the moment. Christ, we can't afford to sack him...
  23. Didn't know that, WIG, but there were still too many on the bus when it left. Where's yer fekkin health and safety now? Whether a wobbly bus or a stabbing, it is, like Graham Bayne, an accident waiting to happen. Rymond Biro wrote to the Club a few weeks ago, who told him that the bus was for home fans only, and that it would be stewarted. The usual ICT piece of ***** and lies.
  24. Despite the massive holes on the field, when we were dowm to 9 we produced some good, on-the-ground football. We never had a chance of scoring of course, and Motherwell didnt seem interest, but there was some good stuff. Nice to see Rankin back. Only two minutes of injury time. We now have our very own referee "hate figure". I got a postmatch pint of 80/- in the Phoenix and it was delicious.
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