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Everything posted by caleyboy

  1. I hope my information is totally off track but I was told today that Yogi's budget for the coming season has been REDUCED! If correct, how can we expect him to retain the players he wants keep and attract the players he wants in. I sincerely hope someone can confirm this info is garbage.
  2. The club needs to get Yogi and RL signed up on extended contracts asap. Yogi's worth in particular must be sky high at the moment and I'm sure his agent will be marketing his CV whilst he is in the limelight. We really need to keep the best of the out of contract players and replace those Yogi is prepared to lose but money has to be made available for players now so that our wonderful manager is not stifled in his "rebuild" process.
  3. If we lose both our strikers we have a problem for our first European tie.What a pity vital members of this brilliant squad are moving on.
  4. There won' t be any. And to be fair, I respect them for that. They turned-their-back on the merger and have stuck to their guns. The last game they would be going to is the cup final!! It's the same with Thistle. Have spoken to 5 or 6 'refusniks' about the cup final - but not one ounce of regret or even interest..... Probably impossible to understand for younger fans, but that's the reality! Sorry but you are wrong. I am going so there will be at least 1
  5. Well done Yogi I hope all your doubters are now eating that horrible pie and post their congrats to you.
  6. Hopefully, that should be our usual financial losses covered for this year then. Maybe Yogi will get a wee bit more money to secure or strengthen the squad for next season.
  7. I can't compare Shinnie and Tremarco as they both have very different qualities. However, I would have absolutely no hesitation in using Tremarco as our first choice left back simply because I feel he is a very good defender.
  8. What's with the 'they' ? Surely we are we..... Some people need to get a life..........they......we.... what the fek does it matter, we all know what he means! If Klink signs we now have good striking options which allows Yogi to change the style when needed. Exciting time!
  9. Debt is Debt no matter how you look at it. You need sufficient income to service any debt and if your crowds start subsiding you could have a major problem!
  10. Maybe international players in the sense that they ply their trade in a country different from birth ... Anything more than that is stretching it a bit in the case of Prince and non-existent as far as I can see for Vucanovic ... But I take your point about our existing squad maybe not all having startling career stats. Appreciate we have a budget to operate in but given we are an established top 6 team, can we not start to dip our toe in slightly more ambitious waters? Without being overly simplistic, if we have the smallest squad but comparable attendances with 3 or 4 other SPL teams, are we being slightly over-cautious? That website I referred to is well worth a browse btw ... Astonishing source of up-to-date data even to refer to if nothing else ... Foolhardy to dismiss so readily IMHO. Your point lacks logic. Existing budget only allows for small squad...if we are to pay more, then we would need to shrink squad further to be able to afford it. If there's a bit of spare cash, then it's use needs to be viewed going forward. You can't base long term spending by way of increased wages on one off, non guaranteed, cash injections...how do you cover the wages next season without it? We're not awash with cash and being "over cautious" is better than being overdrawn with debt/costs we can't sustain...that would be foolhardy! Think you should change your Avatar. Maybe appropriate in your past life but nowadays you seem to roll over, believe everything your told and then defend it with your all.
  11. Yogi, you are probably the best thing ever to happen to this club! IMO we are playing a style of football I didn't think was possible on the budgets you are restricted to. You have players playing football they didn't think they were capable of so well done to them for adapting to your style. Wonderful.
  12. That's more like it. Brilliant news. Now lets get Watkins, Raven and Ross tied up asap. Well done Yogi!
  13. The problem with clarity here is that all transfer plans depend on the other side - will the other club release a player, will wage demands be within our budget, will the player want to up sticks to come to the centre of our universe, etc. Cut a little slack to the manager and the chairman - make your judgements after the next month when we know if there has been an adverse effect on results. You make a lot of sense johnh. For whatever reason, I don't blame our manager for this situation and I think you are right in saying that we should wait and see how we cope over the next 4 weeks. I do however expect all our out of contract players that Yogi wants to keep signed up on new contracts during this period. That would appease this particular native.
  14. I may be completely off track here but I personally believe Yogi is as honest as the day is long - a quality not too familiar in football circles. If he feels he can go with what he's got then that's fine but let's not feed us "as usual we have contingency plans in place" - that just builds up our hopes and let's us down with a thud!
  15. Proctor - interesting - are you Craig Brewster by any chance?
  16. It's because we are all hurting badly Bughtmaster! Again we seem to be caught with our drawers down with Aberdeen taking the proverbial and Wigan with a reasonably late offer. Again, Yogi has to work within pretty strict guidelines and he probably doesn't bully Cameron the way Butcher did. Personally I find it difficult to "slate" Yogi as he is probably the best manager / coach we have had at this club but he needs top line help in the transfer markets when needed. Something I don't think he gets at the moment!
  17. Unfortunately this club needs a minimum of £200k per year to maybe wash it's face so this was probably a godsend to the board.
  18. Yogi can only identify players he wants. If he does that he is doing his job. Getting those players should be left to someone with the authority to spend the clubs money and put the deal to bed.
  19. Not Herb Charles, he was in the 8th. Recognise big Sammy Black, two in front of Jackie Sutherland, (Tichy Black's brother) who played centre half for Jags. Danny Craig, ex fire service, officer in middle far right. Gordy Leddingham, two in from the right, two or three from the top.
  20. Very likely but we need to know how many players we went for and why we didn't get them. I can quite easily understand that we may not be that attractive to some but it's our ACTIVITY I would like to hear about.
  21. Great chairmen make money for the club. Too easy a job when the team is settled and doing well on the park but you need to be pretty smart and know what you are doing in the transfer market.
  22. Wouldn't blame Yogi for this one. He can only deal in his allowable budget. Cameron started all this contingency blarney so let's hear from him as to why his plan failed desperately.
  23. And if we had done the job properly and moved Shinnie on in Jan we would have had a few more quid in the transfer pot and another £1500 a week to cover wages. Correct me if I'm wrong but Shinnie seems to be the only player in Scotland to sign a PC in Jan and still be with the same club. Poor, poor business IMO.
  24. If we don't sign anyone in the window we better be getting our out of contract players on new deals now and stop the faffing about.
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