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Everything posted by lizi

  1. As long as he does actually have a magic hat, two magic feet to hit goals into back of the net, then ok.
  2. I am totally scunnered with your “old goat herder” description of Todorov. He is 22 years old for goodness sake! Is that old to you - if so you must be still in primary school. He has scored goals when he has come on as a sub in last ten minutes, is keen and fans like him already. Some fan you are betting against ICT - you may be right but it seems so wrong to bet against the team you supposedly support.
  3. Funeral is on Tuesday 6th August at 12.15 pm in the Methodist Church, Huntly Street, Inverness, thereafter to Kilvean.
  4. Any news of funeral details yet - I’ve been asked by folk in Aberdeen and South who want to make travel and work plans ASAP. Thank you.
  5. Great interview. I remember seeing Ian Black for the first time in the reserves and thought then he would be good and so he became. His “other half” and daughter came on the supporters bus to the away games and were lovely folk - they had got together as teenagers in England. Lots of stories and laughs. ’
  6. The boo boys will surely find out that Polly was a real credit to ICT. Too late now. I do wish he was still here.
  7. Remember him playing at pre-season at Brora and the midgies were awful. I think it was the next days that Aldred went back to wherever he came from.
  8. There’s so many pundits trying to outdo each other, it’s tiresome with “fishing”. Stop it boys, or grow up please.
  9. lizi

    Ken Thomson

    Lovely service today to remember Ken. Lots laughter and some tears too. A fitting tribute to a true gentleman.
  10. lizi

    Ken Thomson

    Well said Scotty - Ken was a lovely person and a true gentleman. Our paths crossed outside ICT quite a few times over the years but we had a mutual love of ICT. Ken was so friendly and chatted about our Club, he was a superb ambassador for ICT and I have missed his presence at the Stadium. Rest well Ken - my sincere sympathy to your lovely Tan and all your nearest and dearest.
  11. Still waiting for date of pre season fixture at Brora - looking forward to fish n chips in The Trawler at Golspie before ko. An annual treat - both the footie and the food.
  12. Did you ever learn punctuation and spelling at school? If so, please use it. These long sentences are a trial.
  13. Is Alan Simpson actually an ICT fan or just an unhappy person who sees his glass always nearly empty. Such a negative poster - needs a wee smile sometime surely or..........
  14. Money talks every time. First it was Aberdeen, now County with the open purses. Oh well, our Club will unearth new players and then who will entice them away. I recall quite a few “unknowns” who came to ICT, ie Draper, Tansey and who then left for the lure of the filthy lucre. So be it.
  15. Another “let’s slag Polly” post. At least it will end when he’s gone and then it’ll be “oh he was one of our own”. Fans - fickle as ever. I think you will miss Polly much more than he will miss the vile comments he doesn’t deserve.
  16. Me too. Don’t know why I bothered. Will be at Stadium this week to renew my Season Ticket.
  17. Well said Sir. I think this may be first time I have agreed with you!
  18. Sorry I won’t be going to Ayr, due to work commitments. All good wishes to ICT and the Travel Club members - safe journey and bring back a lead for the second leg game please.
  19. lizi


    Such depressing stats. Sorry but I, and quite a few more, enjoy the awaydays to the Championship teams. Much more pleasant than awaydays to the so called Premier League. ICT may never get huge crowds but those who do attend, week end week out, do so for our love of ICT. I don’t have a magic wand to encourage more fans but, evenings such as the Sponsors Night this week showed that the young ones really do want to meet the players. Numbers at games don’t reflect the passion but ..... I look at the attendances each week and ICT not doing so badly compared to some in Premier League (ugly sisters excepted/will never go there again/toxic). Some of you should compare like for like - ICT not doing badly overall.
  20. This response makes me wonder why I ever bother to post on this forum
  21. Who? Austin or Macdonald ? I think there’s more in Macdonald than we have ever seen in Austin.
  22. I’ve sponsored Liam’s boots for years. A lovely young man, always happy to chat. He goes to pastures new with my best wishes for a superb future. I hope he has much success. Motherwells gain is ICTs loss - maybe now the boo boys will realise just what a contribution he made to our team. You know who you are - I could name more than a few who blamed him for everything that went wrong, but never acknowledged his attributes. So be it.
  23. It’s a shame that Mark has a dislocated finger (had one myself - not funny, painful and no-one gives any sympathy). So Coll might not be fit, Carl will likely not be fit, so - bring on Morton. Our boys are made of stern stuff and, I hope, have ICT now in their genes. Come on ICT - bring home 3 points. Please.
  24. I can hardly believe that an ICT fan would forgo watching his team at Hampden because of the SFA and their awful policies. Some of our players may never have played there before, and may never play there again. Such occasions make memories to be savoured for all concerned, young and old. I was too ill to attend the final in 2015 but have great memories of the semi final - wonderful David Raven goal. I hope all going to Hampden on Saturday have a great time, no matter the result - such are days out following ICT - come on Caleyaway. Raise the roof- make plenty noise.
  25. Ladies Day was excellent. Maybe not a big take up (can I suggest that was because it was going to be a pay bar despite lower price). Then days before actual date it was changed to free bar. So many fans missed out on a nice meal (with delicious canapés before), absolutely excellent raffle prizes (Lorna at my table won an exclusive handbag worth nearly £400!) (Kath won afternoon tea with Prosecco at Kingsmills Hotel) and Jason Porter, a tribute singer. He was great - sang before and after game, lots favourite songs, Michael Buble, Neil Diamond, Bee-Gees, Beatles, and more. Then lovely goodie bags to take home. Come on, what more can you want. Bring on Ladies Day next year.
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