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Everything posted by CELTIC1CALEY3

  1. Speculation is easy without the facts. Marius knows what the Chairman and Director of Football said to him before he returned to Romania. There was probably no witness to this three way conversation. Interpreptation without a written record can, and appears to have lead to distortion. Both parties should have created a mutually agreed written record before Marius set off. If Marius was given 7 days off for personal reasons, that should be on his leave sheet. When things developed, to the outside world, it makes sense that if Marius was authorised (by ICT) to consider a Euro 500 k move instead of a ?500k move, there would need to be a concession. Marius would have to make that concession. ICT should have put that in writing although Marius may have pre-empted that by going direct to Dinamo. That said, ICT must have given Dinamo details of their bank account. Presumably they pointed out that the appropriate paperwork included a waiver from Marius before the deal was completed. The mass media may have had a field day distorting the facts. We have an obligation to put faith in our Club until proven wrong.
  2. Wagaluka is Gaelic for 'speedy Highland warrior'.
  3. If you look at our team we now have more Aberdeen connections than Aberdeen. If ever there was passion to win we have it. The time has come.......Brewster needs to do a Cloughie and shut it this coming week. The fans need to do likewise. We need peace and calm and quiet.
  4. I had hoped Haghi was going to fix up a friendly with Dinamo for us but presumably that may not now happen. All Marius has to do is accept that if Grassa said 'Take a break with your new wife back in Bucharest, consider a ?500,000 move to Germany or Greece or Turkey and you get ?120,000 or Dinamo for ?380,000 and you get nothing', Marius could be forgiven for misinterpreting Grassa's accent. However, ICT must have given the nod to Dinamo by accepting the cash. Nobody sends me money without good reason. In fact, nobody sends me money! Interesting to see if Europe's governing bodies make any comments tomorrow in order for the wrangle to be sorted in time for Marius to play on Sunday. Interesting to see who is the deal maker.
  5. This dispute can only be solved by the Club's solicitors Ewe-Shearer, Smooth-Patter and Son. As leading employment law experts on verbal contracts in Scottish football their advice will be invaluable.
  6. It is looking like he is a 'Fly-Be' knight but who has the strongest armour or is it armor? Is it Sir Grassa Bennett of Cairngorm, Lord Knows of Bucharest or the Honourable Marius of the Howden End? Will Partick Thistle guide us through the Court of Session....hang on...
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t..._ct/7515785.stm Not the best start to married life.


    Drop Dougie back and Roy makes way for Mcallister. I would expect Marius to be on the bench.
  9. He was outwitted by Marius but he had just returned from an injury and I think operation. I repeat what I said earlier that he is tremendously inspirational. Marius has returned home, perhaps it is time for Steven to return home to his roots. By that I mean just down the road from Elgin. He is a free agent, highly experienced, and will not just give up. He could be a quality addition if he was prepared to fit into our wage structure.
  10. Pressley was inspirational at Hearts. Experience, as shown by David Weir and purchased by Falkirk with their summer signings, is vital at this level. He may have slowed, but Grant would be a great foil with him alongside. Dods was not that fast.
  11. The clear message from Craig Brewster was that he had no influence over the fee accepted for Marius. When Marius was signed by Charlie or when Charlie was Manager, certain sell on conditions would have been negotiated. Craig Brewster was nothing to do with the Club at that stage. Marius has recently got married in his homeland. Some will recall reference to the Red Dogs early on for it is obvious Marius has found his spiritual home. I suspect Craig Brewster had nothing to do with events behind the scenes. Indeed, Marius himself would have had the final influence. Circumstances were right for all parties to move on.
  12. Times have changed. Here's an extract from Bobby Mann's diary in Orkney: After a longish ferry journey the 12 seater minibus arrived and all 15 of us crammed in. I managed to wrestle two seats for myself. We arrived in Kirkwall at 4.30 where Pele confirmed I was rooming with Big Jim Calder. At 6 Pele invited us all into the local bar for drinks. We were in bed by 11.30 with lights out at about 2.30 after Jim and I collected Stevie from the bar and despite abuse from Big Dunc we put him to bed. Up at 8.30. I felt good as Jim helped me get into my Wranglers for breakfast. Full Scottish for me. Saw Pele next at 11.30 as Dunc took us on a wee jog round the harbour and then up th street pass the Cathedral. At 12.20 we assembled in the back bar and Pele briefed us on how we were to tackle the Orkney Select. Pele joked that we had to imagine we were going to Parkhead in the Cup after Celtic had beaten a top European team in the European Cup and against the odds we beat them. Teasdale laughed so Stevie told him he was rested. Big T just said 'OK boss I'll just go and get my hair permed' .Just a Shandy for me as we ate a light lunch of local beef pie and chips. The game started at 3.00 precisely. Charlie flew into the first tackle as if the season depended on it. Wee Stewarty scored three goals all from Sheerin crosses within the first 13 minutes. By half time we were 6-0 up so big Dunc asked Pele if he could go out for the second half and show the young uns how to score. Pele looked glazed which Dunc took as 'yes'. After just 15 minutes of the second half the Orkney select were really feeling the full force of a full time team and Dunc had scored a hat trick. Young Richard Hastings was playing a blinder and wee Rossco was the only player to get booked after Orkney's 15 year old substitute skinned him. Rossco had to be warned by me to cool down. Barry Wilson looked a class above Orkney. We won 11-0 and left the field knowing we would be champions of Division 1. We dreamed of beating Celtic 3-1 in the Cup with Calder joking he would be the hero. Orkney brought a crate of beer into our changing room at the end. Stevie perked up. We managed to get to the pub at 5.30 but Stevie as a treat got the club to buy us all a fish supper in the Chippie at 7. As Captain I had two massive pieces of Haddock. Historical note - Big Dunc was not at the Club but it makes a good story! To be continued....
  13. Not sure if anyone locally contributed to the linked article but to the doubters yet further confirmation of our progress!!! No other club in the SPL has come so far, in so little time, and been supported by so few. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/39339-i...ed-at-euro-2008
  14. Be fair to him he has just finished his honeymoon.
  15. McGuire was carrying a hernia problem for some time before his operation. The Italians are good defenders and certainly not all 6' 7'' It does amaze me how some some supporters criticise our players even now - after Internationals for instance! Why can't we support the players in future?
  16. Was it Lionel's ambition to play for Calais? How far over the line was Andy MacLaren's Killie's 'goal' in the Scottish Cup? Was Hagi ever a scout for ICT? What did Charlie say to Boner at Ross County that got him sent off? What did Charlie say to Brian Irvine at County that so incensed him? Who was our Manager when we lost 1-5 to County at home?
  17. I blame Marius. Apparently he popped out during his honeymoon celebrations and a reporter heard him tell the doorman ' I'm going back to paradise shortly'. After some fresh air and trip to shops, he headed back to his newly married wife. As he passed the doorman, oblivious of the journalist, he said ' Paradise for us all. Play like Rat? Also Tam ask me to get him Celtic souvenir'
  18. Juanjo is history so Guy Kerr needs to move on up. He has the right shape for a good defender but needs to really believe in himself particularly after his breakthrough at the end of last year. Investing in him if he makes the breakthrough this year will be far better than re-investing in Juanjo despite Juanjo being a decent person.
  19. An interesting challenge - you can be better than Rankin if you try!
  20. We are a club with a small fan base. We are a club with limited resources. If Lionel eez ungry pour le jeu il fait le jersey. Basically Darren Dods came as a squad player and ended up captain and then indispensable rock in the back four. He was renowned for own goals. Steve Watt did not appear to have hunger and believed he was far better than othrs judged him. I hope Lionel proves people wrong and in 12 months they humbly post some pie.
  21. Was he significantly slimmer? If Brew has slimmed him down he might just get back to a good prospect.
  22. I wondered if Burnley had bid for one of our players and this was part of the deal. There again, Owen's probably an old mate of Brews. Either way, this is what we have been asking for so again I hope we make 1-10 August totally positive time for ICT. Everyone stops being negative and gives 100% to everthing they post. Surely that will help the players make a good start? Our first ever visit to a Championship ground for a fixture. Liverpool XI, Burnley, Denmark, Ross County and St Johnstone - not bad!!
  23. Did they have public hangings at the jail?
  24. I have this view that we should declare 1-10 August ICT Let's be totally positive period. If everyone in the club - players, supporters, management, groundsperson - is 100% positive we can perform extremely well. The dandy Dons are already predicting that they will shoot to the top of the SPL and stay there for a couple of months because the fixture list is kind to them. They start off with the diddy team. The last 12 months have seen an outpouring of moaning from probably all of us. Some a lot more than others. However, lets look down the road. Hearts have debts ?30 million more than ours. ?26m more than Gretna. Security of this debt is through an absent landlord. Their supporters do not have the facility to moan at their manager - nobody seems to want it. A lot of their players are on short term contracts. These are negotiated on the basis that regardless of performance or Puppet Manager, Mr Romanov has guaranteed to pick me! Frail may well receive his jotters this week. There again, he might get the job full time if all he does is show Romanov's instructions from the dug out and substitute players when ordered to do so. 1-10 August is therefore ICT 100% Positive Period.
  25. Very shortly Marius will be on honeymoon and I guess he will do whatever ever Mrs Nicolae whispers into his ear. I doubt it will be 'do you fancy scoring for Dundee United?'
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