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07: Moderators
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Everything posted by Yngwie

  1. I was there, but not in that pic. Think the score was 1-3, or maybe 0-2.
  2. It's quite remarkable how our home and away form have completely changed in the space of a season, and it can only come down to changes in tactics and approach by Charlie. Only St Mirren have worse away form, but home form is now very respectable. If we can't win all our games, winning the home ones is more important - it keeps the home fans happy and is good for attendances.
  3. Is this Donnelly thing just a rumour or does anyone know anything to suggest that talks have taken place?
  4. I'm hoping that Hibs will see him as a straight replacement for Scott Brown and offer us the same £4m!
  5. It is their senior squad. They are having their pre-season training camp at St Andrews and wanted some local opposition to play. I suppose it's just the same as our boys going to Italy and thrashing the nearest bunch of amateurs.
  6. Yngwie

    Collin Samuel

    It's no coincidence that Utd have been p1sh for the last few years and Samuel has been there throughout that period. A real underperformer.
  7. Not as much as Barry! But well done to them both. It's always interesting to see who the players choose, and I suppose they are showing their appreciation of Bayne's tremendous work rate.
  8. Yngwie


    A goal is a goal indeed, and I'm delighted that it somehow went in. But in my book good play deserves praise, good fortune does not.
  9. Yngwie


    For what? Getting a lucky deflection?
  10. DBS, it's always a risk when you bring in a new player, and the risks are much much higher if the player comes from overseas. There have been dozens of foreign duds in the SPL, brought in by clubs with far better scouting networks than us. Even Brazilian internationals have turned out to be Scheidt. There are not many Scottish/English players who are : 1) Better than what we already have, 2) Willing to fit into out wage structure, and 3) Willing to relocate to Inverness When you open this up to foreign players, most of the decent ones consider the SPL to be a footballing backwater. Places that have worse leagues than our but somehow export good players anyway (Scandinavia, Ireland) already have scouts crawling all over them. So where are we going to find the players to improve the team next season? Looking in Romania is certainly a rare moment of creative thinking from our club. Romania is in the EU, and its poorest member. It's an untapped market, and most players there would jump at the chance to move. The risks are very high, but the club are well aware of that and will proceed with caution. Nothing wrong with having a look and getting a couple of players over for trials in the pre-season.
  11. An interesting comment is the quote that we expect to bring in 2 players on loan, 2 East Europeans and a replacement for Dods.
  12. There's no harm in having serious competition for the starting place. I think Mike has done fine overall, but looks badly positioned for Falkirk's goal on Saturday.
  13. Never seen the pic before, and never been to Guildford :016:
  14. Yngwie


    Groundsharing is an inconvenient and expensive business, but has been a necessary evil for clubs wishing to take the next step forward : Celtic, ICT and Falkirk. On the other hand, there's Clydebank. :024:
  15. These days all British elections are effectively "presidential" elections based on the leaders' popularity, as there is no longer any difference between the ideologies of the mainstream parties. The exception to this are the "single issue" parties like SNP and Greens.
  16. If this thread is anything to go by SNP will get more than 90% of the vote - or is it just that their supporters are more vocal? :024:
  17. Good strike - presumably the "you fat b4stard" chants are aimed at Golly? After returning from injury he was half the player he used to be, yet he was also double the player he had been.
  18. I noticed on my ballot paper that for this election the SNP have apparently changed their party name to "Alex Salmond for First Minister!" Never seen anything like that before, but I suppose the rules must allow them to put anything they want in the field next to the candidate's name.
  19. There always the take-away called Abrakebabra. And a clothes ironing service called Crease Lightening!
  20. The Paisley carthorses were a very poor footballing side tonight. Strategy comprised hoofing it high up the park, and taking it in turns to foul Hamill. Give me Dunfermline any day.
  21. Yngwie


    They are one of the biggest clubs in Europe, if you measure it by the amount of compensation they pay to bring in and then get rid of dud managers.
  22. It's an old gag used for players who fall to pieces in the box!
  23. May I suggest that this is the only time the First Division trophy will be seen at Victoria park :003:
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