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Everything posted by givmeaccccc

  1. The sun is out now. Why couldn't we just have waited a wee while? Most of the Glasgow punters will be more than half way up and I guess they wouldn't have minded waiting until the very last minute. I blame the undersoil heating as we can no longer 'fork' the pitch. In our first 10 years we hardly if ever lost a match through weather. Gutted
  2. Just completed this. Let us have a look at your paper when it is completed please.
  3. I wrote to Doncaster at the end of January telling him that as a fan I was not in favour of a 10 team SPL and how it would affect my view of football etc etc. He wrote back a week or so later with a very bland thank you saying: ' As you will appreciate, we have received many proposals from fans suggesting alternatives to the existing structure, fixture scheduling, improvements to the game in general and it is impossible to reply to each in detail'. He went on to say 'The SPL is fully committed to looking at ways of progressing the game in scotland. In early 2010 we embarked on a Strategic Review which has looked at, inter alia, the effectiveness and commerciality of the current structure in Scotland. This has been a lengthy and detailed process and any proposals for change will be considered by the SPL Clubs. Thank you for taking the time to write to me with your thoughts and for your interest in the Scottish Premier League' I also wrote to Topping the Chief Executive but got no response from him. So it's very clear. He says they have had lots of representation but are not willing to listen, instead it will be discussed with the SPL Clubs. My advice then is to bombard Doncaster with letters and also to write to our own Chairman showing him our support. He has a very difficult job but if he knows he has the fans backing and can go into any meeting with a box full of letters from his own club's fans then he will truely represent us. By the way I also wrote Terry congratulating him on his well published views and I think he too deserves our support.
  4. With the greatest respect to Chris Hogg, who had a very sound debut, the Man of the Match by a mile was Aaron Doran. Great pace, trickery and excellent with both feet. If he keeps up this standard against SPL teams he will rip defences apart, as he did today.
  5. Morais would be just another squad player and we need a first team regular not another 1 good game out of 3 bloke. Face reality we aint going to get any or many new players. What we need is something new in our own play. We are far too predicatble now. Every other team knows we are: Hopeless at throw ins. Hamilton just put 3 men in the mix with our receiving 2 today and that was that no advantage at all for us at throw ins. We have no threat at all at corner kicks, no invention, no new tricks. We pose no threat to oppostion from free kicks. Where is our free kick expert that every other team seems to have. Grant's distribution, and his defensive mates, simply hoof the ball up the park 9 times out of 10. Canning had a strole today and a sore heid from heading back our clearances. Come on Terry wow us with some new tactics. At least try something different.
  6. If I heard correctly Terry is on BBC football focus today.
  7. I have just finished writing to both Doncaster and Topping outlining my views on the 10 team league proposal and also asking why ICT had to travel over 300 miles tonight in the middle of January when there were other teams located closer who could have gone to Ibrox. As I was finishing the letters who came on the radio but Sir Terry. Brilliant interview, passionately put across. If anyone ever had doubts about Terry and Maurice's commitment to ICT and the town (city) of Inverness then just listen to this interview. Fantastic stuff.
  8. There is no chance that this story can be true. No business person, (ICT,) in their right mind would do an internal deal before putting the asset on the open market, would they? Even although the valuation, which they must have received, was well below the offered price, you would still test the market. There are lots of cash rich business folk around who would welcome a good return on an investment like this. Furthermore the lease aspect would have to be very carefully looked at. A 20 to 25 year lease would not be uncommon. The potential purchaser(s) wouldn't be thinking of a short, say 5 year lease, then bulldoze and build commercial or residential property..................synical old me.
  9. Dear Terry Here is this week's training ground schedule: Throw ins - all players must be aware at all times and ready and willing to accept the ball from a throw in. I understand that this is contrary to current thinking where players hide at every opportunity and attach themselves to a marker in order not to receive the ball. Corner kicks - let's work on varying these. Why not try a short one for a change, swing ball away from the goalie or reach the back post on occasions. High balls to Adam - forget it. Adam won one, yes one ball, in the air last night yet we persisted in lobbing high balls in his general direction. Build from the back - as per previous comment, work on passing our way out of defence. Take a leaf out of Killie's book where they consistently passed their way up the park even though they have a big target man up front. Instruct our central defenders to think before hoofing high balls up the field to the opposition, we have one culprit in particular who hoofs 80% of his clearances up the park just to see the ball come straight back down towards him. Finally, don't panic. We are still a very good side who were due a bad patch. Stick together and the ship will steady soon.
  10. I don't think this is offensive. In any case is it not the case that one of the writers of Beau Peep is none other than Roger Kettle a former pupil of Inverness Royal Academy circa mid 1960s? Charles can you confirm this?
  11. Apologies if this has been covered previously but do we have an online Club Shop? Have tried the official club website but click on link takes you nowhere. Wanted to do my Xmas shopping tonight whilst that crap X factor is on!
  12. Like Donview I remember Gordie well throughout many years. Caley through and through. I don't think I ever actually talked to him or been in his direct company but everyone knew Gordie Bus and his love for North/Inverness football. Very sad indeed. R.I.P.
  13. Couldn't agree more, surely the gaffer can see that this is causing us a real problem. Nobody breaks their marker to get into a 'receiving' position. It must be very very hard for Shinnie, just into the team, to have no options in front of him. There are also times when the situation is screaming out for a long Grant throw in.
  14. Yes....but more importantly what a great performance today from Odhiambo. Getting a pre-season under his belt has made a huge difference to him.
  15. Excellent, I wish I hadn't jumped the gun and mis-understood correspondence, panicked and renewed by email/telephone. At least it clarifies the situation that you can simply renew at the stadium.
  16. Further to my experience with 'on-line' paying for season tickets earlier in the week. I thought I'd share my further experience. I went down to the stadium yesterday on another matter. Went into the portacabin and lo and behold was handed my season tickets in an envelope. Don't know if they were to be posted out or was I ment to collect them? Got into another conversation and didn't ask what was to happen to them. If my tickets were to be posted to my home address it would have cost the best part of ?1 as it would be considered a large letter by Royal Mail. After all the time I spent trying to buy my tickets early on the internet and then the phone, would I have been better to do what I always do and just turn up at the stadium and hand over my cash? The answer for me is definately yes, BUT are we allowed to do that this season? I thought the whole point was that electronic booking would save the club staff resources! There is going to have to be a clear instruction soon as most people will renew last minute and the club could be inundated with punters wishing to pay at the stadium. The whole thing raises other issues such as is there sufficient staff down there and are we not missing a massive retail opportunity by keeping people away. People turning up in person are more likely to purchase the new season's shirt, scarf etc. Also potential new season ticket holders may not be impressed by payment system which in my opinion is not very transparent. The above is not intended as a negative rant at the club, just my observations. I fully appreciate the hard work that everyone at the club puts into these processes and the need to save money.
  17. Observations: Tried to book my season ticket and my wife's on-line as suggested. Couldn't see after registering where to actually input our seat numbers so gave up and called the 0844 number as shown on the letter. Got through to 'Ticketmaster' in Manchester after a couple of minutes wait. Very helpfull bloke who wanted to know my Membership Number. I didn't know I had one but apparently it is the Client code shown on last years book! He says this number has a few different names! After that he wanted to update our details, email, telephone, date of birth etc. Then it was down to paying. He could only take the payment as 2 seperate transactions, goodness knows what happens if you are a family of 4 or 5? The cost for booking is ?1.50 each and not ?1 as intimated on a previous post. Total time on phone was 11 minutes and 20 seconds! Is 0844 a free call or have we been charged even more for the pleasure of renewing? Call me old fashioned but I prefer going down to the stadium with the cash and getting a friendly face to just take my money with a smile.
  18. Yabadabadooooooooooooooooooooo
  19. Jim Traynor did ackowledge ICT's achievement when I spoke to him, he was though I believe, more concerned that there wasn't a picture of the presentation rather than any script. I am sure he had a copy of the paper in front of him as I could hear him flicking through it. The real reason I bought that paper in the first place is because I keep a scrapbook, I know pretty old fashioned, but it's for my grandson who lives in Newcastle and is growing up as a Geordie with few Inverness roots.
  20. Have just rung the Daily Record to complain about the poor one column coverage that we got in today's paper. I asked to get put through to the sport's editor and lo and behold found myself speaking to James Traynor. I asked him why we had only got one column when even Brechin got a page and a half! To be fair to him he expressed grave disappointment himself saying that the production team had made this decision and that it was totally wrong to give us so little in terms of column inches. I went on to outline the fabulous day we had with a crowd in excess of 6000 in attendance. Even although it was a 'meaningless' fixture he felt that we should have at least got a decent picture of our celebrations included. The upshot is that Jim said he would definately be speaking to the production team who were due in the office at 2pm today. He didn't exactly apologise but I did feel that he was genuinely narked about the lack of coverage for ICT.
  21. Got mine five minutes ago but my Mrs isn't impressed as she is also a season ticket holder and didn't get one! Why's that? It looks personally signed. Great touch.
  22. Golly has been brilliant. Didn't he score our first ever SPL goal at Aberdeen?
  23. SUBO staying at Kingsmills last night!
  24. Wonder if that well known journalist, Graham Spears, will be making any predictions this year? Perhaps he would like a few ties to go with his collection of hats! Can we send him a tee-shirt and who else would we send one to?
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