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Everything posted by givmeaccccc

  1. Like others I didn't expect us to beat Celtic but I did expect a performance where we would actually compete for the ball and show some desire and hunger. Instead we looked like the proverbial rabbits caught in the headlights. No guts about us at all and no-one capable of putting in a crunching tackle. Raven is way out of his depth. Foran and Jones were equally culpable today, their stupidity cost us big time as we had no midfield and let them run all over us. Who was the captain today because he didn't show himeself when we needed him? Was it Esson who was captain? I also have a big gripe about the programme insert today with both Butcher and Foran having a pop at our support. If they learned the basics of entertainment then they could provide a product that would attract a support. I only bought it for the team sheets and even that was garbage as the Celtic goalscorer Watt wasn't mentioned and I am sure we had a number 40 on our bench but the insert doesn't name him.
  2. Renegade - great posts and spot on. £350 for a season ticket represented very poor value last season due to Butcher's tactics. The loss of players who you would see in the Town and who you felt you knew personaly builds a rapport between fans and club. I would pass just about all of yesterday's team in the street and wouldn't recognise them and that has happened every season since we started our now annual 'let's start again' clear out. As for following the club to away games an average £100 for two people is a massive sum of money. Our average attendance will end up at about 3500. However as usual I still woke up yesterday with a 'great it's match day' feel and will do again in a fortnight's time.
  3. There is one thing that CaleyD fails to appreciate, perhaps, is that many of the ICT fans are couples, husband and wife. Take a look at the Main Stand on a Saturday and you will see what I believe may be one of the highest man/woman pairs attending matches than most other clubs. A lot of that came from the buzz of the new club being formed and the travelling involved particularly when we went into SPL with Aberdeen groundshare. I maintain that many of the ladies are getting fed up. The stadium location in winter does not help. The cost is hugely instrumental in people falling away and season ticket sales slump. Something like £60 for a couple to watch a home match and perhaps £100 for an away game equates to about £320 per month, that's a mortgage repayment. Of course we aren't the only supporters paying these prices. I do however note that our concession season ticket prices are one of the most expensive by a long way! Saying all that I will always keep my one ticket, will always follow ICT regardless of where we play, but my wife won't, it's last season for her she tells me.
  4. Poor value for money, that's the real reason that season tickets sales have dived. Last season was dire. As I said in a previous post I have two tickets but my wife hardly goes now because there is no entertainment. I could name you at least 6 people who like me have two tickets who are 'going it alone'! The next step is we get shot of a ticket. We have just got rid of our two top scorers from last season and not replaced either of them so what are we to think? Where are the goals going to come from this season. Guess what Mr. Cameron and Butcher, that's what we go to games for, to see goals.
  5. What Mr. Cameron needs to do asap is issue a statement to the shareholders regarding the Board's thinking. He obviously forgets that many people invested in this club in the early days and agreed transfer of power from the old Caley and Jags Members Club. His statement has embarrased the club and gained massive unwelcome publicity.
  6. If you feel that strongly about the NewCo issue then follow 'Caley Mad in Berks' lead and write our Chairman telling him what to vote. I'm about to write him with my NO to a NewCo opinion.
  7. So I hit a raw nerve then by suggesting that Gary Warren may be just a squad player. At the moment he is going to be a first pick as he has to cover roles that may have gone to Tokely (legend), Hogg (injured and may sign if a better offer doesn't come his way), Proctor (a great servant and uitility player, gone), Gillet (who knows where he is going but not ICT), Golabart (real promise but gone). So he's going to be a very busy bloke indeed. To clear up any uncertainty I saw every home game last year plus a few away. It was misery by the way. Nevertheless I will support ICT regardless and wish anyone pulling on the shirt all the best, why would you want anything else. Finally how many times has TB seen the new boy play?
  8. OK so that's the squad/back up player signed. Who are we chasing to be the first choice?
  9. So the answer is that we don't have a decent scouting system in place. If that's true then it's a pathetic situation. There must be lots of talent out there who would jump at a chance of playing full time football for an SPL club. Sounds to me that Butcher doesn't trust anyone to recommend players to him as he wants to do everything himself. We don't even need to pay for this service. I'm sure an official approach from the club to the likes of Pele would see him identify possibilities in the Highland League and be very happy to help the club out. We are a shambles and I am bricking it about the forthcoming season.
  10. As we enter another summer with half a team it got me thinking about our scouting system. Do we employ, or should that be deploy scouts? Where are they located? Who are they? Who have they brought to the club in the past few years? Do we have people watching teams who are involved in some of our forthcoming matches? Would Butcher listen to any advice given him if he was briefed?
  11. Perhaps this has already been said but have we looked at the Highland League? For example who ended up top scorers in the season just finished? Are there any youngish strikers and centre backs out there who would welcome a chance at full time football with an SPL club close to home? Come on Terry take a chance on one or two.
  12. Why can't we afford Ross Tokely when we have just received £250k. What is it going to be spent on, new dross from the lower English leagues?
  13. I have never been so angry and truely wish that I hadn't renewed my season tickets. Butcher will ruin our club whilst Bennet and the Chairman (who is he?) stand by. We need a high profile Chairman who can take overall charge of the club. In the past we have had McGillivary, Sutherland and Savage to name a few all very highly thought of and driven men. Ross should have been offered a place for life with our club. Gutted angry and fearfull that we will be relegated next season.
  14. I hope our Chairman will make a full statement on here very soon as to what 'we' voted for and against and why!
  15. Despite bleating on here last week about the entertainment last season I renewed ours last Friday. Do they issue books in number order? If they do I got numbers 109 and 110 for the Main Stand. A mate got number 118 this Monday. Does that mean we have only sold that number of season books to date for the Main Stand. Disappointing that the club didn't have the decency to send out an application form this year.
  16. Good point that managers, players et al are on holiday apart from journalists who link everyone with everyone, BUT..............strange isn't it that most clubs are being linked spuriously or not with other's players except us. We are shaping up to be last in the pecking order again.
  17. My wife also not renewing this season. We have had two tickets since the stadium opened. She says the entertainment this year was non existent and it's too cold. On both counts she is spot on.
  18. Ross is a complete legend and should be offered a job for life with ICT. Once again he was man of the match today.
  19. By the way did I hear the crowd announced as 4000+ today? Surely not!
  20. Hibs sat back in the second half and allowed us to push the ball about. That's why OTJ had a good game when he came on because there was no-one snapping at his heels like in most games in the SPL. I can see Butcher's comments now, it'll go something like: 'that's 3 shut outs in a row, I wish the season was just starting now and I could field my strongest side every week'.........boring boring Butcher Huge disappointment that we didn't get to see a few of the rising stars, if we have any. Thank goodness the season is over.....................but you know what I'm already getting kind of excited at the prospect of competing with County in the SPL
  21. Why don't we look through the Highland League for players? Given that Forres have just won the title they must surely have one or two young likely lads who would welcome th chance to go full time. Somewhere in all the teams in the Highland League there just must be a gem waiting to be given a chance.
  22. For the first time ever I left with others before the game was over. Butcher's tactics and post match comments are a complete joke. Not for the first time this season I question the commitment of the players. I cannot think of one single player I would keep for next season. We are on a collision course with relegation in 2012/2013. Aberdeen today were the poorest team you are ever likely to see at our stadium and we never looked like scoring, either did they. Tuffey, Golabart, Tudor Jones, Williams, Gillet and Sutherland can all go. At least Aberdeen have a 16 year old to take on, where are our youth players? It's bye bye season ticket and hello pick your games next season. Gutted.
  23. Absolute crap. Really fed up with Butcher's PR and excuses. Like an earlier poster I am seriously considering whether to buy my two season tickets next year or just pick and choose my games. There is potentialy a real problem with season ticket sales as there are quite a few 'floaters' in this area who will think nothing of going to watch their SPL football over the bridge next season. It could be argued that there will be a far better atmosphere up there in a more compact ground plus the novelty of a new team in the league. I wonder what the Director of football thinks of the product we are being given for our hard earned cash? Haven't heard anything from him for ages about the plans for the future etc etc
  24. Worst player on the park Gnakpa. Not interested and I agree with previous post(s) that he should never get a start again. Best player on the park Billy McKay, he is the only player in our team who can take and hold a ball. What he needs is someone to play close to him and feed of his distribution. Player most needed, OTJ, . Butcher is making a fool of him by giving him 30 seconds at the end of each game.
  25. Regardless of opinions Proctor will always be to me the youngster who came into Tokely's right back position at Clyde when Tok was suspended and had a sensational game culminating in us going to the SPL. Great servant.
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