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Everything posted by wynthank15

  1. wynthank15

    New Striker

    Have been keeping an eye on Chris Duggan of East Fife who is now getting a run after being dogged by a hamstring injury which turned out to be a torn muscle. Has paid his dues in the lower leagues, was on Partick's books and is now starting to score regularly. Still only 23. As you move up the leagues the quality of ball tends to be better which helps a striker who can finish. Just my tuppence worth.
  2. Hopefully JR is trying to free up money for a striker, badly needed, hope it's not under instructions from the board just to save money. Good luck David thanks for the memories.
  3. If the highlights are indicative of the game it looks like two points dropped, need more composure around the box.
  4. Make the west a pay on the day standing area.
  5. Good on you Gringo the only way to beat this is to deny the beast and its disgusting owner, your money, I ditched Sky years ago, and in fact I ditched TV three years ago nothing but propaganda, lies and immorality. As a matter of interest, before Rome fell the highest paid people were their charioteers and their cooks were celebrities, ring any bells?
  6. Have to agree with Fox here, have listened to Celtic games on radio home and away and the level of sectarian songs has just increased, also, since he posted this the green brigade area has been closed, uefa have fined Celtic for sectarian singing and a fan for attacking an opposition player, I suggest Kingsmills you take off the green blinkers. We don't want this in the Scottish game but taking sides doesn't help.
  7. It's ma green buckie accessory bottle, goes wi ma strip, ken.
  8. Were I a Londoner I would be a Palace supporter too, love the strip, real football ground, atmosphere. Unfortunately Palace this season rather remind me of ICT last season, hope not, you have some talented players but as we know there is no such thing as too good to go down.
  9. Right again K you're making a habit of this
  10. It's where Foran should have started his managerial career, if indeed he was ever cut out for management.
  11. Don't think it matters who we appoint until we can find two decent central defenders we will always be a bang average team with a propensity to implode at any given moment.
  12. Surely, as adults, we are capable of disagreeing with somebody else without resorting to abusing them. You wouldn't, or at least shouldn't, do that to their face do why should it be any more acceptable to do so online ? Absolutely Kingsmills.
  13. A full back needs pace off the mark as he is usually up against a pacy winger. The Manager sees him in training every day and is best placed to decide whether a players time is up, then there's the money aspect, probably makes sense all round. I think everyone will remember that semi winner with fondness.
  14. There is no short fix for this, due to the lack of money, do what Ferguson did at Man Utd set up a scouting group especially in the central belt where most promising youngsters will come from, put them in digs and pay them more than they get at their current clubs, outside the OF and perhaps Aberdeen the young lads get paid buttons. There needs to be a conveyor of youngsters coming up to the club because that is the future for ICT we don't have the money to attract even premier reserve players nor do many want to come to this part of Scotland. The hook has to be if they are good enough they will go into the 1st team to showcase their skills and get a move to a premiership club it's the only sustainable long term path unless a sugar daddy buys the club. Football and footballers have become too expensive even for the moderately rich.
  15. Does anyone know the history as it relates to this guy. I find it hard to believe that the player in the video has become an absolute dud unless he is carrying a serious injury or has completely lost interest in the game.Perhaps he just needs a good deal of game time if he has been out for a long period. I know videos can be misleading but he looks like the kind of player who would be perfect at this level, certainly times and bends his runs well, though I note there are not that many goals featured, could be he is prone to being crocked for long periods.
  16. SteveA I don't think there is any money for the changes you want, what we have is it for the season, we will either sink or survive in this division. Personally, I think it will be a close run thing.
  17. TBH I can't see too much wrong with the video he seems quick, strong, aware, good touch and can score, problem is, he does need a midfield who can supply him with opportunities, is he injured? training? Has anyone seen him play?
  18. Apologies, quote above was by Marcello Lippi not Trap.
  19. Whit a bunch of jokers, they've just made me manager, how d'ya like ma new tie.
  20. You've sussed the DU game I was referring to it was an unmitigated disaster because of the change of style by an ICT team that had played well enough up to that point to the extent that most of the home support I think expected an ICT win or at least a close game but JH had changed what he wanted and it took time to bed in. Husdean I agree with you about the technical side but you have to ask why? it's because players in this country do not work on it enough and it's just not on skills, football is a team game, it includes game intelligence, movement, everyone understanding what they are trying to do and how to achieve it, what runs need to be made, understanding given circumstances immediately when they arise, how to defend as a unit. The great Goivanni Trapattoni was asked "what do you first look for in a player?" His answer was "intelligence", not skill or great speed or dribbling ability he wanted someone who could understand and learn their system and knew what to do in all situations. My admiration for JH is not based on romanticism it was based on what he was trying to do despite supporter dissatisfaction because he knew it was correct and his project was nowhere near complete when he left. The sad part is all that tough early work was thrown away. Anyone who cares to look back to JH's second season after the Astra games by which time we had lost our two best players, we had also lost half a team through injuries hence the emergency signings we made but you can't introduce new players into a system and expect it to work straight away so it's little wonder that it took time to get a run of results in that second season and it was a very creditable finish. My defence of JH is not based on any consideration other than what he achieved on the pitch which in results terms was pretty impressive and in my opinion would have got better as new players learned and adjusted to his system of play. Ask yourself, during which period did you consistently see players take the ball under pressure in their own box and calmly play their way out retaining possession almost certainly it was only during JH's tenure at all other times it was a blooter up the park.
  21. Hawkeye, I hear what you are saying and yes that will happen from time to time I remember the first time they tried it against Dundee utd and we gifted them 3 goals in the first half but they stuck with it, became comfortable with it and it worked and it was the correct way to go. Remember by the second season we had lost watkins and shinnie not easy players to replace but we still finished in a decent position. I remember watching a league cup match at Ibrox where we dominated possession and lost 1-0, disappointing yes, despondent no, the problem we now have is there is no system, no understanding of what we should be attempting to do. We chucked away a method of play which had been instilled in the players the day JH was sacked and we've suffered ever since.
  22. It is important to take carbs or protein before and after a physical workout.Porridge or brose is a great slow release carb for endurance work which many of the everest climbers used. I can't see that a few beers and pasta or fish and chips after a game can hurt provided the leg and gym work has been done during the week.
  23. Hawkeye, the purpose of playing it along the back where you have 4 defenders is if the opposition are going to press ie push up 4 players then there has to be a spare midfield player or forward, I would accept that players cannot always find the spare player if the opposition press as a unit but the concept is sound, you just need players good enough to execute it, just look at the way the english premiership teams play each week. You are always limited by the player's ability. The other advantage is that while you have the ball the opposition can't hurt you. If you do find the spare man in midfield you now have a man advantage in that area from where you can build an attack especially if your wing backs get forward and we had two very decent wing backs. It was the correct way to play and takes a thinking mind set to do it. The shame is that this style was thrown overboard by RF and now we don't have the players of sufficient ability to execute it. I have watched ICT since the Patterson years and our home match against Astra was the best I have seen from an ICT team and that was without Watkins and Shinnie.
  24. Hi Mantis, I'm over 60 I said I played well into my 30's. DD I'm not trying to be smart but I would strongly suggest that it was JH's style of play that won us our first silverware and our highest league position no matter the squad he inherited which I agree was a decent group of players.
  25. Caley 100 your second assumption is correct, I have said that Vigurs is a luxury on another post, especially in this division. Our midfield thinks that defending is someone else's job.
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