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Roberts extending his stay?


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Sounds like we are trying to extend the loan for Phillip Roberts

From what i've seen he has shown quite a bit of potential and technical ability. Definitely has something to offer the team so am glad that we are trying to extend his loan


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"He has settled in very well. He's a big threat and he's got a lot of pace. He's an Arsenal player, so he's very comfortable with the ball. He's got different hairstyles as well, which is quite nice."


Versatile hair, that's what we've lacked all these years.

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Hope he stays, been a key player since he came into the side and offers us some real flair when he plays. Arsenal i'm sure will be pleased with the progress he is making and if they have any sense they will want that progression to continue, that will come if he extends his stay here.

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Hope we do secure a full season loan, especially if the guy is enjoying his time in Inverness and living in the city. Sadly I think some Championship clubs may want him after Jan, so lets hope he likes the Highland life to tell Arsenal he'd like to stay a bit longer.

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How many different coifs does he have?

I have only one -- non-existent. :sad: No hair, no coif, no fun. Grrrrrr :smile:

You could do a john travolta and just paint your head black, like a leggo character. Or perhaps use a pritt stick and attach some cotton wool for a more mature look. :rolleyes:

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How many different coifs does he have?

I have only one -- non-existent. :sad: No hair, no coif, no fun. Grrrrrr :smile:

You could do a john travolta and just paint your head black, like a leggo character. Or perhaps use a pritt stick and attach some cotton wool for a more mature look. :rolleyes:

Ain't he jist a cottin pickin so n so, makin fun of us folicle deprived maturites !!

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Holy Smokes ..what have i done? They ARE all coming out of the woodwork. :crazy:

Your suggestions, lads, are rather brilliant. I particularly like the black paint one --will go well with my dark and lugubrioous personality.

But I think I will stick wid the red--much better for attracting the money, like. And, nowadays, what with gas prices going through the roof, food doubling in price and a nite out on the toon being completely out of the question these days one haso focus, man, focus.

O .K. enough of this chitter,chatter..... the wife has just told me I am going out to the THAI restaurant for a quick meal--I dont need tae be telt twice on that one, I can tell you. The food is unbelievable there; even if it's completely free of hormones and growth chemicals. Straight rice and veggies...mmmmmmmm....cooked to perfection and reasonably priced too. Now that's a new one , nowadays.

Cheers fellas. I'm off to titivate the new coif.

MMMM that red strip on me bonce makes me look like a successful Mohawk warrior....... :cheer01:


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My wifes impression of him, from the Dundee game, is that he has promise and quality but is a lazy player who doesn't track back or attempt to help out the defence. She thinks he shows a bit of a big ego. Something that Tel may be able to knock out of him. I only ever seen him in the County game so haven't formed a proper opinion.

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My wifes impression of him, from the Dundee game, is that he has promise and quality but is a lazy player who doesn't track back or attempt to help out the defence. She thinks he shows a bit of a big ego. Something that Tel may be able to knock out of him. I only ever seen him in the County game so haven't formed a proper opinion.

Yer wife is very wise Alex, because that's exactly my thoughts on Roberts. I have only seen him on 2 live tv games, and read his tweets. But I think he has some skill, but lazy when loses the ball, and comes across a wee bit arrogant on twatter. Time to come good though if he stays for the season

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Not my impression of him at all.

If, and I don't necessarily think it's a persistent thing, he's not tracking back as much as some might like to see then I put that down to lack of stamina...an issue he openly admits to and is working hard on improving.

I also think it's easy to confuse confidence with ego...and it's a tag that is often (wrongly) attached to players of that ilk in Scotland.

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I think the joys of "tracking back" can be over-estimated...it can mean you are pinned your own half with a very defensive set up, if you have more people up (a la Messi and Ronaldinho!) it helps to keep the opposition honest.

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Having watched the replay again on Alba he had a good game once more. Let's not lose sight of the fact that he is only 18, and his lack of extreme fitness may well be the reason for his lethargic looking work rate, but he is excellent in the air and can drift past players with ease, has extra acceleration and can score goals.

He'll do for me.

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I'm not getting the arrogance comments. Look at the way the rest of the team react to him, like he's just one of the boys. I doubt he'd be there if he was overly arrogant.

Either way, a good wee player and I'll be very happy to keep him until the end of the season.

This Arsenal link up is looking promising methinks!

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