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Everything posted by gordyfromsneck

  1. No, he didnt have a good game today, but he is creative going forward with the ball at his feet. Like all our players, he has one or two weak areas. Worth keeping.
  2. Poor poor show. By the way, got a tip off about this, very good My name is Gordon Urquhart Season book 00948 I am Spartacus...
  3. heheh Especially the Longman. Front page of the Courier stuff. Well done to our excellent DOf for brokering what must, without doubtm be the deal of the seasons. Now was the cheque in pounds or Lats?
  4. Inverness wants to hang onto Nauris, but another Scottish club is also interested. At a guess.
  5. Yep, Manny, for me Sanchez is a creative force, but still has improving to do. Needs to be played in the right way.
  6. section G were being really abusive to Imrie when he was warming up. effing c--- being among the more classy ones! I was disgusted with them and obviously Dougie was less than impressed. He might be leaving us but that sort of abuse is not merited and why would he want to stay now? We dont need primadonna's like him in our team. Quite right, scoring cracking goals like that! Who the hell does he think he is? What we don't need is stupid kids actively discouraging the players they profess to support.
  7. There are all sorts of ages on this forum, so be gentle. Great game, we played ourselves into it inthe first half, anbd desrved the goal, scrambled though it was. Imrie's goal was from the top drawer, as good as the one he scored against Hearts, he is obviously a big game player. Yes, the injury was a bit false, but the backline played him onside, just before he got up. A bit sneaky, but not illegal. The best part was that we didnt fade in the 2nd half. I thoughtMotherwell would come out hard and fast and they did, if we can last 15 mins we can stay there. Superb, confident performance, the ball play in the 2nd half was as good as I've seen. Imrie did enough to be MOM, and it would be unfair to point out a bad player. Well done to TerrynJune. They got it bang on. We are really playing some good stuff again.
  8. Larsson was marked out as I recall, but cannot remember who by. O'Neill to give him credit came out and said that he grossly underestimated us in putting out a fringe team, It was pishing wet.
  9. But a much better one to fans of the Fablious Inverness Caley Thistle! Hope our on field sucess is reflected in your health, wealth and happiness. See you all on Saturday!
  10. must resist temptation ...... must resist temptation ..... cannot mention breweries ...... must resist temptation ....... cannot mention p***-ups ....... must resist temptation lol
  11. Didn't I see you on the telly recently, "Highland lottery winner" or something. Good of Don to point out the getout clause in the contract. If we are looking for a pie stall operator, then two suggestions... Inverness College...work experience etc Fans collective, bored wives, husbands daughters. Could be run as a not for profit venture. Oh yeah, Eden Court operate an honesty stall for tea/coffee. ?1, and you are out of there faster than a Jakey at a wineshop. I won't be queuing again, till I learn that times have improved substantially.
  12. Nice. I see you got the unpenalised pass back to Douglas around the 1:58 mark.
  13. Best day at TCS for a wee while but I seem to be saying that more often these days, so someone must be doing something right. We were worthy of the win, no doubt about it. The one-two quick passing is a joy to behold and works well till the back line when everyone starts going sideways across the front instead of shooting. Rooney took his goal so well, he is going to be missed when he goes i January. As are some of the top lads, just when this team is beginning to gel. Lionel suckered for the penalty. The striker was going nowhere, and if LDZ had waited .45 of a second he could have clobbered him outside the box. The clown made the most of it witha double axel and 3/4 twist. Very Barry Robson. Genrally the Dundee players like to churn it up, how many stoppages for their excruciating, but brief injuries? They were at the same thing in Perth. They must be very scared of us. All players played well, but special award (good) goes to Rooney for his workrate and one-twos, and special award (bad) goes to Foran for his inability to trap a ball without moving it three yards. Watch Hayes do the same thing, just like Robson, maybe it is a winger thing. Most enjoyable, County will get torn a new one if we play like that, though it may be a possibility we may not.
  14. These are excellent suggestions above, and I am willing bet you ?5 that none of them will be implimented by the end of the season. I didn't queue today, but I was to told that pies have now gone up a further 40p and are now ?1.80. Except for the chicken balti ones which are ?2.20. There were, of course, no macaronie pies. I see what the strategy is now; the franchisees are free to charge what they like for pies, on the understanding that half the profit goes to the club. Accordingly, I suggest that each pie-eater now gives a voluntary charge of ?5 for each pie purchased. The club will benefit, new players, better results etc etc This has been Gordyfromsneck, Piewatch, TCS.
  15. I wondered about that too, Iain. We only started having games called off when the undersoil heating was installed. maybe they wil just leave it off, and let the aquifer do its thing.
  16. Yep a good call. CL will win things for Scotland, eh like a qualifying place...maybe
  17. Not so sure about Duncan or Rosco, but I think Munro's game has stagnated along the way. Stil worthy of his place, yes, but not lived up to his earlier promise. A move away, then maybe back, would give us a very much improved player.
  18. Sounds the usual - lots of chances and not enough goals. Hoping for more decisiveness next week. Very good one to wiin. Yeah, btw can we cut out the reporting of English matches on the ICT matchday thread, please.
  19. Heheh You are a wag! The scary bit, which is in the Courier report, but not in the P and J one, is that "We will listen to offers for established players". All are for sale. Even two wins in the next games wil not stop the shop from opening, and cheap at that. Someone somewhere has made a comittment to cost cutting and comensurately Div 1 consolidation until a new sugar daddy shows up.
  20. Sky have the exclusive broadcasting rights to the Scottish cup and i believe it runs out at the end of the season so maybe BBC Alba could pick it up next season... :D Yes, they can certainly afford it. They could rename it the Alba Cup...oh....
  21. That's strange. I believe that this team is in no way fit to lace the league winner's boots. But that is the stuff of a different thread. This team is improving, and I think Terry n June are getting their eye in for Div 1 too. The problem is the board and a lack of strategic thinking. As for fans, speaking for myself, I will still be coming along if we were in the Highland League.
  22. I believe I had a slice on a certain evening in February 2000 at the aforementioned Celtic Park. It is also on the menu at Toronto FC along with the pre-requisite Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Chips, Chips 'n' Gravy, Chips 'n' Curry Sauce, Chip Butties, Souvlaki, Pita breads and all sorts of other stuff ....... oh, and of course BEER !!!! TFC do a taste test before every season to see what fans want !!! They pick a random group of season ticket holders and feed them on the proposed food for the next season ..... (I havent been picked yet ) 2007: http://toronto.fc.mlsnet.com/news/team_new...p&team=t280 2008: http://toronto.fc.mlsnet.com/news/team_new...p&team=t280 2009: http://toronto.fc.mlsnet.com/news/team_new...p&team=t280 2010: ????? Incredible menu! Pretty sure that that level of catering would take fans in irrespective of the level of football on offer. I recall in the 70s getting fish and chips at Pittodrie. That was a treat. The outside van, with their ?2 chips seems to have deserted us, since our relegation. However as a previous poster points out, it is all done on a cost/consumption basis. The previous caterers told us that it wasn't cost effective for them to do hamburgers, or in our case, vegeburgers. For a while however, we took our own in and he cooked them and sold us rolls, and a service charge, great work. Till he was told that, yes that's right, health and safety mitigated against it. I wonder if the new caterers would like to rise to the vegetarian challenge? It is after all 10% of the population and rising, c200 folk per crowd. Or will we have to do with the 5 macaroni pies between us.
  23. Good on Darren to answer the fans comments. But let's not abuse this, as he has a lot of other things to do. Top chap.
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