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  1. It was complete overkill at the game. All those police and they still couldn't stop a bunch of lads having a scuffle after the match.
    3 points
  2. It's education from association as that's what other fans do I suppose. Our young fans like to make a lot of noise but they don't usually go out of their way looking for a fight.
    2 points
  3. I have a strong suspicion this will me moved to the Sunday midday. Pretty annoyed at punters on here writing off our chances. It's celtic we're playing, not Barcelona.
    2 points
  4. Cole and Doran were our two main sources of creativity. They have to start against Partick.
    1 point
  5. Interesting to see a lot of fans keen on giving Vigurs a rest. If we don't win this one I think I'll cry. And Vigurs should be rested.
    1 point
  6. I'd play Raven if fit and Cole than King and Boden, so: Fon Williams Raven, Mckay, Warren, Tremarco Tansey, Draper Polworth, Cole, Doran Anier
    1 point
  7. Well at least life in Hellgin has not changed that much over the years. It looked like our young angels were being goaded and they were just defending themselves.
    1 point
  8. Ah! So it is. I should have watched it on a bigger screen first. And to be fair to Boden, a nice little bit of control and lay off to Doran to set up Doumbouya's goal.
    1 point
  9. It's a great draw for us. For a start it will bring in some money. If we win then we will get a huge boost and even more money. If we lose then at least we go out to a side which is expected to beat us. We would be able to focus on league survival without the distraction of a cup run and without the morale sapping knowledge that we have gone out to a side we should have beaten. The danger is that we get totally hammered. Celtic are very strong and we are somewhat vulnerable at the moment. Getting beat 5-0 would be very deflating but there is no real reason to think that is going to happen. Given our record against Celtic in the cup I would imagine that they would rather have avoided us. They know they should beat us comfortably but they also know how embarrassing it would be for them to lose to us yet again. As long as we make a good account of ourselves then we can be happy with that and can then focus on the main business. Actually it is a decent draw all round with a potential Edinburgh derby, County v the Dons and a guarantee that 2 sides from the lower divisions reach the last 8. By the way - any chance of signing Paul Sheerin in the January window?
    1 point
  10. Agreed and the fact that the rules on the tournament permit the use of two goalkeepers and to allow the fans to assist by pulling down their players in the box when playing in Glasgow against Celtic is an added bonus.
    1 point
  11. I actually think it's a good draw. A guaranteed six figure pay day with the distinct possibility of a further cash windfall for live TV could well mean that we are able to strengthen further for the remainder of the league campaign. Also, we have a very decent record against them in this tournament especially in Glasgow.
    1 point
  12. Currently 31 out of 32 votes have gone to the excellent Cole for MotM. In the other vote, Vigurs must have a login for CTO and voted for himself
    1 point
  13. Also, how much better does 3 and a half thousand look when there's terracing or grass banks to stand and watch a game? Instead of sparsely populated all seater stadia?! Rules and attitudes from the powers-that-be need to move with the times, or in fact, revert to older times.
    1 point
  14. I suppose that may depend on how vital the home point ultimately turns out to be to the effort to avoid relegation.
    -1 points
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    • Season Tickets + Resignation Confirmation
      Firstly; we can confirm the resignation of our Chairman and Board member Ross Morrison. He leaves with our sincere thanks for the dedicated service he has given to the Club and we are indebted to him for his passion, tireless effort and crucial investment in the Club.

      We can also announce that our CEO Scot Gardiner has tendered his resignation, which has been accepted by the Board. Scot is now serving his notice and will be continuing to help the Club get through this difficult period.
      • 37 replies
    • Gardiner Resigns
      ICT CEO Scot Gardiner resigns.
      Local media in Inverness is reporting that ICTFC CEO Scot Gardiner has resigned and is now working his notice period at the club. https://bit.ly/3VcnYcX
      • 0 replies
    • Administration pending unless...
      Administration pending, unless... How can we go from SupercaleygoballisticCelticareatrocious in the year 2000, to Scottish Cup Winners in 2015, playing in Europe and just 9 years after lifting the Cup; Administration. Mismanagement and our demise was hastened by the appointment of Scot Gardiner. Ever since then, ludicrous decision making has seen our stock plummet whilst 'shady' dealings were investigated. The failed Concert Company, the Battery Storage, the Statkraft contract have all ended badly leaving the club facing insolvency.

      That's another fine mess you've got us into.
        • Well Said
      • 1 reply
    • New Chairman Wanted, Apply Within
      Chairman Ross Morrison resigns


      Nothing official from the club as we speak, but the Inverness Courier are running with a story that Ross Morrison has resigned at 18:00 tonight 3rd June.  More to come as this story develops, but most fans are looking for more heads to roll.

      Speaking exclusively to The Inverness Courier, Mr Morrison said he is leaving now because of the aftermath of the Fife move. “I believe it [the move to Fife] is the best way forward and I have to stick with my beliefs,” Mr Morrison said. “This is the reason I'm stepping down now.”

      Reflecting on his time with the Caley Thistle, Mr Morrison said: “My six-year tenure with the club has had some great and some not so great times but through everything I was immensely proud to be the chairman of the club and clubs I’ve supported for 50 years - I was a Jaggie by the way.

      “I would ask the fans to rally round the club at this time and show their support by not only purchasing their season tickets but also getting involved directly with the club to see how they can help.

      “Hearing fans saying they would prefer administration to training the first team in Kelty sent a shiver down my spine. Administration is a desperate thing to happen to a club and must, at all cost, not happen to ICTFC.”
      • 1 reply
    • Player of the Year 2023-2024
      The winner for this season voted for by you is our very own local player Cameron Harper. Will that ever happen again I wonder?

      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
      3rd with 58 points Cameron Kerr
      4th with 53 points Billy Mckay
      5th with 51 points Max Anderson
      6th with 50 points Nathan Shaw

      • 6 replies
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