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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2014 in all areas

  1. I think that we should all go to a pub - or two - after the final game and get ratersed.
    3 points
  2. We need to approach David Guetta to do a remix of Bring It On Home.
    2 points
  3. Who are you 'playing' for now?
    1 point
  4. And once more the IHE influence brings about results.
    1 point
  5. Committee: David Blunkett; Ray Charles; Stevie Wonder
    1 point
  6. That is potentially the funniest thing i have seen all season. You know those youtube vids that you watch over and over and over again, well this is defianatly going to be up there!! This has to get on SoccerAM or rude tube or somthing
    1 point
  7. good on you Yogi. A month of this sharn and your still with us!
    1 point
  8. Seems that a different game was watched by those actually at the game, from those watching on tv with the "benefit" of the commentators and their views and likely re-runs of actual events during the game. It was a good game, better in parts, but overall enjoyable and one point is better than none, even though 3 would have been ideal.
    1 point
  9. Makes it really interesting in the bottom half, But just think, had it not been for the introduction of the play offs this season it would all be pretty meaningless.
    1 point
  10. Another slightly more zoomed in one:
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Alright chaps/chapesses. Agree to disagree, but cut out the personal stuff.
    1 point
  13. So the new challenge was to be involved in a relegation battle then? EDIT: F'cking hell. Some shout from me earlier in the thread about Robson and Flood eh?
    1 point
  14. If I ever attend it will have to be a Soho venue.
    1 point
  15. I quite enjoyed the game. There was a lot to be positive about and it was certainly much better than the previous home game against Motherwell. I think the comments above regarding Tansey are a bit harsh - he has had better games but I thought he put in a decent shift and was unlucky not to score what would have been a great goal. Mention too for both Raven and Tremarco who I thought had pretty solid games. Defensively we were sound but the real positive for me was that whilst there was clearly a desire to pass the ball out of defence, if it needed hoofing it was hoofed without hesitation. The main concern from watching this was Billy. In recent weeks much of the criticism of the team is that we have not been creating chances and particularly for Billy who has often been quite isolated. Well, last night we created a good few and in truth Billy could have had a hatrick and really should have converted at least one. Watkins, Doran and Christie all set him up with glorious chances and he really should have been first to the rebound when Tansey hit the bar. Certainly he worked hard and got himself into great positions but he needs to be putting some of these away. It is interesting to read some of the comments here about this being a poor game because if Billy had tucked 2 or 3 of these chances away, everyone would be cooing about what a great performance it had been from the team. I would agree with others about the difference Christie made when he came on - but it was rather short lived. After he played that glorious cross-field ball to Mckay he had little impact. He frequently lost possession and once even got muscled off the ball by Willo Flood! There is no doubting his talent but I'm, not so sure that he's ready for a start yet. And Adam who? I only realised Rooney was playing for Aberdeen when he got subbed. Full marks to our defence for keeping him so quiet. It might have been a different story if he had the chances Mckay had. That really sums up the game for me.
    1 point
  16. Outplayed for a spell in the first half but nevertheless created 2 great chances for Billy. 2nd half was much more open and we could have nicked it (or lost it!) Vincent was nowhere tonight and Christie once again made a difference. Warren was brilliant and Draper broke the play up well. Billy worked his socks off and made the most of scraps. Tansey not at his best but the rest were solid. Opportunity missed, but probably a fair result.
    1 point
  17. Poor game but decent defensive performance barring some slack passing. Warren has been playing like a man posessed!
    1 point
  18. http://www.falkirkfc.co.uk/blog/u20-falkirk-2-ict-0/#more-2546
    1 point
  19. Rafael Scheidt, he played for a sh**e team. Mustafa Kamel played for Egypt. Richard Brittain is British, and he is a Dick.
    1 point
  20. Lost Griffiths but gained OTJ. That's about equal then? Errr...
    1 point
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    • Season Tickets + Resignation Confirmation
      Firstly; we can confirm the resignation of our Chairman and Board member Ross Morrison. He leaves with our sincere thanks for the dedicated service he has given to the Club and we are indebted to him for his passion, tireless effort and crucial investment in the Club.

      We can also announce that our CEO Scot Gardiner has tendered his resignation, which has been accepted by the Board. Scot is now serving his notice and will be continuing to help the Club get through this difficult period.
      • 37 replies
    • Gardiner Resigns
      ICT CEO Scot Gardiner resigns.
      Local media in Inverness is reporting that ICTFC CEO Scot Gardiner has resigned and is now working his notice period at the club. https://bit.ly/3VcnYcX
      • 0 replies
    • Administration pending unless...
      Administration pending, unless... How can we go from SupercaleygoballisticCelticareatrocious in the year 2000, to Scottish Cup Winners in 2015, playing in Europe and just 9 years after lifting the Cup; Administration. Mismanagement and our demise was hastened by the appointment of Scot Gardiner. Ever since then, ludicrous decision making has seen our stock plummet whilst 'shady' dealings were investigated. The failed Concert Company, the Battery Storage, the Statkraft contract have all ended badly leaving the club facing insolvency.

      That's another fine mess you've got us into.
        • Well Said
      • 1 reply
    • New Chairman Wanted, Apply Within
      Chairman Ross Morrison resigns


      Nothing official from the club as we speak, but the Inverness Courier are running with a story that Ross Morrison has resigned at 18:00 tonight 3rd June.  More to come as this story develops, but most fans are looking for more heads to roll.

      Speaking exclusively to The Inverness Courier, Mr Morrison said he is leaving now because of the aftermath of the Fife move. “I believe it [the move to Fife] is the best way forward and I have to stick with my beliefs,” Mr Morrison said. “This is the reason I'm stepping down now.”

      Reflecting on his time with the Caley Thistle, Mr Morrison said: “My six-year tenure with the club has had some great and some not so great times but through everything I was immensely proud to be the chairman of the club and clubs I’ve supported for 50 years - I was a Jaggie by the way.

      “I would ask the fans to rally round the club at this time and show their support by not only purchasing their season tickets but also getting involved directly with the club to see how they can help.

      “Hearing fans saying they would prefer administration to training the first team in Kelty sent a shiver down my spine. Administration is a desperate thing to happen to a club and must, at all cost, not happen to ICTFC.”
      • 1 reply
    • Player of the Year 2023-2024
      The winner for this season voted for by you is our very own local player Cameron Harper. Will that ever happen again I wonder?

      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
      3rd with 58 points Cameron Kerr
      4th with 53 points Billy Mckay
      5th with 51 points Max Anderson
      6th with 50 points Nathan Shaw

      • 6 replies
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