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  1. Confirmed....away trip to Birmingham City on Sat 2nd August @ 3:00pm
    3 points
  2. What a lot of drivel! Reguero was a good keeper for us and effectively ousted Esson from the No 1 jersey. He left of his own accord. We certainly didn't want rid of him! I agree that County have had a number of ex-ICT players through the years, but it works both ways. There are loads of guys who've played for both clubs and we've taken a fair few from them ourselves! We maybe more 'guilty' than them - not going to check, but off the top of my head, we've had ex-County players that include: Barry Wilson, Nicky Walker, Lionel Djebi-Zadi, Roy McBain, Richard Hastings, Steven Hislop, Gary McSwegan, Don Cowie, Andy Barrowman, John Rankin, Richie Hart, Stuart Golabek...
    2 points
  3. I would say that introducing a 3g surface to the stadium is, on the whole, a good idea. It creates a playing surface that is consistent, true and not affected by weather to the same extent as grass. Neither will it invariably degrade over the course of a season which is almost entirely outside the growing period for grass. It would still require warming (rather than heating) periodically in winter but it would allow under 20's and other games to go ahead at the stadium without damage to the pitch. It's also a surface that gets easier to play on the more you do it, so it could create a playing advantage over sides with grass pitches, at least in the short term. There has always been cash available (up to 100% grant funding on a £400K investment) to clubs and local authorities from Scottish Government and the SFA for creating surfaces of this type and opening them out to wider useage. Crowdfunding is a viable method of funding whatever shortfall may exist. There is a potential additional income stream from pitch rental (which Airdrie do very well, for example) but more importantly there is an opportunity to create viable links between the club and an established football playing public - play football at Caley Thistle, watch football at Caley Thistle. There are also links between junior and kids football that already exist but can be strengthened immeasureably by playing on the same pitch as their heroes. There is certainly the potential to boost income by a significant sum per season, create employment and develope a high profile community facility. It's something that at a stroke would diminish any reliance on the facilities at Dingwall, which can only be good. As far as training facilities go, the "hub" at Charleston is a real no brainer. It will be heavily subsidised (or entirely funded) by public funds, will give Caley Thistle another visible presence in the city and further enhance the use of the rest of that planned facility. It's not an "academy" but it could be made to approach it for a manageable capital cost. I note that the above questions that we need to concentrate less on our football business and more on what appears to be an aspirational list of ideas that are admirable but wooly. We are a football club, that's why people come to TCS - to watch football. If we can involve more of them as stakeholders and participants, that's what brings them back to an enhanced matchday experience - not easy, but the nothing worthwhile ever is. Even rock and roll.
    2 points
  4. I think we have a habit of playing down just how "high profile" we are as a club...so it's maybe not that big a shocker that clubs of this calibre are as keen to play as us we will be to play them. To my knowledge the game is not the result of any clause, but obviously there's the Andy Shinnie connection which adds a little something extra. As you say, timing of it is good as well....what should be a nice stern test before the new league campaign gets under way. Looking forward to it....and it's a helluva lot less driving than what I had for the round trip to Charlton last year...
    2 points
  5. Gringo will have the pubs covered and will try to look after you. The ground is a good walk from the city centre but we can arrange a suitable meeting point and take it from there.
    1 point
  6. No thanks, he's absolutely rotten!
    1 point
  7. The one in this pic wasnt too bad ..... but the "I dribble for ICT" ensemble was a bit crappy and as you say, somewhat large. Unfortunately that was it for baby selections and we would have bought more on our last trip if there were other items but I guess minimum orders and 'dead stock' issues limit the club somewhat for some items. ... although perhaps we could market the 15" necked bibs to some of our adult customers and shift them that way
    1 point
  8. If given the opportunity to re sign Reguero, I wouldn't have taken it IMO. I will always be thankful for his efforts in the season he was on our books but there's something unappealing about signing someone who hasn't played first team football for over a period of a whole year. In all honesty I am perfectly happy with having Dean Brill as No1 goalkeeper and I would have Cammy MacKay as No2 allowing Ryan Esson to focus on his coaching and play as an emergency keeper if needed. We desperately need a centre forward and then we are set for the new season to be honest.
    1 point
  9. Ignoring the irony, people in the Press & Journal area were quite familiar with the "merger controversy". Not so in the majority of the wider areas served by the Telegraph and so this might be seen as an informative article, probably without the "Banner" headlines. I never fail to be amused by the extreme reaction by certain posters on here every time the M-word is mentioned. Most however see it as an essential part of the club's history and are able to discuss it sensibly without throwing their toys out of the pram! MERGER! Oops, here we go again!
    1 point
  10. If we are going into film mode then it looks as though Germany's Muller will be getting the lead role as he is clearly the best actor around. Back on topic on a serious side I am disappointed in how little condemnation there has been of Muller. Most of the pundits seem to be agreed that whilst Muller over-reacted, Pepe only has himself to blame for getting sent off. Whilst he didn't actually head butt Muller he should know that touching heads in an aggressive manner like that was a no no and should have simply walked away. Whatever the current laws of the game may say about such incidents my sympathies are entirely with Pepe. Muller cheated in that he acted in a way which suggested that Pepe had committed an offence which might have warranted a red card. Pepe was legitimately angry but was unable to contain his anger and got sent of for his reaction. Then sending off may not have had a bearing on the result but may impact on Portugal's chances of progression both because of Pepe's absence in the next two games and the possibility of the 2nd place being decided on goal; difference. Meanwhile Muller did not even get a booking and went on to get a hat-trick. Within the current laws of the game or at any rate in the light of the way referees are told to interpret them, it pays to cheat. It is sad that there is so much acceptance of cheating. It then seems quite bizarre that there should also be some kind of self righteous condemnation of those who react against those who are doing the cheating. In my view Muller should have got the red card for his shameful cheating whilst Pepe should have got a yellow for his reaction. One of the features of the world cup so far is the level of commitment of the players and the spirit it is being played in (in general). There are some strong tackles flying in but the fact that this is passion and commitment and not malice is accepted. I would love to see some kind of video referee who could adjudicate on such incidents and instruct the referee to take the appropriate action. As it is, we have a player who shamed the beautiful game and yet is basking in the glory of a hat-trick. It is simply wrong and taints what has been an excellent tournament so far.
    1 point
  11. They're playing Buckie Thistle and Brora - that's it. Then they go to North America. Finances a bit tight then?
    1 point
  12. He is so right we need to forget about those who did not want the merger -let them go and support other teams or stop watching football apart from EPL prima donnas on Sky TV with no atmosphere and no real sense of belonging! . We need to concentrate in attracting the new people to the city and also our youth to make sure ICTFC is their "big team"
    1 point
  13. This could get Pathe.....tic
    1 point
  14. Getting the first goal would be paramount.....
    1 point
  15. Wow! That's a belter...well done to the club on getting this arranged. I'd say it's our highest ever profile fixture, south of the border. Could it be due a little-known clause in the Andrew Shinnie deal? Perfect timing too, the Saturday before the competitive stuff starts.
    1 point
  16. You're not married, are you...
    1 point
  17. The main thing that keeps me warm is the memory of the Kingsmills Stand burning down.
    1 point
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    • Aaron Doran - Club Legend
      Shameful: Thanks to Shane Sutherland, the generosity of friends, fans, former colleagues and opponents, Aaron has now had his operation. However it has emerged that he had posted on Instagram regarding his sad dismissal and treatment from the Board of Inverness CT who have treated Aaron in a similar way to which they have been treating the fans. Let's not forget that Aaron was due to have a testimonial for his service to the club.
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    • Season Tickets + Resignation Confirmation
      Firstly; we can confirm the resignation of our Chairman and Board member Ross Morrison. He leaves with our sincere thanks for the dedicated service he has given to the Club and we are indebted to him for his passion, tireless effort and crucial investment in the Club.

      We can also announce that our CEO Scot Gardiner has tendered his resignation, which has been accepted by the Board. Scot is now serving his notice and will be continuing to help the Club get through this difficult period.
      • 39 replies
    • Gardiner Resigns
      ICT CEO Scot Gardiner resigns.
      Local media in Inverness is reporting that ICTFC CEO Scot Gardiner has resigned and is now working his notice period at the club. https://bit.ly/3VcnYcX
      • 0 replies
    • Administration pending unless...
      Administration pending, unless... How can we go from SupercaleygoballisticCelticareatrocious in the year 2000, to Scottish Cup Winners in 2015, playing in Europe and just 9 years after lifting the Cup; Administration. Mismanagement and our demise was hastened by the appointment of Scot Gardiner. Ever since then, ludicrous decision making has seen our stock plummet whilst 'shady' dealings were investigated. The failed Concert Company, the Battery Storage, the Statkraft contract have all ended badly leaving the club facing insolvency.

      That's another fine mess you've got us into.
        • Well Said
      • 1 reply
    • New Chairman Wanted, Apply Within
      Chairman Ross Morrison resigns


      Nothing official from the club as we speak, but the Inverness Courier are running with a story that Ross Morrison has resigned at 18:00 tonight 3rd June.  More to come as this story develops, but most fans are looking for more heads to roll.

      Speaking exclusively to The Inverness Courier, Mr Morrison said he is leaving now because of the aftermath of the Fife move. “I believe it [the move to Fife] is the best way forward and I have to stick with my beliefs,” Mr Morrison said. “This is the reason I'm stepping down now.”

      Reflecting on his time with the Caley Thistle, Mr Morrison said: “My six-year tenure with the club has had some great and some not so great times but through everything I was immensely proud to be the chairman of the club and clubs I’ve supported for 50 years - I was a Jaggie by the way.

      “I would ask the fans to rally round the club at this time and show their support by not only purchasing their season tickets but also getting involved directly with the club to see how they can help.

      “Hearing fans saying they would prefer administration to training the first team in Kelty sent a shiver down my spine. Administration is a desperate thing to happen to a club and must, at all cost, not happen to ICTFC.”
      • 1 reply
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