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  2. Tomorrow’s headlines “Ex-pat tech millionaire rescues home town football club”
  3. Worth adding that 30 May was his last day as a director, which was last Thursday.
  4. Today
  5. ... is that traffic on CTO must have increased considerably. Taking in more advertising revenue, Scotty?
  6. I hope his CEO contract is as watertight as all the ones he was doing for the club.
  7. Gardener is already in the departure lounge. He knows his time is up, it’s just a matter on when!! He will have (some weeks now I expect), have contacted his lawyers to see his contract is watertight to squeeze every penny he can from what is left from the club. It’s his common base self-interest line and always will be. So I expect what is left of the Board have told him his time is up and to look for a safe exit route without damaging what’s left of the club and their reputation. I expect unless he gets his considered pay off fee he’ll get the lawyers invoice to drag it out! I hope the remaining board members have started knocking on doors for both chairman and CEO replacements, (take the time and get it right for once in a decade), as the next step will dictate what we do for the next five or so years imho. Administration may or may not be the route we’re on, but it shouldn’t prevent those key players with the clubs interest and future at heart to look at each scenario. A reset with the fans would be a simple and welcome first step.
  8. I note from Companies House that Morrison has resigned as a Director as well as Chairman. This has clearly been posted promptly and electronically. That rules out any chance of the accounts having been lost in the post.
  9. My thoughts exactly. Gardiner is the problem. Always has been. He treats fans with contempt. He has failed so many times that I have lost count, and yet he is still there. In the real world, the levels of incompetence shown by Gardiner would have had him out the door a long time ago. Hopefully, now his little orange buddy has gone he will follow suit. Dunc took a paycut, and who knows he might come good at a lower level, he wasn't a million miles away in the championship given that Dodds gave those around us an 8 game head start. Maybe a season in League 1, a weak looking League 1 at that, might be just what we need to regroup and rebuild. Hit the Championship running the season after, same thing again build and consolidate.
  10. The Board must surely understand that the club has no future without the fans and that the fans feel betrayed. They must recognise that the failures which Achfary so eloquently summarises in his latest post, lie with the Board collectively and not just with the Chairman, and that therefore they have to take responsibility for resolving the crisis they created. They must surely understand that there is a need to reach out to the fan base if solutions are to be found. The first step would be to issue some brief communication to let people know that somebody is still in the building. I am sure we all appreciate that to reverse the Kelty deal and to relieve any employee of their duties may involve difficult negotiations and legal advice and that therefore they may be severely limited on what they can say. But there is no good reason to say nothing. Why can they not put a simple holding statement out? This might simply:- Officially confirm that Ross Morrison has stood down as Chairman. Confirm whether Morrison remains on the Board or not. Confirm who is interim Chairman. Clarify the position regarding the overdue 2022/23 accounts. Acknowledge the strong feelings and concern amongst the fan base and that fan engagement will be important moving forward. State that discussions are taking place around the Kelty plan and the positions of certain employees, but that detail clearly has to kept confidential at this stage. Confirm that the Board are committed to resolving issues so that we will be able to field a competitive team at Annan on July 13th. Agree to provide regular updates. Do they not understand that the longer the silence goes on, the angrier and more disillusioned the fans become?
  11. proposing to watch Clach is a distraction/not an option and they(Clach) are milking it playing the local team card. with respect its not the same product. We need to concentrate on saving our team .
  12. Hopefully there will be some clarity from the club today. At the time of writing, we have no chairman, our accounts are overdue and a major income stream from Statkraft has fallen through, while we don't know which players have been offered new contracts (or if any actually have been offered new deals) and any player recruitment is surely on hold until Keltygate is resolved. I suspect - and hope - that Alan Savage is positioning himself as the club's saviour, or at least as the figurehead for those who might step in and rescue the situation.. His youth academy gesture has got him some credit with the support, and he's publicised his disgust with the Kelty plan and with Gardiner. But the outgoing board will want some of the money they've put into the club back, and their replacements will not want to give them a penny because of the mess that they wlll have to clear up. The longer it takes to sort that out, the weaker our position will get and the more likely administration becomes.
  13. The club is on its knees and surely administration is likely. If The club survives surely it’s now time to start playing the local talent with a core of good experienced players around them and let us the fans get behind them. Surely Duncan Ferguson does the right thing and walks. Hopefully the club can get a feel good factor back and engage with the fan base. As soon as Gardiner leaves I’ll be buying a season ticket.
  14. 100% agree, and today the (majority of) fans want and understand the need for that, however this has been said before and met with negativity from plenty. Too many hark back to the 'glory' days of cup finals, premiership football and Europe citing that it was done before with journeymen players so why cant we do that again (repeatedly) and this for many remains the bar of expectation. There is limited realism within areas of the fanbase and its pounced upon if there is the slightest suggestion that a) the people of Inverness in the majority do not care, so lets stop looking at us being a big city and assuming we 'deserve' to have a top level club on that sole basis & b) that our fanbase, footfall and income all aligns with low end Championship or League One (now we are there lets see how long before dissent comes that we are not progressing enough)
  15. I assume the Emergency Board meeting has finished!! Such is the crisis. If Morrison was honest in saying he told the Board that he would be resigning at the end of June 2024 they would no doubt have considered a new Chairman. Hang on, this is the Club in Scotland that is in greatest danger of its existence which has blindly been lead to the precipice. Forget 'this day in 2015 we won the Scottish Cup' but who will now save the club? Hopefully today, we await what will be dramatic news from decisions reached at the Emergency Board meeting.
  16. Ross was very well-intentioned and deep-pocketed, but he delegated and deferred, when action was needed, until it got so bad that I'm sure all the enjoyment (and spare change) had gone. Sliding doors with a different CEO sadly. Seven key ICT staff resigned in early 2019 protest of the previous CEO's behaviour (Yvonne Crook). The answer to all that? Scot Gardiner! To be fair to Ross, those hirings were under Graham Rae's 'stewardship', but was on the board and the rancour continued after he departed. Whatever happens next - the board have a simple choice. To do what is easy, or do what is right. To drop the partisan stuff and choose real sustainability and community - at the best level of football that allows, or keep gambling scarce resources on the short-term 'Premiership-at-all-costs' approach through two people who have no discernible ability, or particular affinity to ICT, and who treat clubs like bon-bons. Time will tell.
  17. It was Kelty that brought it forward by a month: '...due to the loud negative opinions from the fans to the idea of moving to Kelty, I feel that bringing this forward might be better timing' Another of the ex-Chairman's Evel Knievl logical leaps there. fans...and... Alan Savage, Roy MacGregor, former players, staff, ex-staff, Richard Gordon, Tom English et al It wasn't an idea, it was announced and agreed They weren't opinions - more like sound and reasoned arguments and reservations “Hearing fans saying they would prefer administration to training the first team in Kelty sent a shiver down my spine". Aye, a shiver because of ex-Chairman's director loan account and other assets, I'll be bound. The depth of feeling, and lack of alternatives/consultation from the board, led to such extremes. No doubt, that'll be his mantra when it happens. Quite aside from the actual plan itself --announcing Kelty without any consultation with A N other was - and remains - an act against the club --Announcing as 'delighted to...' was massively crass in the extreme --Announcing and agreeing it without having checked that Fife Council were even aware/had agreed was amateur and gross dereliction When administration does come - the Kelty smokescreen will recede, and the late accounts, neglect of professional football's basics in favour of failed speculative gambles, mismanagement of contract and application writing, treatment of fans with disdain and contempt, partisan infighting, throwing scarce resources away needlessly at unqualified and incompetent CEOs and managers, to the extent that ex-players were having to buy the footballs, will be the legacy.
  18. Yesterday
  19. 40 days to sort out the mess the club is in off the park and find the money to sign players to put a team on the park. Given everything that's happened there's no way the board can trust Gardiner to play any part in that.
  20. Maybe even undercut the £1 paid for Rangers.
  21. He has had 34 games to keep us up, he hasn’t. What cost in keeping him. Can you see him wanting to stat in L1 ????? Bad times
  22. Wonder now if any of the vocal critics will be stepping up with £1.5m to keep the club afloat?
  23. About time too. We appreciate his money and commitment, but sometimes it’s not enough. We need competent people to run our Club.
  24. The last line he states football clubs shouldn't be doing any daft stuff like battery farms. I seem to recall an open letter he wrote supporting the proposal . Strange.
  25. In other news, Clach have put their season tickets on sale. £150 for adults, £75 for concessions of 60+... ...just incase Mr Gardiner's stubbornness prevails and Kelty goes ahead
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