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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2010 in all areas

  1. Breaking news from the P&J website. The doom and gloom surrounding ICT was lifted last night with the announcement that fans' favourite Lionel Djebi-Zadi was to make a sensational and unexpected return to the club. The signing is expected to restore confidence in the club's shaky defence, and to boost the morale of fans and players, still reeling from Wednesday's 8-0 defeat to Celtic in the Co-op Funeral Services Cup. ICT has previous experience of bringing back club legends, including Barry Wilson and Dennis Wyness, but this move is sure to send even greater shockwaves through the home support. The rampaging Frenchman left ICT in May after almost single handedly leading the club back to the SPL. He had previously played a vital role in the club's SPL relegation season, being ever present towards the end, when the club failed to win any of its last 4 games. "I'm looking forward to my return to Inverness" said Djebi-Zadi last night. "And I think the fans see me as some kind of saviour. In fact, I frequently used to hear them shout 'Oh Jesus' from the stands. All I ask in return is that they make a little bit more effort when trying to pronounce Djebi-Zadi - it usually comes out as 'Fackeen-Pishmun', although I wonder if that is perhaps the Gaelic translation of my name. I love the Highland way of life - especially the fresh air, although Ross Tokely often asked why I would swipe at it so much". "I heard Wednesday's result just after I finished my shift at Disneyland Paris. I was naturally disappointed to hear how far the club had fallen without me, and to be honest it was no surprise when I got the call from Thierry Boucher the next day. It was a bit of a bad line, which made his voice sound very slurred, but I think he was very eager for me to come back and even used the words 'f***ing desperate'. I didn?t hesitate to say yes, despite my concerns about the security situation in Inverness - every time I walked down the street I would hear people shouting ?bombscare!? ?At first I wasn't sure if I could come back in time for the St Mirren game as I was scheduled to be 3rd reserve for Goofy in the parade, but my employers have been great and actually encouraged me to go immediately." But Djebi-Zadi concedes that there were occasional problems on the park last time around. "Yes, it was frustrating for me that my teammates just couldn't anticipate what I was about to do, and I was always a couple of steps ahead of them. I think it was because of my continental style of play. I remember once trying to explain to Grant Munro the concept of total football, but he just turned and ran off to intercept a through ball." Language was also a barrier to defensive understanding. "Sometimes Grant confused me by shouting ambiguous instructions like 'Get it away!' which I interpreted as an order to bring the ball down, get it under control, take a few touches, then dribble past a few opponents before passing the ball into the stand". But despite the tensions on the pitch, the relationship with Munro appears to have blossomed into a lasting friendship. "Sure, we kept in touch. I've spent the last few months training to be Mickey Mouse, and Grant says that if anyone can do that role, it's me. He tries to keep my spirits up, often just texting lots of laughing smilies". When Lionel is asked about his ambitions, they clearly go beyond saving ICT's season. "A lot of people seem shocked when I say this, but I still haven't been capped for France. I wrote to the Stade de France last month offering my services, as I heard they were struggling to put a team together. I was told to turn up at the stadium the night of the Belarus game, but there was clearly a misunderstanding, as I was put in the team of litter pickers. I did it serve my country, but pointed out the mistake. They apologised and I was told to come back to the stadium on the night they were playing Bosnia. Unfortunately this was another misunderstanding, as the game was actually an away fixture" he says sadly. "But I know that my return to ICT will be a stepping stone to greater things, and I have my sights set on the next European Championships in Brazil". Meanwhile, Terry Butcher is still in a state of shock after the 16-0 drubbing at Parkhead. "I know exactly what went wrong. Normally I study the fans? website forum to get my team selections and tactics. But this time Mo suggested that we if we are going to get anywhere in management, we should make our own decisions. I won?t be making that mistake again, no no no? he says, shaking his head mournfully. "It's not the result or the performance that hurts" he adds, "it's the reaction of the fans. In particular, I've lost the support of my mentor and inspiration, a tactical mastermind who guides me from his bedroom in Wick. I feel ashamed that he has had to go to the trouble of wiping his sticky monitor and keyboard to go ballistic at me online, and I could tell from the number of angry smilies that he was very very serious.? ?I considered quitting as a result, and drank 2 boxes of red wine before I noticed the fans on the forum clamouring for Lionel to come back, and I could see that he was the answer to all our problems. He was always one of the most talked about players ICT ever had, and as a footballer he does things I?ve never seen before in all my years. It?s not a panic signing, honest.? ICT fans spokesman Jonathan Mackenzie, 67, was preparing to travel north from Lancashire to Paisley when he heard the stunning news. ?It was one of those JFK moments? he said. ?I just couldn?t believe it was really happening. One thing?s for sure, the St Mirren game is going to be entertaining. Hopefully our opponents will be so busy trying to wind up Rossco that they won?t notice the gaping holes on the left. In fact, this weekend?s game could be so good that I might even consider staying for the 2nd half?.
    12 points
  2. Some weird starting line ups suggested on here! Cox being chosen when he is obviously out for a while! Golly in central defence? Morrison at right back? Tuffey in goals instead of our no 1 Esson? Even Hayes not even making the team or bench? Mcbain right midfield? Jeez only sexycalie( a lassie i presume ) gets it right, fit players playing where they play best... well done.
    2 points
  3. Would that include those who chose to shout abuse and bile at our own fans? That does NOTHING to support the team and to be quite honest, we can do without it. Not everyone goes to a game to jump about, sing and chant like a looney. They certainly don't deserve the crap that was directed at them by a small group of those who proclaim to be somehow better than other fans for whatever disillusioned reasons they may have. As I've said 1001 times, people should worry about themselves and what they do...sing, chant or whatever and others who want to join in will. If some people don't wish to join in, that's fine. I didn't see them turning around to tell people that they should support the team in the manner they choose, and to be honest, had I been among those the vitriol was being directed towards I am not so sure I would have been so restrained in ignoring it. The whole thing was rather disgusting and far more embarrassing than the scoreline.
    2 points
  4. I don't normally post on here very much but I was at the game last night and it's been interesting to read peoples thoughts. Yes it was embarrassing but come on, can we just get this result and our season into perspective a little. Celtic have spent a minimum of £20 million during the summer on international quality players. This is our first year back in the SPL with a squad where the majority of players haven't played regular SPL football before. Terry took a risk last night by playing a weakened youthful team but I'd just love to see the criticism he'd have received if he'd played Foran, Rooney etc for the 90 mins and they had to go off injured. He just can't keep the fans happy whatever he does. We're suppose to support the team but after any result (win, draw or lose) there is a constant slating and questioning of his decisions. The fact is that Terry is the boss and I think he knows slightly better than any fan. I'm fully behind Butcher like the majority of the posters on here and I think it's absolutely astonishing to see that people are calling for Terry's head after one lose to a team of international players, where one of their players receive a bigger weekly wage than the whole of our squad. I really hope that those people who are calling for Terry to leave have just got caught up in the heat of the moment as the man has worked wonders forthe club. It's time for a reality check. We have no right to be in this league, we have to fight for it, and this is why I firmly support the team choice last night. St Mirren is a massive game for us on Saturday. We need to be beating teams like this and Terry is giving us the best chance of doing so by making sure we have a fresh Rooney, Foran etc to play. The only way we're going to stay up is by beating the teams around us. One other point I want to make is the support last night. I don't want to labour this as it's been talked over and over again but last night I found it increasingly frustrating having to put up with a FEW younger guys at the back of the Caley support who find it more appropriateto go to games and shout at their fellow fans for not standing up during agame. I just question they're motivation for going to games? By all means come along to games and make noise and get behind the team in that way but I have no room for people who criticise our own support. Can we not sing songs that support the team rather than slate our own support? Everyone enjoys and has a right to experience the match in a different way whether that's sitting down and watching the football or standing up and making some noise. I don't want to start any kind of argument by writing this but I just wish that these "fans" would come tothe games and support the team rather than get on top of other fans who have just as much right to be at the game as them. Also please don't get me started on the singing of a certain controversial sectarianism song that was being sung by a few of these young "fans". Your pulling down the clubs reputation and it's just so cringe worthy to listen to. Please think before you try to start singing a song! Lets get behind Terry and the team starting on Saturday and cheer them on to many wins this season but can we please stop attacking our own fans for turning up at games and enjoying it in their own way?
    2 points
  5. I would think most decent managers would be thinking along the lines of saving/resting key players for more important fixtures ahead. As others have suggested the CIS Cup is pretty meaningless - The Midden game is a massive fixture. Even at this early stage in the season, it's imperative we take at least 1 point here. The CIS cup is hardly meaningless to a club like ICT , dont you remember the excitement when we reach the Alba cup final ? Now thats a meaningless cup .
    1 point
  6. I have to disagree there to some extent, no our season isn't a mess and i would love us to beat st mirren on saturday but i'm doubting myself more and more each day on the build up to it. We have a lot of injuries just now and it seems our replacements just aren't upto the job. Heres hoping for a win on saturday but if we lose i can see us losing against St Johnstone, Aberdeen and Killie, or stealing a point here and there. Saturday really is a make or break game for us just now and a win could really help us push through what is going to be a hard few weeks with injuries.
    1 point
  7. Well that was bad, very bad. I almost curled up in my seat in embarrassment! Fair play to Celtic though, they played some snazzy stuff at times, and it could well have ended in double figures...........no really! Everything that could've gone for ICT essentially did. Outplayed and outclassed. Only Nick Ross I could really say had a good game, while Foran tried hard and Tuffey did okay. Sadly though, the same can't be said for one David Proctor. He was rotten yesterday, absolutely stinkingly bad! His goal-line "clearance" own goal was comical. I would go as far to say a blindfolded Djebi-Zadi would have defended better! If McCann is injured get Tokely to right back ASAP. While I'm not calling for his head, I do have to say that a good chunk of the blame has to land at Terry Butcher's door. 5-4-1? What was all that about? Sutherland up front on his own? He was helpless up there and had nothing to work with. I was actually rather optimistic before the start of the game, I didn't think we'd see an ICT win but I did think they'd give Celtic a good game. Unfortunately that all changed when I say the team line up on the big screen. It was just baffling. My impression of what Butcher was going to do was try and contain Celtic for 70 odd minutes before unleashing Foran and Rooney, but you can't play like that. If you let Celtic have the ball they'll beat you, and that they certainly did. In saying that though, I'd rather lose 6-0 in the CIS Cup than I would in the SPL, but it still isn't good enough.
    1 point
  8. I reckon thats a bad attitude from ICT though. Ross County beat Celtic last season, we have beaten Celtic before and we will do again. If i thought we were NEVER going to win i wouldn't have went, I wouldn't have went either if i knew most of the players wouldn't make an effort.
    1 point
  9. Esson Tokely, Duff, Munro, Golabek Hayes, Odhiambo, Duncan, Ross Foran Rooney
    1 point
  10. I've not been on since before the Hearts game purely because I was so angry with that display that I decided I would keep my thoughts to myself and not upset anyone but thought now was as good a time as any to post. I wasn't surprised with last nights result and had already resigned myself to the fact that we were going to get beat, and by a potential cricket score, not because I thought we would be bad but because Celtic would be out to prove a point on the back of Rangers thumping 7-2 win against Dunfermline. They were clearly out to prove a point and the players they brought in were stacking their place for a regular first team slot. Lennon was out at 3 and 4 nil pushing his players up baying for more goals for gods sake. I 100% agree with TB's reasons and logic behind the team he played last night but the only thing I didn't agree with was the formation, having been very poor defensively since the start of the season it seemed foolish to change to a rigid 3 at the back but on the other hand I don't think we need to worry about seeing that again this season, lessons will have been learned. For me we need to start protecting the back line and drop the AMC that we play, more often than not Odhiambo, and replace it with a DM who can then sit in front of the defence and protect them as well as starting the play. If it is good enough for Rangers its' good enough for us. We are also struggling to pick up the ball in the middle and our two midfielder's aren't getting in the game, with this hopefully they would and can push up a bit without fear of exposing the defence. Before the start of the season there were people on here calling for a top 6 finish after the glories of last season and I kept quiet not wanting to steal people's thunder but now I would hope we all agree that survival is the only priority and that trumps any cup run we potentially could go on. Yes it's good when it lasts but long term has no real benefits for a club like ICT apart from the money it brings in and while this is good it doesn't really do anything for the team on the park when there is only one opportunity to bring players in (January window) which could already be too late if we don't start properly and we all saw two seasons ago how difficult it was try to recover in January from a terrible start. Last season we didn't start well but look what happened - Mahonio all I am going to say is have some faith and see what has happened when we are in November/December. There is nothing wrong with wanting us to win every game, which ultimately everyone on here wants, but we have to be realistic and look at the bigger picture.
    1 point
  11. You mean like they did with Niculae and Barrowboy?
    1 point
  12. I know what i will do. Probably lament the fact that Bennett let him go for about a quarter of what he is worth.
    1 point
  13. Mahonio you are a knob!
    1 point
    1 point
  15. lets just hope hastings comes back to scotland soon im sure he'd be wellcome anytime
    1 point
  16. Lionel is a free agent! It's a sad state of affairs when LDZ would strengthen our defence.
    1 point
  17. Would anyone object if I or one of the other Admin just delete this thread so we can pretend this game never happened?!
    1 point
  18. Hi Guys? my names Lee Mclennan and a run the Edinburgh and Livingston H.S.C? I would like to Apologise whole heartedly the way you were all treated at Easter Road i can assure you we are very angry as all we seen it as if you were trying to make an atmosphere, your lads and lassies done a fine job is getting a bit of an atmosphere going and it was outrageous as what our finest and stewarding have done to you. I have a lot of respect for you guys coming all the way down to Edinburgh and watching your team full credit to you all and a hope you keep continuing to do so. I have been treated fantastically when i come up to the Highland capital being welcomed to your supporters club for drinks and food. pitty our record is dreadful!! ?but i would have expected the same treatment for all you guys so i will be chasing this up constantly will Hibernian our club and if you have any questions or comments please email me and a will let the club know of them lmc89@live.com Stuff the Hertz on Saturday ? Thanks Lee?
    1 point
  19. 1) if we get rid of butcher foran goes with and maybe rooney along with other key players 2) 4-0 against dundee utd who won the scottish cup is a brilliant result 3) we probably cant afford to sack him 4) home form is not abismal we went on a 21 game unbeaten run in the league last season 5) who would comand a changing room better than this guy he's huuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
    -1 points
  20. Mahenio are you for real? I think its a good thing. Lets face it with the injuries we had there was no chance. If we had our first team squad, then fair enough play the first team, but i think everyone knew there was no chance tonight. Im glad of the team he played, keeps some fresh legs for St Mirren in the league - which is our PRIORITY. Being out the league cup gives more focus on the league. Get our safety in the SPL done first, then we will go on to win the scottish cup
    -1 points
  21. We all have opinions and i gave you mine! Enjoy reporting me :-)
    -1 points
  22. Aye maybe, but he is still a bawbag.
    -1 points
  23. Either that or Man Utd as we like a wee change in the line up for cup matches.
    -1 points
  24. I dont think our season is a mess so far. We should have gained three points against Hamilton but we didn't. We tried but their very early goal and the way they played the rest of the gamespoiled it for us. Apart from that we've taken three of DU and a point of Hibs. The next four games I think we'll take eight points. Three from St Midden and three from St Johnstone. I'd like to say three from Aberdeen but I think they'll scrape a draw. Kilmarnock are doing ok just now so I think a draw there as well. All in all things aren't looking too bad yet.
    -1 points
  25. the away support for celtic was horrific, around 75% of the away support did not sing or get behind their team, the remaining 25% did, they were on there feet for the whole game.. singing when they were 6-0 down.... if you want your team to win you have to get behind them..
    -3 points
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      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
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    • Kelty Hearts Training Statement
      What a farce we have become, a laughing stock: Did you hear the one about the footbal team from the Highlands of Scotland that want to train at Cowdenbeath? Unfortunately, unlike our board, this is not a joke. Our board are trying to rip our identity from the Highlands and replace it with shared training at Kelty Hearts. I kid you not, this is not a drill and the clowns that run our club appear to be delighted at this coup.
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    • Relegation Statement
      RELEGATION STATEMENT: This could have been said ten minutes after our defeat to Hamilton three days ago. So far, this is not the news that we on Caley Thistle Online wanted to hear. Pleased that we will still function as a club, disappointed that resignations have not been offered yet. Keeping fans waiting in silence for three days is unforgivable and relationships are drifting further apart than ever before. Silence is not the way forward, we deserve better as fans.
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    • Inverness CT 2-3 (3-5) Hamilton - Play off final (relegation)
      RELEGATED: Despite Inverness needing to get off the mark quickly, it was Accies that killed the tie inside the first fifteen minutes with strikes from Kevin O'Hara and Lewis Smith. Cammy Kerr reduced the leeway with a good strike from distance, but O'Hara struck again with a penalty before the break to diffuse the revival. We struggled to create anything of note and this reporter could not stomach any more and left the stadium. I'm told Alex Samuel pulled a goal back in stoppage time, but like the rest of the season it was too little too late.
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    • Hamilton 2-1 Inverness CT - Play off final 1st Leg
      A better showing from Inverness in the second half, especially with Lawal and Pepple on the park but it's Hamilton that take a one goal advantage up the A9 on Saturday. Lawal has been the standout performer in our last few games and surely he must start on Saturday. Pepple also did well, scored the goal, had an effort saved and got in a few balls across the box from tight positions.

      Still, a shocker of a first half and we must be up for it from the start on Saturday.
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