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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2016 in Posts

  1. Those scenes were not a great advert for the game in Scotland and I hope that Hibs are punished (financially) for it. Not that it's the club's fault TBH, but there has to be a deterant against the same thing happening again - not sure whether a fine will really do that, but it seems the fairest outcome. The individuals invovled in fighting from both sides should obviously face prosecution. That said, the response from The Rangers is just embarrasing. They need to listen to themselves! The hypocrisy of the club statement beggars belief: so, when The Rangers fans sing inflammatory and provocative sectarian songs, fan behaviour is not the responsibility of the club, but when fans of the opposing team invade the pitch, it is?! Can't say I've missed their predecessor at TCS and I'm not really looking forward to welcoming The Rangers next season, especially now that they'll come armed with all the baggage associated with liquidation.
    5 points
  2. Owain Fon Williams has signed a new three year deal.
    4 points
  3. Just been revealed that he has got a £400K bonus for winning the FA Cup and a £5m pay-off as part of the severance package. Maybe instead he would like to buy our club
    4 points
  4. There is no use in trying to sum up all the different posts that have been made on here since all aspects of his tenure here, including his unique personality, seem to have been covered. And it's up to each of us to separate the wheat from the chaff and decide for ourselves what is factual, rational and accurate. As much as anything, I suggest that his public statements, and actions (such as ignoring the fans at the cup final venue when even a casual wave would have been an obvious gesture of both recognition, delight and a SHARING of emotions) often made in a negative-sounding manner, increasingly led to the inevitable decision to terminate the connection by the Board. And not just by the Chairman. IMHO this was a decision made in unison by the whole board. Despite all his achievements he felt that he was entitled to greater recognition perhaps and therefore just had to speak up without due consideration to what the outcomes could be from such bold frankness. Yet he was the Coach/Manager, not the spokesman for the club! The Dundee United affair highlighted his deep frustrations and keen ambitions but whether they coincided with that club's needs, or just were representative of his feelings about his own greatness and capabilities, will always be open to debate. Constantly hammering away at management for more funds to be provided to allow him to implement his grander plans, when he appears to have been advised repeatedly that the limits within this club were finite and had already reached, was one of the stubborn attributes of his personality that did not allow him to contain his emotions and deal with it. Had he been able to present a more diplomatic and gracious outward attitude to the public and the press he would have continued to endear himself to both fans and club management alike, all without washing the dirty linen in public. If he felt that opining negatively in public, however obliquely, he was going to get the fans on his side or sway the Board's decisions on the financial issue then he was mistaken. This Board is not weak as has been previously suggested, but very practical and clear in their goals .... there must be a limit to expenditures in order to secure the future of the club as the first priority, unless some wealthy entrepreneurs come along with money to risk and burn. John really did not appear to be a deep thinking diplomat and relied on outspoken public remarks to attempt to get what he wanted. They may even have been accurate or correct but could hardly have either influenced the Board to meet his terms or disposed them to see him in an ongoing kindly light. He was a rough diamond with talent but IMHO he forgot his place........and humility may not have been one of his strong points. As some other poster put it -- a rift between the Chairman and the Manager as catastrophic as a probable "not speaking" relationship indicates a very serious problem which could not have been allowed to continue, and wasn't. Perhaps future contracts could also be re-written to make certain things more clear to future prospective managers. That is....if they didn't run a mile when they first reviewed it? Meaning, we may need to search for a younger person who has a lot to gain from coming on board on any terms that are clear and rational and make it quite clear to these prospects that the bosses are the bosses who, within reason, need to be accommodated to ensure the survival of the club as the first priority. And that prospects with a future and are ambitious understand that they have to prove themselves before being in a position to dictate anything to the Board of Directors .
    4 points
  5. And who better to lead the sing song when we win the Scottish Cup back next season.
    3 points
  6. Message to the Board. Get him signed up now
    3 points
  7. Possibly but the first bit of business we need to do this close season is a two year deal for David Raven and I see no reason to wait for a new manager to be in place to get that done.
    3 points
  8. He'd make Yogi's style of play look dazzling!!!
    3 points
  9. None of the Hibs fans had ever seen their team win the Cup, but nor had any of the ICT fans last year or the St Johnstone fans in 2014. The latter two behaved impeccably. And even if they had been inclined to go onto the pitch through sheer joy, I just can't imagine that they would have assaulted players of the opposing team.
    3 points
  10. The conduct of both sets of fans was so bad that the result should be annulled and the trophy retained by the 2015 winners, along with the prize money and European place. Wishful thinking, of course, but it wouldn't be any worse a decision than various others made by our football authorities!
    3 points
  11. Might be forgetting the most important ingredient too.. A goalscorer.
    2 points
  12. SpongeBob square-head doesn't have a clue. Would need video analysis equipment to distinguish his back-side from his elbow.
    2 points
  13. Then someone should inform John Collins...
    2 points
  14. I wouldn't be surprised. An asset to any team. However surely something should be done ASAP to get him signed up with ourselves. The Board can step in without waiting for a new manager to be in place
    2 points
  15. Maybe so but he made it clear he wants to stay here , and the fans want him to stay . it's a No BRAINER !!
    2 points
  16. Yep, someone new please. We want to be known as a club that discovers managers, not one that takes sloppy seconds.
    2 points
  17. For me Yogi engineered his exit himself . He'll walk away with his reputation in tact while blaming the club for not backing him .
    2 points
  18. We can all find photos that show unsavoury incidents following yesterday's match. At the end of the day it was stupidity by both sets of fans and both sets of players and the officials were at risk due to their actions. Hopefully both clubs will be fined and restrictions imposed on their first home games of next season. Unfortunately the mayhem also continued following the match with a number of other incidents now appearing in the press. And worst of all these are the pictures of Scottish football that are now being shown around the world instead of write-ups on a really good game of football that had plenty of action and five goals.
    2 points
  19. While not in the "good riddance" camp, I can't help but feel that this has been inevitable since we knocked back the approach by Dundee Utd, and some of the stuff he has been coming out with in the media has sounded like a man trying to work his ticket out of Inverness. Undoubtedly he will go down in history as the manager who brought us our first (and hopefully not last) major trophy, and took us to Europe for the first time too. However, there were serious questions around player recruitment - most people could see that we were short of numbers up front *before* Mckay left, and his forward recruitment was, at best, patchy. A lack of a plan B when teams sussed out our tactics was another weakness. And hopefully this means I don't have to endure another game as eye-bleedingly bad as the last one at Dens Park. The constant griping about finances was becoming tiresome - such matters should not be aired in public - and if I'm honest, I'm not convinced that Yogi was the man to be trusted with a budget that pushed us to the limit. So he leaves with best wishes, but I can't say I'm gutted like I was when the likes of Pele or Robbo left.
    2 points
  20. Disgraceful scenes at Hampden. Such a contrast to the brilliant but dignified celebrations last year, A very substantial fine for Hibs and the same for dusting off the sectarian song book the The Rangers fans clearly inherited from Rangers. The latter may bring some additional income to the Premiership next season but the league will still be much the poorer for their presence. The moronic Hibs fans should be deprived of their trophy celebration which should now be presented in private at a later date.
    2 points
  21. We seem to have quite a few of these associated with current players....you are absolutely right they appear to be as useful as an endowment mortgage....
    1 point
  22. Brilliant news. A few more bits like this and we can start re-buying our season tickets with more confidence. Owain is a really decent guy and good goal keeper which is bad news for Deano. Unless Ryan becomes Richie's assistant then Deano will be moving on. He might be an outstanding signing for a team like Dundee United or even Hamilton. Last year before his injury he was one of the best keepers in the SPFL.
    1 point
  23. No wonder the previous manager was unhappy with no funds to buy a screen...
    1 point
  24. The more I think about it, that is quite a display of confidence in the ICT board that OFW has displayed. To rejoin a managerless club, at this stage of the season, leads me to think that quite an incentive must have been offered. Maybe a chunk of the Euro 2016 money will be going straight to OFW. I have no problem if that is the case, as we would not have got it anyway if he had not re-signed. As I said earlier, good man Owain. Let us hope that his example spurs on a few more to put pen to paper!
    1 point
  25. Excellent news on OFW and, as has been said, a wee bit extra cash from his involvement in the Euros. David Raven next please.
    1 point
  26. Superb! Well done OFW. We've nearly got a team now. Just need a U-turn on Raven, a few more attack-minded players (Roberts + some new faces) and some back-up for the defence and midfield. oh yes, and a management team...
    1 point
  27. A bit of good news at last. Just in time to pick up Euro 2016 bonus too. Good man Owain.
    1 point
  28. Is the analysis equipment a television?
    1 point
  29. Buy some video analysis equipment
    1 point
  30. At the same time he has walked away from a very secure job to be on the dole. Did I see him on the pitch at Hampden! He obviously feels that his record of winning our first cup, and taking us to Europe also on a 3rd place finish will get him a bigger job in the central belt. Cant think where, and if he does get a managers job down there, it will probably be for a team on the down rather than like us a team that was very much on the way up. However, who is to say if Tel and Mo had stayed, would we have achieved 3rd, Europe and the Scottish Cup. Thank you Yogi, I now have memories that I didn't think I would have.
    1 point
  31. No way the The Rangers fans would have stayed to see Hibs lift the cup under any circumstances I don't know if you've noticed but they don't tend to be the most gracious and sporting individuals in the world. There is a difference between running on the pitch when securing promotion or escaping relegation or winning a lower league title from winning a national cup competition. The former is an established and accepted norm. The latter is sheer hooliganism, We kept of the pitch last year because we knew it was the right thing to do as did St Johnstone the year before despite being absolutely euphoric about winning the tournament for the very first time, In fact no winning fans have been on the cup final pitch since the disgraceful pitched battle of 1980 which led to fans at our major grounds being fenced in. Those Hibs fans were every bit at moronic as the fans of their opposition who spent the entire match singing about events in seventeenth century Ireland. Apart from anything else they spoiled the celebrations of their fellow supporters and allowed very negative images of Scotland and Scottish supporters to be portrayed around the world.
    1 point
  32. Wonder what will happen after all Saturdays events. Rangers fans letting off flares, clearly more than a few individuals were heard singing inappropriate songs, Rangers keep saying its the minority but Saturday proved its the minority that don't, and what were there fans going onto the pitch for? Any Rangers fans going onto the pitch should be banned. Hibs, I thought that some of there fans were singing some songs more often heard at old firm games, but not nearly as audible as those from the other end. Yes they were rather excited by a brilliant comeback and a sorely long waited cup win, but goalposts, cameras, players assaulted, officials assaulted, running attacks on the opposite ends fans, assaults on fans and their terrible gardening on the new SFA pitch. No all fans that came onto the pitch were causing trouble, but a large large number were. Now we have all seen the pictures, Reckon Police Scotland are going to be busy around Edinburgh and Glasgow. SFA!!!!! Well this was there show piece. They clearly didn't have enough security . Think the end of season Motherwell St Johnstone game had more security for 6000 than SFA had for 52,000. Thing is the SFA / SPFL threatened Motherwell with massive repercussions if there were and pitch invasions at their last home game. Should the SFA now hit themselves with a massive fine after there match got out of control. I can see Rangers getting their fingers burned and a 5 figure fine as the SFA wont upset them too much. As for Hibs, Goalposts, pitch, pitch invasion and embarrassing the SFA infront of the world. The fine might be big enough to dent Hibs chances of promotion again next season.
    1 point
  33. All the more amazing given that they were 11 points down with just 30 seconds left! The final is available to watch here, with it all turning around from 30:00 mins.
    1 point
  34. http://rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/club-statement-60/ Rangers
    1 point
  35. and not a single adverse comment from anyone on BBC Scotland about the constant illegal sectarian singing, that in itself is a disgrace on the part of the national public service broadcaster. I heard Stewart Doncaster being interviewed on the radio laying the blame for the pitch invasion on the Hampden authorities. It is an SFA competition and, in my view, the ultimate responsibility for any shortcomings lie with them but, of course, the SFA blazers never take responsibility for anything.
    1 point
  36. Well, it was a better game than our final but I think our supporters (and Falkirk's) should be applauded for the right way to respond at the end. English Cup Final just looked boring when I tuned in.
    1 point
  37. if you share with me the php and sql query for the table, I can have a look. PM or mail me. Cheers.
    1 point
  38. I too am not giving up hope. The feel good factor for ICT fans would be priceless if David Raven got a contract.
    1 point
  39. I've just joined the forum this morning - Hello everyone. Just wanted to say that I am a big John Hughes fan and will always remember that Scottish Cup win as long as I live. Our club is a small one that thrives on the passion and belief from supporters and players. There's been an underdog mentality for a long time which has worked for us and I think we've established ourselves as a solid top flight team. I don't ever think we'll lose that and I am really looking forward to supporting the team and the new manager next season. I think that if the new manager can bring contacts with him at a national level then there's a chance we can continue to source these lower league rough diamonds and mould them into a top 6 team again. I, like a few others on here, would like to see more trust and investment in the youth team too, let's find more Ryan Christies and Liam Polworths. Our positivity is one of our best assets, so out with the old and in with the new! Best of luck Yogi.
    1 point
  40. Firstly, and it's the first time I've done it since this time last year, I would like to say thank you to JH for his reign at ICT and the tremendous season he brought us in 2014/15 and for his time during his spell at the club - some have suggested for that you should go down as a club legend. For all you brought the club though that's not one phrase I would use to describe you I'm afraid. To become a legend you have to have it all, the full package and you didn't which is a shame because you had the chance to, maybe some better guidance in certain situations and it wouldn't have fallen apart especially with the press which ultimately was your short coming. Lets be honest you inheritted a a good squad, the way you got the team playing in 2014/15 was marvelous and deserves great credit which IMO makes you an excellent coach but once that starting breaking up as a manager you had to adapt to what you had which you didn't. Legendary managers adapted through their reign at whatever club they were at and changed, you didn't especially with regards to tactics and the ability to change a game and playing style. In the transfer market you were less than legendary, yes every manager makes the odd mistake but you made more and I think ultimately panicked at the situation you faced. With the media again you were less than legendary, before you started to bemoan the budget you had and publically slating the board, you had prior with the way you waxed lyricals about Celtic and at points Rangers as well, it got embarrassing and was cringeworthy at times. The way you talked the team up at times was a little overboard as well, we as fans knew we were good and had potential but even in defeat you stated your undying love for the way the team played and their efforts and the fact you couldn't fault them, you needed to slightly reign it in a little at these times. On the fans topic, well you could have worked a little bit harder on that subject, you didn't endear yourself to them very well at times. Ultimately winning the Scottish Cup was the clubs finest achievement to date but it was your downfall I'm afraid, from that point on IMO you saw yourself in a different light, almost as if you felt elevated above it all, felt bigger than it all and began to believe you were bigger than it all - no one person is ever bigger than the club I'm afraid, certainly not at our level. So while I am eternally greatful for the memories and success I am not sad that you are gone, we need a settled club, a club that can make progressive steps forward, a club that can live within it's means, a club that is an attractive outfit to come to and last of all retain our roots - it wasn't going that way towards the end and for that the boards decisions is justified.
    1 point
  41. And may well they carry on the same as ever IMO, they didn't allow the manager to take all the flak nor did they deny him the funds. He had the biggest budget in ICT history during the 2015/16 season and that same budget set for 2016/17, at what point was he denied the funds? Do you mean the funds from a bank loan or director loan? If so then they can keep them there and I trust the boards decisions to keep it debt free while not bowing to pressure. They didn't allow him to take the flak, he brought it on himself by his ridiculous attitude in the press and public outcrys of displeasure over his playing budget. He was a victim of his own belief's and the more he spoke in press conferences the more his head got bigger and he started to believe half of the crap he was spouting, his dealings with the media over his full tenure have been his downfall, it didn't just start with outing the board. For a long while I had voiced my displeasure over his media handling.
    1 point
  42. This is one thing on which there seems to be absolute unanimity and is surely one piece of business that can be done without a new manager in place. Any potential new manager who doesn't see the merit of having Raven in the squad is probably not a manager we would want.
    1 point
  43. Lots of people hating this decision, and tbh I can't make up my mind. Kingsmills post sums it all up nicely though. i don't agree however, with our perception in the media being tarnished bla bla! Perhaps, things could have been handled differently, but the board are operating without hindsight! To suggest that the board of a club at the highest level of Scottish football have 'no vision' is rubbish also. They might not communicate that vision, or the budget may not match that vision, but there will still be a long term plan in place. This may simply be 'survive' and to that end, they are succeeding. The club still exists, and for another season, exists in the premiership. However the new manager is, they will have a budget, and they will know from this, that the budget available is very inflexible, and 'if your not happy with that, don't bother trying to bully us' I actually think in this regard, the board looks quite strong. im happy they never yielded to the pressure, I only wish they'd taken that view before extending his contract. It would've saved money and face. good luck in the future yogi, thanks for the memories.
    1 point
  44. The table on ICTFC is the same one as is on this site. I think Scotty will confirm that the table is a piece of software that knows not how our split works so is not programmed to understand that higher points mean lower placings.
    1 point
  45. Ah yes, I can see now that is a matter for solemnity and grave shaking of heads.
    1 point
  46. Charles doesn't do 'light relief'
    1 point
  47. Thing with Hughes is after last seasons success if he had built on that, and kept that fans, and more importantly the chairman, on side and not made the silly comments he has made he could have been forgiven a hell of a lot. He decided to go and alienate that fans and the Chairman. We as fans know we have no god given right to success, trophies etc but we also dont want our own manager talking the club down in public, and that in my eyes is Hughes biggest mistake. We know we are small, we know we have one of the smallest player budgets in the leaugue, he doesnt need to remind us everytime he opens his mouth
    1 point
  48. Indeed. Almost sounds like a cunning plan to exit with a payoff.
    1 point
  49. If only we had sold them !!
    1 point
  50. Not just disrespectful but thoroughly ignorant and unprofessional. Of course there are likely to be disagreements between different tiers of management but Yogi took what should have been an internal matter into the public domain leaving the chairman no alternative other than to seek to set the record straight.
    1 point
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      The winner for this season voted for by you is our very own local player Cameron Harper. Will that ever happen again I wonder?

      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
      3rd with 58 points Cameron Kerr
      4th with 53 points Billy Mckay
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    • Kelty Hearts Training Statement
      What a farce we have become, a laughing stock: Did you hear the one about the footbal team from the Highlands of Scotland that want to train at Cowdenbeath? Unfortunately, unlike our board, this is not a joke. Our board are trying to rip our identity from the Highlands and replace it with shared training at Kelty Hearts. I kid you not, this is not a drill and the clowns that run our club appear to be delighted at this coup.
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    • Relegation Statement
      RELEGATION STATEMENT: This could have been said ten minutes after our defeat to Hamilton three days ago. So far, this is not the news that we on Caley Thistle Online wanted to hear. Pleased that we will still function as a club, disappointed that resignations have not been offered yet. Keeping fans waiting in silence for three days is unforgivable and relationships are drifting further apart than ever before. Silence is not the way forward, we deserve better as fans.
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    • Inverness CT 2-3 (3-5) Hamilton - Play off final (relegation)
      RELEGATED: Despite Inverness needing to get off the mark quickly, it was Accies that killed the tie inside the first fifteen minutes with strikes from Kevin O'Hara and Lewis Smith. Cammy Kerr reduced the leeway with a good strike from distance, but O'Hara struck again with a penalty before the break to diffuse the revival. We struggled to create anything of note and this reporter could not stomach any more and left the stadium. I'm told Alex Samuel pulled a goal back in stoppage time, but like the rest of the season it was too little too late.
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    • Hamilton 2-1 Inverness CT - Play off final 1st Leg
      A better showing from Inverness in the second half, especially with Lawal and Pepple on the park but it's Hamilton that take a one goal advantage up the A9 on Saturday. Lawal has been the standout performer in our last few games and surely he must start on Saturday. Pepple also did well, scored the goal, had an effort saved and got in a few balls across the box from tight positions.

      Still, a shocker of a first half and we must be up for it from the start on Saturday.
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