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  1. As I write this, Butcher is probably sitting in some poncy Edinburgh wine bar with Petrie picking over the bones of a dismal defeat. What he should be doing is celebrating a great victory with a great bunch of lads by picking the bones out of a fish supper.
    14 points
  2. That is a truly disgraceful thing for the ICT manager to say at an ICT game. Just GTF right now Butcher.
    7 points
  3. I would have thought that either at the point that the Board gave permision for Butcher to talk with Hibs or when Butcher and Hibs agreed terms and informed our Board, the Board would effectively have put Butcher's contract on hold. At that point he is not doing the job he is contracted to do and therefore should not be paid. If that was the case then it would be reasonable for him to state that he is a neutral for the game. But what I find distasteful is the fact that he was at the ground with the Hibs Board and yet still there is no announcement. The very fact that he was there in those circumstances was a clear statement of what the position is, so why not just make a verbal statement? All that needed to be said is that personal terms have been agreed and that a further statement will be made following discussion between the clubs regarding compensation. If he didn't want to say that, he should simply have stayed away. Inverness fans and the Board have been very supportive to Butcher over the years but his antics this week show him in a very bad light. He's a big boy at a big club now so he thinks he can treat those at the little club who have been supportive of him with disdain. Complete lack of class.
    5 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Shocking behaviour from Butcher today: he should have been nowhere near the ground. Disappointed in him. So delighted that our thoroughly professional players put Hibs to the sword in very difficult circumstances. Butcher is welcome to them: a sad end to a successful partnership. Bring on the new man and let's put this sorry episode behind us. Onwards and upwards!
    3 points
  6. Terry, Terry on the wall Thou art about to have a fall. Two years, your dream will be truly shattered To us it's problematical to wonder if it ever mattered To tell you the truth, methinks upon the wall of discontent your spirit will be truly splattered Thus upon your face you will feel as if you have been truly clattered. Think again , oh Terence , Lad The Ides of March are pointing to all that's bad Tickle my tonsils, frankly speaking, that's altogether rather sad Terry! Going to Hibs? Are you .....MAD? The Green and whites will help your pay cheque , but only a tad. Truth is that you will yearn for the salad days at Inverness There is no doubt, at Easter Road, your joy will be less Tardy? No matter , just come to Daddy and now confess That a mistake you may be making, no less Tinkerville would be a lot better Totally! "Cos when you beg to come back it's a lot closer!!
    3 points
  7. It's a very strange one and I wonder if Hibs didn't happen to be put opponents today would it all have been sorted out by now? Afraid I don't take any comfort from those that say he is staying, he is off and I just wish it was all over now and we could move forward
    3 points
  8. If he has so little ambition as to move to a club where he'll spend another couple of years just trying to make Hibs a top six team (and probably fail like everone else, whilst being hated because he played for their arch-rivals, Rangers - cementing the Celtic Reserves title), get him out as quickly as possible. He was good for us but if he wants to leave, then the quicker the better. Certainly don't want someone that's looking at the opposition as a nice little earner to be in charge of ICT.
    3 points
  9. Like it Good luck tomorrow guys whatever the manager situation brings. Suspect it's us who will need the luck tomorrow tho
    3 points
  10. In that context, "dog" certainly sounds a lot better than "schnauzer".
    3 points
  11. THE MATCHDAY THREAD Discuss ICT & other games in this thread as they happen Hibernian -V- Inverness CT PREVIEW 9th Nov @ 3:00PM Easter Road, Edinburgh Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Facebook Go to the Chatroom Media Coverage AUDIO Open All Mics (BBC) [uK only (or VPN)] LIVE Commentary (BBC) [uK only (or VPN)] TEXT ESPN BBC SKY Sporting Life VIDEO SPFL YouTube Channel ICT Official YouTube Channel TEAM LINEUPS ICT - #BIGGERTHANBUTCHER
    2 points
  12. Me too. In fact I thought it was Butcher himself.
    2 points
  13. We really should've won that game 4 or 5-0. I thinkif the deflection from the defender that hit the post not long after we went 2-0 up had gone in we'd have probably scored six. Richie Foran was magnificent, after a display like that I don't think it'd be a bad idea to make him player-manager for the rest of the season. Dominant in the park, good on the ball and utterly committed. I love the man. Graeme Shinnie had one of his best games I've seen him, he defended dilligently, didn't get caught out of position and was a huge attacking threat. He runs so directly with the ball but from right back he can cut inside and cause problems. I can't think of another attacking full back who plays on his opposite side, it must be unusual for opposition players to deal with. Nick Ross also had a magnificent game. I've often thought that Nick Ross looked as though he kept threatening to up his game to another level but never really delivered. Today he arrived, perhaps the goal gave him confidence but he seemed to find space, he used the ball brilliantly and attacked Hibs aggressively and directly. On another day he could well have bagged a couple of assists, the little dinks and through balls for McKay almost came off several times. I'm really pleased for him, if he keeps that going he'll be a replacement for Andy Shinnie. I also enjoyed Dean Brill falling over every time he moved more than five yards.
    2 points
  14. I don't get Terry's sudden, and disloyal, decision to jump ship at a time when the season holds so much promise. Some silverware and a place in Europe to play for, a settled team playing good football. For what? More money, sure, but a poisoned chalice of a job if ever there was one, one where he likely won't have the total control and freedom he enjoyed here, with a team playing some woeful football. Maybe he retrospectively regretted turning down Barnsley, given the dip we had after that, but if so, Hibs is surely no comparison. Barnsley was a vastly superior offer for him. If he had determined to go, then surely he would have been in a far better position if he had finished the season with us, as per contract, taking us to perhaps our finest season and a place in Europe. Then he could have left with dignity, his stock high and had his pick from no doubt plenty of good offers, all with time for us to replace him. As it is, suddenly dropping the reins with no, as yet, explanation, and not taking us for his last game, is rank and very disillusioning. IMHO, he will regret it, but I hope the board choose wisely and are very firm in saying to him "Keep your fecking hands off our players! Find your own" I hope, in particular, that they write into any agreement, that he cannot take any in January. On the positive side, we must be a very attractive position for aspiring and established managers.
    2 points
  15. Pleasing! Men against boys today - I'm struggling to remember watching a worse Hibs side. The home end emptied itself with 10 minutes left.
    2 points
  16. he's gone, lets get over it .... move on. #biggerthanbutcher
    2 points
  17. Cheers Bught................. my point being that the extended managerial issues are taking the headlines away from what should have been another great away day at Easter Road, usually a happy hunting ground, but this may well be overshadowed by the decision of one man, whichever way his pendulum swings. I'm certain the guys on the park will be doing their utmost, but where is their leader and mentor when they need him....................out walking his dog when he should be cracking his whip
    2 points
  18. Judging by that top, he's seen a lot of biological action.
    2 points
  19. It would be so funny if that article from Record turned out to be wrong but i somehow doubt it, have Papers been wrong on something like that before as I can't think of any time?
    2 points
  20. As Stevie Wonder once said to me "Johndo, listen to the lyrics, feel the vibes and never go train spotting "
    2 points
  21. There's no doubt he's done a good job here, but equally his behaviour this last week has not been good. To be fair, there is clearly a lot we don't know about his reasons for wanting to go to Hibs and his feelings toward ICT and the Inverness area. He may well feel torn and he may well feel hurt by the hostile reaction he has received from the Inverness fans. What he needs to understand is that the reason for the fans reaction is that they wanted him to stay and are very disappointed at the manner of his likely departure. Should the deal fall through then he still has a contract here. For me he would have 2 options. Firstly, if he wants to go then he should resign. How can the players have any trust in him if it is clear he wants away? Secondly, if he wants to stay, then he should put pen to paper and sign a new contract, apologise unreservedly for his conduct this week and pledge real commitment to the club. I have been critical of him these last few days but were the deal to fall through then I for one would welcome him back provided he gave a strong and sincere commitment. The management team he has built around him works for this club and there is unfinished business. It would actually be good to put this all behind us and get on with that business. We may not be a big glamorous club but Butcher is lucky to have us. If he could just accept that then we could all kiss and make up, so to speak, and he could go on and achieve things he can be justly proud of. I think he's behaved very poorly this week but I for one would be prepared to forgive.
    1 point
  22. Some quick observations 1. Oh great, a crowd wank thread 2. Yes ICT have smaller attendances than other teams in the league blah, blah, blah 3. If you're going to slag off our crowds at least put some more work into it. You've pinned our crowds as 1,500, 2000 and 3,500. That's quite a degree of variance in your argument 4. I wouldn't say there is any bitterness towards HIbs though I think Butcher might have tainted his stock with ICT fans in the last day or so 5. Regardless of how much he cost James Collins is shite
    1 point
  23. Just back and that was a magnificent display from the team, Maurice, Steve and Duncan plus Physio, and our support. The players were really refreshed as if a burden had been lifted from their shoulders. If ICT offer Maurice and Steve new posts - certainly Maurice as Manager - we can move forward again. Maurice must take great great credit for his conduct and well chosen words in the last few days. He must have played a part in keeping the players focussed too. That was a really great game to watch and a massive turnaround from the St Johnstone game when Terry's wanderlust may have re-emerged.
    1 point
  24. What is 25 - 15 ? What is +9 take away -5 ? Answers on a methadone script by Xmas please
    1 point
  25. alright , am a hibby and to be honest i dont like this whole thing 1 bit . i think its fair to say butcher has outgrown ICT now . but he's outgrown most other teams in the league too hibs included . i didnt in a million years think butcher would even consider the hibs job i really didnt but from what i hear he was in the hibs hospitality suite today instead of the away dressing room/dugout so i can only take from that he is no longer the ICT manager all speculation right now - begs the question ... was this a done deal when the daft burd from the bbc reported he had signed on monday ? what would the consequences be if that turned out to be the case
    1 point
  26. My eyes must be getting worse I thought the poster was ex-coN man.
    1 point
  27. Post Butcher ICT have a 100% win record.
    1 point
  28. Does anyone else get the impression there could have been some sort of fall-out in the higher echelons of the club? I know for a fact that it wasn't the money on offer that made him turn down Barnsley, it was the fact that he wouldn't go without Malpas, and Barnsley didn't want him. All of a sudden, he's leaving the club in essentially the position as it was at that time last season, if not better, as we are higher up the league and closer to the top this time round and arguably have an even better chance of getting to a final, and with Celtic already out of the way, a tremendous chance of winning the League Cup. Up until last Sunday, he was on a crest of a wave of popularity, built the club to what he had always wanted it to be and was seeming looking forward to the rest of the season. Remember, after Barnsley he said he'd see out his contract, and after the last County game at the end of last season he said we were going for Europe this year, while constantly praising ICT, the fans and the Highlands in the process. Yet, out of the blue, he leaves. Why? Why would he have put so much in over the last few years, to just throw it all away all of a sudden? It doesn't make any sense. There's been rumblings in the past, that he didn't get on with certain un-named people at the club, and I wonder if something has boiled over. Has there been a fall-out higher up and for him, it was the final straw?
    1 point
  29. Yes his behaviour today has left a very bad taste. He is in danger of setting himself up as a hate figure which is a shame after the work he has done. He could potentially have unsettled the players who fortunately showed great professionalism. No one is bigger than the club. Good riddance.
    1 point
  30. Kenny Miller did come on a ton when he was at the Vancouver Whitecaps recently after a slowish start where we were wondering if he was going to settle quickly enough to be able to make his mark on the team. But give credit where credit is due, he is quite a smart cookie and quite well spoken and he certainly tried very hard in his last season . Also he looks in top physical shape which always helps. At times his play was outstanding but it did not have the major impact it should have had because the support was not sharp enough or deadly enough to capitalise on his trickery. Some of the goals he sored were pure magic==persistence pays and a cool experienced head always helps. If Neil Lennon can be as successful as he has been since swapping his role of player for management, which is not at all an easy change, then I feel that the Board of ICT should interview Kenny and give his application very serious thought, even in a support role.One thing stands out for me--he has a mind of his own and could mature into a strong, passionate leader.
    1 point
  31. great result for us 2nd and a game in hand hope the team enjoy the chips on the way back
    1 point
  32. Ha ha...Hibs are still the shittest team I've seen us play this season. If Terry fancies his chances with that lot, then good luck to him. As long as he leaves our players alone we'll be just fine no matter who takes over. Not one of those Hibs players today would even get a sniff of getting into our starting XI. Quite fancy the idea of Foran taking over to be honest.
    1 point
  33. Fantastic result. Gutted I couldn't be there today. Every time Sportscene results went to Easter Rd you could hear our fans singing.
    1 point
  34. Looking pretty good in 1st half. Shinnie playng a blinder. TV keep cutting to some old guy in stand in a flat cap!
    1 point
  35. ....and County currently sitting in 11th
    1 point
  36. Butcher what's the score! Butcher, Butcher what's the score!
    1 point
  37. Terry, if you want to leave us please say so and go, you do yourself and OUR club no good whatsoever with this hanging on.if maurice is going with you he should NOT be in the dugout today, thank you for what you nearly finished but if you don`t want to see it through goodbye..
    1 point
  38. An £897million deal! And yet they cant afford to upgrade our local phone line to allow us to get broadband via the land line - despite all the public money they get to do just that.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Just to throw another name into the mix, after the mention of Barry Ferguson, who I would not be against ( as he is well respected in the game to attract better players to come to play for him ) How about Kenny Miller, as he is seemingly looking to come back to Scotland.Ideal opportunity to for a young ambitious and hungry manager, if thats what the board will be looking for.
    1 point
  41. Have you not been listening to the Immortal One ?
    1 point
  42. Has it been confirmed who will be in the dugout for ICT tomorrow? As in, is it definite that Tel won't be? If so, I can't understand that. Terry is the ICT manager, if he's going nowhere, why wouldn't he represent the club that pays his wages and take charge of the team tomorrow? Hibs will surely love that he's not, having disrupted this weeks training already. If there's still no been no decision made, I can understand that - it's a move that could define Terry's career. However, if a decision has been made, it's an absolute farce that both sets of fans haven't been informed.
    1 point
  43. Chris Hogg is apparently going to be in hospitality tomorrow. Will OTJ be on the park? Will Terry (and/or IHE) have a half and half Hibs/ICT scarf? So many questions, I have to be there for the answers.
    1 point
  44. Top 5 of this season. Foran - good leader, grafter,midfield dynamo, and chips in with goals too. McKay - A touch of class about him, top scorer, good touch, superb finisher. Meekings - Solid defender, good with the ball at his feet, great vision. Doran - Skillful creative player who always looks dangerous on the ball. Brill - Save hands, rarely makes a mistake, good shot stopper, commands his defense well.
    1 point
  45. @TyroneSTV: Its set to be M&M - Malpas and Marsella in the ICT dugout tmrw - Instead of sweet, expect a surreal atmosphere at Easter Road tmrw
    1 point
  46. We're top o' the U20 league and you're no.....
    1 point
  47. If the compensation is high enough can we get this man?
    1 point
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    • Kelty Hearts Training Statement
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    • Relegation Statement
      RELEGATION STATEMENT: This could have been said ten minutes after our defeat to Hamilton three days ago. So far, this is not the news that we on Caley Thistle Online wanted to hear. Pleased that we will still function as a club, disappointed that resignations have not been offered yet. Keeping fans waiting in silence for three days is unforgivable and relationships are drifting further apart than ever before. Silence is not the way forward, we deserve better as fans.
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    • Inverness CT 2-3 (3-5) Hamilton - Play off final (relegation)
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    • Hamilton 2-1 Inverness CT - Play off final 1st Leg
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      Still, a shocker of a first half and we must be up for it from the start on Saturday.
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