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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2017 in Posts

  1. Thought we were poor 1st half, 2nd half was better, should have capitalized on pressure we put them under and put the game to bed. Despite defense looking ok we all knew we were gonna concede a goal, could not understand why RF didn't make a change. It was obvious county were going to put pressure on towards the end, the only outlets were Mackay and Anier who were looking tired and needed help/changed for fresh legs (Boden/king/cole).
    4 points
  2. Maybe it's you who should wind his neck in. Don't drown in the hype - we are in serious trouble and your job will probably be one of the first to be ditched if this manager doesn't wake up and get our formation right.
    4 points
  3. Seriously Dougal??. There have been poor ICT sides and also badly managed ones previously as well. We have no right to be in the top division and have to earn that. Possibly no surprise that the two teams with the smallest budgets are the bottom two clubs. If we can stay up, and I believe we can, then it will be equally as hard next season with Hibs coming up into the SPFL. Undoubtedly, mistakes have been made by our manager this season but he has had to learn on the job and quickly. That is not totally RFs fault and the board have to accept a degree of culpability here for that and their handling of John Hughes departure and the financial impact it has had on the club. Jury is out as to whether he is learning well but he will be there until the end of the season so needs support. If the unthinkable happens and it is obvious that we will be relegated, the board has to seriously reappraise the situation to be prepared for next season very quickly. As for yesterdays game, definitely think we deserved to win, after a poor first half but we needed a wide player brought on sooner to help us with an out ball from defence. While not setting the heather on fire, thought Anier did okay yesterday and kept the County defenders on their toes. The battling qualities are back at last but we need to get some wins starting with Kilmarnock. The game against Motherwell before the split is now also hugely significant. From reading previous posts, there are definite splits between some posters on whether we played well or otherwise. This is sadly depressing and I wish everyone put the same effort into supporting the team. Good debate is healthy, petty point scoring isn,t.
    3 points
  4. As we continue to toil and struggle to get among the goals , 2 players seem to be continually overlooked Boden and Fisher Foran continues to use all his squad as he continues to try to find a winning side but these 2 never start. King is in ,then out ,Cole & Polworth the same. Surely with only 1 win in 18 they both must be worthy of a chance because at the moment everything else is failing miserably as we career towards relegation.
    2 points
  5. Have watched the 5 minutes of highlights on the BBC website. I remain convinced we deserved to win, having made the better chances. Hit the woodwork twice, drew at least two decent saves from the County keeper, one sitter missed (I know County missed a bigger sitter and can feel aggrieved they did not get a penalty). On another day it could have been one of our enjoyable derby wins..... but we are where we are and all deserve to have our own views respected.
    2 points
  6. Although there are signs of improvement it's still not enough to be turning these performances into wins. We need mininmum 3-4 wins to have a chance of staying up. At present we have 1 win in 18. i actually had no problem with Foran changing formation in the last few weeks. We've all been hoping for changes in the last few weeks personnel and tactics wise we got them. They still haven't worked. My problem is the work rate of some of the players. Polworth sitting there with petted lip. Maybe if he gave everything he'd be playing more often. He sulks about the place like Ronaldo after missing a couple of free kicks. Even yesterday he pussied out of a few 50/50's. We don't need that we need everyone flying in 100% committed. In fairness we gave a 100% in the second half and in my view not really the first. This also has so often been a problem this season. no excuses next time out. We have to win that game.
    2 points
  7. People are being negative because we are having an absolutely terrible season. We've won a single league game in five months. Our performances have been awful, we have been poorly organised and made basic mistakes constantly. We have recruited badly, causing us to rely on ageing players whose form has dropped. We know appear to be moving towards packing the defence and trying to sh.tfest our way to results. I'm not sure we've got the attacking nuance or skill to do it.
    2 points
  8. Far too much negativity here for my liking. A couple of weeks ago we were 3 points adrift. Now we find ourselves off the bottom and appear to have steadied the ship. I am positive that we can avoid the drop. I recognise and agree with a lot of the criticism aired here and it is a valid forum for those comments. However can we not focus on the obvious upturn in form and results and be a little more positive?
    2 points
  9. correct I was a rangers fan when in school 50 years ago. wow was it that long ago. every one in those days was probably rangers or celtic then used to watch the 3 inverness teams in the highland league, who ever was at home. ict since the merger and season ticket holder majority of that time. NOW THE IMPORTANT BIT. how do you think I am a rangers fan now. I don't know you and I don't think you know you OH I KNOW FROM MY PASSWORD FROM THIS SITE. so the only way you could know is by, I am guessing, looking up my details and then using my data to post on here. SCOTTY, IS THIS SOMETHING THAT NEEDS INVESTIGATING. DATA PROTECTION ETC
    2 points
  10. Much as I profoundly disagree with your position, I am delighted that you have joined the debate and get a perspective from somebody south of the border.
    2 points
  11. 3-5-2 Away from home and then 5-3-2 at home without any recognised wide players - playing two individuals in the second who visibly threw in the towel in the first and were both deservedly hooked - ignoring the three substitutes and change of system that grabbed a point in the first game - giving a reprieve to the match winning but fadin legend and reorganising the defence to accommodate - playing people in different roles week to week. What part of the Coaching Manual does that come from. Raven and Tremarco as attacking wing backs !! Sure 2 points from 2 games is not good enuff given our situation. Don't know if people have noticed but we are nowhere near a saving run of wins, games are running out, Hamilton have had a run of difficult games but have been picking up points otherwise and hoping to salvage our season after the split !! Shure we got another point but probably missed out by being too defensive minded and not having the ammunition or substitution to kill off the game. And the bickering is more about personalities and forum power than it is about Feckin football. You can loyally follow and support to the maximum but you are also entitled to shout yer opinion when you feel that the season is going down the drains. For once I can't post the Eagle mauling the Stag because our claim to being the Pride of the Highlands is no longer valid.
    2 points
  12. There are not many scenarios that would leave me so enthusiastic about a 4-0 win for the club that continues to embarrass Scottish football more than any other but yesterday was one of them and I sincerely hope they win their next match just as convincingly just as I hope the other Ugly Sister hammers Dundee this afternoon. Strange times but we need assistance at the moment from whatever source.
    2 points
  13. I don't think that anyone is suggesting that today was anything like our worst display of the season or that we could have or even should have won. The frustration lies in the fact that many believe that, with less predictable and restrictive tactics and formation, could have and should have would have been should have and did.
    2 points
  14. So did I, although I respect the views of others. We have tightened up at the back, which was needed. The downside is that there can be too much of a gap between midfield and attack. When we moved it fast today, we were pretty good. My only complaint was not changing it when one up. I'd have played King or Cole in place of Anier at that time, leaving Billy up front on his own but with a midfielder backing him up. We are off the bottom, still in touch, only one defeat in 6, so have cause to believe we can stay up. And I'm not a "happy clapper"!
    2 points
  15. I take the view that those who actually paid hard earned cash to watch are entitled to vent there entirely justified frustration. Remember these frustrations are borne not merely out of one derby match were a winning position was lost but out watching too many all too familiar performances all league season.
    2 points
  16. Today was the first time that I have lost faith in the team and the manager. The starting line up was horrendous. Every punter in the stadium could see we needed to make changes after we scored but not the manager. And how Vigurs continues tunes to get selected is beyond me. I believe we have the players and ability to stay up but I fear Foran's inadequate management will be what tages us down. I'm off to get pushed now.
    2 points
  17. Would that be the one in the Times? The one in which respondents are asked to choose between a referendum in "the next year or two", a referendum "in about two years"(after negotiations), or no referendum "in the next few years". Can you explain how a referendum, possibly taking place some time between Autumn 2018 and September 2019, when the terms of the negotiations should clear, or even be ready to be debated in all EU Parliaments, do not conform to both "the next year or two" and "in about two years" questions...making that 32% + 18% (ie 50%) in favour of Nicola Sturgeon's time frame....and 50% preferring "not for a few years" which could be any time after "about two years" ...couldn't it? Anyway, it is pretty much the same split as in the last poll. I notice, incidentally, that a Comres poll has 52% of those polled saying that any second Scottish referendum on independence should not wait until Britain has completed the process of leaving the EU....which does fit nicely with the preferred option of Nicola Sturgeon.. The last seven polls have had three with an increased pro-indy vote, two with the pro-indy vote much as it was in 2014 and two with a drop in the pro-indy vote that one and one which does not include the 16 and 17 year olds in their sampling. Must admit, I have never given polls any credence since I was once polled, during a General Election in a constituency with an SNP candidate(who won incidentally) but there was no SNP(or "Other" option) on the form...so I was put in by the person asking the questions as a Lib/Dem...and I haven't believed a poll since. But they're fun to talk about.
    1 point
  18. I agree, however Mackay needs some support and Fisher certainly has the energy and pace to make a good partnership, wot is there to loose at this stage of the game. We need to try something to increase the chance of the ball getting into the back of the net!
    1 point
  19. Two scorers today (19 Mar) ;- Stuart Armstrong in a 2-1 win for Celtic at Dundee, and Jason Oswell for Newtown in a 2-2 draw with Llandudno.
    1 point
  20. To be fair, we have tightened up at the back and therefore become harder to beat. That's usually a prerequisite to becoming a team that can win games.
    1 point
  21. Foran seems fixated on starting Anier no matter what, but why?. Is he a huge improvement over Fisher & Boden, in my honest opinion I don't think so. Some people say Anier was a panic signing!. Maybe Foran feels he must persevere as he signed Henri?. Boden looked decent when he came on against Partick last week as a sub & the team looked better for it. Both players played in the development league mid week, both fit & Boden with a goal. Agree with Robert, would love to see a McKay/Fisher partnership. Keep hearing rumours about a fall out with Richie and Fisher as well. Disappointed if true as an personal fall out should take a back seat.
    1 point
  22. Sadly, that last sentence is so very true. Probably for the first time ever they have crawled out from beneath our shadows and there is a distinct possibility that next season, for the first time ever we could be in a lower division than them. There is still time to put that right but that time is rapidly running out and we need to start being a lot more astute and a great deal more flexible. Richie can still salvage our season and, with it, his own fledgling managerial career and I dearly want him to do both but he needs to demonstrate that he can learn from his mistakes of the past and do it now.
    1 point
  23. Well done ICT we were unlucky not to get all 3 points. The first half was terrible from both teams but we were on top for most of the second half. Not getting the second goal when we were on top cost us the game. County took their one chance and we missed ours. Of the bottom is a bonus so now we have to beat Killie as our next challenge . A special well done to the young fans behind the home goal I am sure you gave the team a lift with your singing for 90 min . Like many I was gutted to loose a late goal but I thought we played ok and I am still optimistic we can stay up.
    1 point
  24. For those not at the match and in the UK so unable to have watched it live online, it's available on demand now from http://ictfc.com/caleyjagstv2 for 5 of your finest Scottish pounds (no English notes, sorry).
    1 point
  25. I agree with Scotty and Ronaldo - too much sniping and bickering for daring to express an opinion on the performance of the team. I wasn't the only one who came away from the game feeling as if we'd lost after the effort of some of the players. We still struggle in defence and we have a few players who just don't do enough to justify a place in the starting line up. Glad we moved off the bottom though, but amazed how we are still in touch having failed to take more than 1 point from so many games. The support was great today but can those kids stop acting like casuals and start behaving themselves? There was no need for their antics at half time in the toilets and snack bar area, and certainly lying not along Longman Road towards the railway station after the match. About time they learned to show respect for the police and their own fans or someone is going to take away their sweeties and give them a lesson they won't forget.
    1 point
  26. And tonight (18 Mar), Dani Lopez scored another for Arenas Club de Getxo in a 1-1 draw with SS Reyes, in Spain
    1 point
  27. Boden is here long term so hopefully fulfills his early promise. Fisher seems out of favour amid rumours of a fall out. Ebbe came on today and had one attempt off target but not seen enough of him to judge him. When we debated Doumbouya or Fisher earlier in the season, I was on Fisher's side as I liked his work rate. Mckay and Fisher may be worth a punt, but doubt it will happen.
    1 point
  28. Two political leaders with opposing views on an important matter. One refuses to discuss the matter point blank other than entirely on their terms. The other, despite having a much higher personnel net approval rating and a more recent electoral mandate has declares and continues to declare a willingness to talk with a view to at least attempting to reach a compromise. If you were parachuted in with no bias or preconceptions, which one would you say is 'playing politics' ?
    1 point
  29. I have backed and defended Richie from the outset but there is no doubt that the point we got today was despite him rather than because of him. The starting XI and the formation were entirely wrong for the occasion and the point we got was due to the determination and spirit of the players rather than management or tactical nouns which were sadly lacking. This formation has been tried before and has failed before. What on earth made the manager think that the result would be any different this time. There is a reason we only have four victories this season. County are one of the very few teams in the division on a poorer run of form and with less confidence than ourselves and had we adopted a more expansive and adaptable style of play with just a bit of width they were there for the taking. Even with the tactics we deployed we got ourselves into a winning position yet the manager failed to recognise that there was a need to adapt and refresh to maintain that. What on earth was the point of a substitution in the 90th after our advantage was ceded. Today wasn't a disaster largely because other results went our way and we still have a chance of survival but not if the manager continues to be so inflexible and unimaginative. We are unlikely to take anything from Pittodrie so it's vital that we win our next game against Killie. We have the players and the spirit to do it. The big question is whether these resources will at last be deployed with a bit more guile and tactical nous.
    1 point
  30. sounds like the establishment talking.
    1 point
  31. Sorry, I've seem to have walked in on the chat from a different game to the one I was at today.
    1 point
  32. Not at the game but have been at the Hamilton and Partick matches in recent weeks. Agree that we lack any ideas / tactics and seem to punt the long ball incessantly just hoping for a lucky break. In the past, you always felt ICT could score : sadly this appears no longer the case. Increasingly looks like 11th is the best we can hope for : RF is clearly not the man for the job, and if we survive cannot see things will be any better next season.
    1 point
  33. At the end of the day, a disappointing finish, but looking on the bright side, we have tightened up at the back, have stopped the sequence of defeat after defeat, we are showing more desire and grit, we are on a run of picking up results, have got ourselves off the bottom, are within one win of tenth, have made inroads on the goal difference of those around us ( by not conceding as many as others ). We were in a position every one didnt want to be, and the hardest bit is getting to the stage where you can see the light. I think we have dragged ourselves up to the point where we can see just one more result and we are out of the play off place too. It must give the players a boost to finally see us climbing of bottom, Remember Well and County are on a crap run now, while we are slowely catching. No old firm games from now, just games we can win. Keep the faith, 9 games and 27 points to go for.
    1 point
  34. I really should not be so prophetic. Foran is NOT learning and is increasingly looking like taking us down.
    1 point
  35. Other scorers this afternoon (18 Mar) in addition to C Allen (reported above) were :- Scot Premier J Hayes (Aberdeen 2 - Hearts 0) EL1 F Morais (Bolton 2 - Northampton 1) National League L Hughes (Barrow 2 - Dagenham 1) Highland League Z Sutherland (Clach 0 - Brora R 5) C Dingwall (Formantine 1 - Deveronvale 0) S Soane (Turriff 3 - Forres 4)
    1 point
  36. Yesterday draw was a smash & grab which we did not deserve but will take gladly. The team selected did not inspire, especially when key players Tremarco, Draper, and Mulraney were missing. Also Cole not making a start(carrying an injury perhaps?). But badly missed Jake's lighting pace & Drape's bossing midfield. Osman/Lawless injuries particularly fortunate for us. Especially Lawless my motm for Patrick first half. Few decent saves by Fon Williams, but wish communication between him & defence improves. Raven & Billy McKays put a shift in. Raven rolled back the years and my MOTM. His volley looked superb and if scored would have been a peach. The double sub could not happen soon enough and if 10 minutes earlier all the better. The fresh legs & attacking play had Patrick dropping back in the last ten. They switched off with the cross, step up Gary Warren, BOOM 1-1. Many at the game thought Anier & Vigurs were flat & should have been subbed much earlier. Oh and why,why,why does Alex Fisher not get a start?. Yesterday needed a grafter who can find space, high work rate & aerial presence in the box. Noticed fans shouting to get Fisher on at Ritchie but falling on deaf ears. Don't know if it's personal but WTF Billy McKay needed better support/service yesterday.
    1 point
  37. I know a lot of you Scots were very upset about the result of the referendum but you can't keep having a re-vote when you don't get what you want. My own thoughts, for what they are worth, are that the FM should accept the result and move on. IF the 2nd ref' returned the same result (with perhaps a bigger majority) which there's ever chance it will, what would happen then? Would there be a 3rd and so until you get what you (don't) want?
    0 points
  38. Nowhere did I suggest that people should not be entitled to express their view. I was just exercising my right to disagree with that view.....so you can wind your neck back in and calm down.
    -1 points
  39. I actually thought we were the better team for the majority of the match! We were unlucky not to push this over the line. Ive watched a lot lot worse this season
    -1 points
  40. In this respect, football is very like politics. Just as people's voting habits change as they grow older and become more politically mature, so also do people abandon their childhood football preferences for something more gown up. But anyway.... yesterday's derby. How different would the outlook of both sides now have been in the absence of that late equaliser? A hypothetical question, however, about a costly goal for ICT and an extremely valuable one for Ross County.
    -1 points
  41. Look the way I see it there is still a glimmer of hope yes we are witnessing probably the worst and badly managed ICT team that has played in the top flight but we are still very much in the mix with Hamilton,Motherwell and County who are all equally as poor in my opinion its going to go to the wire and all clubs mentioned above will take points of each other which should result in a pretty exciting finish to the season I guess Anyway here's ten minutes of CaleyD in action over the course of this season, hopefully there will be a lot more footage before the season ends Dougal
    -1 points
  42. No. I mean the minority of people who voted for Independence in the 2014 referendum and the minority who, according to the polls, currently want independence. I am very tied to the idea of democracy. That is why I think:- It is a democratic outrage that a Government which tells its people that a referendum relating to major constitutional change is a "once in a generation" event, and which signs a formal agreement with another to agree that the result of that referendum will be considered decisive and will be respected, should, less than two years later, put a policy to have a 2nd referendum in their manifesto. It is a democratic outrage that the Scottish Government thinks that words in an election manifesto for the Scottish Parliament have greater democratic validity than the result of a single issue referendum when more than 55% of a record turnout affirmed their wish to remain a part of the UK. It is a democratic outrage that the excuse which the SNP have used to justify their breach of the Westminster Agreement is exactly the scenario which, in their official independence proposition paper, they told us we would have to accept if we rejected independence and it occurred. It is a democratic outrage that having used the the fact that a majority of Scottish voters voted to remain in the EU as their justification for having a 2nd independence referendum, the SNP now seem to be both demanding their referendum and back tracking on whether an independent Scotland would even apply to join the EU! It is a democratic outrage that we are even talking about a 2nd referendum. At no point in the democratic history of Scotland has there ever been a clear wish for independence from the people as a whole. We face the possibility of a permanent change to an independent state just because on a single day in our history, one more person might be in favour of independence than against. How can anyone with any respect for democracy think that is right? I would support a referendum if there was evidence to show that independence was the clear and settled will of the people. If and when a clear and settled desire for independence is demonstrated, a referendum should be be held on the basis of voting whether or not to accept a package for separation negotiated between the 2 Governments. In that way the people would know what they are voting for. May has previously said the independence question is settled in line with the Westminster Agreement which the UK has honoured and which the UK has every right to expect the Scottish Government will also honour. Until such time as the Scottish Government go to Westminster with a formal request for a Section 30 amendment then it would be inappropriate for May to say anything further. This will presumably change in the coming week when the elected Scottish Parliament is expected to vote to betray the Scottish People and go against the wishes of over 2 million people in the most historic and important vote in Scotland's history. I used the phrase "democratic outrage" above because that is the phrase the First Minister used when describing the position should Westminster block the will of the Scottish Parliament. Far from that being a democratic outrage, the Prime Minister may feel she has a duty under the Westminster Agreement to respect the result of the 2014 referendum and to stop the Scottish Government from acting against the clearly stated will of the Scottish people. As I said in an earlier post, I don't think the Westminster Government will give an absolute refusal. But let's be clear about this. Anything other than an absolute refusal will represent a compromise and would be more than this unprincipled and manipulative SNP Government deserves.
    -1 points
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    • Aaron Doran - Club Legend
      Shameful: Thanks to Shane Sutherland, the generosity of friends, fans, former colleagues and opponents, Aaron has now had his operation. However it has emerged that he had posted on Instagram regarding his sad dismissal and treatment from the Board of Inverness CT who have treated Aaron in a similar way to which they have been treating the fans. Let's not forget that Aaron was due to have a testimonial for his service to the club.
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    • Season Tickets + Resignation Confirmation
      Firstly; we can confirm the resignation of our Chairman and Board member Ross Morrison. He leaves with our sincere thanks for the dedicated service he has given to the Club and we are indebted to him for his passion, tireless effort and crucial investment in the Club.

      We can also announce that our CEO Scot Gardiner has tendered his resignation, which has been accepted by the Board. Scot is now serving his notice and will be continuing to help the Club get through this difficult period.
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    • Gardiner Resigns
      ICT CEO Scot Gardiner resigns.
      Local media in Inverness is reporting that ICTFC CEO Scot Gardiner has resigned and is now working his notice period at the club. https://bit.ly/3VcnYcX
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    • Administration pending unless...
      Administration pending, unless... How can we go from SupercaleygoballisticCelticareatrocious in the year 2000, to Scottish Cup Winners in 2015, playing in Europe and just 9 years after lifting the Cup; Administration. Mismanagement and our demise was hastened by the appointment of Scot Gardiner. Ever since then, ludicrous decision making has seen our stock plummet whilst 'shady' dealings were investigated. The failed Concert Company, the Battery Storage, the Statkraft contract have all ended badly leaving the club facing insolvency.

      That's another fine mess you've got us into.
        • Well Said
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    • New Chairman Wanted, Apply Within
      Chairman Ross Morrison resigns


      Nothing official from the club as we speak, but the Inverness Courier are running with a story that Ross Morrison has resigned at 18:00 tonight 3rd June.  More to come as this story develops, but most fans are looking for more heads to roll.

      Speaking exclusively to The Inverness Courier, Mr Morrison said he is leaving now because of the aftermath of the Fife move. “I believe it [the move to Fife] is the best way forward and I have to stick with my beliefs,” Mr Morrison said. “This is the reason I'm stepping down now.”

      Reflecting on his time with the Caley Thistle, Mr Morrison said: “My six-year tenure with the club has had some great and some not so great times but through everything I was immensely proud to be the chairman of the club and clubs I’ve supported for 50 years - I was a Jaggie by the way.

      “I would ask the fans to rally round the club at this time and show their support by not only purchasing their season tickets but also getting involved directly with the club to see how they can help.

      “Hearing fans saying they would prefer administration to training the first team in Kelty sent a shiver down my spine. Administration is a desperate thing to happen to a club and must, at all cost, not happen to ICTFC.”
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