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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2014 in all areas

  1. I believe we are confirmed as finishing 6th after Falkirk lost to the Rangers tonight. Another top-six finish for the top team in the Highlands. But it's the taking part that counts of course.
    4 points
  2. Doran - contracted to end of 2015/16. The rest all contracted to the end of 2014/15 ... so any summer move is going to cost Hibs. Cannot see them paying out for 5 ICT players especially as Butcher has probably been told to do what he did here and unearth cheap/free gems ! Besides ... why would they want to drop down a division ?
    4 points
  3. County and Butcher are both in contention for the relegation play-off place.
    3 points
  4. Time to Regroup Our season is slowly petering out as we approach our third last game of the season on the back of another hiding from the big Bhoys. Having reached our peak in early December and sitting in second place in the league, three points ahead of Dundee United and Aberdeen and eleven points ahead of St Johnstone with a positive goal difference of +12; it's been all downhill from there. Yogi's quest to play a passing game at all costs is not always bearing fruit and has been the subject of much debate on the forums, many fans doubting if his search for perfection will see him out of a job before we storm Europe. There are as many fans being more lenient and willing to give him time to blend his own style into the more robotic Butcherus horribilis formations and tactics and the rest are simply sitting on the fence waiting for nature to take it's course. The question is how long do we wait. Hibs are not the only side in freefall. Butcher's replacement has split the fanbase and the long knives are starting to appear, although some were already out before Yogi signed on the dotted line. He needs a good finish to the campaign to give the doubters something to ponder over the close season and after last weeks hammering to nothing it doesn't get much tougher than the visit of high scoring Dundee United, a team who have already put five past us in the cup game. United are second top scorers in the league with 62 goals, that's 20 more than us although the defences are almost identical in goals against. They sit four points above us but have a vastly superior goal difference of +19 against our -1. United can of course blow a bit hot and cold. Their 5-1 thrashing of Motherwell preceded by defeats to St Johnstone and Celtic and a drawn game with Aberdeen. The last game between these two saw United just edge it with a 2-1 win. Ryan Gauld opened the scoring and Ryan Dow capitalised on a now familiar poor passback and keeper cock-up combination. Inverness were always in this one though and United had to cling on after Liam Polworth scored a spectacular 35 yarder to set up a tense finish. That was a fabulous strike from Polworth, one of the best goals of the season. Billy McKay almost rescued the game for Inverness but a late diving header just missed the target and United kept all three points. Inverness have been heavily criticised by their own fans for their dismal showing at Parkhead last week, seemingly not learning from the previous spanking, a 5-0 doing a month ago. However, in mitigation, we were dealt a poor hand prior to the game when Raven pulled out injured and Watkins called off with a bug. James Vincent was also not fit enough to play and Richie Foran had already played his last game this season being injured a month ago. So, it's possibly not as bad as it appears on the surface, but for many fans, it was another nail in the managers coffin and the shoes could be off if we fail to produce in our last two home games. It could make for a long close season if things go awry. Yogi is hinting that our budget for new faces could be minimal for next season. So, nothing new there! With exciting talent like Ryan Christie breaking into the first team squad along with Liam Polworth and Nick Ross then maybe all is not lost. Along with SPFL nominees Ryan Gauld, Stuart Armstrong and young Player of the Year Andrew Robertson, this weekend could display the way forward for Scottish football with plenty young starlets in both teams. Inverness should have David Raven and James Vincent back in the squad as both have been training this week, and Marley Watkins has recovered from the bug that kept him out of the Celtic game. Richie Foran is out. Dundee United will have an unchanged squad and teenagers Ryan Gauld and John Souttar could be recalled, having been rested in the 5-1 win over Motherwell. This means that on-loan Newcastle defender Curtis Good and centre-back Calum Butcher are still out. tm4tj prediction:- Well, United can be scary at times and we will need to be at our best to keep them at bay. Nadir Ciftci has been in tremendous form lately and when United are in full flow then there's no finer sight in Scottish football. Inverness can be scary too, unfortunately not in the same way as United, although we do have our moments. We need our defence to get back to basics and our midfield to regroup. It has been posted missing recently and Billy McKay is often left isolated. When we do get men forward to help him, we reap the rewards and if Doran and Watkins can stay fit and wide then maybe, just maybe we can put ourselves back in the hunt for fourth place, but it will not be easy. I'm going against the grain here and looking for a 1-0 home win with United possibly having one eye on the Scottish Cup Final.
    2 points
  5. At no point did I suggest that you should. I merely pointed out that your expectations may lead others to suggest that. An analysis of the top flight of Scottish Football since the 12 team, split league model shows that only two teams have achieved a number of points consistent with the win rate you consider acceptable. So to get your desired win rate, you would need to support one of those teams. If you do not wish to support one of those teams, than maybe a different win rate would be more sensible. Yes you are entitled to your opinion, but if it is based on unreasonable expectations, then others are entitled to voice their opinion and challenge those expectations. If you think my post was telling you to GTF, it wasn't. I was merely using some facts (remember them?) to suggest that your expectations and choice of football team may not quite match up. If you don't like the attitude of our fans, you could always try..., oh wait. maybe not.
    2 points
  6. Problem is its the same posters on both sides of the arguement posting the same thing over and over again. As the season ends in a week there wont be results to post about!
    2 points
  7. Is there any point in this thread anymore? Everyone is allowed an opinion and debate is good but it is boring seeing long posts of facts that have been used to argue each side over and over again. The biggest fact remains that if we have no money to add players to the playing squad (i think we will have enough for one or two which is all we need) then we wont have money to pay off Hughes for the rest of his contract so people can argue until they are blue in the face but he wont be sacked any time soon. As for my stance i am worried that a fluid team that played teams off the park has suddenly started spluttering like an engine on the last few few drops of fuel. The style he wants to create is good however and given pre season hopefully the players will be more responsive come the start of next season. Time needs to be given and we shall then see what happens we as supporters can only support the team and i hope for Hughes that next season this thread becomes null and void
    2 points
  8. That's what I like to see. A poster treating those with different viewpoints with respect whilst offering well argued justification for his own point of view. Caleyboy, you say that if we don't like it we should GTF. OK, lets Get The Facts. Hughes took over at a point when the team's performance and status was at it's highest level in the history of the club. Since then our results have represented relegation form. In March we lost 5 - 0 at Parkhead. That equalled our worst ever loss in the SPL The following month with no lessons learnt we did even worse by losing again at Parkhead but this time 6 - 0. Not only did this beat the unwanted record equalled in March, it equalled the worst defeat in the history of the club. March also saw us suffer a record home cup defeat. In all the years we were in the lower leagues and for all the years we were holding on in the bottom 6 of the SPL, the heaviest home cup defeat had been 3 - 0. It is now 5 - 0 When a club at the top of its game and with an excellent squad of players gets a new manager, some loss of form may be expected before things pick up again, but you don't expect to suddenly collapse to relegation form and suffer a series of record defeats. Personally I think it is perfectly reasonable to be concerned about this and to voice that concern. There are several on this forum who seem determined to vilify those of us who are expressing concerns. I assume that those who dish the abuse out are perfectly happy at the transformation in the club's results and the new records set since Hughes has taken over, but it would be really nice if they could, for once, explain why they are apparently happy with this state of affairs. If these facts don't concern you, then please tell us why! It would be far more positive than aiming mindless abuse at those of us who care enough about what is happening at the club we love to voice our concern.
    2 points
  9. I have still got the shoes from the last time I was there.
    2 points
  10. We are still in the top tier of Scottish Football We continue to punch above our weight and budget We have 3 home grown players in our squad, Ross, Polworth & Christie We have a down to earth manager who comes without any apparent baggage It seems to me that we have an extraordinary set of players who do not have the usual footballer swagger. We do all this WITHOUT any bludy money to improve the football side of this business BRILLIANT performance from the FOOTBALL department but unfortunately we are absolutely crap commercially! :clapoverhead: :clapoverhead:
    2 points
  11. I hope so. Just as long as he doesn't want us to be Bayern.
    2 points
  12. A valid post and one I entirely agreed with until the utterly illogical and irrational attempt to cite the actions of a number of idiots as an argument against independence. The no camp make some spurious points but that just about takes the biscuit.
    2 points
  13. Was staying at Fairways and rushed back to get last orders - barman served me and said "how was the bowling Johndo" - I replied "how do you know I've been bowling ." He leant over the bar and pointed to my feet - still had the feckin bowling shoes on.
    1 point
  14. The best way to get a huge win rate is to find a sugar daddy and bring in better and higher payed players than your rivals can. For instance Davie Kirkwood at Brora has a win rate of 91%
    1 point
  15. 65% win rate? Here is the win % for this season in the EPL fot the top five sides. Not many managers would get Mahonio's seal of approval. I think you are being very ambitious with that one. Martinez 55% Wenger 61% Pellegrini 68% Mourinho 66% Rodgers 69%
    1 point
  16. I'll be at our last 3 games giving my full support to the team, as I always am, but this does not stop me having major concerns over the way the results have nose dived since mid December and it does not stop me cringing virtually every time our manager gives an interview. This is a fans forum and as fans we have the rite to give our opinions and if some opinions don't follow the party line why threaten to shut it down. If certain posters are being abusive ban them not everyone. In response to say the number of people calling for Hughes to be sacked is the minority, I agree, but so is the number of people wanting him to stay, the majority of people are unsure due to length of time in job measured against bad results.
    1 point
  17. This thread is beginning to be an embarrassment. That there are fans who are happy to see Hughes continue to mould a team and accept short term pain is undoubtably true. That there are fans who see no improvement being possible from a manager they have no faith in is also undoubtably true. However, the vast majority of us - and not just CTO users - are sat in the middle watching both sides belittle each other, hurtle sarcasm and borderline abuse and then sit back and sactimoniously take offence for 35 pages. 35 pages - and we're not even finished with the half a season that Hughes has been in charge. Meanwhile others look on and wonder what on earth is going on. All views are, being personal ones, equally valid and have to be respected. Before either side claim that their "consituency" is bigger, have you asked? I have, actively seeking out and listening to the views of those who shout loudest at games and that's why I think that it's a minority that want John Hughes sacked. I think we are all adult enough to know that no matter how high feelings run that the board will not act on any of the concerns of a minority (albeit sizeable) of the support at this stage as results over the season do not warrant it. It doesn't matter whether Butcher or Hughes are responsible depending on your view, so how's about getting more people into the ground, offering support and pushing the team over the hurdle of the last three games staring tomorrow. Well?
    1 point
  18. Thank god we only have a few games to the end of the season - maybe this thread will disappear - I don't think I have experienced a more negative topic. Do us all a favour admin and close it down before everyone falls out.
    1 point
  19. We have come from being in a position of 2nd in the top flight to one where we have had 3 record defeats in 2 months and people think this thread has run it's course! Unbelievable! I would have thought there was plenty of scope for lively and constructive discussion. If people don't like the thread or are bored of it, the answer is simple - don't read it. If you do read it but are happy with current form and results then either give some constructive arguments as to why you hold that view or refrain from posting.
    1 point
  20. If Fans are getting abuseive, then they do so because they care. The problem goes far deeper than the smooth running of this web platform. We have a serious situation here. An ostrich in the ground approach will not work. Fans have a right to vent their feelings. If their command of the English language is so poor the only way they can do it is by using pit face expressions than so be it. However I do realise the moderators have a job to do. But having said that feelings are running deep . Nobody wants to be fighting relegation next season, or our best players asking to leave. If contributors are put off by pit talk I am sorry for them. But we live in a world where such behaviour is commonplace
    1 point
  21. Surprised that you got past the bar :P
    1 point
  22. Everyone's more than welcome, old and new fans (both in age or length of support) alike you don't have to be a member of CJT to come along either!
    1 point
  23. More the merrier! Its also a good way to meet other fans imo.
    1 point
  24. Might give it a go. Thing this i know this will sound weird but only recently i decided to support my home team because i thought it is the right thing to do and get to more football games. Don't want people thinking who the heck are you? Or if people know me say....wait you ain't a Caley fan? Can't be assed with that.
    1 point
  25. Would we have been in the top six if Butcher had still been in charge ? Nobody can be certain of that !!! Stranraer draw........... I remember a lower league club once beating the mighty Celtic....what was the name of that team again? Tactics......The Bayern v Real game........some excellent passing football, some poor passing football, So near to destroying Real but so many missed chances because they did not make shooting space, only four on target with all that possession and with such impressive players in control....what a waste. My point here is that you can control a game with passing but whist doing so you have to create the space for the finishing, they didn't' that is why they lost, that and because of defensive lapses...............sound familiar ? These are in effect winning tactics if the balance can be attained. John Hughes is attempting to have ICT play a form of football that emulates that, I admire him for it, it is a big and brave ask, if he succeeds and it is possible then we will have a team to be revered but he and the team have to be given time and the backing of the 'support' if he and the team are going to succeed. i know as well as anyone that he has not got, or the team have not got the tactics right yet...... but the game against County showed what can be achieved with only sixty percent of the style in place so why not lay off the strong criticism 'till we see what evolves over the first half of the new season. I love good football, the one / two touch style of passing of the Spanish National side that opens up and speeds through, creating chances with as many as five players up front mesmerising defences and scoring. That is where the thrill of the game comes through. If we could get anywhere close to that it would be worth the wait and the odd hammering in the lead up to achieving that. Patience is what I want and that is why I can be so anti the negative brigade with their continuous barrage of destructive comments. I do not have overly high expectations, I have a realistic outlook, I can see both sides of the coin but when it comes down to it I feel for the faithful and will shout out for them.
    1 point
  26. We finished top six for the second season in a row and made a major cup final for the first time in our history which we only lost on penalties. Our player of the season (at least who I voted for) came through our youth system and is often captain when Foran is out. We have two local youth team players on the fringes who could go on to great things if given the chance. Nick Ross's equaliser. For the fiist time in as long as I can remember the majority of the squad is signed up for next season (these are the same players who played so well at the beginning of the season, it can happen again) We are not Hibs. We are entering our 20th year of awesomeness! It has kinda felt to me that the season has been over since Rooney's penalty in the final. Yes there has been a lot to play for but the generally feeling about the club (players, fans and management) has been that we are limping to the end. We don't have the squad to compete at the top for the whole season. I'm okay with that, 20 years on from the beginning I'd have never thought it possible.
    1 point
  27. After watching the CL this week Yogi doesn't want us to be Barca anymore, he now wants us to be Real Madrid
    1 point
  28. Of course it is all Hughes fault! Before he came, we were second in the league, playing wonderful football, attracting enormous crowds through the gate every home game! Before he came Aberdeen, Motherwell and Dundee United were all on the march being very successful, winning all their games. Before he came we had so many injured players Butcher had a job getting the subs bench filled! Before he came the neggie posters on here were all very positive, so he is at fault! Now, a wee thought for us all .... I wonder what happened to all the neggie Fergie attackers when he turned Man U round? They must be sooooo happy that Davie came along so that their rusty keyboards could, once again, spit out venom, so much so that the players bought into it and stopped playing for him. I wonder after this 'crap' season, top six, cup final, 120 minutes, 10 men, eventually beaten on penalties, with our tired players showing they had to play an extra game that week - no John, it all counts for nothing when that keyboard gets into top gear!
    1 point
  29. my only complaint is that he should have waited for the summer before he introduced his ideas to the team. He has managed to turn a reasonable team into a team which doubts its own ability. As I have said before the back 4 play the ball across the back then pass it back to the goalkeeper who can only hoof it forward. I would rather a team play football in the oppositions half. Time will tell, I can only hope he gets it right by next season. He had two great performances against county so it is there.
    1 point
  30. quite sad that a topic like this has to be made... Ridiculous some of the expectations some fans set for a club like ours
    1 point
  31. It would never have happened to Elgin City parked down the Carse Road !!
    1 point
  32. Surely the only place where bums on seats are of themselves a good thing is at home games.
    1 point
  33. I struggle to see how a yes vote concentrates this bell-endery. These - and I hesitate to use the word - people will return from whichever community they crawled and come out again as and when the ugly sisters clash whether it is the 17th of March, the 12th of July or the 19th of September. Actually, in the case of a yes vote could we not just deport the feckers to whichever version of Ireland they profess to love?
    1 point
  34. I'll be there, always a great night.
    1 point
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    • Season Tickets + Resignation Confirmation
      Firstly; we can confirm the resignation of our Chairman and Board member Ross Morrison. He leaves with our sincere thanks for the dedicated service he has given to the Club and we are indebted to him for his passion, tireless effort and crucial investment in the Club.

      We can also announce that our CEO Scot Gardiner has tendered his resignation, which has been accepted by the Board. Scot is now serving his notice and will be continuing to help the Club get through this difficult period.
      • 37 replies
    • Gardiner Resigns
      ICT CEO Scot Gardiner resigns.
      Local media in Inverness is reporting that ICTFC CEO Scot Gardiner has resigned and is now working his notice period at the club. https://bit.ly/3VcnYcX
      • 0 replies
    • Administration pending unless...
      Administration pending, unless... How can we go from SupercaleygoballisticCelticareatrocious in the year 2000, to Scottish Cup Winners in 2015, playing in Europe and just 9 years after lifting the Cup; Administration. Mismanagement and our demise was hastened by the appointment of Scot Gardiner. Ever since then, ludicrous decision making has seen our stock plummet whilst 'shady' dealings were investigated. The failed Concert Company, the Battery Storage, the Statkraft contract have all ended badly leaving the club facing insolvency.

      That's another fine mess you've got us into.
        • Well Said
      • 1 reply
    • New Chairman Wanted, Apply Within
      Chairman Ross Morrison resigns


      Nothing official from the club as we speak, but the Inverness Courier are running with a story that Ross Morrison has resigned at 18:00 tonight 3rd June.  More to come as this story develops, but most fans are looking for more heads to roll.

      Speaking exclusively to The Inverness Courier, Mr Morrison said he is leaving now because of the aftermath of the Fife move. “I believe it [the move to Fife] is the best way forward and I have to stick with my beliefs,” Mr Morrison said. “This is the reason I'm stepping down now.”

      Reflecting on his time with the Caley Thistle, Mr Morrison said: “My six-year tenure with the club has had some great and some not so great times but through everything I was immensely proud to be the chairman of the club and clubs I’ve supported for 50 years - I was a Jaggie by the way.

      “I would ask the fans to rally round the club at this time and show their support by not only purchasing their season tickets but also getting involved directly with the club to see how they can help.

      “Hearing fans saying they would prefer administration to training the first team in Kelty sent a shiver down my spine. Administration is a desperate thing to happen to a club and must, at all cost, not happen to ICTFC.”
      • 1 reply
    • Player of the Year 2023-2024
      The winner for this season voted for by you is our very own local player Cameron Harper. Will that ever happen again I wonder?

      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
      3rd with 58 points Cameron Kerr
      4th with 53 points Billy Mckay
      5th with 51 points Max Anderson
      6th with 50 points Nathan Shaw

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