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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2016 in Posts

  1. There was a young man called Hughes Who got too big for his shoes When asked about Raven said "he's no worth saving" but Cameron said "I'll be the one to choose"
    11 points
  2. The board did give him their backing to a record degree. It was Yogi who decided that that was not enough for him.
    6 points
  3. The new joke hand buzzer he bought worked better than expected.
    4 points
  4. Thanks Kenny but I was just thinking is there any chance of me staying & giving Yogi the shove instead!
    3 points
  5. The fans of the Rangers would do well to remember that their new club was given preferential treatment when their old club died. Conventially , when a vacancy arises in the league, clubs are invited to put their cases just as we and Ross County had to and existing members of the league vote on which club or clubs are to be admitted. It could well be argued that at the time the Rangers were parachuted in other teams such as Gala Fairydean or Edinburgh City had a much better case. If that is now their attitude to the clubs that gave them such preferential treatment then they may find they are dealt with differently the next time their club dies.
    3 points
  6. the board obviously could afford to keep Dave the Rave, so wtf was Yogi on about. Never deserved to be out of the team in my opinion. News has made my day. If it was a choice last week between Yogi or Dave, the board though the same. Also with a few players resigning like this, the club must be projecting their thoughts on who will replace Yogi to or with the players
    3 points
  7. Haven't renewed my season ticket yet - not so much a protest as apathy brought on by the antics of the last few weeks. I'm sure I would have renewed anyway, but the announcement about David Raven has ensured I'll be down tomorrow to do so! The reason isn't that I think inclusion of DR will suddenly make us world beaters, but I like the gesture from the board to the fans and to DR: Loyalty begets loyalty and this will certainly help to unite, which is what this club is all about!
    3 points
  8. Damn Dave loosen your grip a little, I need that hand to sign Yogi's termination letter
    2 points
  9. KC: "so Yogi storms into my office, he says it's me or Dave, Kenny he has to go"...."I said I'll let the fans decide that one!"
    2 points
  10. yeah cheers Yogi mun
    2 points
  11. "You're going to stick that award where????"
    2 points
  12. There are many different kinds of records Kingsmills........some are getting quite worn out !
    2 points
  13. Never mind David,the bogeyman has gone
    2 points
  14. Ach no, put the microphone away David, you're too good a right-back to be supporting Rod Stewart. Back to the day job!
    2 points
  15. Good luck to Yogi, He did us proud and who knows what could have happened if the money was there and the Board gave him their backing. I for one give a big thank you to the man and his vision of how football should be played, glimpses we saw when we were at our best. I only hope his possession and passing style can be adapted and adopted into a more offensive strategy by the new regime.
    2 points
  16. He played on the left he played on the right, he's now in the dugout and Counties still sh1te
    2 points
  17. Ha ha ha ha ha, but the best laugh of all is that we are re-signing Yogi as well......ha ha ha ha ha ha You are joking..............................................................................................................................right................ Just kidding Dave. Let's Keep Rave, Repeat....................ha ha ha ha
    1 point
  18. When did you join the Masons............
    1 point
  19. I was speaking today to someone who was regularly in JH's company and said he appeared to be rather passionate about the setting up of a Youth Academy at ICT. At the same time he understood the costs involved in doing so and how unlikely this was in the foreseeable future. Obviously a side of Yogi nobody saw.
    1 point
  20. I don't think so, had DB had a less unfortunate season with injuries and been pushing OFW then yes possibly but given we're not sure how he'd have been once recovered fully along with OFW being an international going to the Euros, and a competent gk in his own right, I think they made the best decision all round. Sometimes it's not just about playing ability.
    1 point
  21. Hope they spoke to the "new manager" before making such signings
    1 point
  22. ^ not see it a positive that a small club like ours is on the radar of a guy who was manager of one of the biggest clubs in England and Europe, clearly must be doing something right if he's heard of us. It's not always necessary to gave and inferiority complex.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Like the missionary position or a Lorne sausage roll....
    1 point
  25. So it wasn't a dream .David has re-signed . l fee like I've won the lottery :-) :-)
    1 point
  26. That article is pretty uninformed. Comparing a team that finished 4th, 2nd and 4th in its three previous seasons to Leicester is stretching it but aye. On the topic of Astra, their star man, Budescu, who scored the freekick against us, was bought by a Chinese SECOND tier club in January.
    1 point
  27. Plus OFW makes a solid defence
    1 point
  28. Raven meekings warren tremarco ...not bad at all
    1 point
  29. The Raven will fly again, ........ Welcome back David
    1 point
  30. Sorry to see Deano go - such a shame for him that he missed out on the cup final....and a medal IIRC. DB and OFW both have strengths and it is tough to have to choose between them, but I think there would have been an element of risk with Deano, so I support the decision. Good luck big man and I will gladly applaud you if you return to TCS for another team.
    1 point
  31. I suspect if BR is still in his position when the new manager is appointed then he'll be allowed to decide if BR stays or not, should the budget allow. A lot of managers stipulate who they want as their number two and can often be a make or break when it comes to signing on. I don't know enough about BR to comment on his ability but I think its clear that he has had nowhere near as much effect on the team as Lattapy or even Malpas did as a number two.
    1 point
  32. Woooooooow! I know we all wished this, but I never actually thought it would happen. Great to see the Board grew a pair and stuck their fingers up at Yogi in this one: Another sign of the disconnect between (ex) manager and board. I wonder if the timing of these signings is also a sign of the players' views on the removal of the manager.
    1 point
  33. After John Collins statement surprised Barca has not immediately signed yogi!!!
    1 point
  34. David and his family truly love Inverness and the club, so this is great news for them and us. Delighted to see you're staying David !!!
    1 point
  35. Loving the interactiveness going on lately between the club and the fans. Thankyou to the board for keeping us so well informed - much appreciated.
    1 point
  36. Fan power !!! I can't put into words how happy I am with this news . Delighted to see board doing what was right . I know David will repay us by his performance on the pitch . David Ravens name will definitely go down in history . John Hughes eat your heart out :-)
    1 point
  37. David Raven has signed a two year deal ! http://ictfc.com/news/team-news/1764-david-raven-2-year-deal
    1 point
  38. We seem to have done well enough for the last four seasons increasing our turnover year on year and even posting the odd profit.
    1 point
  39. Agreed! If theyd done their job properly and protected the players we wouldnt be discussing any of this now.
    1 point
  40. Just been revealed that he has got a £400K bonus for winning the FA Cup and a £5m pay-off as part of the severance package. Maybe instead he would like to buy our club
    1 point
  41. For me Yogi engineered his exit himself . He'll walk away with his reputation in tact while blaming the club for not backing him .
    1 point
  42. With Hibs now winning the cup, Hughes has had one of the best weeks of his life!
    1 point
  43. It could be that you need to be a dickhead
    1 point
  44. While not in the "good riddance" camp, I can't help but feel that this has been inevitable since we knocked back the approach by Dundee Utd, and some of the stuff he has been coming out with in the media has sounded like a man trying to work his ticket out of Inverness. Undoubtedly he will go down in history as the manager who brought us our first (and hopefully not last) major trophy, and took us to Europe for the first time too. However, there were serious questions around player recruitment - most people could see that we were short of numbers up front *before* Mckay left, and his forward recruitment was, at best, patchy. A lack of a plan B when teams sussed out our tactics was another weakness. And hopefully this means I don't have to endure another game as eye-bleedingly bad as the last one at Dens Park. The constant griping about finances was becoming tiresome - such matters should not be aired in public - and if I'm honest, I'm not convinced that Yogi was the man to be trusted with a budget that pushed us to the limit. So he leaves with best wishes, but I can't say I'm gutted like I was when the likes of Pele or Robbo left.
    1 point
  45. Better stay out of this Charles or you will be placed in the happy clapper club. I like reading the posts about potential new managers. At least we can have a good laugh at some of the names proposed.
    1 point
  46. Better still, how about just appointing someone out of the North or Main stand? There seem to be plenty in there who regularly know far better than any professionally qualified manager.
    1 point
  47. I am disappointed although not surprised that it has come to this. Firstly, it's only proper to give credit where it is due. John Hughes deserves much, although far from all of the credit for our fantastic and historic success last season. I am fairly sure that that will represent the pinnacle of his career and while we are grateful for his contribution he should also be grateful to the club and Kenny Cameron in particular for giving him the opportunity when his stock was so low that Morton fans were horrified that he might be appointed to their manager's seat which was vacant at the same time as ours. Whilst last season will, in my view prove to be the height of John Hughes's career, It won't be the height of the club's. They might not come round with great frequency but there will be managers in the future who will win silverware for ICT and lead the team into Europe but Yogi will always be the first and will always have his place in our history. He could, in these circumstances have walked away with his head held high if he had been honest and straightforward and told the chairman that he could not improve on this frankly disappointing season on the money, a record sum for us remember, being made available to him. Instead he chose to sign a new contract which is highly lucrative to him personally and only then try to blackmail and bully the directors very much into the public domain into giving him funds that he had already been informed were impossible without risking the club's future. Yogi has form in this respect and did precisely the same thing at Falkirk. Their board caved in and gave him money which he squandered on duds and has beens resulting in their relegation and very nearly financial oblivion. Hibs are another club yet to fully recover from his mismanagement. I am pleased that our board has not capitulated and have put the long term viability first. Yogi, by acting in the way he has has cleverly ensured that he walks away with a wedge of ICT cash but in the process has, in my view severely tarnished that place he earned in the history of Inverness Caledonian Thistle. There will be uncertainty for a spell, we will have to examine the way we do these things in the future but the club will go on and personally I am now looking forward to the new season with a great deal more enthusiasm and sense of optimism than I was a few days ago.
    1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. Nowt to do with your memory you just consistently post pure p1sh, any normal person would do some research at least if you weren't even at the game What an embarrassing mess!!!!! Dougal
    1 point
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    • Player of the Year 2023-2024
      The winner for this season voted for by you is our very own local player Cameron Harper. Will that ever happen again I wonder?

      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
      3rd with 58 points Cameron Kerr
      4th with 53 points Billy Mckay
      5th with 51 points Max Anderson
      6th with 50 points Nathan Shaw

      • 6 replies
    • Kelty Hearts Training Statement
      What a farce we have become, a laughing stock: Did you hear the one about the footbal team from the Highlands of Scotland that want to train at Cowdenbeath? Unfortunately, unlike our board, this is not a joke. Our board are trying to rip our identity from the Highlands and replace it with shared training at Kelty Hearts. I kid you not, this is not a drill and the clowns that run our club appear to be delighted at this coup.
        • Thank You
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    • Relegation Statement
      RELEGATION STATEMENT: This could have been said ten minutes after our defeat to Hamilton three days ago. So far, this is not the news that we on Caley Thistle Online wanted to hear. Pleased that we will still function as a club, disappointed that resignations have not been offered yet. Keeping fans waiting in silence for three days is unforgivable and relationships are drifting further apart than ever before. Silence is not the way forward, we deserve better as fans.
      • 2 replies
    • Inverness CT 2-3 (3-5) Hamilton - Play off final (relegation)
      RELEGATED: Despite Inverness needing to get off the mark quickly, it was Accies that killed the tie inside the first fifteen minutes with strikes from Kevin O'Hara and Lewis Smith. Cammy Kerr reduced the leeway with a good strike from distance, but O'Hara struck again with a penalty before the break to diffuse the revival. We struggled to create anything of note and this reporter could not stomach any more and left the stadium. I'm told Alex Samuel pulled a goal back in stoppage time, but like the rest of the season it was too little too late.
      • 1 reply
    • Hamilton 2-1 Inverness CT - Play off final 1st Leg
      A better showing from Inverness in the second half, especially with Lawal and Pepple on the park but it's Hamilton that take a one goal advantage up the A9 on Saturday. Lawal has been the standout performer in our last few games and surely he must start on Saturday. Pepple also did well, scored the goal, had an effort saved and got in a few balls across the box from tight positions.

      Still, a shocker of a first half and we must be up for it from the start on Saturday.
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