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Ok shoot me down but!


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C'mon all I seem to read on the site is TB is ok as is MM and we will get better, on the basis so far ... nil chance

I read that the team go on the razz at night, mind u in Invss , the last time I was there, nicht RAZZ, so where is the management? in Perthshire???? on the red wine razz

So ICTFC employ professional?? footballers, and so far are not living up to the expectations that the wages provide them the lifestyle they now lead.

Before they were signed? what divisions were they languishing in, and now whoopee, a mug? has signed them, so okay , you guys, make the motions for a year and hey ho!!

When Alex wins the Euro millions after me , I would dump the dross ,, start a new team of local / or at a stretch Englishpeople, who want to play, pull on the shirt, be proud of it, and have a manager who walks the walk, not JR, but I have someone in mind... when Alex and I win Euro Millions, in seperate weeks, watch out

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I hear yuou dude, if i get 3 numbers this weekend i think id be able to have a crack at buying as no1 seems to like it any more... my mrs won 2 quid this morning... nearly made the call, but you are right, our team should be playing for the shirt not the night on the lash in love2love, its only a matter of time till someones caught somthing...

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P.S. I have a few amber pebbles here in the Wild West of Canada from the self-same beach that you inhabit.

Is that good? :rolleyes:

Ah the tourist's favourite purchase, I mean amber!!Wonderful beach in Jurmala, played beach footy last night..

and yes I can now speak Latvian proper, but soemtimes the odd german word creeps in!!

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C'mon all I seem to read on the site is TB is ok as is MM and we will get better

May i be the first to take a shot :)

Latviaman, are you reading the other threads? There are plenty of folk calling for Butcher's head just there has been since the County game. They think things won't get any better but others think they might. We're 7 games into a new (very open and unpedictable) league with a new squad. Give them a decent crack at it before you start calling for heads.

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C'mon all I seem to read on the site is TB is ok as is MM and we will get better

May i be the first to take a shot :lol:

Latviaman, are you reading the other threads? There are plenty of folk calling for Butcher's head just there has been since the County game. They think things won't get any better but others think they might. We're 7 games into a new (very open and unpedictable) league with a new squad. Give them a decent crack at it before you start calling for heads.

Stan, respect what you have said over many threads, My problem is , we/ you the fans pay to watch ICTFC , if they go on the Razz after a disasterous game. then the time is to say enuf, I thought a performance pay thing was a bad idea, just another mad idea from Regenade

So far the team has not been good, this season, no heart, no umph, is that how you spell it??, But hey ho carry on, Alex and I are into the Euro Millions Lottery

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