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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2016 in Posts

  1. what funds, there IS NO BUDGET. Not really, its looking inspired - he's out injured yet again. THERE IS NO BUDGET Going forwards and backwords, most definitely. No, Richie was balling at the players a lot today, as was Rice. Raven was shocking - I think maybe Hughes saw something we didnt.... Foran's going nowhere. you dont hand out a 4-year deal then kick him out after three games. get a grip mun! and THERE IS NO BUDGET!! How do we know they aren't? and would you rather we over spent, got relegated anyway and oh, go bust because we've overspent on a Premiership budget and we're now playing in the Championship. and likely grumble at the ST prices staying the same when we playing in the Championship?? oh yes and THERE IS NO BUDGET!! The awarding of a 4-year contract is THAT support. Its clear they realise its a long-term project, and that things aren't going to be easy, which is why they've given him time. We need to do the same. Same old same old on here - the board need to release funds! ffs mun!! we get an average gate of around 3k! theres no funds anywhere!! are they going to bankrupt themselves as individuals to try and dig the club out of a financial mess that it doesn't need to go in?! I'd rather play in the championship than go bust tbh. As said, going forward we were very much on a par, quality wise, and the first goal seemed to come against the run of play imho. Defence throughout the team was shocking - giving them too much time and space on the ball, getting cut apart like hot knife through butter, we made it waay to easy for them. next week, i'd be happy with a 6-4-0 formation and secure a 0-0 and a ,much needed point. time for ugly, park-the-bus football! :)
    5 points
  2. Time for all to pull together and support the club. This is when they need the support to get them through.
    5 points
  3. What is the difference between Jennifer Anniston and ICT - She has two more points than us.
    4 points
  4. And here is the original Match Report which will inevitably be censured to feckin shreds but is from the heart. TOOTHLESS CALEY THISTLE This is how the report would have read if I had typed it last night - "MATCH DEPORT - Home Safe - Pishedd but ICT were pisheddedder" Well were do I feckin start - Lets look at this comment first - Inverness Caledonian Thistle manager Richie Foran: "I don't think it was a 5-1. We had more chances on goal today than we had in the previous three games, but you've got to put the ball in the net." It could actually have been 25-5. We were slaughtered. It was embarrassing. 44% possession but NO width and NO penetration. 13 shots on goal and 7 on target - for on target add weak or directly at keeper. 7 corners all aimed at Gary Warren. Fer fecks sake. "They had that bit more belief when they had their chances. That's what we lacked." And where do they get that belief from. Shure Rice was barking orders but that is lukewarm. Foran looked like a feckin mannequin. Take the feckin suit off and give them laldy. Be more of Foran the nasty, snarling player, forget they were team mates and give them some good old Irish bollockings. "We had too many players underperforming as well. I've got to take a big part of the blame for that as well - I picked the team, I picked the tactics, I picked the training through the week." Fair enuff - Neither Butcher or Hughes would have said that. But the tactics are WRONG. BUT we don't have any real replacements. I thought "If it was me - how could I change it ?" - Only by being ruthless and perhaps playing the yoof. "These players have proven over the years they are top players, but I'm not getting the best out of a few of them at the moment, so I'll take the blame for today." That is a fellow player talking - a buddy - a friend - not a manager. The blame will rest with Foran in the end but we have some of his old buddies playing cards in the feckin trenches. There are some who frankly are not playing for the shirt becos they probably think - "well who else is there". Apart from Warren and Tremarco NOBODY else looked like they were giving 100% - please refer to Grumpometer becos there is NOTHING to smile about !! So the only positive about yesterday was pre-match. Great to have trains running from Englandshire all the way to Embra. Great to be at a game again. And great to see many of the old faces and enjoy a dram or twenty. But then I had to go to Tynecastle - in the Over 65 gate though with the adult Mantis So to the game. Lets summarise. We made Don Cowie look like Wayne Rooney and Connor Sammon look like Slatan Ibrahimovic. Nuff feckin said. We played some neat stuff for 7 minutes. I don't know about anybody else but I hate that 1-2 touch technique fresh off the training ground. Toothless. And then I am sitting there looking at two banks of four that would have won a Synchronised gold feckin medal. But then it didn't change. It stayed like that. And I thought to myself - Somebody with guile will suss that and the olde 1-2 will be easy peasy. And then it was delivered by those two masters of skill - Cowie and Slamon - Fer fecks sake !! And then we allow Cowie time to measure and deliver a cross to a totally unmarked Ibrahimovic who rose UNMARKED like a majestic flounder at the back post. 2-0 and GAME feckin over. But did we pull up our sleeves and show what we were made off. NO we feckin didn't. We sat back and admired. We did not have the energy to press and we had holes all over the place. We were second to every ball. And we did get a chance - which we did - we fluffed the lines like an Amateur Dramatics line up in the West End. The lights were too bright for Boden (especially), Warren and Draper. GUMPOMETER !! Von Willems - Looked like a POW at the back. Starved off confidence but equally starved of protection. Appeared too weak to shout and cajole the culprits in front of him. To be fair he had little chance with the goals but he is "invisible" to me. And why - oh why - the feck did he come out with Esson early at half time. WHY ? Well should have been to change feckin jerseys. Raven - Sorry Mr Hughes - you were right !! Warren - 100% no doubt but 120% is too much. Too eager to get forward and left Meekings stranded at times. Meekings - Simply was NOT 100 % fit. He must have thought - who is the geezer at right back and where are the people who are supposed to be in front of me !! Tremarco - My MOM if only for determination and not putting his head down. Polworth - Why oh feckin why play him wide left. End of. Tansey - Shocking Draper - Drifted in and out of the game - said it a long time ago but Draper + Tansey does not equate. Vigurs Why oh why play him in the feckin "hole". Totally wasted and he gave up. Mulranney I was looking forward to see him. Well he looked like a white Mutumbo with less awareness. Nuff said. Cramp after an hour and stretchered off. *****. Boden Proven goalscorer in the lower English leagues. BUT he is NOT a feckin lone striker. And he had NO support. He did a lot of good running off the ball and got in positions to score twice before half time. Shure he fecked them both up but he got in that goalscoring position. Looked the most likely to score and what to we do. We feckin SUB him !! So take Fisher on and hook Mulranney and help out Boden. Too feckin simple. And Fisher looked and is a target man but NOT a lone striker. Great overhead kick attempt thoughLittle Jack Horner should have been kept sitting in the feckin corner. Nice to see Doran back and he HAS to start next week which means that he wont. And I thought that McLean was very lenient. And we still amassed 4 needless yellows which bodes well for future suspensions !! Oh and get the Board to stump up more money - Fer fecks sake - This is the real world nt a game of feckin Monopoly !!
    4 points
  5. You have a replacement Board lined up? One that will guarantee that the team on the pitch wins? Let's hear it, then.
    4 points
  6. ...but we've got one more cup than she has.
    3 points
  7. Caleyboy - you just don't seem to get it! Once again you seem to be falling into the trap of expecting the people who run the club in their own time to go out fundraising so you can purchase a product which you consider to meet your satisfaction at a price which is round about half what that product costs to produce. As it happens, the board already in many ways go above and beyond the economic realities and are even found, for instance, running car boot sales so you can partake of cut price football. There may indeed be some ways in which traditional revenue streams could be spruced up. For instance I understand that match day hospitality could be extended, but the overwhelming consideration is that the board finds itself running a company in a totally artificial market. There simply isn't enough demand for the product at prices dictated by the wage requirements of the company's employees. When this happens in the real world, you don't find the directors of Marks and Spencer, Tesco etc rushing about organising car boot sales etc so their customers can buy their products at a fraction of what they cost to produce. At Caley Thistle, you do. That's because in football there seems to be this expectation that other people will either make efforts to bridge the monetary gap on the consumers' behalf or subsidise the loss from their own pockets. If you want to see a better product at ICT, which has lived a charmed financial life so far, what are YOU prepared to do about it? In order to meet wage demands which are way above what the market can realistically sustain, would you be prepared to pay more at the gate for a superior product or go or help with the car boots sales? (Maybe you do - I don't know.) Football's fundamental problem is that players are paid far more than their realistic market value and until that situation is resolved, this kind of thing will continue to be commonplace. So much for the board. Now the management. It also seems from this thread that spectators have been so busy watching in detail the body language of Foran and Rice in the technical area that they can't have been able to watch the game at all. Either that or what we have been seeing are completely anecdotal and random "observations", with the individual's own spin on them, which have actually been contradicted by others who were also at the game. What business is it of people making such observations as to how the professionals charged with running the team go about doing so in detail? What has it to do with them whether Richie Foran jumps up and down waving his arms about or adopts an entirely different body language? That's Foran's business and nobody else's - irrespective of how strong the belief of these observers is that they know far better than experienced football professionals about how to run a team. It's maybe time for understanding that you don't solve football problems by throwing money at them or shouting loudly.
    3 points
  8. At least Kenny Cameron is out there trying
    3 points
  9. A pretty good summing up of the situation from itcfcsince94, the gist being there is no budget, we have to get used to it and we should be prepared for the championship, because the board isn't going to bankrupt the club to stay up. Arguably a club of our size playing in the SPL is actually us punching above our weight, so to have finished third, won a cup and played in the final of a second (noticeably all under Hughes albeit from the core of a team created by Butcher) is a mighty acheivement. It's clear that the Hughes/Board fracture revolved around whether the latter would find decent money to replace good players who had gone for little or nothing, and the Board obviously felt they couldn't. The Raven/Hughes situation was really a side show which got the fans on Hughes back which worked in the Boards favour. I'm sure that DR will still put the effort in, now he has the benefit of a longer contract, but in a club where every wage has to be effective, lets hope Raven still has the legs and brain to deliver. One lesson that has been learned (probably too late to retain our status this season) by the Board has to be the way that our best players were on short contracts which meant that we have not really been able to generate much in the way of funds from transfers. I've got to be honest the appointment of Foran as manager, didn't really excite me, but a 4 year contract tells me that the Board realise that they have done all they can to compete financially and have decided to start from scratch. Unless we are able to find another CB and perhaps a forward, this year is about whether any of our youngsters can step up to the mark and make the first team, and not have such a bad time of time of it that we lose too many players in January and go through the trapdoor so fast that we end up in League 1! I still hope that players like King, Mulraney, Doran and Polworth can give us moments to treasure this season Still I find myself looking at the Championship teams with a bit more interest than before! Oh yes and given Roberts latest injury at Crawley, your right itcfcsince94
    3 points
  10. Aye it's been a pish start to the season, we should absolutely be spending money we don't have on players we can't afford. That always ends well for clubs.
    3 points
  11. Its the current board that employed Richie Foran, its them that the buck stops with, its them that have to raise money to help the manager get a decent team together. If they are unable to do this the major shareholders have to look at the situation and change things. This is the smallest team squad i can remember, its a disgrace, somebody decided to give the manager a 4 year contract so they have to support him in this dire situation, whether its in the long term plan to expect relegation and then build from there i don't know but there are a lot of questions to be asked by shareholders.
    3 points
  12. Well I was there and I know all about Body Language. There was little else to watch. All I am saying is that IF Richie was more Conti like than Wengeresque it would send a very, very strong message to the fans and the feckin players. Richie is simply being too feckin nice. Some of the tactics were poor but some individual performances were SHOCKING. "Tell it as it is" I say. If you had got a complimentary journey and ticket to Tynecastle you would understand. When you actually pay good money to get there and watch ABSOLUTE EMBARRASSING DROSS you have the entitlement to say your piece. That last sentence is the most laughable
    2 points
  13. If anyone doesn't believe that there's NO BUDGET yet, just look at Richie's face! We can't even afford razors anymore!
    2 points
  14. Someone tell the poor fella there IS NO BUDGET !
    2 points
  15. I think that team would do very well - it looks to be 4-5-2!
    2 points
  16. Getting pissed off yet? Where's the money? Hughes was used as a scapegoat for the lack of investment and ineptitude from the board... you only have to look around the SPFL to see it is littered with players that should still be wearing an ICT shirt if we had been proactive with contracts or offered a competitive salary. We don't know what was going on behind closed doors but I imagine it was a constant argument between Hughes and the board whilst he tried to get something off them.. when he got nowhere he tried to force the clubs hands through the media (not very classy). I don't blame him and still maintain he is the best manager we have ever had at the club and we paid his severance package the next season after he won us the Scottish Cup and got the club in Europe.. madness! We now have Foran, who wouldn't have been my choice but you can't doubt his commitment to the club.. understandable considering he must be one of our highest ever paid players and was given a 4 year contract which he was injured throughout (not his fault though). I have been impressed with his interviews and would love him to become the manager the board expects him to be ... but he is being hung out to dry here and NEEDS money to sign players or it's only a matter of time before the fans turn on him and it is not his fault. We hare going backwards.. not only on the pitch but off it. I was looking after my daughter today so couldn't make the match .. been struggling a lot over the last few seasons to get to games but don't care any less about our future. This isn't an overreaction to the 5-1 .. it's been on the cards for a long time. 5 subs on the bench today, none of them that you could argue should start (maybe Doran) ... there is no competition for places and although I do think there is quality in the 11 that were picked today complacency is inevitable. Some of our fans need to wake up and see that we can't keep letting players leave the club for nothing and I hold the board solely responsible for the situation we are in at the moment. Might only be the start of the season but we are almost nailed on for relegation due to lack of investment and planning.
    2 points
  17. Esson, C. Brown Warren, Meekings, Tremarco Robertson, Draper, Macarthur, Doran Fisher, Boden Subs; A.Trialist (1); A.Trialist (2); Fon Williams: Sutherland; Foran; Urquhart; Milroy
    1 point
  18. After viewing the tweets saying that St Mirren fans won't be receiving their tops (also made by carbrini) because of issues with the supplier I'm even more annoyed. We need answers! They've got my money and I nothing to show for it. We need to bombard JD Sports with emails.
    1 point
  19. Would rather get a fans strip made and boycott JD and Carbrini.
    1 point
  20. Exfeckincactly - May I add the words "togetherness" I take it that you were not at the game yesterday. I understand and applaud your devotion but what we need is the "support" of punters paying admission fees - and the devoted are not enuff. Oh - and THERE IS NO BUDGET!!
    1 point
    1 point
  22. I've picked a fine time for my first live match of the season next Saturday. That formation, if it were to be adopted, will really impress the 5 English, golfing pals I'll have in tow with me. They are already ripping the p*** out of me over our bad start to the league campaign, so a negative, 'park the bus', approach will be just what my visitors want to see and enhance their opinion of Scottish football no end. Having said that, I think I'd put up with the personal insults I'll receive, and take a 0-0 draw right now!
    1 point
  23. For the third week in a row we stood off the opposition far too much and were second to everything, and by the time we started playing, the game was already lost. I don't know whether it's fear or apathy that's been at the root of the last four performances, but there were several senior professionals in yesterday's side who got us to consecutive top six finishes by imposing themselves on games, competing for everything, and showing a belief that they were the equal or better of almost anyone they faced in the Premiership, and they should be ashamed of the way they've started the season.
    1 point
  24. Mulraney just tweeted that hes fine and not on injury list. Some good news at least...
    1 point
  25. Regardless of the Hughes/board and press issues which led to his sacking/resigining there was a strong voice from many fans before then, that they wanted Hughes out as he had huge budgets and reverted to boring football. While at times it was tepid, negative and often lacked entertainment perhaps what we really are seeing is that the squad isnt as good as we (the fans) think it was and perhaps he played this way beacuse we kept gradually getting weaker loosing players like McKay, Christie, Watkins, Ofere where the goals and creativity came from - maybe Hughes had no choice and keeping us at the level we were and the success we had was a bigger achievement than some would ever like to acknowledge. I'm all for giving time to a new manager, but calls for increased budgets are not practical, we have had number for key players (OFW, Draper, tansey, Warren, meekings, raven, tremarco, vigurs, polly) all sign up on longer deals - do people not think these will be on increased wages over previous contracts these guys had? Our 'core' wage will will have increased thus leaving less for the other players - sadly this is the price of success a trying to keep players and ward off other interested parties. We failed with top 6 last season, no cup finals and no increased foot fall - there is nowhere for extra cash to come from. People may cite the Christie transfer fee, how much has been paid is unclear or the terms, but with the horrendous injuries last year extra players had to be brought in and the Storey loan had a fee - its likely there is nothing of this left. Foran will need to work with what we have and adopt tactics that play to what we have, the signs arent good but we still have time. The next 3 games are very hard and I worry that after 6 games we could be still on zero points and been giving another couple of heavy defeats against the Dons & Celtic. Those who say its not Forans fault, if it was Hughes fault the tactics we played last year then it has to be Forans now - he picks the team and decides on how to play. Lets hope the learning curve is not too steep.
    1 point
  26. If it's for Scotland how about the Glasgow children's hospital charity (formerly York Hill) if it's UK wide how about Glasgow children's hospital charity.
    1 point
  27. Presumably you meant a Desmond "2-2", but in the end we got Storm Desmond - blown away, floodgates opened, landslides etc etc etc
    1 point
  28. Sat 20 Aug 2016 Scot Premier M Storey (Aberdeen 2 - Partick 1) D Cowie (2) (Hearts 5 - ICT 1) R Christie (St Johnstone 2 - Celtic 4) SL 2 R McAllister (Peterhead 2 - Albion 2) R Babtie (Peterhead 2 - Albion 2) Highland League Z Sutherland (2) (Brora R 5 - Rothes 0) Dafabet Welsh League J Oswell (2) (Newtown 4 - Carmarthen 2)
    1 point
  29. I would love to see us spend more to strengthen the squad, but the reality is that there is no cash. Foran clearly has the choice of El Alagui OR a defender - we need both and more besides! Hughes wasn't a scapegoat - he boxed the board into a corner and got what he wanted (out with a pay-off). That cost more valuable cash and forced the only decision possible, which was for Foran to be manager. The 4 year contract seemed generous, but I suspect RF had the upper hand in those negotiations. So, we are where we are financially and the reason for it is small attendances. The players we have are good enough to stay up, but a couple more injuries and we are truly stuffed. RF needs to get the motivation and organisation right and do it quickly. The last thing he needed was a poor start, but he needs to get these guys really playing for him and get them better organised. If the choice is premiership security or financial security, I vote for financial.
    1 point
  30. I was at the game and it was a strange one to say the least. If you were to watch the game without any of the goals you'd probably say it was even, our build up play was decent, Mulraney had their left back on toast(before he was worryingly stretchered off) but we were hapless up front. Bolden offered absolutely nothing, he struggled to hold up the ball, and had two chances which ended up as comical misses. Our defending let us down big time, it was so easy for Hearts for all their goals. At the end of the day they have so much more quality than us and it showed with their goals. I've seen us play a lot worse and lose by less, don't no if that's a positive or a negative! Realistically we need a defender for cover and two attacking options, if we had a Ryan Christie or Matley Walktins today we would have taken something from the game. Unfortunately we'll probably only sign one more player. At this point I'll be happy to stay up. Tansey was poor and from the sounds of it he has been all season, Vigurs head went down early, Draper was ok. Horner looked better than Raven, I think we should be starting him. On a positive note, the only way is up!
    1 point
  31. Even stranger, a few weeks back the club Twitter announced that a game down the Bught (presumably against Inverness City) had been cancelled due to rain. They'd never mentioned it was on beforehand.
    1 point
  32. But have you got and Pride of the Highlands Tartan? https://www.tartanregister.gov.uk/tartanLargeImage.aspx?ref=5586
    1 point
  33. Hi Speaking as someone who has never voted Snp, it's still hard to miss what is a rather severe obsession with them on here and it somewhat constricts what is an enormous, wide ranging debate to a much more confined one. The Snp don't have ownership over the independence debate, much as they may wish they did. Yet charging them with 'grievance politics' but then basing nearly every argument from a starting point of deep rooted grievance against them could be deemed contradictory, but at best it creates a rather dizzying cycle of repetitive commentary. Some people have expressed dismay at the polarising or divisive nature of the constitutional debate in this country yet they appear as far away from any reconciliatory rhetoric or an olive branch as they possibly could be I couldn't quite bring myself to vote Yes for Independence in 2014, I considered it and many of my friends/colleagues voted that way. I was by no means blind to some of it's appeal but the status quo and the sense that I didn't want the boat to be rocked were clear enough in my mind. I don't regret it, given what I knew then What I know now, post Brexit, is hugely different, as are my views on the constitutional discussion and thus another referendum. It's no longer possible (for me) to apply the 2014 stance like for like to the current scenario, such is the dramatic difference to the mechanics of the whole debate. Nicholas Macpherson, the senior civil servant behind Better Together's treasury plans along with Osbourne noted as much in his ft article. Though JK Rowling wins the prize for most surprising concession that Brexit has changed opinion Brexit came around thanks to the wishes alone of the Conservative's right wing, their splintered right wing (Ukip) and the billionaire media moguls who backed what was a quite dispicible campaign laced with proto-fascist undertones. For many, it was a proxy-vote on English independence, I lost count of how many vox pops I saw with people saying "I want to give England back to the English". Although many of the historical economic failures within communities which voted heavily for Leave may have been down to the neglect of their local industries by repeated governments, it was the immigration blame game card which won the day, reaffirmed by years of hysterical coverage by the press While the government which placed us on a road to economic peril was in disarray, the media circus instead focused not on accountability but on dismantling the opposition. I cared not for the state of Corbyn and his party, I cared for a plan, which no one apparently had Given the lack of any sense of control I welcomed the cross-party mandate given to Nicola Sturgeon from Holyrood. If there can be a way in which Scotland can remain in both unions (Uk and Eu) the 'reverse Greenland' scenario, then I endorse it, but given how complex this set-up may be I doubt if it's achievable, as each party that backs the exploratory mandate will be well aware Some of the sounds coming out of members from Scottish Labour and the Lib dem's is that their independence stance may be revised down the line. Both know that the new Westminster government is now the most right wing in history and along with the prospect that membership of the signal market is not guaranteed without free movement (the main vote winner for leave) it would be more than a tough sell to the scottish electorate in future elections. Add in the ridiculous Boris Johnson as the paragon for the new Uk on the world scene and that sale becomes even more difficult Polling appears cautious on independence after Brexit, though the Yes vote had increased across the polls. The key thing to remember though is that this is current polling. Article 50 has yet to be invoked and the economy has been 'shi**ing it' at just the prospect of that act The Snp will only fancy another referendum if certain things are in place. If they can secure a guarantee from Europe that membership will be continued following a Yes vote, they'll go for it I'm sure. Indications so far have been positive looking broadly at the signals coming from Europe but given most people don't know what the make-up of Brexit will be, we're in a bit of a limbo at present I applauded Ruth Davidson's attitude and performance on the eve of the Brexit vote but she went from brilliant defender of remain and the European ideal to 'Brexit is what's best now' in what felt like a heartbeat. Passing the buck to the Snp for 'creating instability' by not ruling out another referendum is hilarious from many conservatives, we all know where all this instability has come from and if the Union does split Brexit will have been the catalyst. It's implications are staggering Some on here are embarrassed by the fact our parliamentarians have voted to try and preserve our european status, I'm not. I know numerous people with partners who are eu citizens and both are very, very concerned at what the future holds for them and their family. What I'm embarrassed by is what the vote says about the Uk's attitude towards others and indeed the hate crime figures that now evidence more than a sense of concern It's a sorry state of affairs on all levels and as much as I'm currently enjoying and supporting team GB during this Olympics to the hilt, sadly no amount of flag waving or gold medals are going to ensure my child has the same opportunities it had before the Ukipers gained ownership of Uk's future
    1 point
  34. Mirtles good old greasy mutton pies.........dripping down your shirt....delicious.
    1 point
  35. Welcome to the forum, CaleyCol! It is good to have someone who wants to exchange a few thoughts and is prepared to debate a few things rather than have the usual vacuous one liners from the SNP / Independence supporters here. Your first post contains a lot of interesting points - too many to respond to, I'm afraid, but I will pick up on a couple. The first is the point you make about the EU referendum only being wanted by UKIP and the Tory right. It has been repeated so often that it is now regarded as a given in many quarters. But it is patently not true. Presumably it was wanted by the majority of the electorate who voted for change, but it was also wanted by many "remainers" who felt that a vote to remain would herald the demise of UKIP and would confirm our commitment to Europe for the long term. In other words, it was a majority of the electorate who wanted the referendum and that includes a very significant left wing element as evidenced by the strong Leave vote in England's industrial towns. Not only was it wanted by a broad swathe of political opinion, it was democratically appropriate to have one. We voted to join with European partners 40 years ago and the EU as it is now is completely different from the Union we voted to join then. In addition, polls have been consistently showing a pretty high level of support for leaving the EU for a number of years. I voted to remain, but I can have no complaint at either the legitimacy of having the referendum or the outcome. Related to that you criticise Ruth Davidson for changing her view post Brexit, but I think that is unfair. Rather than change her mind, she has done what Sturgeon seems pathologically incapable of, and that is accepting the result of a referendum which has not gone the way she wanted it to. Davidson has basically said, "I don't like the result, but it is what it is, so let's make it work." That is the sort of practical, democratic political leadership we urgently need but will never get from the SNP because they are fixated on a single goal. Analyse any policy / statement / response they come out with and you can see that it is always made in response to the question "does this further the cause for independence?" You say "Passing the buck to the Snp for 'creating instability' by not ruling out another referendum is hilarious from many conservatives, we all know where all this instability has come from and if the Union does split Brexit will have been the catalyst." I agree that Brexit has caused instability but it was a democratic decision which, like it or not, we simply have to accept. What we need from our political leaders of all persuasions is to work together to minimise instability and to get the best deal out of this for all in the UK. Rather than do that, Sturgeon is muddying the waters with talk of a "reverse Greenland" solution and a 2nd independence referendum before she has the faintest idea of the kind of deal we may end up with. We need the Scottish Government to work constructively to promote stability and promote Scotland's interests in working towards a UK wide settlement with our European neighbours. But does a Brexit settlement which works well for Scotland within the UK further the cause for independence? No. Of course it doesn't. And that is why Sturgeon is muddying the waters and creating further instability. One final point. Please don't confuse grievance with objective criticism! The Independence movement will only win their case if they can persuade the Scottish electorate that Scotland will be better off separate from the UK. The current SNP leadership has decided that the best way to do this is to instil into the Scottish voter a sense of grievance - a sense that Scotland is denied investment, that we are electorally disenfranchised, that unionists "talk Scotland down". It's all rubbish of course, but say it often enough and loudly enough and promise often enough and loudly enough that independence would bring a raft of unrealistic things, and a gullible electorate will begin to believe it. I don't have a grievance with the SNP, I am simply very critical of them. And that is a very different thing.
    0 points
  36. Sorry but the buck stops with the Board of Directors. It is their responsibility to raise the funds required to compete at the level we are playing at.Please lets not hear more of our limited budget - it's the board that sets it! If they can't raise the funds needed to compete at this level then they need to GO! The longer this continues, the LESS chance Foran has of digging us out because he doesn't have the experience. I hope he can but he needs HELP!
    -1 points
  37. i'd hae that! thats smashing, that
    -1 points
  38. We are relying on some second place players from last season that never had the quality for the first team. Absolutely dire! Raven was well below par against Forres Mechanics. We're a joke just now. Hughes would attract players up here due to his pedigree, who will want to come and take a chance on a rookie manager. That team would struggle in the tier below them. I expect some mouthy comments, but I'm not really fussed. Foran needs to go, a more experienced manager needs brought in sooner than later and budgets need to be realigned and some quality found. Damage limitation. That teams never going to work in a million years, rubbish! I'm out if here.
    -2 points
  39. Probably got something to do with changing our badge to the crap version somebody decided to introduce.
    -3 points
  40. Red dot for posting an interview.....really?
    -3 points
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    • Gardiner Resigns
      ICT CEO Scot Gardiner resigns.
      Local media in Inverness is reporting that ICTFC CEO Scot Gardiner has resigned and is now working his notice period at the club. https://bit.ly/3VcnYcX
      • 0 replies
    • Administration pending unless...
      Administration pending, unless... How can we go from SupercaleygoballisticCelticareatrocious in the year 2000, to Scottish Cup Winners in 2015, playing in Europe and just 9 years after lifting the Cup; Administration. Mismanagement and our demise was hastened by the appointment of Scot Gardiner. Ever since then, ludicrous decision making has seen our stock plummet whilst 'shady' dealings were investigated. The failed Concert Company, the Battery Storage, the Statkraft contract have all ended badly leaving the club facing insolvency.

      That's another fine mess you've got us into.
        • Well Said
      • 1 reply
    • New Chairman Wanted, Apply Within
      Chairman Ross Morrison resigns


      Nothing official from the club as we speak, but the Inverness Courier are running with a story that Ross Morrison has resigned at 18:00 tonight 3rd June.  More to come as this story develops, but most fans are looking for more heads to roll.

      Speaking exclusively to The Inverness Courier, Mr Morrison said he is leaving now because of the aftermath of the Fife move. “I believe it [the move to Fife] is the best way forward and I have to stick with my beliefs,” Mr Morrison said. “This is the reason I'm stepping down now.”

      Reflecting on his time with the Caley Thistle, Mr Morrison said: “My six-year tenure with the club has had some great and some not so great times but through everything I was immensely proud to be the chairman of the club and clubs I’ve supported for 50 years - I was a Jaggie by the way.

      “I would ask the fans to rally round the club at this time and show their support by not only purchasing their season tickets but also getting involved directly with the club to see how they can help.

      “Hearing fans saying they would prefer administration to training the first team in Kelty sent a shiver down my spine. Administration is a desperate thing to happen to a club and must, at all cost, not happen to ICTFC.”
      • 1 reply
    • Player of the Year 2023-2024
      The winner for this season voted for by you is our very own local player Cameron Harper. Will that ever happen again I wonder?

      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
      3rd with 58 points Cameron Kerr
      4th with 53 points Billy Mckay
      5th with 51 points Max Anderson
      6th with 50 points Nathan Shaw

      • 6 replies
    • Kelty Hearts Training Statement
      What a farce we have become, a laughing stock: Did you hear the one about the footbal team from the Highlands of Scotland that want to train at Cowdenbeath? Unfortunately, unlike our board, this is not a joke. Our board are trying to rip our identity from the Highlands and replace it with shared training at Kelty Hearts. I kid you not, this is not a drill and the clowns that run our club appear to be delighted at this coup.
        • Thank You
      • 4 replies
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