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A very strange post from the Pimple

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A few weeks ago I predicted that ICT would score in the 13th minute of a match.This prediction came true and prompted the above header from one of the Mods.

Yesterday, Saturday, I predicted that ICT would win the match "in the 52 minute" .

My, my, was I surprised to see that ICT's 2nd goal was scored..yes....in the 52nd minute and almost certainly was the turning point in sinking Annan since it must have knocked the heart out of them but gave a fillip to the spirits of the ICT team.

So is this black magic or what? Hardly; but white magic? Possibly.

For want of a better term it appears that my psychic abilities are developing. By psychic I mean my spiritual development which is directly linked to psychic matters. The greater the development of one's spirituality the higher and of a finer essence one's vibration becomes. This is required to tune into the spirit world where your spirit goes after death because the higher the rank and intellect etc of the advanced beings who inhabit these dimensions the higher their vibration is too. These spiritual forces can communicate with us on this earthy plane through mediums who can be either clairvoyant ( can see pictures , visions etc) , clairaudiaent (can hear voices ) or clairsentient (get impressions through sensibilities or feelings) and give the messages to the sitters or audience based on what they sense or see etc.

My past has been connected to Spiritualism for about 50 years. During this time I have watched and sensed as much as I could about our connection to the spirit world. When I told Feb 8 that I could see myriad pictures on the walls of castles that he showed us with photos neither he nor anyone else believed me . However, I can see them as plain as daylight, in evey picture , in every cloud and in every scene that I look at if I concentrate quietly.Some of these pictures are remarkable in their definiton and beauty.I view this ability as a gift and am pleased and humbled by the experience of knowing.

After I came to Vancouver 35 years ago I stumbled upon Higher Spiritualism which is an advanced form of the basic Spiritualism with the latter concentrating on mediums, contacts with the Spirit World , messages, spiritual healing and so on. I am clairvoyant and have been told that I am a good Spiritual Healer also. Hospitals use spiritual healing nowadays but call it "therapeutic touch" although they do not know precisely how it works.. Both forms of this healing are administerd in the same manner --the hands are placed close to the patient or sitter without ever touching the person. The Spirit healers upstairs use the physical person to bring forth the energies required to heal the sick and these energies can be either for the relief of physical problems or mental problems or emotional problems. When I did my stuff my hands heated up and I sweated on my face with the intensity of the energy flowing through me.

There is aother form of healing called absent healing--this can be used by anyone who cares for another person , animal or any other living entity enough to send these healing forces to them by simply asking the Spirit healers to send the healing energies to this person. I did this recently to one of the posters on here, using energies that I knew were contained within some sacred objects that I had, who was suffering from an advanced form of a very serious disease and had very serious concerns as to how long he had to live.At the time of the next check up in the hospital the surgeon who interviewed him told him there was no sign of the disease and they were stunned and mystified at how this could be. When told this I asked him to ask the surgeon about spiritual healing and tell me what he said. The surgeon admitted that he felt that there were forces that can act to heal outside his physical settings and did not discount the possibilities that this poster put to him. I am of the opinion that this poster had done many things in the past for others and was now being duly rewarded, nothing more. My interventio was nothing more than as an instrument of transfer. Ask and ye shall receive is a potent motto.

This post is made as an experiment to see if any of you friends and fellow posters have felt the energies in some way , wondered about them but was afraid to mention them to anyone in case you faced ridicule .In short a bit of a challenge.

Higher Spiritualism goes much further but that is another day's work.

Think all of this is ridiculous and you are stunned and disbelieving? Fine ..just please keep an open mind. Ask any question you like and participate in this fascinating subject that affects all of us in one way or the other.e,g. what is the actual purpose of incarnation -- OR re-incarnation -- in a physical body for a life's journey on this planet.Now let me listen to your thoughts and views and answers so that I can learn what you think.

And maybe I will make another ICT scoreline prediction when it comes over me.


Scarlet Pimple

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I have first hand experience of the power of spirituality in my life. I'd probably be dead or in a mental hospital if I hadn't been touched by spirit and found a spiritual way of life.

I think you will find most recovering addicts, like myself... find the same path! Recently I have been impressed by the writings of Echart Tolle are you familiar with him, Mr Scarlet..


(can the mods think about moving this to anything goes)

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I can relate to you brother - most of my prophecies are spirit related. :P

But to be serious - I am related to the Brahan Seer and my aunt was an incredible spey wife - to me it is an increased sense of intuition and an internal ability to sense who is being truthful and who is not - you simply get developed "vibes" about individuals when you encounter them and "feel" them face to face. Vibes are important and if you provide the required formulation and rationale it works wonders. Peeple need to have a rationale and a plan fer the future - whether it is right or wrong.

I feel that I can sense most peeple out very quickly when I am faced with their "aura" - "Healing" is a psychological manifestation - if you are clever enuff you can get peeple to believe - or convince or even trick them.

I truly believe that I have lived on this earth before and that was why I called myself Immortal - but you can amke most peeple better with clever methods, therapy or trickery.

It aint a Kind of Magic - it is a talent / a developed skill - therapeutic ? psycopathic ? manipulative ? - if it works - what the feck

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Well at least I got a response from two very prominent people.

Johndo from his lair in Brahan Seer land over the water with an interesting post about Spirituality from his own unique perspective.

And Manfer lurking in his hidey hole in never-never land who is always ready to have an unprovoked sly dig at Uncle Scarlet because he is jealous of his fame .... and for that reason would not put his reasoned opinion on this subject out for public scrutiny for love nor money , mostly because he knows absolutely nothing about the subject. Sigh.... :P

So how did I know the exact minute when these goals would be scored if I don't have friends in high places in the realm of Spirit, Mannie Darlin'? I just know you are going to tell me--I predict it....one way or the other. :023:

In the olden days women who were psychic or were spititualistic mediums were feared by those in power then pubicly flogged, subjected to water dunking or/and burnt at the stake. Not all powerful people who subjected them to this torture and exercise of power were unintelligent of course, realising full well that the power these gifted people had, if left unchecked by brutality, could undermine their position with prophecies coming true which were negative to their interests or were simply jealous of the attention these mediums were able to arouse.

I am familiar with Eckhart Tolle, Kiltarlity . He has a unique perspective on life as do many other authors who write down their thoughts for money.

I was hoping to get some really challenging responses from a few other posters who are genuinely interested in the subject though so......?


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"He has a unique perspective on life as do many other authors who write down their thoughts for money." Scarlet.

I wouldn't say anything that Tolle says is unique, nor would he..his ability to communicate concept might be and I'm a bit confused are you saying it is wrong to write a spiritual book and get paid for being the author...

In India it is accepted that some individuals don't take part in society but sit and meditate, think, seek higher planes of existance/spirituality. These people are respected and ordinary folk donate food, clothes and shelter to these people.

In our respective countrys it is far harded to do this and Tolle lived as a hobo for several years observing and thinking, allow himself the space to get his level of perception... but a time came when he had to seek a way to support himself and move back into society, to teach and develope his work further. I certainly don't grudge him a wage for what he does.

"Healing" is a psychological manifestation - if you are clever enuff you can get peeple to believe - or convince or even trick them, think IHE has been reading too many CBT books...

Along my path, Bio Energy therapy has helped me. I do not doubt that often spirital healing brings about physical manifestations not simply psychological ones, cannot be explained in scientific terms though... it would be like trying to describe colour to a person that could only see in black/white.

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What I was implying , Kiltarlity, about Tolle or any other earthly being who writes for a living is "when you hear a man speak consider his interests ". Nothing more , nothing less. This is not to say that the whole of his presentation or even a tiny part of it is not valid, either to him or to anybody who reads it--at least in some way, shape or form-- simply that the reader must use his or her own judgement to assess the correctness of what is being written and how it fits in with that reader's life experiences and perceptions which inevitably influence this personal assessment. In this respect I hesitated to also use the word "beliefs" since this can often be confused with "faith" which is usually viewed as a loyalty to a particular Religion rather than to the concept of spirituality which is universal.

I think what IHE is referring to may be the concept that some psychologists may use of "leading" a patient to think in a certain way to enable that patient to stabilise chaotic thoughts , first to channel them in one direction instead of all directions at once then gradually broaden the scope of the controls or guidance to allow the patient to develop in an atmosphere of greater freedom. Then you get into the question of whether the end justifies the means or vice versa.

He may even be be indicating that he understands that some psychologists trick people into thinking they are cured or advancing in a good way under the treatment by means of deliberately misleading them..which can be called trickery certainly or he may simply be saying that even "normal" standard persons use tricks and confusion and cheating at every turn towards others, and we to them, in the mistaken belief that if it gets them what they want then it is justified since it will enhance their lives and make them more influential--after all we all know what is best for others don't we? The problem is that power corrupts.

A concept that I have become familiar with which came from a spiritual dimension is that you should "look out for treachery in others ...AND in yourself" . When I heard that it made me very thoughtful and a bit uneasy since it is so true.

Whilst IHE refers to healing as being mental manipulation , possibly for good, the fact is that spiritual healing in it's purest form can only come from a divine source and therefore has a spiritual core which cannot be tainted by outside forces of any kind unless an evil spirit is attempting to enter the aura of the sitter whilst the healing takes place. The entry attempt cannot succeed, however,since the higher spiritual entities in the spirit world surround the sitter or healing recipient with an aura of white light prior to the commencement of the healing which repulses the dark forces. If black colour is the absence of light then what do you think white light is or may be? A powerful energy ray to convey healing ? What are your thoughts?

Why would a dark spirit want to enter the aura of a living human being anyway is a good question? Do you think that if they do not go with the Angels or spirit guides assigned to guide new spirits, entering the afterlife , through the transition between physical life and death then where would they go? To wander always seeking a living aura to enter to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, drink, drugs or whatever because they were severly addicted before death? That must be a hell in heaven for sure would you not agree--no forward progress but always backwards and stagnation of the soul development.?

Time to move on folks.

Do you want to continue or do you think my thoughts are, as Mannie says, just nonsense?

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In India it is accepted that some individuals don't take part in society but sit and meditate, think, seek higher planes of existance/spirituality. These people are respected and ordinary folk donate food, clothes and shelter to these people.

There are plenty of those type individuals in the UK also, living off the state!! Whilst ordianary folk work for a living to provide it. :023:

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Do you believe in the Loch Ness monster too? :lol:

I suppose the above is the sort of response you have to expect when this type of discussion is taking place.

My introduction to..??.. was when I went to run my wife back home from an event she was attending.

The chairs were low and my wife was having a struggle to ease herself up out of them at the end of the evening - she has two artificial knee joints - the lady sitting next to her suggested she just wait for a moment and hovered her hand above her knees, never at any time being in contact. Although my wife was wearing trousers, when her friend took her hand away the heat in my wife's knees, through the material was amazing and her ability to then use her knee joints was uncanny. This improvement only lasted that evening but it was a super surprise

I witnessed this without being in earshot and my wife experienced it without being told what to expect so...

auto suggestion is out on both counts.

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Absent Friend--remember what I said above about the heat in my hands when I participated in spiritual healing?

So the improvement was temporary but had she participated in many such sessions, say at least once per week,, who knows what the result would be.?

Incredible as this may sound I was at a fair in Vancouver one afternoon a lonnnnggg time ago when I spotted a booth for the Foundation to which I now belong. I went in and asked if I could have a free healing for my injured knee (bad ski-ing accident). After the healing I spoke to the lady healer who agreed to give me another session at her home. I travelled to her home on the outskirts of the City and this led to a discussion and my attending regular meetings in the Chapel in Vancouver. And that was well over 25 years ago .

Dead Ball Specialist: Re the Loch Ness Monster , as a matter of fact I do believe in it. My father, who passed away many years ago, says he saw it once and I have never known him to lie about anything in his life. So, if you have a point in reference to the discussion which you would like to make or have discussed why not keep to the subject and really contribute. You have a brain so let's hear from you.

Any other questions or evidential stories welcome.

Or would you like me to tell you about a crystal I possessed which turned to an incredible blue colour? Believe me I could not believe my own eyes but then again that is not the first time that has happened. Oh by the way is there anyone who thinks that objects can be imbued by Spiritual forces with Spiritual energies for healing purposes ..come on there must be at least one of you folks out there who has had an interesting experience that you find incredible and wondered how it could have happened?

How about this one..I was travelling West about 70 KPH on the Freeway with a concrete divider immediately on my left between the lane going East and my West-bound lane. I was very tired and fell asleep at the wheel in the outer lane . Suddenly I awoke still travelling at high speed to find my car about one inch from the divider but not touching it and for sure I must have travelled a significant distance, maybe at least a mile. I wrenched the wheel over to my right in a total panic and my pulse churned at upwards of 160 beats per minute. I tried to compose myself with my knees trembling and my palms sweating realising that had I touched the wall it would have been very serious for me and maybe other cars. You can talk about luck if you want but I know I had a guardian spirit or Angel looking after me that day just as he or she was also looking after me when a guy went through a stop sign in a van and my foot hit the brakes so hard that it nearly went through the floor. However his van shot across in front of me at speed no more than 1-2 inches from my front radiator and it was at least five minutes before my knees stoppped trembling .

Another one--I was involved in an accident doing 90KPH when I went through an orange light and immediately noticed a younger girl driver turning left in front of me. but who was not looking to her right and so was unaware of my existence.I rammed he brake pedal to the floor as I crossed the line , skidded for some twenty feet and whipped the wheel over to my right at the very last minute to minimise the impact. She slammed into my front wheel and demolished it. I finally extricated myself through the passenger's side door of the minivan completely unscathed and wondered how on earth I had survived without a scratch or whiplash or any other injury.

Want more--then give me more. :wacko:


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Honest, I believe you Scarlet, well no one could possibly make all that up...............now then, what's the lottery numbers for this weekend. I'm not a greedy man, maybe a couple of million would suffice.

thanx in anticipation.

Also, I don't want to be a passenger in your car...............keep smoking those joints man.

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There will always be the sceptics, but I actually agree with a lot of what you say. I have had a few near misses in the car where you know that someone somewhere stepped in to alert you of a danger. I don't have a problem with the non believers, as I would have been the biggest sceptic of them all. I have been convinced over the years that there is something/someone out there looking down on us. I have been told that my guardian angel is my mother's brother who died when he was young. The person who told me this had no knowledge of our family whatsoever.

I could tell you a few stories, but I don't have the time or the inclination to do so. Suffice to know that I believe in 'something' and others don't which is their right. I do think that something will happen at some point to them where they will wonder if there is something in it.

As IHE says who cares what the rights and wrongs or beliefs are, but if it works for you then that's great. Scarlet you enjoy your association with the spirit world and the comfort it gives you and I'm sure that manfer, johnboy etc will carry on with their sceptism until something happens in their lives which will make them wonder if there is actually some sense in what you say.

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As IHE says who cares what the rights and wrongs or beliefs are, but if it works for you then that's great. Scarlet you enjoy your association with the spirit world and the comfort it gives you and I'm sure that manfer, johnboy etc will carry on with their sceptism until something happens in their lives which will make them wonder if there is actually some sense in what you say.

I'm much more than just sceptical, L_G...

I was almost hit on the A9 not so long ago by someone who had momentarily dozed off at the wheel, causing his car to drift on to my side of the road... My hand on the horn was probably what woke that person up, as our cars passed a few inches apart.

We've all experienced drowsieness at the wheel at some time or another... I'd say anyone who tries to shake it off and drive through it should be banned for life. Drunk drivers are probably less of a menace on the roads than those fighting to stay awake at the wheel.

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As IHE says who cares what the rights and wrongs or beliefs are, but if it works for you then that's great. Scarlet you enjoy your association with the spirit world and the comfort it gives you and I'm sure that manfer, johnboy etc will carry on with their sceptism until something happens in their lives which will make them wonder if there is actually some sense in what you say.

I'm much more than just sceptical, L_G...

I was almost hit on the A9 not so long ago by someone who had momentarily dozed off at the wheel, causing his car to drift on to my side of the road... My hand on the horn was probably what woke that person up, as our cars passed a few inches apart.

We've all experienced drowsieness at the wheel at some time or another... I'd say anyone who tries to shake it off and drive through it should be banned for life. Drunk drivers are probably less of a menace on the roads than those fighting to stay awake at the wheel.

Like I say everyone is entitled to their beliefs. I might not be quite as 'in to it' as Scarlet (or indeed Feb 8th) but I do believe there is something out there. I also said I couldn't be bothered going into detail but I cetainly have never been drunk at the wheel, nor am I ever aware of falling asleep at the wheel. There are many times in my life where I have thought to do something quite randomly which has turned out to be very important. So I do believe in something - not even 100% sure what that is, but definitely something.

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There you go Manfer ..it doesn't take much to agree with me does it.? Smile.Just contact Johnboy and ask him for my share of the reefers! Ha!

And LG--- good to hear your comments--I know from experience in your taxi last August that you are an excellent driver, never felt safer--except when you went past Stewart Castle on two wheels round that right hand bend. LOL Just kidding.

It's easy to dismiss something that is completely foreign to you but keep an open mind and watch what happens. You already feel that an incident in your life which you cannot explain was something out of the ordinary and beneficial to you. Now I wonder Johnboy if the reason for that is to prod you in to a consideration of what actually helped you and ...WHY....go from there? The options here for you are yours alone to adopt......

Let me tell you a little thing here-- the spirit inhabiting a human body never regresses into a lower life form (e,g, an animal) after its death in the human body if it has not done enough to continue the progress that it was offered in each lifetime. In my view this is because it worked hard in former lives in a lower life form to progress into a human form and consequently the only option now open to it is to re-incarnate for another lifetime again in a human body.Eventually this process should result in the soul advancing spiritually to higher and higher vibrations where a situation finally occurs where re-incarnation is no longer required after the bitter lessons of all previous incarnations have been assimilated and fully learned.

However, spirits inhabiting animal bodies can, and do, continue to advance to the point eventually where their next incarnation is into human form.This is logical otherwise where would all the humans come from on this planet alone and if there were restrictions on this advancement what would happen to an animal spirit which had reached the apex of any development in it's form that could be achieved? Clearly life and development must be allowed to continue...? If this is correct another question is what animals have greater value in the scheme of things than others in terms of their rank on the progress scale? Apparently not all animals have individual souls. Some , such as birds, have a group soul. Why? In my view it may be that their consciousness is not so far advanced that individualising each bird would be a waste of lifeforce especially if each bird can achieve upward progress within their own parameters in the group .Then, for example, a bird may re-incarnate into another "higher" animal's body to ensure it's progress until it has advanced so far that it has a full individual soul. Possibly however some species may simply have individuals within the group which simply die out--I don't know the answer to that one.

And, finally to make you smile and make Johnboy go into convulsions here is a true statement....the other night I went out on to my rear deck one storey up in our townhouse to look for our cat who was outside at the back of the house.

I called out "Matilda, Matilda, where are you? The response was immediate ; a human voice in a high-pitched cat like resonance almost like a meaow said "I'm down here". I thought I was hearing things and immediately turned to my stepson (age 23) who was inside the kitchen as I heard a gasp from him and said in an incredulous voice "did you hear that" and he smiled and said "yes, she said I'm down here" meaning under the deck. I told my wife this an hour later and she said " well, sometimes I have been wondering if there is some form of human spirit inside her also from time to time.. Ladies andf Gentlemen of the jury I kis you not, would Scarlet lie to you...and that is a rhetorical question :)

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Poor young negative Johnboy--unable to suspend his scepticism in a brand new arena for him , closes his mind to challenging new ideas and and insults those who talk from experience .

Anything else which is positive and/or interesting will be most welcome.


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Poor young negative Johnboy--unable to suspend his scepticism in a brand new arena for him , closes his mind to challenging new ideas and and insults those who talk from experience .

Anything else which is positive and/or interesting will be most welcome.


Young negative Johnboy..... I like that!

I too, would be interested to hear what others what might think about an old boy, driving his car along at about 50mph, falling asleep at the wheel, and then babbling on about feckin guardian angels, just because he didn't collide with anything!

Beggars belief...

I'm awful glad you're in Canada mate, and not driving around in this country.

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My granny is always getting 'readings' from self-proclaimed psychic mediums, from what I hear of her experiences none of them come cheap.

At the end of the day, she comes out believing that she's had a chat with her dead relatives and buddies, and feels reassured that everything is going to be OK (Uncle Dave says hello, he told her that one of her grandkids is going to get married, one is going to come into money, one is going to travel blah blah blah) and the 'psychic' makes a tidy profit, so I guess everyone is happy. To be fair, some of the psychics are a bit eccentric, and may actually believe that they possess supernatural powers. But I get the impression that the vast majority are simply charlatans who exploit the most insecure and vulnerable individuals in society.

I'm a very strong believer in the mantra "I'll believe it when I see it". I've never seen the Loch Ness Monster, a Ghost, alien spacecraft, or any evidence of a God or an afterlife (or an intelligent person from Elgin ;)) . Of course, that doesn't mean that they don't exist. You could argue the existence of a 'flying spaghetti monster' (Richard Dawkins favourite example) and no one could disprove it. But surely the onus is on the believer to produce evidence that it actually exists rather than on sceptics to prove that it doesn't exist. The James Randi Foudation has been offering 1 million dollars to anyone who can demonstrate supernatural abilities under scientific conditions for decades. So far nobody has succeeded. Until someone actually does, I will remain a sceptic.

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Caley Mad in Berks--handbags and jerks ..Ha! Ha!

Back Scarlet not because of his friends upstairs but because he has far more experience .

And in my earlier post may I remind Johnboy that the freeway speed I was doing was 70kph--no one is allowed on the freeway in Canada , with or without a bicycle, unless they can do 60kph minimum. The lad can't even get his facts straight so no wonder his thoughts are chaotic

And he is still in the mix because he is quite interested really so I am thinking he must be a closet medium--otherwise he would have quit this post before now because he is always going off the topic and contributes nothing positive and never asks any questions so how is the poor lad going to learn anything ....

Dead Ball Specialist--as in any walk of life there are people who do things for money who are good, bad or indifferent. As I said early on in this thread you, the sitter or receiver of any message purporting to come from spirit sources through any medium, must in their own mind sift the wheat from the chaff and judge for themselves how accurate the message is for them. You can't generalise as you do on the flimsy evidence you quote.

But when a medium whom you respect but does not know you intimately and tells you something that it is completely impossible for anyone on this earth to know about you because you have never ever communicated it to another soul what then? And what if this comment from the medium goes back many, many years to an unfavourable incident in your childhood that you remember vividly but is a very private moment for you, never communicated to anyone else in your life, what then?

What would be the purpose of spiritual guides telling you this? --to confirm their presence to you and reduce your scepticism that there is actually life after death ? I think so since it is common sense. Or to ensure that you understand that you are being observed at all times and that there is absolutely not a thing that you have done or thought that is not known and recorded for or against you? I think so, it's common sense since the Law of Karma cannot be in existence and operate fairly and dispassionately unless every fact about a person's actions in this lifetime are carefully noted? Unless, of course, you don't agree that there may be any such thing as the Law of Karma?

But I can assure you from my personal experience of evidence presented to me over a long period of time, that has been sometimes inspiring, sometimes astonishing and daunting, that everything about me is an open book to the spiritual forces with whom I am associated and I will leave it at that. It is not humiliating but it can be eye-opening and humbling too. For some, even scary...............

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