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Most Haunted Live


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I have a healthy respect for the "unknown" and think programmes like Most Haunted Live do more harm than good in that regard. My watching it tonight is a combination of mild curiosity and I also wanted to see what experiment they were going to do with the Tesla Coil and Faraday Cages (it wasn't that great) and what they were going to try and prove/show with them.

If nothing else, the bits and pieces of history you pick up about the locations can be interesting.

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because of shows like most haunted and the live one the new paranormal group am part of have to pay high prices for big name locations blair street vaults ?800 to hire and real mary kings close ?900,once location goes out on tv prices go over the top

caley d i take you with me to jedburgh castle jail for a vigil next year.lock you in a cell

and planing doing inveraray castle

am part of Midlothian Paranormal Investigations and we are in close contact with most haunted crew members on facebook this week about the live


my photo be on site next week

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