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FAO L_G_, Mrs PB and co


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howdy dudes and dudettes

me and the groovy yin are heading to inversneck next weekend for a braw wee birthday/engagement soiree with the hoolies erm i mean the nice folk who usually have a wee quiet diet coke or twa in the Innes..

we're staying in Inverness.

i've been in touch with L_G_ and shall indeedy be looking forward to seeing ye all there.

PLUS - we're coming to yer game too v Murderwell. noo, oor wee team is playing at McDiarmid Park that day so we were going to wear oor Pars shirt to your game... just incase ye get confused or look at us in a "funny" way.  ;)

Seeya next week!!

Buffy xx

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aye tbh i love the first div...... hard footie get-stuck-in-there stuff.

i'm as passionate a pars fan as the next dunfy person but i dont believe in it taking over yer life.....

it's all just footie to me, no matter what division. i'm an, and will always be, on the fence fan.

glad to see yer own team doing well heilandee!

Buffy xx

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I am very sorry to advise you that the Pink one will no longer be making the trip north.  :009: :009: :019: :019:

Rather than delete this thread and confuse everyone concerned I'm going to lock it instead.

Sorry to hear you can't make it, hope to see you both soon.

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