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Promote I.C.T to people of Inverness


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I see a few comments here about integrating with the community and promoting to the kids. Truth is, that is already happening. Thats what TeamICT is all about. The players do take the time to get around the schools etc. It takes years to alter the mindset of a lot of people though.

What we need to do is to bring folk into the stadium in the short term. Make the day a day of entertainment with a good football match thrown in. American Football must be one of the most boring spectator sports but the game is made into a spectacle by fitting in other entertainments, cheerleaders etc. during the many breaks they have in the game. British football needs to get into the 21st century and provide value for money and if the Highland News really wants to get involved then lets see them get away from the editing table and out to the stadium. Sponsor something. Penalty shootout, kids seven a side at half time, (short pitch, five mins each half).

Once upon a time a car dealership in Falkirk put up a prize of a vehicle to the person who could hit a particular target, positioned in the goalmouth, from the centrespot. Dont remember anyone actually achieving this but I did know loads of people who would go to the game just to have the chance of trying. People who wouldn't normally go to a match became hooked. Theres lots of things that can be done but someone needs to take the lead. Come on Highland News, lets see action and not just words.

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Cheerleaders now thats a great ideal Alex.....if the club could get hold of the cheerleaders from Worchester rugby club i could guarentee anothers 2000 hot bloody males per game just to see them, come to think about it probably get a fair sprinkling of hot blooded females turn up as well.

This can only be good for the game  :001:

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I'm surprised no one else has commented on Alex's pipe band suggestion. If I had my way massed pipes & drums would play at every home fixture from 2pm till 3pm, and again at half time. In years gone by this was a regular feature at Hampden as a pre-cursor to Internationals... You could hear them before you even got close to the stadium and the atmosphere generated was amazing.

This is one part of Scotland where visitors expect to hear pipe bands.... some might even be tempted in to the stadium... well - those with more money than sense...! Shame the stadium couldn't have been built nearer the town centre.  I reckon the media would make a big deal out of it too, generating more interest....

I don't think cheerleaders would achieve anything.... various clubs down south have gone down that road, without much success.....FW might be interested, but I reckon it would be too cold here for her bits & pieces...


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Guest Sandy Cromarty

I'm surprised that you don't remember Johnboy but we've had  Cheerleaders,The Nairn Pipe Band, the Players at Schools and that daft half time competition with Tich McGooyey where participants had to kick balls into the open boot of a parked car and none of them improved attendences one jot.

The only way to improve attendences is exactly what Caley 100 has said and that is to improve the performance on the park, that is the feckin bottom line and the rest is pie in the sky, and if you need proof then just look at the packed sell out Hampden we have nowadays when only over a year ago The SFA were almost giving tickets away for home internationals.

So best hope is that this International Man of Mystery gives us enough petrodollars to enhance the squad.

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I appreciate all that info, Sandy and of course you are right about better performances leading to better attendances...

I'm a newcomer to Sneck.... originally from Paisley/Glasgow area, I moved up here 3 years ago, after many years in Fife, where I was a bit of a Pars supporter. I was a big admirer of Brewster at that time, and I started going to watch ICT matches when he came here. Hate to admit it - but now I'm kind of hooked...!!

What do I think of Brewster now? Biggest erse under the sun...!!!

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