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Caleythistleonline 2012 "Top of the Pops"


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I stumbled across a table of the most "liked" posts on the CTO forum, which provides an interesting reminder of some of the issues discussed over the last year. I'll be Jimmy Savile  :ninja:  and do the chart coundown from 10 to 1.


10. CaleyD with 14 likes for an angry rap defending Caley Jags Together


9. ymip (feat, disillusioned of Stonehaven), with "I fear we're facing a very bleak future". Released in May and notching 16 likes, this one hasn't stood the test of time.


8. Alex McLeod with 16 likes for the dance floor classic, "get your butts off your couch".


7. Starchief with a brilliant assasination of fickle and inconsistent fans, an underrated classic deserving more than its 17 likes.


6. Veteran entertainer DoofersDad with 17 likes for his heartfelt ballad expressing disappointment with a statement from ICT on Rangers Newco.


5. A new entry for Gatepost with 17 likes, passionately evoking the final minutes of the 3-3 at Dingwall.


4. CaleyD with 20 likes, for a Braveheart style call to arms near the end of last season. "Let us not be divided, let us not be conquered." 


3. 22 likes for the recent Derek Adams Hitler Downfall parody.


2. DoofersDad strikes again, with 25 likes and a gold disc for his rant about negative fans amongst our home support.


1. Straight in at number 1 with a remarkable 42 likes, Renegade's cover of the Grange Hill classic "Just say no" - a plea to the Board about how to vote on Newco. If only it had been backed up with a horsey style dancing video, this one could have gone viral.



Oh, and just outside the top 10 was ForzaCaley's plea at the end of last season to rename the North Stand, the "Ross Tokely Stand".  :amazed:


You can reminisce on all the above, and more, here:


Edited by Yngwie
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2nd in the table at the end of the year!  Now where have I heard that before?  :ictscarf:



I have to say it is absolutely right that Renegade's excellent post is a clear winner in the chart.  Voting "no" and getting rid of Rangers was the most important topic of the year.  Not only was voting "no" the right thing to do but it has been the best thing that could have happened for this club and for the Scottish football in general.  Despite the dire warnings from officialdom that the SPL could not survive without Rangers, we are currently seeing the most open and exciting season in SPL history.  The fact that fans expressed their views so forcefully on this matter was an important factor in how things turned out.

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