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*.msi Editing with Orca


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I've not got a very good grasp on software development or coding at all for that matter.

Has anyone got any experience of editing *.msi files with Orca?

What I aim to do is edit the LogMeIn.msi installation file in order to run silently without user input.

At the moment, people that download this software I have had to give the login details of my support account potentially giving them access to my clients computers.

I know there is also the option of using the *.msi file to use inputs from *.mst file and install using the following command

msiexec /i *.msi transforms="*.mst"

Essentially the *.mst file just fills in the fields automatically when the *.msi is run.

I know how it should work but I've not got a clue how to implement it.

Help please!  :007:

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Sorry for looking Jay, but I can't help.  Must be forums for this sort of thing on the net somewhere though.

Thought I should add something as theres nothing worse than having 267 views and no replies..........sorry.

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Cheers anyway TM4TJ.  I've logged a support ticket with LogMeIn to see if I can convince them to either give me instructions on which parts of the *.msi I should be editing and with which values or supply me with an already customized *.msi file.

It's things like this that are impeding my company from getting off the ground  :007:

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I think I may have cracked it!  :001:

For those interested:

I found a website that detailed the parts of the LogMeIn.msi that disable the silent install feature.  A quick edit of those values using Orca.exe Made a silent install possible but with only editing those parts of the .msi... All I essentially have is an installer package with no instructions for an input.

Using Inno Compiler and the following code:

#define _AppName "Customized LogMeIn"

#define _AppVer "3.00.606"

#define _AppPublisher "LogMeIn"

#define _AppUrl "http://www.logmein.com"

#define _AppSetup "LogMeIn"

#define LmiUsrMail "email@email.com"

#define LmiUsrPass "password"

#define LmiPCCode "pcpassword"


AppName = {#_AppName}

AppVerName = {#_AppName} {#_AppVer}

AppPublisher = {#_AppPublisher}

AppPublisherURL = {#_AppUrl}

AppSupportURL = {#_AppUrl}

AppUpdatesURL = {#_AppUrl}

OutputDir = .

OutputBaseFilename= {#_AppSetup}

Compression = lzma

SolidCompression = yes

AppVersion = {#_AppVer}

VersionInfoCompany = {#_AppPublisher}

VersionInfoCopyright = {#_AppPublisher}

VersionInfoTextVersion = {#_AppVer}

VersionInfoVersion = {#_AppVer}

WizardImageFile = filesSetupModern16.bmp

WizardSmallImageFile = filesSetupModernSmall16.bmp

CreateAppDir = no

CreateUninstallRegKey = no

UpdateUninstallLogAppName = no

Uninstallable = yes

DisableDirPage = yes

DisableReadyMemo = yes

DisableProgramGroupPage = yes

DisableReadyPage = yes


Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"


Source: "files_logmein.msi"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: deleteafterinstall


Filename: "{tmp}_logmein.msi"; Parameters: "USERPASSWORD={#LmiPCCode} USERVERIFYPWD={#LmiPCCode} USEREMAIL={#LmiUsrMail} USERWEBPASSWORD={#LmiUsrPass} LicenseType=free /quiet"; StatusMsg: "Installing and configuring LogMeIn! Please wait ..."; Flags: waituntilterminated shellexec

I have successfully created a customized LogMeIn.exe file  :001:

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