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The most comical political party around, the BNP are at it again. This i took form their website......

"It will come as no surprise to readers of this website that the officially-endorsed ?UK Asian Football Championships? is about to kick off on 6 September ? yet any mention of football championships for indigenous British people would be dismissed as ?racist?. According to a press release issued by Celtic Football Club, they are ?delighted to once again host the UK Asian Football Championships 2009.?

The final at Celtic Park on 6 September will be the 11th consecutive year the club has supported the event, the press release continued.

?With representation from throughout the UK, the tournament runs over three days, with the final taking place at Celtic Park.?

Apparently the aim of the event is to ?promote cultural understanding community wide,? according to the statement. The question remains, of course, if an ?indigenous British football championship? would also be viewed as promoting cultural understanding. It seems unlikely.

The CFC press release then inadvertently reveals the real reason for the existence of this whites-not-allowed organisation: it provides ?the chance for young Asian football talent to showcase their skills in front of a Celtic Park audience.?

And there one has it. The real reason for the existence of an Asian Football Championship is to give young Asians an advantage over young indigenous British youth in football by creating a special channel from which whites are specifically excluded.

Those who are surprised to hear of the existence of this organisation dedicated solely to not having whites play football with them, will be even more astonished to learn that the UK Asian Football Championships is in its eleventh consecutive year.

Dilwar Singh from the astonishingly-named ?Scottish Ethnic Minorities Sports Association? (SEMSA), delighted in adding this charming ending to the CFC release: ?The UK Asian Football Championships, now in its 11th consecutive year continues to go from strength to strength and enables all members of Asian and minority communities to participate in an event that aims to promote positive community relations in the UK.?

According to its website, SEMSA was ?established in 1990 to create and provide culturally sensitive sporting opportunities to the Black and Ethnic Minority (BME) communities in Glasgow.?

It is not only CFC which has played host to the UK Asian Football Championships. Rangers FC hosted the finals for this whites-not-welcome championship in partnership with Glasgow City Council and the Scottish government?s Culture and Sport Glasgow.

According to RFC, this is the fourth occasion they have hosted the competition, which they described as the ?UK?s number one sporting event for the Asian community.?

Anyone want to ask CFC or RFC if they are interested in sponsoring a championship for indigenous British people only?"

Have they failed to realise that nearly ALL Ameture football Clubs are full of British people and arnt many people from abroad? This is just giving Non-British people a chance. Really, does that mean they should complain about the Special Olympics because it sections out particualar people?

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This is just giving Non-British people a chance.

I think you'll find that nearly all the participants are British.

It's not surprising that the BNP are being critical of this sort of event, at a time when their own discriminatory membership policy is being deemed illegal. They also like to have a go at government funded organisations that are allowed to discriminate on the basis of skin colour, like the Black Police Officers Association.

Can our young socialist advise whether it is acceptable to discriminate on the basis of colour or ethnicity in this day and age?

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The problem with the fight for "equal rights/representation" with anything is that we have a habit of taking it too far and, as a result, end up with a system that favours the minority groups and affords them rights that the majority of people don't get.

They are right in what they say....if someone was to hold an "all white" tournament then we'd have absolute uproar and following through with the tournament would likely result in a few court appearances for racial exclusion.

We experienced many of the same issues/problems during the whole "equal rights for women" era and are now in a situation where women now have more rights than men in many areas.

The problem with the BNP is that they use these (legitimate) issues to help try and serve ulterior motives, so it's little wonder that people give any credibility to anything they say.

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