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  1. Inverness sports teams did well this year. ICT got top 6 finish and a cup final. Inverness City got promoted to the big league and Highland Rugby team won their league (unbeaten) and won a national trophy. Well done everyone there
    4 points
  2. I still think that a lot of this is linked to expectation. I have to concede that the tactics fer the Cellic game, given the last Parkdread experience were totally flawed. Horses fer courses comes to mind. I still feel that we have no alternative other than stick to Yogi BUT we are losing season tickets and togetherness and hope - the " threat" of no signings is basically astonishing. What this needs - and it is CRUCIAL - is a statement of intent from the BOARD - I appreciate the "feedback" from the likes of Caley D, davie and company - BUT sorry we need summat from on high - which has been worryingly missing of late. It feels to me that this club has an open wound and is bleeding - to stop it from haemorrhaging we need an infusion of "hope" and a First Aid declaration from the Board - and not the faithful minions - as to how we are going to stem the flow of blood.
    4 points
  3. Wasn't going to bite on this topic, but had to after some of the comments I have been reading (not just the ones I have quoted below). I have my own opinion on our manager and I still sit quite uncomfortably on the fence. I dont believe in sacking a manager this early, but by the same token anyone who is arguing that there is nothing wrong is living in cloud cuckoo land !!! There are aspects of his leadership that have me banging my head against a brick wall yet there are other areas where I do feel he is doing good ... or trying to, but overall, I would be lying if I did not say I was concerned for season 2014/15. Pre-Season is where you change your methods not halfway through what is until that point a successful looking season. If we were losing every game or playing badly I could understand it but there's an old adage that "if it aint broke, dont fix it" and that is basically what Yogi said when he came in ... then proceeded to try and fix it. Unless you are Barca, Real Madrid, Man City, or other uber-rich clubs where you can indeed go out and buy players to suit the system you want to play, or you are a team like say Ajax where the philosophy of 'total football' starts at the youth level then you dont adapt players to your style, you adapt the style to play to your players' strengths and minimise exposure of their weaknesses. Please god NO !!!! This DOES NOT WORK unless you are actually Barca or another rich club as note above. Think Luvgravy posted it earlier in this or another thread but both of us had the misfortune to watch as former Dutch International Aron Winter, tried to do just this at Toronto FC. He had his unshakeable philosophy - the total football 433 system employed by Ajax - but this just does not work in MLS. MLS is not a 'silky' league, just like the SPFL is not, so you have to have horses for courses and be willing to switch up the tactics when Plan 'A' doesnt work. Yogi seems almost as unwilling to change his tactics when things are going pear-shaped as Aron Winter did .... and TFC started the 2013 season with 9 straight losses !!! For me its not the 11 goals ... well it is, but I agree with you that Celtic can do this to almost any team in Scotland on their day. What really concerns me is that we don't seem to learn from past mistakes, and not just in this game. How many games have we played where supporters who were at the game came back on here later to bemoan the tactics? playing with no wingers, or playing non-wingers out wide. not because of injury, but because 'the method' was more important than what was actually working or not working on the pitch. Do I want him sacked? No I dont, I think it is too early for that, and he should have time - at the end of the season - to implement his own changes, but I have to say I am concerned. I met him briefly before Xmas and he seems to be a decent guy, but with all due respect to him, ICT is more important than any manager and if we start to slide next season then his position may quickly become untenable.
    3 points
  4. There seem to be parallels here to recent concerns about an inapropriate song from our fans. Haven't seen any update on that and whether the club actually took any action at the end of the day. On that occasion, fans expressing concern were criticised for not having reported it to the authorities at the time. Clearly fans have reported the Parkhead incidents appropriately but the appropriate authories appear to be unwilling to do their job even when specifically informed of criminal activity. OCG is right to suggest we reserve judgment on the response of Celtic in this matter. It may be that Celtic take things up with the police and the unacceptable inaction on the day may yet be addressed. Failing that a formal complaint should be addressed to the police by the club. The lad who brings the drum has added a great atmosphere to matches and helps many others get involved with the chanting. The atmosphere created must be a help to the team. It would be a real shame (but very understandable) if the incident put him or anyone else off from bringing a drum to games. Some of our fans give great support to the club and it really is important that the club be seen to support the fans when incidents like this happen when fans are giving their support to the club.
    3 points
  5. But this referendum is not like "any election". It is about permanent independence for Scotland - the land of my birth and the country that defines my nationality and my passport. It is about a matter which has the potential to significantly ( and permanently ) alter and affect my identity and status and the identity and status of all Scots living outside Scotland for the rest of their lives. Yet we/they are not allowed a voice! I am being told that because I don't live physically in Scotland I get no say in the matter of my Nationality, passport and status being changed forever. I now know what it feels like to have my human rights ignored, abused and violated while people stand by unconcerned and uncaring. One could also argue that folk in the rest of the UK will have their national identity changed if Scotland votes for Independence. Of more significance is that if Scotland becomes independent there will be practical consequences for the citizens in what is left of the UK, but yet these folk don't get a vote. In my view there is a far stronger argument for all voters in the UK to get a vote than for "Scots" who don't live in the UK. And what exactly is a "Scot"? It may well be that you were born and brought up in Scotland with parents who had lived most if not all of their lives in Scotland and therefore nobody would doubt your status as a Scot. But the position is not as clear cut for some. Just what is it that defines nationallity? Is someone born in Scotland Scottish just because their "English" parents happened to be in Scotland when Mum went into labour? Apart from the accident of their birth, they might never have been in Scotland in 50 years. If they are Scottish, then it follows that someone who has lived all their life in Scotland with "Scottish" parents but who happened to have been born in Carlisle is not Scottish! And there are a whole spectrum of scenrarios in between with parents none, one or both of which are "Scottish", folk who are adopted, people who have lived one year in Scotland or 5 or 10 or 25 or whatever period of time and any combination of those. What combination of these factors makes you "Scottish"? The bottom line is that in reality you are Scottish if you feel Scottish rather than because you satisfy some bureaucratic definition of nationality. It is therefore totally impractical for "Scots" not on the electoral roll in Scotland to have a vote - just how do you propose it would be determined who would be entitled to vote? I was born and brought up in England of English parents and although I have lived in Scotland for most of my life I will always think of myself as English rather than British (certainly not Scottish!) but yet my passport does not define me as English - it would be nice if it did yet it may in future define me as Scottish. Whether or not that affects my status and identity seems irrelevant to me. Whatever my passport says, I'm English because I feel English. What is relevant and important is that as a resident of Scotland upon whom Government decisions impact on a daily basis, I get a say in how Scotland is governed. I really don't see why folk who see themselves as Scottish but who have decided not to live in Scotland and who therefore are not affected by the outcome of the vote in any practical day to day way should get a vote which impacts on those of us who, regardless of our origins, choose to live in Scotland and to be a part of Scottish Society.
    3 points
  6. But this referendum is not like "any election". It is about permanent independence for Scotland - the land of my birth and the country that defines my nationality and my passport. It is about a matter which has the potential to significantly ( and permanently ) alter and affect my identity and status and the identity and status of all Scots living outside Scotland for the rest of their lives. Yet we/they are not allowed a voice! I am being told that because I don't live physically in Scotland I get no say in the matter of my Nationality, passport and status being changed forever. I now know what it feels like to have my human rights ignored, abused and violated while people stand by unconcerned and uncaring. So what you are saying is, that you, and others like you, having freely chosen to live furth of Scotland, should forever get to decide the direction Scotland takes.....even though you aren't going to have to live with the consequences? You believe you, and others like you, have the human right, (though not a legal one), to decide for me, and for all of us who have freely chosen to stay in the land of our birth, and make our lives here...and for all those who have freely chosen to come and make their homes and lives in Scotland...our political future.... even though it is going to make no real impact on your life? Scotland will always be the land of your birth, and the land which has shaped you and defined your nationality, as it has mine. Scotland is not going anywhere physically, but is just trying to extricate itself from a political union which no longer works for us, and for which no ordinary Scot voted in the first instance. After Independence, you will still be a Scot....and still British. Would you advocate that the five million Scots in Canada get to permanently decide the future for the five million people actually living and working in Scotland? Do you think that my cousin and his family in Australia, with dual British/Australian citizenship should be able to cast four votes on the future of Scotland and the Scots from thousands of miles away, with no intentions of ever living here permanently again, four votes which may well completely cancel out the three votes cast by me and my children who will be here, living with the consequences,for the rest of our lives? Why would your status change if we vote for independence? Will you be any less of a Scot, or any less British? You will still be a Scot, living furth of Scotland, with a UK passport..just as you are now....and will certainly be until March 2016. Whether rUk will allow dual nationality with Scotland is still up in the air, as I haven't seen anything which says they will definitely.....but then making definite decisions, before the vote, loses them a scaremongering opportunity. However, if they set their face against it, but allow it for other countries...then you would really have to think that getting out of a Union dominated by a load of huffy childish politicians was a very good idea. Though, even if they do allow dual nationality, if you are already a New Zealand passport holder.you would have to choose Scottish or UK, as triple nationality is not yet on the global radar.
    3 points
  7. Do I think John Hughes has done a good job thus far? No. Do I think he would rather lose with his system than win with Butchers? So far Yes. Do I fear for next season? Yes. Does he say things (or is put across in the media as having said things) which have annoyed me? Yes. Do I think he'll be sacked before Christmas? No. Have our results been relegation worthy since he arrived? Yes. Do I want to see him fail? No. Do I expect him to fail? Regrettably yes. Do I hope he proves me wrong? Yes. Do I wish people would stop quoting each other and making this thread impossible to follow on my phone? Yes. Do I think doubting the manager makes you less of a supporter of the club? No.
    2 points
  8. My money's on them equaling that record. Hope not tbh. Would rather it stayed with a team that played for buttons....
    2 points
  9. Can't wait to see what the next colour is
    2 points
  10. The Hughes' defence committee's arguments get more absurd by the minute. In order to get to the final, the players had to win a semi-final. This was played in a much bigger ground than our own and was mostly occupied by fans from the opposition. They had also played at the final venue against Celtic with a large and voiciferous opposition support. In the semi-final the team got through by winning a penalty shoot out by scoring some pretty impressive spot kicks. Having watched those, there is absolutely no way Aberdeen would have set up for a penalty shoot out. I very much want Yogi to suceed. I can understand the argument that Yogi should be given time despite the disappointing results and perfomances, but what I can't understand is this attitude of denial and absurd justifications for things not going as we would like. I would love to see a constructive defence of Hughes but sadly nobody can offer one. Hopefully the final few games will give some objective evidence that Hughes might be able to take the club forward next season.
    2 points
  11. John "Yogi" Hughes should NOT be sacked for a number of REASONS He got us top 6 and before you say it was secured with butcher it wasn't cause he was only in charge for about 12 games He got us to a final where we so easily could have beaten the sheep in it He has kept all our players at the club and the only way they will be leaving is for money which is great business on his part He is on course to set a new points record for us He has two wins in Dingwall where as Judas has none (in the league) Judas only got us 22 points so who must have gotten us the 31 points? He made a brilliant signing in Greg Tansey for free which has helped us massively in our matches All these points show how much Hughes has helped us so i don't see why you all want rid of him i mean sure we are going through a bad stage right now but really we have just been spoilt over the last two seasons in what we have achieved so obviously as soon as we start to lose it looks really bad but look back a few seasons ago at how bad we were, no wins against aberdeen now we are winning. No wins in dingwall in the league for yonks and it's Hughes who changes that twice not butcher Hughes. He is also still trying to adapt the team so right now anything we get in matches is a bonus cause he is still trying to get his methods over to the team. Give the man some time him and Latapy were superb players and have done not too bad as managers we just need to show that we support them and not turn our backs on them after one bad defeat. If you aren't going to give him your support then that's fine but there is no need to say how bad he is constantly when you don't even go to the matches In John "yogi" Hughes I Trust
    2 points
  12. Excellent post SP, one of your very best but I fear that it's content will fall by the wayside un-ingested by the negativiteers. Currently they are having a whale of a time pulling the Club to bits, their joy pouring forth with every opportunity they get, like vultures and hyenas circling, impatiently waiting the chance of ripping apart a wounded prey. Relishing in it's suffering and desperately hoping it will not recover. Should it succumb there will be a chorus of I told you so's,........A feast of secret smiles and sniggers.............. then prowl along to await their next target unsatisfied with their lot, just a thirst for blood!!!
    2 points
  13. It's noted that low number of posts from the predominantly negative, but NOT constructive, posters who rarely suggest any interesting solutions to the problem going forward other than the sacffold for John, signifies their lack of trepidity in launching into tirades of criticism against John Hughes and then long- serving posters like IHE who have brought a breath of fresh air into this website for many a year and more. Whose loyalty to the club is beyond reproach which includes enough loyalty to all new managers to accord them respect that they deserve of being given a fair time to make changes that may be beneficial in the long run. Yet George,for example, with his impressive 28 posts doesn't think it prudent to curb his acrimonious and ultra critical tongue because he doesn't know diddly squat about the views of the main body of posters on here, many of whom are clearly not posting on this thread because they are heartily sick of the constant girning and whining of the few and can't be bothered to reply. It's one thing to cry for rights to express an opinion but another to present it in such a lopsided way as to leave the impression that there is no way on earth that it will not fall off the table before the sun has set in the West. Especially when nothing they say in that vein will have the slightest effect on the decision of the Board to continue to follow their present course, regardless. What we need here is thoughtful and FAIR posters who can see the wood for the trees, can curb their stifling negativity long enough to actually present some positive, uplifting and semi-practical solutions for consideration and development by all right-minded fans which also, of course, includes the fact that Mr Hughes will be staying for quite a while. At this stage his sacking will achieve little of value and it might result in other so-called good managers getting apprehensive enough to NOT apply for the then vacant managerial position at ICT. The Board is NOT going to react in the same way that they think because the members of the Board are mature business persons and rational and reasonable people NOT usually likely to go into orbit with knee jerk reactions. And NOT young bucks feeling their oats and letting that feeling overcome their brains.
    2 points
  14. Hearach, that is by no means a rant that is a very accurate account of our visit to Parkhead yesterday... I too witnessed the incident with the child and tried to stress how dangerous it was to the police in attendance , but came away absolutely disgusted at there attitude as apparently its quite in order in Glasgow to jump up and down at the top of a concrete stairway with a child on your shoulders and not holding on to him ... As for the Green Brigade Im afraid they ruined our fans effort of support .As a fan I don't suppose My voice will be heard but I would hope the club could speak on our behalf or there is no point in us attending .The incident of the drum just sickened all on our bus I was heart sore for the boy involved as he is a very quite polite young boy who attends regular and for a lowlife to do what he did is just beyond comprehension.I know including myself that there were fans on the bus who would be more than happy to donate towards a new drum for him .Whether he would want to take it to matches well that would be his choice and nobody could blame him if he chooses not to. I hope he has not been too traumatised by it.
    2 points
  15. Injuries with Vincent & Raven and late call-offs due to a bug doing the rounds meant that's all that was available.
    2 points
  16. I wonder if anyone else was as disgusted as I was with the events at Parkhead yesterday? Bit of a rhetorical question as I know some certainly were. The Green Brigade now having set up camp next door to visiting fans is ridiculous. There weren't that many Caley Thistle fans there but we usually manage to make a wee bit of noise to support our team. No chance yesterday as we were totally drowned out by the G B. I have no issue with them as a group but it would be better if they were put back over to the other side of the stand where they used to be, among their own fans. This would give visiting fans a fighting chance of building up a wee bit of momentum in their own singing. Then of course there was the case, in my eyes, of child abuse/ endangerment in front of the Green Brigade. A man with a child of maybe 3 on his shoulders, fair enough. But jumping up and down, clapping etc and not holding on to that child. I, and others, could not bear to look latterly. 4 police officers and 16 stewards were all looking in the direction of this man but nothing was done. I went to complain to a police officer at the end of the game - showed a photo also but the response was that if anyone had thought there was a danger something would have been done. Also everything is covered on CCTV so if anything is subsequently noticed action will be taken. If that child had fallen and been killed I wonder what the public enquiry would have found? Anyhow we made our way out of the stadium to the news that our drummer had not only had his drum wrenched away from him by one Celtic fan, he had also been hit on the back of the head by another. So we were all advised to get on the bus and make our way to the police station where statements would be taken from the witnesses. The main concern seemed to be getting the traffic flowing. After visit to police station we then proceeded on our way nome only for a missile to be hurled at our bus. The score somehow faded into insignificance. I have never had an issue with Celtic fans at Parkhead before but after yesterday I don't know if I will ever go back. Rant over.
    1 point
  17. I'm surprised no one has highlighted this so far.... So much for the pathetically feckless Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. https://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/news/scottish-premier-league-8-000-fans-turn-turn-121232012--sow.html My first thought here is that I don't actually blame either club. This is clear evidence that both Rangers and Celtic have been hijacked by elements of a sick society which seems to be overwhelmed by some bizarre need for vehicles through which to express hatred and antagonism. And, despite the provisions of Holyrood's most absurd piece of legislation, it is reported that mayhem like this resulted in only THREE arrests! It therefore seems even more ironic that this can happen with impunity at the very epicentre of this problem while the same Police Scotland can threaten the liberty of County and ICT fans indulging in harmless banter at a Highland Derby. At least, as arrangements stand at the moment, this social sickness is mercifully diluted by the fact that it exists in a wider community of 60 million UK citizens. One major concern in the event of a yes vote would be that this west central Scottish affliction would become a much more concentrated evil within a narrower and more limited society. But that's possibly a viewpoint for another forum.... In the summer, a huge crowd of spectators will be gathering in Glasgow for, not the Commonwealth Games, but a Diamond League meeting at Hampden which in athletics terms is arguably even more prestigious. The date for Glasgow's opportunity to showcase itself to all these visitors? July 12th!
    1 point
  18. If you have an iphone you can press on the posters' post and it will come up with the option to quote them. Did I learn something from posting on this thread which had frankly become laborious? Yes. Thanks Iain.
    1 point
  19. Glad you are back Odquine I thought you had eloped with CB
    1 point
  20. You do raise an interesting point in amongst your waffling, where are all of the Hughes supporters? I'm not sure where to start on the rest of this, at what point did Hughes earn this respect you say he deserves? You bring up IHE as an example of an established poster on here showing respect, yet IHE himself openly has more personal digs at our previous managers psyche than anyone else on here, how is that showing unqestionable respect? Why assume that people are not posting on this topic because they think it is beneath them? I'd say its safe to assume most people on here are firmly on the fence on this issue and thats only after our rousing win up in Dingwall, after that Dundee United game the pitchforks were out in force. You have totally misread the vibes coming from the support as a whole. "The Board is NOT going to react in the same way that they think because the members of the Board are mature business persons and rational and reasonable people NOT usually likely to go into orbit with knee jerk reactions. And NOT young bucks feeling their oats and letting that feeling overcome their brains." I guess you could say the the board demonstrated some rational thought in bringing in a guy on the cheap, who had been shunned by the rest of Scottish football after multiple failures. Tell me SP.. in all this talk of yours of being fair, rational, respectful and downright gentlemanly when discussing the merits and potential of Hughes, at what stage do you sit down and look over the stats? There has been a swing of 17 points and 1 trophy between ourselves and Aberdeen since Hughes took over, we were clear in 2nd place with games and points to spare, where are we now?I don't think any of the people interviewed could have got it so badly wrong . Like I said before I take no pleasure in seeing thistle get tanked every week . The fact remains yogi will stick to his guns and work with the squad he has (his words) the worry is that I fear for the very survival of thistle in the top flight if he remains in charge .end of!I think Mr Cameron got it badly wrong and needs to act asap before its to late!! Even Craig Levein or the inexperienced Paul Telfer wouldn't have been as shocking as Hughes is turning into. As for no new signings, WTF!!! Next seasons starting 11 will be more or less same as this but the squad will be bare. My patience has been waring thin ever since last Celtic game. I really hope lack of season tickets sold for next season is an indication to board that all is not well!! So much for "best chairman" in league!!Gonna bite! Craig Levein I believe didnt wish considered for the job and how on earth do you know that we would be any better off with the inexperienced Mr Telfer? Unless youve got a crystal ball. If you want to support a team that wins all the time I suggest you start supporting Celtic.That was ******* uncalled for!! I don't believe what OCG said was uncalled for and maybe it's a bit of a reality shock for you. In my opinion you're having a go at Kenny Cameron for no reason when he has no say what so ever in results on the pitch. If you ever listened to CaleyD on the CaleyThistle Podcast and he gave us an insight on the work Kenny Cameron does off the pitch for ICT. Where has it been stated that there will be no new signings? I know it's been disappointing to concede 11 goals in 2 games vs Celtic but I think you need to be a bit realistic here. We were playing against the best team in Scotland on their own turf and they are capable of doing it to many other teams. For what it is worth I was at Celtic Park last Sunday and I didn't think Celtic were good enough for six goal and I was very disappointed leaving CP watching ICT get humped, individual errors cost us and the fact we were missing David Raven, Richie Foran and Marley Watkins - we had 4 subs FFS, cuts us a bit of slack. Yogi should/will be given the summer and then I think he should be judged. It is far too soon IMHO. So its not uncalled for telling me to go support Celtic just because I am annoyed at current form, this forum is seriously pissing me off. Time for another break before I say something I regret. Wonder who else will get told to support Celtic just for having a go at boss or will it just be the most hated person on here, me!!! I can understand that you're pissed off at the fact at losing 6-0, trust me witnessing it in the flesh wasn't a fecking laugh. The reason that OCG said for you to go and support Celtic because you're moaning at every bad little aspect. The reason I got involved in the first place is because I felt that you were unnecessarily having a go at the chairman for results that he has no input in - only appointing the manager. Trust me, I have been on the forum after games (constructively) criticising the tactics we had seen vs Motherwell at the start of the month. I was really unhappy after 5-0 defeat vs Dundee United. The guy has only been in the job for 4 months. Give the man in his own words "Give it a right good go" and if he fails then fair enough at least he is given the chance but who knows what happens after the summer window and pre season this might be a lot different. I know times are tough right now being an ICT fan but we have to power through it.
    1 point
  21. For the record, can I just say that Kiss is garbage.
    1 point
  22. http://youtu.be/net4Xw-Y-fc Hi Dougal, I'm sure it's hilarious but just to warn you I can't view it as I'm on holiday in the west of Lewis and the internet is hopeless. Home in 2 days:-( any burglars out there, my house is full of consumer goodies including a 42" Panasonic and a 27" iMac, and my home address is Global Energy Stadium, Dingwall, Midlothian.
    1 point
  23. Far too many people with delusions of grandeur.
    1 point
  24. I can even tie my own shoe laces!
    1 point
  25. When did Aberdeen last play in front of a crowd like that? They suffered with the pressure alot more than we did until the spot kicks. We almost beat Celtic down there early in the season in front of more people. The rest of your points about Hughes positive influence on affairs are laughable, the stats don't lie. I can't think of anything positive that has come from the Hughes era besides wins over Ross County, which we've been doing for 20 years anyway. Scarlet- I did actually ask somebody from the trust earlier on this thread how I would go about having the chairman answer some questions about the recruitment process and never got a reply. Agree with IHE- the next CaleyD round-table chat should be with the chairman, its possible to ask serious questions without being cheeky about it or offending, it would certainly shut a few of us up if KC can tell us what the plans are going forward.
    1 point
  26. You do raise an interesting point in amongst your waffling, where are all of the Hughes supporters? I'm not sure where to start on the rest of this, at what point did Hughes earn this respect you say he deserves? You bring up IHE as an example of an established poster on here showing respect, yet IHE himself openly has more personal digs at our previous managers psyche than anyone else on here, how is that showing unqestionable respect? Why assume that people are not posting on this topic because they think it is beneath them? I'd say its safe to assume most people on here are firmly on the fence on this issue and thats only after our rousing win up in Dingwall, after that Dundee United game the pitchforks were out in force. You have totally misread the vibes coming from the support as a whole. "The Board is NOT going to react in the same way that they think because the members of the Board are mature business persons and rational and reasonable people NOT usually likely to go into orbit with knee jerk reactions. And NOT young bucks feeling their oats and letting that feeling overcome their brains." I guess you could say the the board demonstrated some rational thought in bringing in a guy on the cheap, who had been shunned by the rest of Scottish football after multiple failures. Tell me SP.. in all this talk of yours of being fair, rational, respectful and downright gentlemanly when discussing the merits and potential of Hughes, at what stage do you sit down and look over the stats? There has been a swing of 17 points and 1 trophy between ourselves and Aberdeen since Hughes took over, we were clear in 2nd place with games and points to spare, where are we now? I don't think any of the people interviewed could have got it so badly wrong . Like I said before I take no pleasure in seeing thistle get tanked every week . The fact remains yogi will stick to his guns and work with the squad he has (his words) the worry is that I fear for the very survival of thistle in the top flight if he remains in charge .end of! I think Mr Cameron got it badly wrong and needs to act asap before its to late!! Even Craig Levein or the inexperienced Paul Telfer wouldn't have been as shocking as Hughes is turning into. As for no new signings, WTF!!! Next seasons starting 11 will be more or less same as this but the squad will be bare. My patience has been waring thin ever since last Celtic game. I really hope lack of season tickets sold for next season is an indication to board that all is not well!! So much for "best chairman" in league!! Gonna bite! Craig Levein I believe didnt wish considered for the job and how on earth do you know that we would be any better off with the inexperienced Mr Telfer? Unless youve got a crystal ball. If you want to support a team that wins all the time I suggest you start supporting Celtic.
    1 point
  27. I hope your winning the league then....as it appears that a top 6 finish and a cup final appearance are no longer good enuff for the fans :P
    1 point
  28. Sadly I wouldn't at all be surprised if nothing is done. I'm sure some will remember when we beat Sevco 3-0, one of our fans was whacked in the head with a 10p piece. He was sat near me and I went over to the policewoman stood nearby and reported it. Honestly, she couldn't have cared less. There's CCTV at Ibrox as well of course, so did they ever find the culprit? I don't think so. What a surprise.
    1 point
  29. We may have had an excellent game plan, but we clearly didn't execute it very well. Unless everybody had 6-0 on their coupon...
    1 point
  30. Any idea number of games each was in charge for? Butcher - 11 league games Malpas - 1 league game Shearer - 2 league games Hughes - 21 league games Cup Games Butcher - 2 games, 2 wins Shearer - 1 game, 1 win Hughes - 5 games, 2 wins and a draw Thanks much appreciated
    1 point
  31. Scarlet, people are being "negative" as you put it because they are concerned, I can only speak for myself when I say there is nothing I would like more than Hughes to succeed but I have not seen much so far make me think that he will. Another point I would like to raise with you is just because a member of this forum has made a large number of posts doesn't make his posts any more valid or indeed mean he is any more/less concerned than a poster with one post.
    1 point
  32. I don't understand why neither manager has given Connor more of a chance.
    1 point
  33. I wonder how we'd be doing if Terry Butcher stayed.... For the record, I was getting at the fact we could be doing even more poorly with him in charge. We didn't half capitulate towards the end of last season.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Why should the rules to vote in the referendum be any different to those for any election that determines the political direction of Scotland? If ex pat scots were to be allowed to vote then how on earth would you define who is a Scot and who is not. The only way you can realistically vote is based on your residency. If you have chosen to move away from Scotland then why should you have a vote which impacts on those of us who actually live here?
    1 point
  36. But the Green Brigade also had drums - unfortunately.
    1 point
  37. Poor Aaron - he did well to play on
    1 point
  38. Just don't go to the old filth's grounds. Why give them the money? It's not a good day out and they don't need the money. Vowed not to go back to the blue half a while ago and although I wasn't at yesterday's game I've no intention of visiting the green half again. F**k the old firm.
    1 point
  39. Dont think we need to threaten Mantis. Doubt many will be there next time. Havent been kept back in for yonks now. Stewarding probably not quite as draconian as in the past but theres not doubt its the worst away day in the premiership.
    1 point
  40. Was that really 29 yrs ago seems like yesterday. 1st visit to parkhead and Celtic had a really good team mo Johnston Danny mcgrain etc. maybe thistle should have gone it on their own seems like the caley mob are holding them back ;)
    1 point
  41. Im heading back to The Winchester...whos keen?
    1 point
  42. Derek Adams single..shock horror..
    1 point
  43. It's time for the fans to get behind the team. My opinion and not everyone will agree is that Hughes won't get sacked, the Inverness board have to think long term and while Hughes may not be the man for the job, he will be given time to prove himself or not as the case may be. The Inverness job is not the most attractive for an established manager and we are caught in the position where we need an experienced manager to sustain our expectations and try to improve the team. Managers who may be wanted elsewhere will not come to a club that does not give them time. Things have to improve and maybe we the fans have to show the way, I sit in front of 3 people in the north stand, 2 elderly men and a woman who never seem to shut up criticising the team and even laughing at mistakes, then have a go at the manager, at one point tonight I was wondering if I had enough money on me to offer them a refund to clear off (fortunately I didn't). I know that they pay their money and have a right to opinions, as we all do, but get behind the team or shut up, this negativity must get through to the players and confidence can't be high in the dressing room at the moment. We expect high standards now from the players, so let's get behind the team, we have some very young players on the field now and they need our backing. I would hope that Hughes has some contacts in the game who can source some decent, and they will have to be cheap, new additions in the close season. Top six finish and first major cup final, I would have been happy with that at the start of the season, the worry is that this bad form we have now struck will carry into next season. Who knows what will happen, but we are Inverness, we are in the top league, we are top six and we are here to stay. Twenty odd years ago in Inverness we would have been watching Highland League football if we wanted a live match, now we are bitterly disappointed if we don't beat Motherwell that's how far we have come, surely despite this bad patch this can be considered a success.
    1 point
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    • Season Tickets + Resignation Confirmation
      Firstly; we can confirm the resignation of our Chairman and Board member Ross Morrison. He leaves with our sincere thanks for the dedicated service he has given to the Club and we are indebted to him for his passion, tireless effort and crucial investment in the Club.

      We can also announce that our CEO Scot Gardiner has tendered his resignation, which has been accepted by the Board. Scot is now serving his notice and will be continuing to help the Club get through this difficult period.
      • 37 replies
    • Gardiner Resigns
      ICT CEO Scot Gardiner resigns.
      Local media in Inverness is reporting that ICTFC CEO Scot Gardiner has resigned and is now working his notice period at the club. https://bit.ly/3VcnYcX
      • 0 replies
    • Administration pending unless...
      Administration pending, unless... How can we go from SupercaleygoballisticCelticareatrocious in the year 2000, to Scottish Cup Winners in 2015, playing in Europe and just 9 years after lifting the Cup; Administration. Mismanagement and our demise was hastened by the appointment of Scot Gardiner. Ever since then, ludicrous decision making has seen our stock plummet whilst 'shady' dealings were investigated. The failed Concert Company, the Battery Storage, the Statkraft contract have all ended badly leaving the club facing insolvency.

      That's another fine mess you've got us into.
        • Well Said
      • 1 reply
    • New Chairman Wanted, Apply Within
      Chairman Ross Morrison resigns


      Nothing official from the club as we speak, but the Inverness Courier are running with a story that Ross Morrison has resigned at 18:00 tonight 3rd June.  More to come as this story develops, but most fans are looking for more heads to roll.

      Speaking exclusively to The Inverness Courier, Mr Morrison said he is leaving now because of the aftermath of the Fife move. “I believe it [the move to Fife] is the best way forward and I have to stick with my beliefs,” Mr Morrison said. “This is the reason I'm stepping down now.”

      Reflecting on his time with the Caley Thistle, Mr Morrison said: “My six-year tenure with the club has had some great and some not so great times but through everything I was immensely proud to be the chairman of the club and clubs I’ve supported for 50 years - I was a Jaggie by the way.

      “I would ask the fans to rally round the club at this time and show their support by not only purchasing their season tickets but also getting involved directly with the club to see how they can help.

      “Hearing fans saying they would prefer administration to training the first team in Kelty sent a shiver down my spine. Administration is a desperate thing to happen to a club and must, at all cost, not happen to ICTFC.”
      • 1 reply
    • Player of the Year 2023-2024
      The winner for this season voted for by you is our very own local player Cameron Harper. Will that ever happen again I wonder?

      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
      3rd with 58 points Cameron Kerr
      4th with 53 points Billy Mckay
      5th with 51 points Max Anderson
      6th with 50 points Nathan Shaw

      • 6 replies
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