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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2016 in all areas

  1. Are we doing one of those "pay what you can" days today?!
    9 points
  2. I would say banning all 30 boys is a clear agenda. They have just assumed they are all guilty of something. Every single one? If an older fan was caught with a half bottle would they ban all older fans or everyone on his bus? Of course not, that would be ridiculous. But they can generalise and shown clear prejudice against the younger fans. How could they know that every single person on that bus is guilty of something? It's pathetic.
    6 points
  3. Didn't stop us trying to get Stokes.
    6 points
  4. 6 points
  5. Quite apart from the fact that average crowds in the Premiership continue to edge up for most clubs including our own, yesterday's victory by County means that the seven major cup finals since Scottish football was apparently placed on life support will, by the time the League Cup final comes around, have featured ten different clubs and there will have been six different winners of the two tournaments. Highland clubs will have featured in three of these finals spread over the two competitions, cup final crowds have been healthy and largely sectarian bile free, ICT have featured in precisely as many finals as Celtic and no team has featured in more than two finals spreading exposure and finance much more widely than before. This Armageddon is a gift that just keeps on giving. Can we please please have at least one more season of it.......
    5 points
  6. CJT do a great and much underappreciated job organising busses and I do respect anyone who does organise busses as its a thankless task but, to not allow travel to Motherwell to the boys on bus 3 I find really unfair. From what I saw on that day there was 2 sides to this story. Yes the boys on the bus 3 did not do themselves any favours but it was a disaster waiting to happen to put all the youngsters on one bus and to expect them to behave, they are teenage boys after all. Im not excusing what they did but a warning might have been better and try to work with them. We need these youngsters to come to the games they are the future.
    5 points
  7. Parochial. Oh, the irony One or two people have mentioned that retirement has not done Charles any good. Maybe it's time for the winner of the Worst Poster Award to finally seek some badly-needed help. Living in the part of Scotland so despised by Mr Bannerman I would claim to be more in touch with what the place is like, and what people here think of the Highlands, than himself. Otherwise I would recommend seeking the opinion of such as Top Six, Alternative Maryhill, RedCard, ICTChris, ICTPaisley, KirkieRobRoy, Naelifts, Alex MacLeod etc, whose views would be more valid than those of a bitter, prejudiced wee mannie who uses juvenile phrases such as 'getting it right up the Central Belt' and who, on the evidence of his tedious, repetitive essays, never gets any further than Culbokie for his summer holidays.
    5 points
  8. That statement from Mr Horne is very disturbing. It appears indeed that a whole bus has been banned due to the unspecified 'misbehaviour' of some. Those who give up their time for no reward to organise and run the buses are generally worthy of praise but this is an ill considered shambles and does them no credit at all and did a bus driver really complain that a bus load of excited young football fans had the temerity to sing football songs ? If so maybe he would be better employed driving Trappist monks between monasteries ....and the 'end of discussion' quote is just sheer high handed arrogance.
    4 points
  9. Just goes to show, no matter what the story is, CJT's deafening silence could well have repercussions in the long run.
    4 points
  10. Have passed this on and gellions say you are all welcome on their busses. And welcome to sing and have as much fun as you want. Not sure if there is anything sorted for this sat but they are going to try and sort things out. If all the boys move over to gellions bus could get a regular one organised.
    4 points
  11. Have made contact with the guys who are running the gellions bus. Will post with update soon
    4 points
  12. Because if the deal goes through Aberdeen will have to change their colours to red and blue stripes
    4 points
  13. On the face of it banning 30 people with one stroke seems like overkill but it is clear there are two sides to every story .... we haven't fully heard one side let alone both. There are a number of people here who likely do know the reasons, both from CJT and from the group that were present on the bus. The floor is open for them to tell the story if they wish. HOWEVER - The floor is not open to call people on either side of the debate arseholes, perverts or anything else derogatory or defamatory. That crosses the line of our rules on this site and we have hidden a couple of offending posts. Lets not go down the road of having to moderate or close this thread please ...... I know its emotive for many people, but it can be emotive without being abusive !
    4 points
  14. I doubt there is ever a good reason to ban every single person on the bus. All 30 people deserving of a ban? Or have they just targeted the youngsters they so clearly dislike for other reasons. Their pathetic attention seeking statement was directed at them and trying to get them banned. Seems petty. These fans are the future not the middle aged grumps who think they are above these boys.
    4 points
  15. I'm not sure how anyone can see £200k for a player who when you watch him has possibly the best passing range in the league is good business. At 27 and 18 months left on a contract it's hugely under value. The accuracy and way he can ping account ball about is a skill missing too much in the Scottish game, add to that his free kick and long range shooting in tight games and unshakeable nerve show by his excellent penalty record even in huge games. He's a valuable member of our team and I think the board will regret that clause.
    4 points
  16. Caley Jags 'Together' are no longer representing the fans. I suggest that the people running the organisation find a new hobby because they aren't real football supporters.
    4 points
  17. Don't you just hate the way that suggestions that we are about to sign someone decent almost always come to nothing whereas rumours that we are about to part with our best players, usually for nothing or a very modest fee, so often turn out to be true.....
    4 points
  18. Over 30 people in the young team have been banned from the buses for singing on the way down to Stirling.. we pay £20 each week and make every game, to be told off for trying to create an atmosphere.. The club turning fans away even know we struggle to get 3k a home game!
    3 points
  19. Thanks, Ryan. Welcome to the club!
    3 points
  20. This precisely the kind of attitude that so antagonises so many people. You state you weren't there so can't possibly comment and then in the next breath find the youngsters guilty of behaviour justifying a ban simply on the basis of the fact that you know people in CJT! I wasn't there either, but what I know is that the OP raised a very serious issue and that nobody from CJT has as yet replied. That is disappointing, shall we say. I also know that people should only be banned if they personally were doing something which they had repeatedly been told not to do, or if they did something which was so serious it justified an immediate ban. For a ban to be justified it would seem to me that something serious would have to have happened, the nature of which we are currently in ignorance. It really is important that someone from CJT makes a statement about how many people they are banning from the buses and the reason for that. As a club we desperately need more youngsters coming to games and making a noise and we need the club establishment to work with them and encourage their presence. On the face of it, the reported ban will have the opposite effect and the silence from CJT is clearly not helping.
    3 points
  21. I was on bus 3 and I don't really know why 30 people were banned, there was singing on the way down and the driver complained about it and there was no singing the whole way back. anyway I don't really care I will just get the train to away games from now on.
    3 points
  22. What right do Caley Jags Together have to ban individuals for daring to attempt to create an atmosphere at a football game? Another reason why crowds are dwindling across the country when fans already spending their hard earned money travelling the length and breadth of the country are actively discouraged from vocally supporting and getting behind their team. As per it seems like CJT act like the moral arbiter and the collective "voice" (the irony) of the entire support when really they have no grounds to do so.
    3 points
  23. So would someone from CJT please tell everyone what the reason is that got them banned? Give the lads a break, how else they gonna get to the game. Did you even give them a warning the previous time?
    3 points
  24. How dare we voice our displeasure over one of our star players being sold. I mean who cares about the performance of the club?
    3 points
  25. Really? Knicker wetting? Nothing like treating your support with respect, is there?
    3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. Get the train with a massive carry out.
    3 points
  28. I really think there's more than a little difference between Roy MacGregor and Brooks Mileson in terms of financial assets, business acumen and vision for a football club. And yes, you are right that ICT has indeed benefited over the years from "financial help". Had it not been for the intervention of David Sutherland in 2000, God knows what financial fate would have befallen the club with its £2M+ of unsecured debt - and that's before you consider the construction of the stands to allow SPL football to return to Inverness and the purchase of around £500,000 of shares. "Share purchase" in football, by the way, simply equates to the word "donation", albeit with possible fringe benefits which include a degree of control over the club. And there are plenty of others who fall into that category at ICT. After all, the 570,000 shares which have recently been transferred to the Hospice represent £570,000 "invested" (such a daft word to use in a football context) by Sandy Catto and Ian Fraser before him. Then there's also the Muirfield Mills share uptake/donation and a few others on a smaller scale. So it's really a matter of degree and Caley Thistle would no more be where it is today than Ross County if these clubs had had to rely entirely on their earnings without help from the donations of wealthy individuals. Football's nonsensical wage structure (and they don't come much more nonsensical than one or two in the Highland League) can only be sustained by people who are prepared to give away money to clubs. As for Ross County reaching this final, I for one am delighted. You only have to look at this morning's back pages and also remember the decades that the Highlands were frozen out of the national game for that to be the only sensible response, irrespective of which side of the Firth you support. As was the case when ICT turfed Celtic out of the Scottish Cup last season, the back page headlines and much of what runs below them are (with the honourable exception of the Daily Star no less!) fundamentally about losers Celtic when they should be about winners Ross County. These publications' only concern is about inserting themselves firmly up the collective backside of the Old Firm, so indignation levels are running very high this morning - especially since it's another Highland club which has disturbed the West Central belt established order. This should, however, come as no surprise to us up here since the parochial kailyard which is central Scotland has been treating the Highlands with contempt for centuries. So if, on 13th March after a final against another failed and over privileged central Scottish club, it emerges that between them these Highland teams have reached four major national finals in six years and won two of them, I for one will be very happy indeed that it has been got right up the central belt, and in particular its Old Firm establishment, in this way.
    3 points
  29. That's a relief. I thought we might dip below our reserves of 20 midfielders.
    3 points
  30. Lots of people on tonight waiting for news and there is nothing yet, must be CJT board doing the negotiating tonight!
    2 points
  31. I guess you think you're funny but you just bore everyone else here senseless. Boring and predictable.
    2 points
  32. Jim Spencer is tweeting that the Tansey deal is off.
    2 points
  33. There are a minority of posters on this thread causing those of us originally sympathetic to the original poster to begin to have second thoughts...
    2 points
  34. Caley Thistle do not have any problems with the support. We have probably the most well behaved support in the country. Caley Jags 'Together' have lost the plot. That joint statement with Ross County and now this. BAN EVERYONE.
    2 points
  35. The print media has no public service obligations but instead are businesses which need to make a profit to survive. They print what they think their target audience wants to hear. More folk support the old filth than ICT or County and therefore to focus on celebrating Highlanders would not be good for sales. It's not going to change. The same can't be said for the BBC who should be rather more objective than they are these days. Now that there are so many media options available to the public, I guess they feel they also need to give their audience what they want to hear as lower viewing figures will no doubt have a significant impact on their funding.
    2 points
  36. I think this is a disgrace of a decison been made. To ban a group of teenage fans from traveling on a bus they use almost every 2nd week and who have recently raised the atmosphere of home and away games, Why? because they were singing on the bus? I think the person who made the decision to ban them should come forward and give an explanation to why because it clearly wasn't the head of CJT. These fans are as loyal to the club and team as any other fan traveling to the game. What did you expect when you packed them all in to a mini bus? Guarantee if you had put them into a normal bus the driver wouldn't have complained about noise levels. You brought this on yourself. Here's a thought unban them, let them go to the Scottish cup qualifier and put them in a normal 40+ bus and there will be no problem. OR you will notice a smaller and quieter away support.
    2 points
  37. If Aberdown get to the stage where they can field an entire ex-ICT team, will they stop trying to sign our players and maybe, you know, develop some of their own?
    2 points
  38. CJT are becoming a total joke of a group. Seems to be run by a small cliche of boring middle aged fans who clearly don't have the interest of the fans as their priority. To ban everyone travelling on a bus is utterly pathetic. Do things how they want it done or you don't get to do it at all.
    2 points
  39. If this goes through surely it'd be more apt if they changed their name to ICT Old Boys FC.
    2 points
  40. As a fan who travels on supporters bus to all away games ,and has done for several years this saddens me. To be banning our young fans for enjoying the moment and making an atmosphere is not the way to go if the club want to encourage fans to come to games .The youngsters who travel regularly in my opinion are always very well behaved and polite .Without more details I can only assume that the fans in question are not regular travellers and were perhaps not aware of rules on buses . I wonder what control the bus convener /s had of the situation as I understand this is the purpose of having conveners on buses.
    2 points
  41. Why does the club have a fetish with selling our best players to premiership opposition? Do we even do anything with the money we recieved? What of the half a million we received for Christie? Who have we brought in to replace him? Have we learned NOTHING from Dundee united with regards to what happens when you sell your top players?
    2 points
  42. Agreed. And without the release clause, how much would Aberdeen be offering? £60,000, increased perhaps to £100,000 when we reject the first bid? You can easily see how, with pressure from the player and his agent, and our policy of not standing in the way of a player who gets the chance to earn vastly more than at present, we would have ended up with much less than we are going to get here. £200,000 would be our 3rd highest transfer fee ever. The timing absolutely sucks, of course, leaving us no real time to identify, properly assess and strike a deal with suitable replacements, if indeed there are any available. But nobody saw this coming, and it's only happening at all because the Dons failed to land Don Cowie.
    2 points
  43. Why don't we just merge with Aberdeen and play all our home games at Elgin?
    2 points
  44. if he goes and we havent got a replacement lined up then someone somewhere needs dragged into the car park and shot at dawn tomorrow morning.
    2 points
  45. If we want to play the passing game that we hear all this talk about Tansey is absolutely vital. We are relegation candidates if he leaves and if he does without a decent replacement then we need to ask questions about our board and how they plan our transfer activity.
    2 points
  46. I hope this rumour is unfounded we do need Tansey. If true I do wonder if we are the official feeder Club for the Dons ? they are so envious they try to grab all our good players.
    2 points
  47. Good luck to them. It's a nothing cup anyway, so I'm not really bothered if they win it or not. To be fair to them I started off watching it yesterday wanting them both to lose! But when you hear the cringeworthy biasedness the commentators/panellists heap on Celtic I actually found myself wanting County to do it the more the game went on. By the end I was highly delighted they won, my only disappointment being they didn't add a 4th and totally gub them. Can't stand Hibs either, their fans suffer the same delusion as another 'sleeping giant' along the road from us. So I really do hope County win the thing.
    2 points
  48. Having just read Mr Meekings' Article today I see nothing rude, abusive, derogatory or sarcastic in it, either towards Mr. J Hughes or anybody else, including the club. Josh leaves the indelible impression that he is tired of his injury(ies) and would love to get back to full fitness and regain his place in the team as soon as is feasible and allowed by the specialists that are attending to him. In fact his summations are factual, honest and it's extremely doubtful to me that J Hughes has harboured any rancour or resentment towards him personally. Especially when he sums up what he feels could be J.H's feelings about it all that have led to J.H's somewhat public statements. Josh demonstrates , IMHO, that he is a very honest man and something of a diplomat to boot. And, from what I have read, I can't imagine anyone taking offense at his remarks; so what's all the babble about anyway? Let's face it though--if the players' absence from the team en-masse affected the placing and success of the team at the end of the season in a very detrimental way, such that his job was then very much at stake and attendances were down, etc., leading to a possible financial crises for the club, then whose jobs and careers' would be the ones at risk? The players or his? Obviously not the players who could always claim injury prevented them from playing. Furthermore, as the man responsible for putting the best team on the pitch and also being responsible for the ultimate success of the club, his professional pride and future job placement(s) could be deeply affected as well. So, I see no fault at his expressing his passionately-held viewpoint publicly. Why? Well, consider this: If these same players, about whom J H might suggest were unwilling to play for the club because of niggling injuries, were self-employed, would they have the luxury of staying away from work until they felt that their serious injuries were sufficiently healed to allow them to resume work without fear of any complications? .The answer is NO... unless they were wealthy and were able to employ other people to do their share of the work in the self-employed business that he/she operated. Assuming they could not afford employees and in the building of their fledgling business their presence was vital to success, what choice would this businessperson have since his/her absence would result in the loss of the business, the capital investment, his/her health (through stress) and possibly his/her marriage? The answer is, therefore, NONE. i.e. Regardless of any injury the modus operandi is ...."Play on MacDuff, or starve." Therefore, the other side of the coin is that players nowadays are very well off. In fact some don't know how lucky, even mollycoddled, they actually are. What with specialists and doctors and trainers aplenty to attend to their every need, together with good food probably supplied by the club, an interesting profession, together with the many other perks that one can assume are attendant on this trade. e.g...trips abroad etc. So, if players can play through minor injuries FOR the benefit of the club, can you see anything wrong with that expectation? I can't. In the case of very serious injuries, of course, a different scenario exists but I feel certain that these latter categories are NOT what the Manager is referring to.....? Maybe the real issue here is actually not about hurt feelings (to which I answer..."Diddums.") but whether or not J. Hughes is speaking the truth?
    2 points
  49. I always like to see the "wee" teams do well, but not County. We are in direct competition with them for players, fans, sponsors etc and any success and additional money they have can only be detrimental to ICT.
    2 points
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    • Player of the Year 2023-2024
      The winner for this season voted for by you is our very own local player Cameron Harper. Will that ever happen again I wonder?

      CTO PotY with 69  points is Cameron Harper  

      2nd with 68 points Alex Samuel
      3rd with 58 points Cameron Kerr
      4th with 53 points Billy Mckay
      5th with 51 points Max Anderson
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    • Kelty Hearts Training Statement
      What a farce we have become, a laughing stock: Did you hear the one about the footbal team from the Highlands of Scotland that want to train at Cowdenbeath? Unfortunately, unlike our board, this is not a joke. Our board are trying to rip our identity from the Highlands and replace it with shared training at Kelty Hearts. I kid you not, this is not a drill and the clowns that run our club appear to be delighted at this coup.
        • Thank You
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    • Relegation Statement
      RELEGATION STATEMENT: This could have been said ten minutes after our defeat to Hamilton three days ago. So far, this is not the news that we on Caley Thistle Online wanted to hear. Pleased that we will still function as a club, disappointed that resignations have not been offered yet. Keeping fans waiting in silence for three days is unforgivable and relationships are drifting further apart than ever before. Silence is not the way forward, we deserve better as fans.
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    • Inverness CT 2-3 (3-5) Hamilton - Play off final (relegation)
      RELEGATED: Despite Inverness needing to get off the mark quickly, it was Accies that killed the tie inside the first fifteen minutes with strikes from Kevin O'Hara and Lewis Smith. Cammy Kerr reduced the leeway with a good strike from distance, but O'Hara struck again with a penalty before the break to diffuse the revival. We struggled to create anything of note and this reporter could not stomach any more and left the stadium. I'm told Alex Samuel pulled a goal back in stoppage time, but like the rest of the season it was too little too late.
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    • Hamilton 2-1 Inverness CT - Play off final 1st Leg
      A better showing from Inverness in the second half, especially with Lawal and Pepple on the park but it's Hamilton that take a one goal advantage up the A9 on Saturday. Lawal has been the standout performer in our last few games and surely he must start on Saturday. Pepple also did well, scored the goal, had an effort saved and got in a few balls across the box from tight positions.

      Still, a shocker of a first half and we must be up for it from the start on Saturday.
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