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Avatar 3D


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I went to see Ice Age 3D and paid for the glasses, then went with my pair to see that film to be told by a spotty young lad that.... "Sir you have to buy another pair" i pointed out that i bought them for ice age 3D from that very Cinema, he said that?s the rules i could not reuse my 3D specks!! Bit of a pee take so i didn?t watch the film as a matter of principle.

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I went to see Ice Age 3D and paid for the glasses, then went with my pair to see that film to be told by a spotty young lad that.... "Sir you have to buy another pair" i pointed out that i bought them for ice age 3D from that very Cinema, he said that's the rules i could not reuse my 3D specks!! Bit of a pee take so i didn't watch the film as a matter of principle.

haha quite right!! I noticed they had a big bucket of old glasses but I kept mine just in case! I will remember not to take them if I go and watch another 3D film!

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I went to see it. Good film but not as good as it is hyped up to be. I still love Lord of the Rings and Star Wars more. 4/5 probably. The 3D effects were good though the colour is amazing when you take them off. The way they make the forest so colourfull is brillaint! I kept my Glasses and wear them to school. I like to pretend im from Resevoir Dogs! ;)

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Went to see it over the Xmas holidays and thought the effects were absolutely superb.

The only place that I felt the movie let itself down was the storyline. It wasnt truly awful but it was pretty much Dances with Wolves or Pocahontas in Space (see attachment below). There were too many cliched characters - the General with his ride of the Valkyrie style attitude, the evil corporate executive (as previously seen in one of the Alien films), and the dopey sidekick who comes through for the hero in the end. There were also some notable holes in the plot, not least of which was why the General needed to fly a cargo plane over the tree of souls to drop his bomb out of the back of it? All through the movie we see equipment that can make people into Avatars, 3D holographic radar in the command centre, the massive robotic things that make the soldiers into a pseudo transformer when they climb into it, yet for the most critical job of all do they have missiles, nukes, or some other fancy weapon? nope, they need to drop some TNT wrapped up in a cargo net out of the back of a futuristic Hercules transport plane that can only travel at about 15 mph ...........

Having said that .... The 3D environment and the believability of the motion capture and realistic expressions of the cgi characters outweighed everything else and allowed me to overlook the plot holes. I enjoyed it and would definitely go to see it again.

PS - for those debating 2D or 3D ..... dont debate, just spend the extra and go see it in 3D, you wont regret it.


Incidentally, I believe there is a bit of an argument brewing about a movie project called DELGO and its similarity to Avatar. The film was released last year and flopped but has been in development since 1999. Cameron claims Avatar has been in his head for years and started life in 1995 .......



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Went to see it over the Xmas holidays and thought the effects were absolutely superb.

The only place that I felt the movie let itself down was the storyline. It wasnt truly awful but it was pretty much Dances with Wolves or Pocahontas in Space (see attachment below). There were too many cliched characters - the General with his ride of the Valkyrie style attitude, the evil corporate executive (as previously seen in one of the Alien films), and the dopey sidekick who comes through for the hero in the end. There were also some notable holes in the plot, not least of which was why the General needed to fly a cargo plane over the tree of souls to drop his bomb out of the back of it? All through the movie we see equipment that can make people into Avatars, 3D holographic radar in the command centre, the massive robotic things that make the soldiers into a pseudo transformer when they climb into it, yet for the most critical job of all do they have missiles, nukes, or some other fancy weapon? nope, they need to drop some TNT wrapped up in a cargo net out of the back of a futuristic Hercules transport plane that can only travel at about 15 mph ...........

Having said that .... The 3D environment and the believability of the motion capture and realistic expressions of the cgi characters outweighed everything else and allowed me to overlook the plot holes. I enjoyed it and would definitely go to see it again.

PS - for those debating 2D or 3D ..... dont debate, just spend the extra and go see it in 3D, you wont regret it.


Incidentally, I believe there is a bit of an argument brewing about a movie project called DELGO and its similarity to Avatar. The film was released last year and flopped but has been in development since 1999. Cameron claims Avatar has been in his head for years and started life in 1995 .......



Yeah, story line that kinda let it down for me.

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I never really thought about the storyline like that!! I guess it wasn't the best and I did wonder why the General made it out to be such a bad place outside when they were pretty defenceless. I guess it maybe has something to do with being a women I didn't look that much into it!

I was taken back by all the pretty colours x

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